单词 | 字眼 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 字眼 noun —word n (often used)less common: wordings pl 字眼 —wordingExamples:抠字眼—be fastidious about phrasing, diction, or choice of words See also:眼 n—eye n 眼—small hole • crux (of a matter) 眼—classifier for natural springs and hollow objects e.g. wells, stoves etc.
部分業界代表表示,由於所使用的致敏物質及食物添加劑 的 字眼 意 思 不 清,業界在遵從新的標籤規定方面遇到種種困難。 cfs.gov.hk | Some trade representatives expressed the difficulties to comply with [...] the new labelling requirements resulted from [...] ambiguities in the wordings of allergenic [...]substances and food additives used. cfs.gov.hk |
有關字眼必須 先取 得分區中心同意,而丹麥禽畜及食物監管處亦認為標籤並無誤導成 [...] 分,食品方可在市場銷售。 legco.gov.hk | Only when the regional centres [...] agree with the wordings and DVFA considers [...]such labelling to be not misleading will the products be placed on the market. legco.gov.hk |
如看見清單榜首附近有這些字眼的 其 中一個,你知道這種產品含大量添加糖。 cancer-asian.com | If you see one of these near the top of the list, you know the product is high in added sugar. cancer-asian.com |
但是,质量--这是接下来的几年中一直要关注 的 字眼 - - 需 要投 资,进展速度的快慢决取于本组织资源所允许的情况。 unesdoc.unesco.org | However, quality – the watchword for the coming years – requires investment, and progress will be as fast, or as slow, as the Organization’s resources will allow. unesdoc.unesco.org |
而《房屋條例》第 [...] 16(1A)條內“ 更改租金的釐定” 的字眼( 以及因 此租金與入息比例中位數的 [...]10 %上限) 只適用於房委會加租的決定, 而不適用於減租的決定。 legco.gov.hk | However, the [...] Court of Final Appeal (CFA) has clearly [...]ruled that the 10% MRIR cap is not a statutory definition of affordability [...]and that the words “any determination of variation of rent” in section 16(1A) of the HO, and hence the 10% MRIR cap, applies only to any decision by the HA to increase rent and does not extend to a decision to reduce rent. legco.gov.hk |
此外,时间表上各项主要 活动的进行时间是以泛泛的模糊字眼 表 达 的,即某一年的年初、年中或 年末。 daccess-ods.un.org | Furthermore, the timeline of the main activities of the schedule is expressed in somewhat broad and vague terms, at the early, mid or late part of a given year. daccess-ods.un.org |
(i) 於公司細則第 44(i)條內,刪除「2 港元費用(或本公司股份上市所在指定證券交 易所當時批准的有關較高金額)或董事不時規定的較少金額」,並以「不超過 指定證券交易所當時批準費用的相關費用(如有) 」 字眼 替 代。 wuling.com.hk | (i) In Bye-law 44(i), by deleting “fee of HK$2 (or such higher amount as shall for the time being be approved by the Designated Stock Exchange on which the shares of the Company are listed) or such lesser sum as the Directors may from time to time require” and substituting the words “such fee, if any, not exceeding the fee as for the time being approved by the Designated Stock Exchange”. wuling.com.hk |
但 是 在 實 際 層 面 上 , 我 們 認 為 不 論 銀 行 在 這 具 體 事 宜 上 是 否 對 客 戶 負 有 任 何 合 約 責 任 、 受 信 責 任 或 一 般 責 任 , 審 慎 的 業 務 常 規 是 由 銀 行 知 會 其 公 司 客 戶 根 據 現 行 有 效 的 法 律 , 只 有 使 用 某 些 字 眼 顯 示 簽 署 人 是 代 委 託 人 或 是 以 代 表 的 身 分 簽 署 支 票 , 獲 授 權 簽 署 人 方 可 在 支 票 不 兌 現 時 肯 定 可 以 避 免 對 受 款 人 負 有 個 人 法 律 責 任 。 hkreform.gov.hk | At the practical level, however, we consider that whether or not it may be said that bankers owe any contractual, fiduciary or general duty of care to their clients in this particular matter, it would be prudent banking practice for bankers to advise their corporate account holders that, as the law stands at the moment, it will only be the use of words indicating that the signatory signs for or on behalf of a principal or in a representative character which will be certain to avoid the personal liability to the payee of the authorized signatory on a dishonoured company cheque. hkreform.gov.hk |
