

单词 字脚



splayed feet




pigeon toes

See also:

base (of an object)
classifier for kicks
leg (of an animal or an object)

External sources (not reviewed)

可以将字符 ³ 和 ³ 插入到页眉字符串与脚字符串 中的任意位置。
The characters ³ and ³ can be inserted anywhere in the header string and tailer string.
最后,作为一个折衷办法,食典委同意在步骤 8 通过拟议的修改,但在 3.9 节 C18:3 栏中(亚麻酸)没有列出任何字, 加 脚 注 : “在国际橄榄油理事会的调查结果出来之前 及脂肪和油类委员会进一步审议之前,可以继续保留国家限量”。
Finally as a compromise, the Commission agreed to adopt the
Proposed Revision at Step
[...] 8 without any figure in the column of C18:3(linolenic acid) in Section 3.9 with footnote “Pending the [...]
results of IOOC survey
and further consideration by the Committee on Fats and Oils, national limits may remain in place”.
该talmudists和父亲教会了这一传统认识,而且它的头骨,并在 字 架 脚 放 在 骨头生存。
The Talmudists and the Fathers
of the Church were aware of this tradition, and it survives in the skulls and
[...] bones placed at the foot of the crucifix.
Provide Support 聊天软件使用 Unicode 并支持全球大多字符和脚本。
Provide Support live chat software uses Unicode and
[...] supports most world characters and scripts.
只要填写大会事务处提供的表格,就可在所涉会议 字 记 录 中加 脚 注。
A member of the delegation can fill
out a form provided by the General Assembly
[...] Affairs Branch and a footnote will be added to [...]
the PV record of the meeting.
一个拉丁手稿修道院时间,地点,甚至可以追溯到其 字 十 分 鲜明 脚 本。
The time, place and even monastery of a Latin manuscript may be traced
[...] by the very distinct script of its text.
这段字已经在上脚注 71 所对应的案文里引 用。
85 In the later advisory opinion on the Applicability of article VI, section 22, of the Convention on the Privileges and Immunities of the United Nations, the Court noted that
各表所附有几脚注对个别字作了 澄清,并就所报数据的范围和释义作了 一般性说明。
The footnotes accompanying the tables in several cases clarify individual figures and provide general [...]
explanations relevant
to the scope and interpretation of the data presented.
要想弄清 Verisign IDN 如何通过单个共享注册系统
[...] (SRS) 支持数百种本地语言的域名注册,您需要理解在书面语言中使用 字 符 和 脚 本 是 如何转换成计算机语言的。
To understand how Verisign IDNs support domain name registration in hundreds of native languages with a single Shared Registration
System (SRS) requires an
[...] understanding of how characters and script are used in written [...]
language and translated for computing.
ADSP21XX系列处理器是工作频率达160 MHz、功耗电流低到184 μA、代码兼容和脚兼容的数字信号 处理器 (DSP)。
[...] Processors are Code- and pin- compatible DSPs with performance [...]
up to 160MHz and power as low as 184 micro-amps.
在SQL语句中采用变量替换;能够生成数据结构的XML报告,以便能够重构数据库模型;能够比较两个数据库在结构上有何不同之处;在编辑SQL语句时能够自动提示表格 字 段 ; 所有 S Q L 脚 本 运 行在批处理模式下;SQL Workbench/J还提供一个DataPumper工具用于直接在两台服务器上相互复制数据,DataPumper功能还能够当作SQL命令使用以实现批处理。
SQL statements used in variable substitution ; able to generate the XML data structure report , to be able to reconstruct the database model; able to compare two databases differ in the structure of the Department ; in editing SQL
statements automatically prompt tables
[...] and fields ; all SQL scripts to run in batch mode [...]
; SQL Workbench/J also provides a tool
for direct DataPumper each other on the two servers to replicate data , DataPumper function also as a batch SQL commands used to achieve .
Microchip 的外设引脚选择功能进一步减轻了设计难度,从而允许开发人员将大多数芯片的 字 功 能 引 脚 “ 重 新映射”,使外设利用、电路板布局和设计修改大大简化。
Further easing the design effort is
[...] Microchip’s Peripheral Pin Select feature, which allows developers to “remap” most of the chip’s digital-function [...]
pins, making peripheral utilization,
board layout, and design modifications significantly easier.
第 52 条第 2 款(位于方括号内)应添加提脚注 1 的字样。
In article 52, paragraph 2 (which is in brackets), a
[...] reference to footnote 1 should be added.
该器件有 54 个字输入/输出脚(其中 12 个可用于 PWM 输出)、12 个模拟输入、4 路 [...]
UART(硬件串口)、 一个 84 MHz 时钟、一个 USB OTG 接口、两路 DAC(模数转换)、两路TWI、一个电源插孔、一个 SPI
接口、一个 JTAG 插口、一个复位按钮和一个擦写按钮。
The Due has 54 digital input/output pins (of which 12 [...]
can be used as PWM outputs), 12 analog inputs, 4 UARTs (hardware serial
ports), a 84 MHz clock, an USB OTG capable connection, 2 DAC (digital to analog), 2 TWI, a power jack, an SPI header, a JTAG header, a reset button, and an erase button.
学者们计算每本书的文字和辅字母 , 中间 字 和 中 间辅音 脚 本 的 特殊性,即使这种特殊性显然是由于错误或意外,他们延续和解释由一个神秘的含义。
