

单词 子细胞




See also:

细胞 n

cytoplasm n

born of the same parents

External sources (not reviewed)

它们能够通过有丝分裂,形成两个干细胞(增加干性群组的数目);或形成一个分化为多种 胞 类 型 的 子细胞 和 一 个保特干 胞 特 性 的 子细胞。
They are capable of dividing by mitosis to form either two stem cells (increasing the size
of the stem population), or one daughter cell that goes on to differentiate
[...] into a variety of cell types, and one daughter cell that retains stem-cell properties.
治疗往往选择性地杀死一些侵害程度较少 细胞 群( 子细胞 ) , 提 升 癌症干细胞变成恶性与低侵略性细胞的比例。
What normally occurs is that the treatment selectively kills the less harmful populations of cells (daughter cells), increasing the ratio of CSCs to benign and/or less malignant cells.
细胞在分裂时,由于被称为“纺锤体”的胞内细胞器的作用,作为遗传信息主体的染色体被平均分配 子细胞 中。
During cell division, chromosomes that carry
genetic information are segregated
[...] equally to each daughter cell by an intracellular machinery called "mitotic spindle".
子细胞外被 与质膜间也观察到非溶酶体酸性磷酸酶。
Non-lysosomal acid phosphatase was observed
[...] between the spore coat and spore membrane.
在前柄细胞分化阶段,前柄细胞中出现数个自噬泡,最初吞噬的线粒体嵴结构完整;随着前柄细胞进一步分化,部分线粒体内出现类似于前 子细胞 中 出现的内自噬现象,并且自噬泡只吞噬这种线粒体。
During the culmination stage, the nucleus changed a lot and did not
remain structural integrity any
[...] more, some high electronic spots of condensed [...]
chromatin appeared in the nucleus, the nucleolus
diminished gradually, but the karyotheca remained intact.
最后形成单层膜的空泡;据此我们推测前 子细胞 特 有的空泡来源于线粒体,并且这种细胞器水平上的内自噬现象与前 子细胞 分 化 密切相关。
These results suggest that the prespore cell vacuoles is resulted from the disruption of cristea in mitochondrion, and this endoautophagy occuring at organelle level has something to do with the differentiation of prespore cell.
在细胞丘阶段,酶反应颗粒出现在线粒体内自噬空泡内,随着内自噬空泡的逐渐增大,线粒体内的酶反应颗粒逐渐增多,线粒体内嵴结构不断破坏,直至遍布整个空泡化的线粒体内;当细胞发育至前 子细胞 时 , 由于嵴结构被完全破坏,酶反应颗粒主要集中在前 子细胞 空 泡 的单层膜上,空泡化的线粒体内酶反应颗粒逐渐消失。
The enzyme activity was localized within the small vacuoles nearby the outer membrane of some mitochondria at mound stage during Dictyostelium discoideum development.
卢森堡系统生物医学中心(LCSB)开发 并应用系统级方法来了解人类疾病 的子和细胞机制
The Luxembourg Centre for Systems Biomedicine (LCSB)
develops and applies systems-level approaches to gain
[...] insight into the molecular and cellular mechanisms [...]
of human diseases.
我公司拥有三台超微纳米粉碎设备,用常温纯物理超微纳米粉碎技术,精选清洁干燥新鲜的段木灵芝孢子粉为原料,把灵芝孢子粉原料制成中心粒径为0.3μm甚至更小的超微 子 , 细胞 破 壁 率或破膜率达99%以上,该技术不仅保存了灵芝孢子粉的全部有效成分,而且超微粒子极易吸附在人体小肠壁上,这样可使灵芝 子细胞 中 的 有效成分得以充分释放及被人体充分吸收。
Our company owns three micro nanometer broken equipments, uses the micro nanometer smashing technology with normal temperature and pure physics, selects the clean、 dry and  fresh basewood ganoderma lucidum spore powder as raw
material, makes the
[...] ganoderma lucidum spore powder  into micro granule which the central particle size is 0.3um or even smaller, the cell shell-broken rate or the broken membrane rate above 99%, this technology has not only preserved the effective component completely of ganoderma lucidum spore powder ,moreover the micro granule is extremely easy to adsorb on the human intestinal wall.
此外,他们证明了Cyclin D2在神经干胞分裂2个子细胞时,传递到与基底膜面突起共存的单 子细胞 中 ,并起到了将该细胞生命维持在未分化状态的作用。
This study has also revealed that Cyclin D2
is inherited by one
