

单词 孔子



Confucius Institute, organization established internationally by the PRC, promoting Chinese language and culture


public holiday

See also:

surname Kong

External sources (not reviewed)

請問 局長,政府以這種政策來處理一批有學識、原本可以為香港服務的人,是否 違反孔子所謂 “有教無類”的教育理想呢?
May I ask the Secretary whether the Government, which has adopted such policy to deal with a group of knowledgeable people who could
have served the people of Hong Kong, has gone
[...] against the Confucian education ideal [...]
of teaching everyone without discrimination?
因此, Zoroaster是當代與其他偉大的宗教人士,包括佛 孔子 , 老 子 , 一些希伯來先知。
Accordingly, Zoroaster was contemporary with other great religious personages,
[...] including Buddha, Confucius, Lao Tze, and several [...]
Hebrew prophets.
2011年,CDU将于安徽师范大学及海南大学合作创建新 孔子 学 院
A new Confucius Institute will be established at CDU in 2011 in partnership with Anhui Normal University and Hainan University.
应中华人民共和国政府的要求,总干事向执行局提交关于将教科文组孔子教育奖的获奖者从两名增加到三名,并对执行局 [...]
2005 年第 172 EX/11 号 决定通过的《章程》进行必要修订的建议。
Following a request by the Government of the People’s Republic of China, the Director-General submits to the Executive Board a
proposal to increase the number of prizewinners
[...] of the UNESCO Confucius Prize for Literacy [...]
from two to three, and to make the necessary
amendments to its Statutes, which were adopted in 2005 by 172 EX/Decision 11.
曾子, 名叫曾参,是中国战国时期的学者 孔子 的 学 生, 以孝顺和贤德闻名于世。
Besides, Zeng Shen was also respected by later generations for being a filial son and a man of strict morality.
本奖的内容包括:两名获 奖者每人将得到 20,000 美元奖金和一次去中国的扫盲项目点参观考察的机会。有关参
[...] 观考察活动由中国政府和联合国教科文组织共同确定,由中国联合国教科文组织全国 委员会负责组织,参加者为“联合国教科文组 孔子 扫 盲 奖”获奖者。
The Prize shall consist of a sum of US $20,000 for each of the two prizewinners, and a study visit to project sites in China, to be jointly decided upon by the Government of
China and UNESCO, and organized by China’s National Commission for UNESCO, for the
[...] winners of the UNESCO Confucius Prize.
鲁国国君对此感到很困惑,就对鲁国的史官左丘明说: 孔子 是 一 位贤德的人,但为什么人们都反对我任命他为大司寇呢?
Puzzled by this, the king said to Zuo Qiu Ming (左丘明), the state
[...] historian of Lu, "Confucius is a man of great [...]
character, but why does everybody object
to my making him the Chancellor?
孔子思想 裏“德 治愛民”的政治文化、“孝悌和新”的倫理文化、“文質彬彬”的禮樂文化, 以及“遠神近人”的人本取向,均深深影響了中華民族的哲學、宗教、倫 理、文學、藝術,以至是政治及經濟等諸多方面,成為中華文化的瑰寶。
The political culture of "exercising government with virtues and love of the people", the ethical culture of "filial piety, fraternal duty and harmony", the ritual and music culture of "courtesy and decorum" and the people-oriented approach of "keeping the deities at a distance and staying close to the people" have created a significant impact on the philosophy, religion, ethics, literature, art and also politics and economy of the Chinese race, and become the treasure of Chinese culture.
早在 2 500 多年前,中国思想孔子就 提出了“和为贵”的思想。
As early as 2,500 years ago, the
[...] Chinese thinker Confucius said, “Peace [...]
is the most valuable”.
中国和大韩民国继续分别赞助教科文组 孔子 扫 盲 奖和教科文组织世宗大 王扫盲奖,2008 [...]
年和 2009 年其获奖者和荣誉奖获得者为阿富汗、不丹、布基纳 法索、埃塞俄比亚、印度、南非、菲律宾、大不列颠和北爱尔兰联合王国和赞比 亚。
China and the Republic of Korea continued to
[...] sponsor the UNESCO Confucius Prize for Literacy [...]
and the UNESCO King Sejong Literacy