The scholars counted the words and consonants of each book, the
middle word and middle
[...] consonants, the peculiarities of script, etc. Even when such peculiarities [...]
were clearly due to error
or to accident, they were perpetuated and interpreted by a mystical meaning.
在提交 2011 年临时账目时,秘书处代表表示,关于与俄罗斯联邦的欠款 问题相关的报告,由于已向第六十七次会议提交了该报告,因此将从附表 1.2 的脚注中删 去“被视为无法收取的”字样, 并表 脚 注 还 提及了国际会计准则。
When presenting the provisional 2011 account the representative of the Secretariat indicated that, further to the report on the issue of the outstanding contribution of the Russian Federation, as it had been 3 presented to the 67th meeting, the words “considered uncollectable” would be deleted from the footnote in Schedule 1.2 and that the footnote would also make reference to international accounting standards.
利用System Studio基于Tcl的脚本接口可以很方便的控制仿真运行,例如分析字长参数对定点仿真性能的影响时,可以 使用Tcl脚本逐个选字长,记录结果。
Using System Studio’s Tcl based scripting interface easily launches and controls different simulations with different word length parameters to explore the fixed-point design space of the algorithm or post-process simulation results.
未来阶段将着重于扩大部署用于文件协作和管理、记录 和网络内容以及管理字和多 媒体资产的企业内容管理核心模块。
Future phases will focus on expanding the deployment of enterprise content management core modules for
collaboration and the management of documents, records and Web content, as well as the
[...] management of digital and multimedia assets.
这种虐待有多种方面,包括对身体各部位的拳 脚 踢 ,或用武 器殴打,以及电击、烧伤、用辣椒液喷射或用塑料袋造成窒息。
The mistreatment consisted, inter alia, of punches or kicks to different parts of the body or blows with weapons, as well as electrical shocks, burns, spraying with pepper gas, or suffocation with plastic bags.
咨询委员会获悉,在该档供资的 40 个项目中,项目绩效评估包 括 2006-2009 年期间实施的 30 个项目,而其余
[...] 10 个项目仍处于实施阶段(同上, 表 1,脚注 a)。
The Advisory Committee was informed that of the 40 projects funded under that tranche, the assessment of project performance had included 30 projects
implemented during 2006-2009, while the remaining 10 projects were still in the implementation stage
[...] (ibid., table 1, footnote a).
应当注意的是,根据安全理事会第 808 号 决议第 2 段编写的联合国秘书长的报告(联合 国 S/25704 号文件,1993 年 5 月 3 日,第 35 段,第 9 页)指出,“列入国际人道主义协约 法的下述公约体现了适用于武装冲突的法律, 并完全成为国际习惯法的一部分:1949 年 8 月 12
日《保护战争受害者各项日内瓦公约》; 《陆战法规和惯例》(1907 年 10 月 18 日海牙 第四公约)和《公约附件陆战法规和惯例章 程》;1948 年 12 月 9
[...] 日《防止及惩治灭绝种 族罪公约》和《国际军事法庭宪章》 [省脚 注参考—— 教科文组织秘书处]。
It should be noted that the Report of the United Nations Secretary-General pursuant to paragraph 2 of Security Council resolution 808 (United Nations document S/25704, 3 May 1993, para. 35, p. 9) stated that “[T]he part of conventional international humanitarian law which has beyond doubt become part of international customary law is the law applicable in armed conflict as embodied in: the Geneva Conventions of 12 August 1949 for the Protection of War Victims; the Hague Convention (IV) Respecting the Laws and Customs of War on Land and the Regulations annexed thereto of 18 October 1907; the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide of 9 December 1948; and the
Charter of the International Military Tribunal of 8 August
[...] 1945” [reference to footnotes omitted – the [...]
UNESCO Secretariat].
具 体的落实行动包括组织召开具体培训届会,旨在激励决策者和政策制定者授予在线普及利用
[...] 公共记录和政府持有的记录的权利,确定和促进公共领域中信息和知识的储存并使其可供全 民使用,对政府持有的公共领域信息进行保护和 字 化。
Concrete follow-up initiatives have included the organization of specific training sessions with a view to stimulating decision- and policy-makers to enact the right of universal online access to public and government-held records, to identify and promote repositories of information and knowledge in the public domain and to make them
accessible to all, as well as to undertake the
[...] preservation and digitization of public [...]
domain information held by governments.
该代表团指出,这一点也要在本届会议上通 过的确认食品安全控制措施指南里强调,该指南规定,需要在个案基础上确认控制措施
[...] 基于依靠贸易模式的国家之间的相互协议,以及根据观察到的情况,另外还建议修改附 件 A 里的脚 9:微 生物统计防治措施-乳和乳制品操作规范,增加下列内容:“任何经 [...]
过乳过氧化物酶体系处理过的牛奶贸易应基于有关国家之间的相互协议,不得损害与其 他国家的贸易”。
