

单词 子音

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以新古典 / Martial Electronica路線,糅合軍鼓、子音樂 及配器,製造急激澎湃或典雅空靈的氛圍,跨越音樂和電影的界限。
In the genre of Neo Classical and Martial
[...] Electronica, the band blends military drums and electronic music to upbeat and [...]
atmospheric effect,
crossing the boundary of music and film.
[...] Lotus當晚將會開放另一個場地Piano Bar,為電音迷熱播刺激的子音樂。
DJ Charlene will
[...] be playing upbeat music all night and [...]
bring Macau the most exciting night of  Hip Hop.
今天,挪威的流行、摇滚、都市青年、金属、R&B和 子音 乐 比 以往任何时候都更流行。
Today, Norwegian pop, rock, hip-hop,
[...] metal, R&B and electronica are more popular [...]
than ever.
他長期佔據全球各大DJ榜的高位,他的歌曲更是橫掃所有 子音 樂 流 行榜和知名夜店的舞池。
He’s consistently ranked amongst the best
of every Top DJ list in the world and his
[...] songs dominate the electronic music charts and appear [...]
in clubs the world over.
[...] 会正在制订提供会议记录的替代办法,将包括 子音 频 文 档,并在可能的情况下 配之以上传的参考资料,例如书面发言和(或)会议英文记录誊本。
In Vienna, the Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space was developing an alternative delivery
method for its meeting records, which would
[...] consist of digital sound files supplemented, [...]
where available, with uploaded reference
materials such as written statements and/or an English transcript of the meeting.
澳門只有少數適合的場地,聽到嬌比正在擴展 “不同的聲音”,本地DJ 想要“豐富多樣” 的想法令人興奮,倒退>>澳門派對要回到 子音 樂 和 恢復真正的地下音樂場景。
With a small number of venues in Macau, it was exciting to hear that Cubic is branching out into ‘different kinds of sounds’ (D’mond) and with a push for ‘something diverse’ from the resident DJs,
REVERSE>> is just the party Macau needs to
[...] get back to its Electronic roots and bring back the true underground music scene.
2013年2月20日 - 香港)——
[...] 澳洲新南威爾士州副州長兼貿易與投資部部長Andrew Stoner今天隆重宣佈,德國子音樂教 父Kraftwerk樂隊將擔任2013年Vivid [...]
Sydney創意藝術節現場表演節目Vivid LIVE的領銜樂隊,將於悉尼歌劇院進行精彩演出。
20 February 2013, Hong Kong - NSW Deputy Premier and Minister for Trade and
Investment, Andrew Stoner, has today
[...] announced German electronic music pioneers Kraftwerk [...]
as headline act for the Vivid LIVE
program at Sydney Opera House during Vivid Sydney 2013.
子音乐的领域,赫尔辛基的 Bendagram 乐队绝对值得留意。
In the realm of electronic music, Bendagram of [...]
Helsinki is worth checking out.
屆時將在澳門將呈現最棒的法 國演出:由 Lisa Souissa Danse Company 帶來的舞蹈、 Lisa
[...] Angell 帶來的法國香頌、Cedric Uhling 的魔術表演 和 DJ Devlar 呈現的子音樂。
On Friday 14th of December, the Alliance Française de Macao is pleased to be part of the FMBA Gala Dinner with a cultural/entertainment programmation that ambraces the best of the French talent based in Macau: dance with Lisa Souissa Danse Company,
Chanson Française with Lisa Angell, Juggler with
[...] Cedric Uhling and electronic music with a French touch [...]
with DJ Devlar.
柏林Tresor俱乐部、歌德学院(中国),联合Intro 2010 北京子音乐节,将共同主办“Tresor电影放映夜”,作为INTRO 2010 北京子音乐节的系列活动,力图通过纪录片《地下柏林》为北京观众更好地介绍 子音 乐 文 化。
Tresor Club, Goethe-Institut China, together with
[...] Intro 2010 Beijing Electronic Music Festival, will organize “Tresor Movie Screening Night”, as part of the serial events of the festival, and hope to introduce electronic music culture to the Beijing audience with the documentary film Sub Berlin.
First of all, for me, electronic music is all about breaking [...]
boundaries on the creative side as much as using a host of
different instruments and methods to present it.
如果你了解的上海的地下子音乐现 场的好音乐,那你很可能已经听说过AM444这个乐队了。
Chances are, if you're up to date on the good things coming out of
[...] Shanghai's underground electronic music scene, you’ve [...]
already heard the name AM444.
