

单词 存留

留存 verb ()

keep v
lodge v

留存 ()

remain (from the past)



retained earnings

See also:

leave (a message etc)


retain v
stay v
keep v

External sources (not reviewed)

這也可讓農戶有時間經正常 銷售渠道處存留的家禽。
It would also allow time for the farmers to dispose of their remaining poultry stock through the normal sale channels.
您可通过电子邮件或传真将此等“撤消通知书”传送给以下联系人,或将一份该通知 书的副本递交给 PEI 行政办公存留。
You may send such Notice of Cancellation by email or fax to the following
[...] contacts, or leave a copy with the [...]
PEI administrative office.
Compacted soil cannot hold much air or water, and leads to erosion.
这需要 CLF5043 的质地很柔软并有弹存留在焊 锡丝的中心,焊接完了之后凝固又会变硬,这样 [...]
For reasons of absolute control of flux percentage in the core for very precise
disposition of solder mass during
[...] soldering process, the texture of CLF5043 is [...]
soft and elastic in nature while remains inside
the core of the wire and turning hard upon solidification after soldering, thus forming a perfect layer of insulation on the surface of the joint.
这些实验的依据是人眼的视存留概 念 ——眼睛与大脑会将连续 的影像拼接成移动的电 影。
These experiments relied on a persistence of vision concept—the eye-brain combination is capable of melding a series of sequential images into a movie.
增编得出的结论是,《维也纳条约 法公约》关于“嗣后协定”和“嗣后惯例”的第 31 条第 3 款(a)和(b)项是委员会 也想论述时际法和条约之修改的更庞大计划 存留 者。
The addendum concluded that paragraphs (3) (a) and (b) of Article 31 of the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties on “subsequent agreements” and “subsequent practice” were the remnants of a more ambitious plan by the Commission to deal also with the inter-temporal law and the modification of treaties.
這種物質會在生產、應 用及∕或棄置過程中釋出存留在環 境中。
Release of PBDEs into the environment can occur during production, application and /or disposal.
如禁止在零售點把活家存留過 夜 ,即實施「活雞日日清」措施,所有當天未售出的活雞均須屠宰, 雞籠也會被徹底清洗和消毒,從而防止病毒在零售點環境中積聚。
If we prohibit overnight stocking of live poultry at retail outlets, i.e. to introduce a daily rest night, any unsold chicken will be slaughtered and the cages can be thoroughly cleansed and disinfected to avoid accumulation of virus in the environment of the retail outlets.
作為我存留地上 的唯一目的,理應徹底改變我們禱告的觀念, 祈禱的原因和事項。
That’s the only
[...] purpose for our being left on earth and it [...]
should drastically change our view on why and what we pray for.
小量殘餘除害劑有可存留於 農作物和動物源性食品。
Small amounts of pesticide residues may remain in the crops or animal food.
在本細則的規限下,本公司可按董事會釐定的方式將本公司擁有留置權的任何股份出售; 但除非存留置權涉及一筆現時應付的款項,或者是 存留 置 權 涉及現時須清償或解除的負債或 委聘,又或在述明及要求付清現時應付的款項,或指明負債或委聘並要求予以清償或解除的書面 [...]
Subject to these Articles, the Company may sell in such manner as the Board determines any share on which the Company has a lien, but no sale shall be made unless
some sum in respect of
[...] which the lien exists is presently payable, or the liability or engagement in respect of which such lien exists is liable to [...]
be presently fulfilled
or discharged nor until the expiration of fourteen (14) clear days after a notice in writing, stating and demanding payment of the sum presently payable, or specifying the liability or engagement and demanding fulfilment or discharge thereof and giving notice of the intention to sell in default, has been served on the registered holder for the time being of the share or the person entitled thereto by reason of his death or bankruptcy.
术语生物放大作用指一些重金属(及其他一 存留 物 质)随连续营养等级而逐渐增多——意指涉及捕 食者相对于被捕食者的组织集中度(AMAP,1998)。
The term biomagnification refers to the progressive build up of some heavy metals (and some other persistent substances) by successive trophic levels – meaning that it relates to the concentration ratio in a tissue of a predator organism as compared to that in its prey (AMAP, 1998).
在 执行委员会审议过程中,人们认识到,必须为 CFC 储存留下空 间,从而与提议的生产行业 淘汰计划协调,保证与今后的生产行业协定完全一致,以及处理 [...]