(c) 於公司細則第 1 條內,分別於「普通決議案」及「特別決議案」釋義的第三行 「親身投票或」字眼後加 入「倘准許公司代表,透過正式授權公司代表或 」字 眼。 wuling.com.hk | (c) In Bye-law 1, in both of the definitions for "ordinary resolution" and "special resolution" by inserting the words "where a corporate representative is allowed, by a duly [...] authorised corporate [...] representative or," after the words "vote in person or," in the third line of both definitions, respectively. wuling.com.hk |
鍾國華先 生 建議業界改用括號分隔指同一種致敏物質的不 同 字眼 , 即麵 粉 (小麥粉)。 cfs.gov.hk | Mr. K W CHUNG replied that the trade was recommended to use the bracket symbol instead to separate the words which shared the same meaning of allergenic substance i.e. 麵粉 (小麥粉). cfs.gov.hk |
(c) 將其股份分為若干類別股份,且不得損害先前已授予現有股份持有人 之任何股份特權,分別為任何優先、遞延、合資格或特別權利、優先 權、條件或有關限制,倘本公司於股東大會並無作出有關決定,則董 事可作出決定,惟倘本公司發行不附帶投票權之股份,則須在有關股 份之稱謂中加上「無投票權」字眼; 如 股本包括附帶不同投票權之股 份,除附最優先投票權之股份外,須在各類別股份之稱謂中加上「受 限制投票權」或「有限制投票權」字眼 northmining.com.hk | (c) divide its shares into several classes and without prejudice to any special rights previously conferred on the holders of existing shares attach thereto respectively any preferential, deferred, qualified or special rights, privileges, conditions or such restrictions which in the absence of any such determination by the Company in general meeting; as the Directors may determine provided always that where the Company issues shares which do not carry voting rights, the words “nonvoting” [...] shall appear in the [...] designation of such shares and where the equity capital includes shares with different voting rights, the designation of each class of shares, other than those with the most favourable voting rights, must include the [...]words “restricted [...]voting” or “limited voting northmining.com.hk |
在社會尚未重視科學人數統計之前,傳媒若果需要引述有關數字,最好還是加上「主辦機構聲稱」、「警方估計」、「方法不詳」 等 字眼。 hkupop.hku.hk | Before our society takes scientific headcount figures seriously, when reporting these figures, it would be better for our [...] media to add expressions like 「according to organizers' claim」, 「police estimates」, and 「method [...] unknown」 when quoting them. hkupop.hku.hk |
(12) 在询问它自己如何以最佳方式确定这个连结、并且考虑把它称为“内 在”,“不可分割”或“不可分割的”联系以后,委员会以“足够”这个词作为 最终解决方式,它似乎与刚才提到的 字眼 类 似,但它具有显示每一个具体情况都 必须考虑到的优点。 daccess-ods.un.org | (12) After asking itself how best to define this link, and having contemplated calling it “intrinsic”, “indissociable” or “inextricable”, the Commission ultimately settled on the word “sufficient”, which seemed to it to be similar to the words just cited but had the merit of showing that the particular circumstances of each case had to be taken into account. daccess-ods.un.org |
在整個報告中,研究組放棄了使用「公投」,這個被認為帶有極濃厚政治色彩 的 字眼 , 而選用「全民投票」這較為中性 的 字眼 , 避 免為公眾對問題帶來先入為主的看法。 hkupop.hku.hk | The Research Team has dropped to use "plebiscite", a word that perceived to be politically skewed, in [...] favour of the more [...] neutral "referendum" in the entire report, so as to avoid instilling a preset notion in the general [...]public on the issue. hkupop.hku.hk |