这些芬兰乐坛新势力有不同的的风格,从赫尔辛基的灵巧英语说唱 (Rap)
[...] 到图尔库的浪漫流行音乐,从九十年代经常以捣毁吉他作高潮发泄表现的流行音乐到现代 子音 乐 ,都有出色代表。
The stylistic spectrum of new Finnish music groups varies from intelligent
English-language rap from Helsinki to romantic pop from Turku, from ‘90s-inspired trashing guitar
[...] music to modern electronic sounds.
高质素的音响表现,不论是流行乐、摇滚乐、Hip Hop、子音乐、 爵士乐或古典乐,都能给你绝佳的音质享受。
Whether listening to pop, rock, hip hop, techno, jazz or classical, enjoy your
[...] favorite genre of music at the highest [...]
quality level.
雖然只有1 200人有權選特首,而且只要“ 北大人” 吹陣風或吹魔 笛,建制派選委便會乖乖地隨着 子音 樂 搖 動,立即便有人靠攏“北 大人”欽點的真命天子,然後便等待新官上場,論功行賞;但是,這 並不代表全港市民只會做這場詼諧“政治show”的觀眾,我們要透過社 會輿論,要求所有候選人向全香港市民作出嚴肅的承諾,作為全港市 民日後監察這位特首的依據。
People will immediately draw close to the chosen one ordained by the "masters in the north" and then wait for this new officer to assume office and award them accordingly. However, that does not mean all Hong Kong people will merely act as spectators of this ridiculous "political show".
巴拉顿湖的声音,是欧洲最大的露天 子音 乐 节 之一。
Balaton Sound is one of Europe's
[...] largest open air electronic music festivals.
阿米娜®的DML隐形扬声器,创建一个特别设计的电子励磁机“(有效的 子音 叉 ) 设置在一个微小的振动运动数以千计的微小振动过薄轻巧但坚固耐用的铝蜂窝复合板音板。
In Amina®
[...] DML Invisible Loudspeakers, a tiny vibration created by a specially designed electronic ‘exciter’ (effectively an electronic tuning fork) sets [...]
in motion thousands of tiny
vibrations all-over a thin lightweight but rugged aluminium honeycomb composite panel soundboard.
酒店的所有房间皆提供精采娱乐设施,包括40”平面电视、付iPod插座的互动 子音 响 系 统与及高科技无线宽带上网。
Hotel-wide entertainment extras include a 40” flat-screen TV, an
[...] interactive digital audio system that includes [...]
an iPod docking station, and wall-to-wall
wireless broadband internet access.
点阵打印机交响曲”曾在1998年蒙特利尔电影节(Festival international nouveau
cinéma nouveaux médias de Montréal)获得加拿大影视管理局(Telefilm
[...] Canada)颁发的新媒体类“最佳加拿大作品”奖,并获1999年电子艺术大奖(Prix Ars Electronica)子音乐类提名。
The Symphony for Dot Matrix Printers received the Telefilm Canada award for Best Canadian work in the New Media category at the FCMM (Festival international nouveau cinéma
nouveaux médias de Montréal, 1998) and an honourable
[...] mention in the Digital Musics section of the Prix Ars Electronica (1999).
其中一位同学高举一棵小树,象征着去年在青岛和烟台希望 子音 乐 会 上中下的“希望种子”如今已初长成
A small tree was held by one student symbolising the
[...] growth of a seed sown one year ago at the Qingdao and Yantai Seeds of Hope Concert.
[...] Lab、澳門音樂力量、獵士有限公司、澳門 子音 樂 協 會、Macau Banner Bag、輝佳音樂有限公司、工匠創作空間有限公司、玖度藝術有限公司、創意手作雜貨店、Absolute [...] [...]
Friends Club、mush.Room、AO2 handbag design shop、Unicam、新成峰、手作小物、Shadow Simple Life、紅葉動漫同人會、澳門日報、鳳凰天空出版社、澳門版畫研究中心、陶研陶藝工作室、澳門時尚廊、MOD Design Store、C、澳門仁慈堂婆仔屋、澳門文化產業推廣協會、創意空間 / 創意產業中心、望德堂區創意產業促進會及連勝街No.47藝文空間。
Jabber Zakka Boutique, Absolute Friends Club, mush.Room, AO2 handbag
design shop, Unicam, San Seng Fung,
[...] Imparadise's Handmade, Shadow Simple Life,Maple [...]