2010 年后仍然存在的 CFC 需求。
In the course of consideration by the Executive Committee,
it had been recognized that an
[...] accommodation for a CFC stockpile would have to be included [...]
to allow coordination with the
proposed phase-out in the production sector, to ensure full consistency with a future production sector agreement and to address the need for continued availability of CFCs after 2010.
[...] 书处希望这些办事处所在的东道国能够慷慨解囊,并 希望能从上一个双年度留存资金中获得额外资金。
As for the first aspect, the Secretariat hopes to
be able to count on the generosity of those
[...] Member States hosting offices and on [...]
additional financing made available from
the carryover of funds from the past biennium.
因此,所提到的案例和情况并非包揽无疑,只为证明上述定义 范围内的秘密留存在于 世界所有地区。
The cases and situations referred to are therefore not
exhaustive but serve the purpose of
[...] substantiating the existence of secret detention in all regions [...]
of the world within the confines
of the definition presented earlier.
档案在每一阶段停留的时间 以及最终是否留存或销 毁,都要在管理政策中或由为此成立的机构作出明确规 定。
The length of time that the records will
remain at each stage and whether at the
[...] end they will be retained or destroyed also [...]
needs to be clearly set out by the governing
policy or by a body established to make such decisions.
本 集 團對以前年度取得的政府補助按照合同規定的項目期限進行了追溯調整,並相應調 留存 收 益
The Group has made retrospective adjustments to government grants received in previous years in
accordance with project periods stipulated in relevant contracts and has accordingly
[...] adjusted downwards the retained profits.
一个典型的例子是由人权条约提供的。165 事实上,一国提出排除对该条约 中某一项义务的履行的保留,尽管有该项 留存 在 , 并不能使接受保留的国家从 对该项义务的尊重中释放出来,只要有关义务不是对等适用的,换句话说,这些 [...]
义务不是在保留国和接受保留的国家之间的国家间关系中履行,而只是在国家和 人的关系中履行。
(4) A typical example is afforded by the human rights treaties.165 The fact that a State formulates a reservation excluding the application of one of the obligations contained in such a treaty does not
release a State which
[...] accepts the reservation from respecting that obligation, despite the existence of the reservation, [...]
to the extent that
the obligation concerned is not reciprocal, in other words, to the extent that such obligations apply not in an inter-State relationship between the reserving State and the State which has accepted the reservation, but rather in a State-person relationship.
[...] 类,审查现行的保存记录做法,制定全法庭的记录管理程序,并汇总整 个法庭现行档案和记录管理政策方面的信息,包括现行 留存 和 分 类程 序。
The specific activities of the Working Group are to analyse the quantity, scope and type of records created and maintained throughout the Tribunal, to review the record-keeping practices in place, to develop a Tribunal-wide records management procedure, and to compile information related to the archives
and records management policies in place across the Tribunal,
[...] including current retention and classification [...]
在这方面,新加坡与其他代表团一道,重申 各国有权生产、进口、出口、转让 留存 用 于自卫和参加支持和平行动的常规武 器。
In this regard, Singapore, together with other delegations, reaffirms
States’ rights to manufacture, import,
[...] export, transfer and retain conventional arms [...]
for self-defence purposes and for participation in peace-support operations.
本人確認:(i)會就使用自動增值服務及 / 或個人八達通遵守本申請條款、自動增值協議及八達通發卡條款;(ii)知悉及同意於本申請獲批核後, 本人之個人資料將連繫至本人持有之八達通;(iii)已細閱、明白及同意自動增值協議條款第 33 至 40 關於個人資料(私隱)條例的通知;(iv) 同意及 授權恒生可將閣下於申請表所提供 留存 於 恒生其他紀錄之個人資料披露予八達通卡有限公司;並同意此授權將於取消自動增值服務或八達通或 個人八達通後繼續生效。