用文本编辑器打开的时候就可以看到:%PDF-1.4 这样的字眼,其 中最后一位就是PDF文件格式版本号,软件的版本号总要比文件格式的版本号高1,比如说Read 5能打开的内容就是4。 oapdf.com | Using a text editor to open when you will see:% PDF-1.4 such a word, the last of which is a PDF file format version number, software version number than the total file format version number of the high-1, for example, Read 5 content is able to open 4. oapdf.com |
為了完成採集,該設計局選擇來裝飾這個珠寶系列手錶的模式“陽台裝飾”的底部,允許選擇自定義儀器的迷人 的 字眼 或 晦 澀的消息。 zh.horloger-paris.com | To complete the collection, the Design Bureau chose to adorn this jewelry collection watch a [...] pattern "Sundeck Decor" on the bottom, allowing the option to customize the instrument [...] by a charming word or cryptic message. en.horloger-paris.com |
部份回應者建議使用鼓勵和警告兩種方法來反映用戶用電的趨 勢,例如當用電量超過上個月,可以在電費單上印上紅色警 告 字眼 , 相 反對有效降低 能源消耗量的家庭給予鼓勵的字句以作表揚。 susdev.org.hk | Some suggested that energy consumption trends be presented in an encouraging and discouraging way like a warning message in red could be printed on the electricity bill if there was an increasing trend of energy consumption compared to the previous month, and complimentary words could encourage households that reduced energy consumption. susdev.org.hk |
上述條文目前的字眼如下: 學校的老師、父母或任何 取代父母職責的人士在 矯正由他管教的學生或 孩子(視乎兩者中何種 情況而定)的行為時, 如果所使用的武力在 當時情況下沒有超越 合理的程度,則他是 可以合理使用武力的。 yorkcas.org | This section currently reads: Every school teacher, parent or person standing in the place of a parent, is justified in using force by way of correction toward a pupil or child, as the case may be, who is under his care, if the force does not exceed what is reasonable under the circumstances. yorkcas.org |
之后,在 2009 年的第 1882(2009)号决议中,我 们在第 19 段(a)中增加了“或其他有关局势”等 字眼。 daccess-ods.un.org | Then in 2009, in resolution 1882 (2009), we added, in paragraph 19 (a), the words “or in other situations of concern”. daccess-ods.un.org |
獲資助機構必須在所有與項目有關的機器設備、設施、宣傳或 傳媒活動或為項目而出版的刊物上加上經由工貿署署長書面核 准的字眼,以鳴謝基金提供贊助。 smefund.tid.gov.hk | Acknowledgement of the SDF support as approved in writing by DGTI must appear on all equipment, facilities, publicity or media events related to a project funded by the SDF or in publications arising from the project. smefund.tid.gov.hk |
巴西代表团,得到塞内加尔的支持,建议在第 12.2 条中取消“修正”这一字眼,这得到了 大会的同意和通过。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The delegation of Brazil, supported by Senegal, proposed deleting the term “amendment” from Rule 12.2, which was accepted and adopted by the Conference. unesdoc.unesco.org |
該 等 前 瞻 性 陳 述 可 通 過 前 瞻 性 措 辭 識 別 , 包 括 「 相 信 」、「 估 計 」、「 計 劃 」、「 預 期 」、「 預 計 」、「 將 」、「 可能」或「應」等字眼,或 於各種情況下通過該 等 字眼 的 否 定或其他變化形式或同 類 字眼 識 別 或通過有關策略、計劃、目的、目標、未來事件或意向的討論 識別。 glencore.com | These forward looking statements may be identified by the use of forward looking terminology, including the terms “believes”, “estimates”, “plans”, “projects”, “anticipates”, “will”, “could”, or “should” or in each case, their negative or other variations thereon or comparable terminology, or by discussions of strategy, plans, objectives, goals, future events or intentions. glencore.com |