Studio,Macao Daily News, Phoenix Skyscape
Publisher, Printmaking Research Center of Macau, Tou-yin Ceramic Studio, Macao Fashion Gallery, MOD Design Store, C, Albergue-SCM of the Macau Holy House of Mercy, the Cultural Industry Promotional Association of Macao, Creative Macau -Center for Creative Industries, theCreative Industries Promotion Association of St. Lazarus Church District, and No. 47 Art Space, Rua de Coelho do Amaral.
The Toxic Avenger,本名Simon Delacroix,
[...] 来自法国巴黎的Electro Thrash风格的子音乐制 作人,他们的音乐混杂着猛烈的旋律和压倒性的合成器音色,席卷而来的宏大音浪足以将整个舞池引入无尽的骚乱。
The Toxic Avenger, a.k.a. Simon
[...] Delacroix, electro thrash producer from [...]
Paris, France, takes a unique blend of melodic rage
and screaming synths to create a sonic epic audiences can lose their minds to.
而在11月份,Owl City将来到中国,在香港、武汉、北京和上海作巡回演出并与歌迷亲密互动,届时,大家可以到现场亲身感受这位 子音 乐 奇 才的魅力。
Split Works is excited to be bringing the MySpace phenomenon to China for the first time, and to give his fans in China a chance to experience his live set, where he will be joined onstage by a 4-person band and talented local support from The Lovesong (HK), A Hidden Trace (WH), Ben Houge (SH) and Silkfloss (BJ).
值得注意的是, 由於本港及澳門兩地對舞台製作人員需求激增,為解決人手長期不足這個 問題,舞台及製作藝術學院將由二零零八/零九學年起開辦短期精研及技 能增值課程,兩個課程均為期 12 週,旨在培訓學員入行所需基礎技能,並 為已在子、音響及 其他範疇具備若干基礎技能的學員,提供入行所需訓 練。
It is to be noted that starting from the 2008-09 academic year, to address the chronic shortage of theatre production personnel with the increased demand both locally and from Macao, the School of Theatre and Entertainment Arts will be introducing an intensive enabling programme at both the fundamental level and the re-skill level for 12 weeks each to train
students in fundamental
[...] skills for entry into the industry as well as to train students who already possess some fundamental skills in other disciplines such as electronics, audio, [...]
etc to join the profession.
勾拳踢腿左搖右滾,電吉他聲震耳欲聾,瘋狂 子 混 音 轟 天 —超激勁爆 子音 樂 組 合NASSER,就像一場 子音 樂 大混戰裡面一觸即發的手榴彈,將傳統的音樂世界炸得翻天覆地。
Embracing a radical style with high jumps and
hard kicks,
[...] deafening guitar riffs and stripping electro mix, NASSER is a grenade unpined in the electro scrum that turns the rejuvenating music world upside down.
(a) 制訂新法例,進㆒步減低空氣、音 和 水污染,包括:管制手提撞擊式破碎機; 增加空氣污染罪行的刑罰和簡化有關發出消減空氣污染滋擾通知書的手續;管 制石棉的使用;管制廢物處理裝置的使用和維修,並訂立條文規定樓宇業主將 廢物排放入公共污水渠;設立㆒項收費制度,就處理工業污水,使之符合標準 而徵收費用,以及立例管制化學廢物的處理,並徵收費用。
They cover controls of hand held percussion breakers; increases in penalties and improvements in the procedure for abatement notices to air pollution offences; controls on the use of asbestos; controls on the use and maintenance of waste treatment plants, provision to direct property owners to discharge wastes into public sewers; for a system of charging for treating of industrial effluent to specified quality and regulations to control the disposal of chemical waste and charge for it.
国家中央局还进行其他具体工 作,例如任命反恐联络员;把刑警组织的
I-24/7 计算机系统同各警察单位联系 起来,使移徙和移民事务总局能够进入刑警组织的固定网络数据库和机动网络数
[...] 据库,检查国际机场旅客名单,以防止恐怖 子 入 境 和过境;更新丢失和被盗护 照数据库;以及调查和登记希望在萨尔瓦多活动的各国际基金会。
The National Central Bureau carried out other specific work such as appointing the terrorism liaison official; linking the INTERPOL I-24/7 computer system and police units, giving the General Directorate of Migration and Immigration access to the Fixed Interpol Network Database and Mobile Interpol Network Database (FIND/MIND) to check passenger
lists at the international airport in order
[...] to prevent terrorists from entering and [...]
passing through the country; updating the
database of lost and stolen passports; and investigating and registering international foundations that wanted to operate in the country.




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