Prize, respectively, whose winners and honourable mentions in 2008 and 2009 represented Afghanistan, Bhutan, Burkina Faso, Ethiopia, India, South Africa, the Philippines, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and Zambia.
李淯說:”儒家思想其實早已是 美國價值觀的一部份,像是新教徒的工作道德,待人如待己的黃金原則等,這些東西同時存在 孔子 思 想與西方文化中,但許多已消失。
Author Ann Lee points out in a new book that to stay ahead, the US may have to learn a few things from China.
These are non-profit public institutes that aim to promote Chinese language and culture, and also support the local teaching of the Chinese language.
除了在微软的亚洲社区中发挥核心作用,沈博士还在各种有影响力的社团中担任董事、顾问或名誉会员等,如华盛顿 孔子 学 院 、中国工程师学会(CIE)、华盛顿州中国关系委员会(WSCRC)、大西雅图贸易联盟(TDA)、明日中国教育基金会(CTEF)、西雅图中国花园(SCG)、北美中国委员会(NACC)、华盛顿亚洲医疗专业人士协会(WAHPA)、华盛顿州中国商会(WASCCC)、华盛顿州四川友好协会(WSFA)。
Besides playing a core role in Microsoft Asian communities, Dr. Shen has also served as board directors, advisors or
honorary members for various influential
[...] societies, such as Confucius Institute of the [...]
State of Washington, Chinese Institute
of Engineers (CIE), Washington State China Relations Council (WSCRC), Trade Development Alliance of Greater Seattle (TDA), China Tomorrow Education Foundation (CTEF), Seattle Chinese Garden (SCG), North America China Council (NACC), Washington Asian Healthcare Professional Association (WAHPA), Washington State China Chamber of Commerce (WASCCC), and Washington Sichuan Friendship Association (WSFA).
这是Brian Doben的新书ATWORK 中引用孔子名言 ,书中展示了他所拍摄的热爱工作的人们。
This quote from Confucius opens up Brian [...]
Doben‘s new book ATWORK where he captures people doing what they love.
过去十年,中国和哥伦比亚的关系,无论是官方和非官方的关系,都经历了一个发展的过程,两国关系不仅在商业合作上而且在文化交流机制上都有所加强,例如在哥伦比亚就有两 孔子 学 院 (相当于英国理事会,或歌德学院)。
In the past decade both the informal and formal relationships between China and Colombia have undergone a process of expansion, not only in the mercantile sense, but also with the establishment of
institutions dedicated to cultural exchange,
[...] such as the Confucius Institutes (Chinese [...]
counterparts to the British Councils,
or Goethe Institutes), of which there are two in Colombia.
今天,在我们的现代社会孔子主要 说的是,有效的政府是一个官员遵守社会法律的政府,在本质上是法治。
Today in our
[...] modern society, what Confucius is essentially [...]
saying is that an effective government is one where its officials
abide by the laws of that society, which in essence, is the rule of law.
2011年2月22日,中国研究员,已退休罗兰大学副教授Gyula Jordán博士在罗兰大孔子学院 的现代中国系列讲座上发表了演讲。
On February 22, Dr. Gyula Jordán, China-researcher and
retired associate professor of ELTE TÁTK, gave a talk as
[...] part of ELTE Confucius Institute Modern [...]
China Lectures series.
在白俄罗斯国立大学的基础上设立了欧盟信息中心、欧洲委员会信息站和联 合国研究中心孔子学院
The Belarusian State University houses the offices of the European Network of Information Centres in the European Region and the National Academic Recognition
Information Centres in the European Union, a centre on United Nations
[...] studies and the Confucius Institute for [...]
Chinese studies.
而為了訓練中文師資孔子學院 與舊金山州大教育學院,去年成立了一個,碩士學位加教師資格證書的項目,學生可在兩年四個學期,完成教育碩士,同時拿到單科教師資格證書,可以在全美45個州使用。
This event is
[...] hosted by the Confucius Institute, the [...]
San Francisco Unified School District, and the education office of
the Consulate General of the P.R. China in SF.
2011年1月26日,初春瑞雪,我们非常荣幸地邀请到中国驻匈牙利大使馆文化参赞郭晓光先生来罗兰大 孔子 学 院 指导工作。