我 們 的 結 論 是 , 有 為 數 不 少 的 商 [...] 人 有 可 能 要 面 對 承 擔 這 類 個 人 法 律 責 任 的 風 險 , 因 為 我 們 發 現 為 認 證 公 司 的 簽 署 而 附 加 在 支 票 上 字 眼 款 式 繁 多 , 沒 有 甚 麼 統 一 格 式 可 言 , 而 且 每 年 有 多 達 四 百 萬 張 支 票 開 出 , 在 該 等 支 票 上 所 用 的 字 眼 是 不 足 以 免 除 簽 署 人 的 個 人 法 律 責 任 。 hkreform.gov.hk | We have concluded that there are a good number of businessmen potentially exposed to the risk of such personal [...] liability, for we have [...] found that there is little uniformity in the form of words used on cheques 16 to affix and authenticate the signature of the company, and that on as many as four million cheques each year the wording is insufficient [...]to exclude personal liability. hkreform.gov.hk |
對大部分公務員來說,這個字眼會令 人想到是把一個政府部門完全轉為一個獨立的機構,不受一般公務員規例約束,提供各套非劃一的薪酬和福利條件。 housingauthority.gov.hk | For most civil servants this word conjures up the wholesale conversion of a government department into an independent body not subject to normal civil service rules and regulations and offering non-standard packages of remuneration and benefits. housingauthority.gov.hk |
当我们听到“圣战行动”这样的字眼 时 , 我们脑海里 浮现的是一群游击队员引爆简易爆炸装置,或者 对敌人发动壮烈的自杀爆炸袭击,因此当我们希 望开展行动时,我们大多数人专注于策划此类行 动,并由此认为我们需要周到精细的计划:人 员、后勤支持、藏匿点、策略等等。 crisisgroup.org | When we hear the words “jihad operation”, we have in our minds a group of mujahidin exploding an IED or spectacular suicide bombing against the enemy, so that if we have the desire to undertake an operation, most of us are focused on an attack of this kind. crisisgroup.org |
(iv) 本細則中,凡適用於已繳足股份者,均適用於股額,以 細則中「股份」及「股東」的字眼應 包 括「股額」及 「股額持有人」及「股東」。 xingfa.com | (iv) Such of the provisions of these Articles as are applicable to fully paid shares shall apply to stock, and the words “share” and “shareholder” herein shall include “stock” and “stockholder” and “member”. xingfa.com |
面對公署的第二次調查及批評,唐英年更反其道而行,縮窄了該中心的職能範圍,包括從該中心的名稱中刪除「綜合」一詞,修改該服務的使命宣言,及在服務簡介中不用「政府熱線」 的 字眼。 procommons.org.hk | As regards Hui’s successor, the incumbent CS Henry Tang even put this in a regressive manner by narrowing ICC’s purview, including removing the word “Integrated” from its name, revising its service visions and missions, and no longer using the wording “Government Hotline” on government website. procommons.org.hk |
执行部分第 3(b)段的“可以有助于可能的”几个 字眼意味 着在这些争论是否会被告知和透明,以及是 否会实际导致暂停使用死刑这个问题上存在一些不 确定性。 daccess-ods.un.org | The words “can contribute to possible” in operative paragraph 3 (b) implied some uncertainty as to whether debates would be informed and transparent and would actually lead to a moratorium. daccess-ods.un.org |
中 芯 國 際 使 用「相 信」、「預 期」、「計 劃」、「估 計」、「預 計」、「預 測」及 類 似 表 述 為 該 等 前 瞻 性 陳 述 之 標 識,但 並 非 所 有 前 瞻 性 陳 述 均 包 含 上 述 字 眼。 cre8ir.com | SMIC uses words like “believe,” “anticipate,” “intend,” “estimate,” “expect,” “project” and similar expressions to identify forward looking statements, although not all forward-looking statements contain these words. cre8ir.com |
3.3 進修活動獲批准後,核准主辦機構可在活動的推廣 / 宣傳物料 / 印刷品 上使用以下字眼︰「 經香港學術及職業資歷評審局批准,可頒授 X 個核 心及 / 或 Y 個非核心學分之地產代理監管局持續專業進修活動」。 hkcaavq.edu.hk | 3.3 Approved CPD activity providers may use the following statement in their marketing/advertising/promotional materials/literature of approved CPD activities: “x core and/or y non-core CPD points approved by the HKCAAVQ for the EAA CPD Scheme”. hkcaavq.edu.hk |