I confirm that I agree: (i) to be bound by the Terms of Application, the AAVS Agreement and the Conditions of Issue of Octopus in the use of the AAVS and/or the Personalised Octopus; (ii) acknowledge and agree that upon the approval of the Automatic Add Value Service, my personal data provided in this application will be associated with my Octopus; (iii) agree that I have read, understood and agreed with the notice relating to the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance contained in clauses 33 to 40 of the AAVS Agreement; (iv) agreed and authorised Hang Seng to disclose the Octopus Cards Limited your personal data set out on the Application form and your data which Hang Seng may have from its other records, and agreed that this authorization shall survive, and continue after, the cancellation of the AAVS or cancellation of the designated Octopus or Personalised Octopus.
这种不人道态度和有害 做法的死灰复燃和持留存,表 明我们尚未作出足够 的努力来阻挡这一潮流。
The resurgence and persistence of such inhumane attitudes and detrimental practices indicate that we have not done enough to stem the tide.
對 於 以 公 允 價 值 計 量 且 其 變 動 計 入 當 期 損 益 的 金 融 資 產,賬 面 價 值 與 公 允 價 值 的 差 額 調 整留 存 收 益,對 於 可 供 出 售 金 融 資 產,賬 面 價 值 與 公 允 價 值 的 差 額 調 整 為 資 本 公 積。
On the first adoption date, financial asset recognized at fair value through profit or loss and available-for-sale financial assets are valued at fair value, and differences between carrying amount and fair value are adjusted in retained profits and capital reserves respectively.
私营 部门筹资和伙伴关系预算的留存结 余 应在财政年度终了时作废。
The unreserved balance of the PFP [...]
budget shall lapse at the end of the financial year.
(b) 安全理事会决议并还授权秘书长在代管账户 留存 数 额最多为 1.31 亿 美元的资金,用于就石油换粮食方案设立以来围绕方案开展的所有活动对联合国 [...]
(b) In the same resolution, the Security Council authorized the
[...] SecretaryGeneral to retain in the escrow account [...]
up to $131 million for the purpose
of providing indemnification to the United Nations, its representatives, agents and independent contractors with regard to all activities in connection with the oil-forfood programme since its inception, for a period of six years.
按照 应计制会计原则,估计数是用来核计支出的,主要是但不限于在财政期间终了时 用来确定应为未清偿债留存的数额。
Estimates are used in the context of expenditure recognition, in particular, but not
exclusively, at the end of the financial period to determine
[...] the amounts to be retained in respect of unliquidated [...]
同样不可剥夺的是,每个国家有权为了《联合国宪章》第五十一条规定的国 家自卫以及满足其自身的国家安全需要和参加支持和平行动的目的,生产、进口、 出口、转让留存武器
The right of each State to manufacture, import, export, transfer and retain arms for national self-defence in accordance with Article 51 of the Charter of the United Nations and to meet its own national security needs and participate in the international peace support operations is also inalienable.
第二个,也是更加棘手的问题是, 如何为这种长期债务供资,换言之,现在或中期内怎样 留存 足 够 资金来支付这些将来会形 成的大额债务。
The second and more difficult issue is the question of funding the long-term liability, in other words what should be done now or in the medium term in order to set aside sufficient funds to meet those significant liabilities which will crystallize in the future.
(d) 「「生」有權行使留置權,留存放 於 「「生」或受「「生」控制所有屬於「團體經理」或「主管合股人」之財產(不論「「生」 是否在一般銀行業務運作下接受彼等之託管)。
(d) Hang Seng shall be entitled to exercise a lien over all property of a Syndicate Treasurer or a Managing Partner which is in the possession or control of Hang Seng, for custody or any other reason and whether or not in the ordinary course of business, with power for Hang Seng to sell such property to satisfy such indebtedness owed by the Syndicate Treasurer or the Managing Partner (as the case may be) to Hang Seng.
秘书处建议,可以考虑重新拟订项目,应该以 42.0 ODP 吨留存甲基 溴消费量每公斤 13.97 美元的成本效益为基础,这和同一协议下开发计划署实施的项目的成本效益是一样 的。
The Secretariat has suggested that reformulation of the project might be considered on the basis of a cost-effectiveness of US $13.97/kg for the remaining MB consumption of 42.0 ODP tonnes, which is equal to the cost-effectiveness of the UNDP project being implemented under the same Agreement.




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