[...] of the two daughter cells with the basal process during cell divisions of neural progenitors into two daughter cells, and [...]
it plays a role to maintain
the cell fates undifferentiated.
该项目计划延续至下两个双年度,可以在该项目下举办国际生物化学 和分子生物学联盟/国际基础科学计划(IUBMB/IBSP) 子 和 细胞 生 物 学方面的高级培训学 校,如 2008 年在赫曼努斯(南非)举办的感染的 子 和 细胞 学 基 础的培训学校或计划于 2009 年在新德里(印度)举办的关于自身免疫疾病的分子生物学的培训学校。
The project, which is planned to continue during the next two biennia,
may incorporate
[...] IUBMB/IBSP advanced schools in molecular and cell biology such as that held in 2008 in Hermanus (South Africa) on Molecular and Cellular Basis of Infection, or [...]
the one planned
for 2009 in New Delhi (India) on Molecular Biology of Autoimmune Diseases.
三位得奖学生将于今年九月,分别修读普林斯顿大学的比较文学、牛津 大学的子及细胞生物化学及达特矛斯学院的生物化学及分子生物学学 士学位课程。
The three Hong Kong Hang Seng Scholars will take up undergraduate studies in comparative literature at Princeton University; molecular and cellular biochemistry at the University of Oxford and biochemistry and molecular biology at Dartmouth College respectively this September.
1975年他重返索尔克研究所子与细胞 生 物学实验室担任副教授,现为索尔克研究所癌症研究中心主任暨 子 与 细胞 生 物 学实验室域纳 图‧杜比高癌症研究讲座教授。
He rejoined the Salk Institute as an
Assistant Professor in
[...] 1975 in the Molecular and Cell Biology Laboratory, where he is currently the Renato Dulbecco Chair in Cancer Research and Director of the Salk Institute Cancer Center.
大量实验研究发现,轴突导向子1对 神 经 细胞 的 定 向迁移有诱导作用。
Many experimental studies have demonstrated that netrin-1 induces directional nerve cell migration.
而更重要的是,霍夫曼证实了 Dif 的活动受一种称为 Toll 的分子所控制,这种子存在于细胞 表 面,可侦测病原体。
Even more important, Hoffmann showed that Dif activation
[...] depended on a molecule called Toll, which exists on the cell surface and [...]
is in the right position to detect pathogens.
治疗使用先进的Nanoxidil ,这种化合物是一系列复杂有效子 的 组 合, 细胞 内 发挥多种机制的作用,解决了多种触发并导致脱发。
The first treatment to utilize
Nanoxidil, this compound is a complex
[...] matrix that opens ions channels within cells and exerts [...]
multiple mechanisms of action to
address over a dozen triggers that lead to hair fall out.
[...] 型方程进行计算精确性会降低,而且还没有考虑特定原料的影响,例如一些非营养 子 或是 细胞壁的结构的影响。
Ingredients and diets should be created using chemical composition only when no other option is available, but users should be aware that the generic equations used in the calculations are less precise
and fail to take into account ingredient-specific effects such as
[...] anti-nutritional factors or the structure of cell walls.
胚胎中存在的未分化的生殖细胞可活跃地增殖,但我们让转录控制因子Larp7失去功能后,发现诱导了阻止 胞 周 期 进行的遗传 子 , 并 使 细胞 增 殖 停止的现象。
However, it was discovered that when the transcriptional regulator Larp7 did not function, the expression of the gene that inhibits the progress of the cell cycle was induced and the growth stopped.
东北大学大学院医学系研究科的大隅典子教授、恒川雄二研究员(当时,现就职:Scripps研究所)们,发现了在发育期的哺乳类神经干 胞 中 , 细胞 周 期 调节 子 C y c lin D2 (细胞周期 蛋白D2) 存在于大脑原基外侧的基底膜面前端(基底膜面突起)。
A research group led by Professor Noriko Osumi at Tohoku University Graduate School of Medicine and Research Fellow Yuji Tsunekawa (currently at the Scripps Research Institute) has discovered that Cyclin D2, a cell cycle regulation factor, localizes at the tip of the basal process, the most surface side the brain premordium, in the mammalian neural progenitor cells.