Mr. Guo Xiaoguang was made welcome
[...] to the ELTE Confucius Institute by [...]
director Dr. Imre Hamar and deputy manager Jiang Wenyan.
孔子的哲 学,李小龙的武功传奇,红楼梦的华丽,KDX为眼镜设计定义了各自的身分故事。
KDX designs glasses for the
[...] philosophy of Confucius, the kung-fu legends [...]
of Bruce Lee, and the sumptuousness of The Dream of the Red Chamber.
我来自于美国康涅狄格州Hotchkiss School学校。我们十分自豪校园内设 孔子 课 堂,并欣喜地看到它不仅给我们的中文课程带来了积极的影响,还增进了我们对贵国的理解和认知。
Your Excellency, Mr. Li Changchun, Dr. Liu Yandong, Mr. Yuan Guiren, Madame Xu Lin, Distinguished VIPs, and Esteemed Guests, I am delighted and honored to be here, from The Hotchkiss School in Connecticut, in the United States of America.
严介和先生是中国企业家的领导者之一,是21世 孔子 哲 学 研究的学者与作家。
Yan Jiehe is one of China’s leading businessmen, a scholar
[...] and author of Confucius philosophy for [...]
the 21st Century.
BCIT温哥孔子学院 ,自建院起,秉着促进中加两国了解、加强双方合作、扩大经贸往来、发展世代友好关系的宗旨,致力于发展成为:中加两国商贸、旅游、文化交流的主要平台;加拿大各界人士了解中国的重要窗口;应用技能教育及高等教育、教学的培训基地;加拿大汉语推广中心;中国对外汉语师资培训和课程开发基地;适用于北美社区的汉语教材研发中、以及北美商务汉语考试及培训中心。
Since the first day of
[...] operations, the Confucius Institute at BCIT [...]
has been faithful to its mission to promote understanding
between China and Canada, to strengthen bilateral cooperation and to expand economic and trade exchanges, as well as to develop generations of friendly relationships. The Confucius Institute has been committed to develop into: a major platform for Sino-Canadian trade, tourism and cultural exchanges an important window on China for Canadian people from all walks of life a teaching and training base for applied skills and post-secondary education a Canadian center for promotion of Chinese language learning and use a base of TCSL teachers training and curriculum development an R & D center for the creation of Chinese teaching materials for the North American community and a business-Chinese examination and training center.
中国驻希腊大使罗林泉致辞说孔子 学 院 的开办是继2008年北京奥运会、“希腊文化年”在中国成功举办,中希两国元首成功互访之 后,中希人民之间架设的又一座友谊的桥梁。
Ambassador of People’s Republic of China, Luo Linquan, stressed that the Institute is another friendship bridge between Greece and China, following the success of Beijing Olympic Games, Cultural Year of Greece in China, and the exchange of visits between the leaders of the two countries.
根据苏格拉底的同时代人、中国先 孔子 的 教导,一名典型的中国知识分子自视为不断学习和自我完善的个人,家庭中孝悌友爱的一员,社会中负责任的一分子,通过实践“仁、义、忠、信、和”的原则,承担着促进国家良政(治国)和提高世界福祉(平天下)的使命。
According to
[...] the teaching of Confucius, a contemporary [...]
of Socrates in ancient China, a typical Chinese intellectual views
himself as a person of constant learning and improvement, a filial member of the family, a responsible member of the society, with a mission to promote good governance of the country and wellbeing of the world, by practicing the doctrines of Ren(仁), Yi(义), Zhong(忠), Xin(信)and He(和).
在这个故事里,艾莎和她的妻子不满,因为穆罕默德与玛丽亚AL - Qibtiyya,科普特基督徒子孔穆罕 默德住一个简短的儿子迷恋。
In this story, Aisha and
[...] her co-wives were unhappy because Muhammad was infatuated with Maria al-Qibtiyya, the Coptic Christian woman who bore Muhammad a brief-lived son.
a. 拧下接地螺丝 (Z)并将其插入接地导线 (Y) 端的环形子孔中。
a. Remove the ground screw (Z) and insert through the eye of the ring terminal at end of ground wire (Y).




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