The Delegation, pointing out that this point was also emphasized in the Guidelines for the Validation of Food Safety Control Measures adopted at the current session, which provided that control measures required validation on a case-by-case basis, proposed that the restriction be lifted, but that the use of the LPS be conditional on infrastructure and validation and be based on mutual agreements between countries depending on patterns of trade, and
in line with this observation, further
[...] proposed to amend footnote 9 in Appendix [...]
A: Microbiostatic Control Measures - Code
of Practice for Milk and Milk Products by the addition of the following: "Any trade in milk treated by the lactoperoxidase system should only be on the basis of mutual agreement between countries concerned, and without prejudice to trade with other countries.
大会在其关于会议时地分配办法的第 53/208 B 号决议中:再次请秘书长确 保按照同时以大会六种正式语文分发文件的六星期规则提供文件;重申大会决定,
[...] 若报告延迟分发,在提出报告时应说明延误的原因;决定,如果报告迟交给会议事 务处,应在该文件脚注内 说明延误的原因。
In its resolution 53/208 B on the pattern of conferences, the General Assembly: (a) reiterated its request to the Secretary-General to ensure that documents were available in accordance with the six-week rule for their distribution simultaneously in the six official languages; (b) reaffirmed its decision that, if a report was issued late, the reasons for the delay should be indicated when the report was introduced; and (c) decided that, if a report
was submitted late to the conference services, the reasons for the delay should be
[...] included in a footnote to the document.
在克罗地亚和执行委员会签订的协定中,2005 年附件 A
第一类(氟氯化碳)的最大 允许消费量是 65 ODP 吨,2010 年为 0
[...] ODP 吨;对其间年份,协定没有设定确切 字 ,但 规定:“消耗臭氧层物质的法律(1999 [...]
年 1 月 30 日)列有条款,规定在 2006 年至 2009 年期间,作为一项特例,最多可进口
21.9 ODP 吨附件 A(第一类和第二类)和/或附件 B (第二类和第三类)或含有这些物质的产品,但这些物质和/或产品得用于维护人、植物和 /或动物的生命;国防、安保和消防;和科学研究安全,以及这些产品不能以对环境友好和 在经济上可行的代用品取代”。
In the agreement between Croatia and the Executive Committee, the maximum allowable consumption for Annex A, Group I (CFCs) for the year 2005 was 65 ODP tonnes, for 2010 0 ODP tonne; and
for the years in between, the agreement
[...] provides no exact figure but stipulates that [...]
"The By-Law on Substances that Deplete
the Ozone Layer (of 30 January 1999) includes a clause on importing on an exceptional basis between 2006 and 2009 up to 21.9 ODP tonnes of Annex A (Groups I and II) and/or Annex B (Groups II and III) or products containing these substances, when these substances and/or products are for preserving human, plant and/or animal life; national defence, safety and fire-fighting; and scientific research safety, when such products cannot be replaced by environmentally-sound and economically-viable alternatives”.
小组委员会认为,在 2011-2012 两年期应继续开展下列领域的工作:不敏感 爆炸物和氧化性固体的分类;与灰尘爆炸危害有关的问题;腐蚀性标准(审议点 蚀问题以及 C.1
[...] 使其与《示范条例》的标准相一致;对涉及皮肤腐蚀/刺激的章节进行 字 修 订 ; 水引发毒性的评估;执行问题;进一步改进《全球统一制度》附件 [...]
1、2 和 3;编 制小包装标签的进一步指导。
The Subcommittee considered that the work in the following areas should be continued in the biennium 2011-2012: classification of desensitized explosives and oxidizing solids; issues related to dust explosion hazards; corrosivity criteria (consideration of pitting corrosion and suitability of tests C.1 for solids); further alignment of the criteria in the
Globally Harmonized System with that of the Model
[...] Regulations; editorial revision of [...]
the chapters addressing skin corrosion/irritation;
assessment of water-activated toxicity; implementation issues; further improvement of annexes 1, 2 and 3 of the Globally Harmonized System; and development of additional guidance for the labelling of small packagings.
会议提出了许多其它建议,诸如确保 字 遗 产 得到保护,包括把档案和图书馆作为 [...]
“世界记忆计划”的组成部分;制订儿童和成人媒体教育计划;根据信息社会世界首脑会议 的精神,特别在知识社会和知识经济的背景下,推广普及使用信息传播技术。
A range of other suggestions was put forward, such as: to ensure the
[...] preservation of digital heritage, including [...]
archives and libraries as a component
of the “Memory of the World Programme”; to develop media education programmes for children and adults; and to increase familiarity with the use of ICTs, especially within the framework of the knowledge society and knowledge economy, in light of the outcomes of the World Summit on the Information Society.




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