第一种假说认为,LH对颗粒细胞的刺激作用终止减数分裂抑制 子 流 向卵 母 细胞 , 从 而使卵 细胞 隔 离 这些抑制因子并进而促使减数分裂恢复,第二种假设认为LH刺激颗粒细胞产生一种减数分裂诱导信号,该信号进而克服或者破坏减数分裂抑制因子的作用。
The second hypothesis is that LH stimulates the generation of a meiosis inducing signal by the granulosa cells that overcomes or destroys the meiosis arresting factor(s).
目前,用于在征兆可发觉之前查明早期癌症或癌症前期患者,检测手段包括针对乳腺癌的乳房X线、用 子 宫 颈癌 的 细胞 学 检 测(宫颈抹片)、用于肝癌、腺癌和鼻咽癌的肿瘤生物标记检查等。
These examinations include the following: Mammography for breast cancer, Papsmear cytology for cervical cancer, Tumor markers for hepatocellular cancer, adenocarcinoma, nasopharyngeal cancer.
技术上的问题主要细胞内低丰度 子 的 检测,缺少“通用 细胞 通 透 物质 细胞 自 发荧光的干扰效应,荧光分子间发射光谱的重叠,以及缺少可识别目标分子的试剂。
[...] issues persist around detection of low abundance molecules in intracellular compartments, the lack of "universal" [...]
cell permeabilizing
chemistries, confounding effects from cell autofluorescence, overlap of emission spectra between fluorochromes, and unavailability of reagents for targeting molecules of interest.
日本经济新闻及其子版以"iPS细胞, 安 全制作,DNAVEC,效率提高"为题,就本公司和先端医疗振兴财团先端医疗中心的共同研究中,使用仙台病毒载体从脐带血由来造血干细胞成功制作出iPS细胞的成果发表于《美国国家科学院院刊》作了报道。
NIHON KEIZAI SHIMBUN, print and electronic editions, published an article titled "Generation of safe iPS cells, DNAVEC improves [...]
efficiency," reporting
that DNAVEC, in collaboration with the Institute of Biomedical Research and Innovation (IBRI), succeeded to generate iPS cells from hematopoietic stem cells derived from umbilical cord blood and that the achievement is to be published in the journal, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (PNAS).
免疫学中心的实验室运用了一系列先进的知识技术(包括X射线晶体学、合成化学、基因 细胞 因 子的 阵 列、转基因动物、流式细胞术和蛋白质组学),从多学科角度研究人体和小鼠的免疫系统。
Laboratories in the Centre for Immunology use sophisticated technologies including X-ray crystallography, synthetic chemistry, gene and cytokine arrays, genetically modified animals, flow cytometry and proteomics in a multidisciplinary approach to studying immunity in humans, and in mice.
(b) 采用疾病实验模型获取的研究结果(例如,通过动物和培 细胞 ,往 往再加上细胞、生物化学和子一 级 的辐射影响研究),该研究可就生物效应 或产生疾病的机理提供信息。
(b) The results of studies using experimental models of disease
(i.e. with animals and cultured cells, often coupled with studies of radiation
[...] effects at the subcellular, biochemical and molecular levels) that can provide information on [...]
the mechanism through which the biological effect or disease arises.
其他要着重指出的一些倡议包括:乳癌 子 宫 颈 癌检查行动计划,该计划增 加乳房 X 线照射、乳房活组织检查和病理 细胞 检 查的次数,和减少比较激烈的 切割外科手术治疗;乡村产科护理行动例如培训医生/护士紧急治疗能力,以及 鼓励正常分娩;镰刀型贫血症病患治疗国家方案,该方案特别着重生殖年龄妇女; 流动紧急治疗服务。
Other noteworthy initiatives include the Breast and Cervical Cancer Screening Action Plan, which provided increased numbers of mammograms, breast biopsies and Pap smears and reduced the number of radical, mutilating surgeries; field-level obstetrical care, such as training in emergency care for doctors and nurses and normal childbirth campaigns; the National Sickle-Cell Anaemia Carrier Treatment Programme, which focuses on women of reproductive age; and the Mobile Emergency Care Service.




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