单词 | 子基金 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 子基金 noun —seed fund nSee also:基金 n—fund n • funds pl 金子 n—gold
基金經理認為,子基金並無面對重大 貨幣風險,故並無呈列敏感度分析。 htisec.com | The Manager considers the Sub-Fund is not exposed to [...] significant currency risk and therefore no sensitivity analysis is presented. htisec.com |
期內子基金與基金經理 及其關連人士訂立的所有交易是在日常業務過程中按正常商業條款訂立。 htisec.com | All transactions entered into during the period between the Sub-Fund and the Manager [...] and its connected persons were carried [...]out in the normal course of business and on normal commercial terms. htisec.com |
倘交易對手可選擇支付款項的時間, 該負債將分配至子基金可被 要求付款的最早期間。 htisec.com | When a counterparty has a choice of [...] when the amount is paid, the liability is allocated to the earliest [...] period in which the Sub-Fund can be required to pay. htisec.com |
子基金根據 香港稅務條例第 26A(1A)條的認可營業活動所產生溢利獲豁免繳納香港利得稅。 htisec.com | The Sub-Fund is exempt from Hong [...] Kong profit tax on profits arising from authorised activities under Section 26A(1A) of [...]the Hong Kong Inland Revenue Ordinance. htisec.com |
就基金經理所知,除財務報表附註 4 及下文所披露者 外,子基金並無 與關連人士進行任何其他交易。 htisec.com | To the best of the Manager's [...] knowledge, the Sub-Fund does not have any other transactions with connected persons except for what is disclosed in Note 4 to the financial statements and below. htisec.com |
到目前為止,基金經理認為此等新訂及 經修訂IFRS不大可能會對子基金的財 務表現業績或狀況有重大影響。 htisec.com | So far, the Manager considers that these new and revised IFRSs [...] are unlikely to have a significant [...] impact on the Sub-Fund's results of financial performance or position for the SubFund. htisec.com |
(d) 該等可贖回基金單位並不包括交付現金或其他財務資產的任何合約責任,惟持有人按持股比例享 有子 基金淨資產的權利除外。 htisec.com | (d) The redeemable units do not include any contractual obligation to [...] deliver cash or another financial asset other than the holder's rights to a [...] pro-rata share of the Sub-Fund's net assets. htisec.com |
已頒布但尚未生效的國際財務報告準則的影響 已頒布但尚未生效的國際財務報告準則的影響 已頒布但尚未生效的國際財務報告準則的影響 在本財務報表中,子基金並未 應用下列已頒布但尚未生效的新訂及經修訂 IFRS。 htisec.com | The Sub-Fund has not applied the following new and revised IFRSs that have been issued but are not yet effective, in these financial statements. htisec.com |
然而,如果收到 [...] 大規模的贖回要求,基金經理可能需要按重大折讓將投資平倉,以應付該等要求,在此情況 下 子基金可 能因而招致虧損。 htisec.com | However, if sizable redemption requests are received, the Manager may need to [...] liquidate investment at a substantial discount in order to satisfy such [...] requests and the Sub-Fund may suffer losses [...]as a result. htisec.com |
IAS 39 所訂明及財務報表附註 2.4 所披露的投資持倉估值,與按日期為二零一一年八月六日 的子 基金信託 契約所示方法計算所得金額之間的差額,導致在計算每基金單位資產淨值以處 理 子基金 認 購 及贖 回時計算子基金於二 零一二年十二月三十一日的資產淨值中產生差額人民幣 7,337,726 元(二零一一年: 人民幣 10,842,390 元)。 htisec.com | The difference between the valuation of investment position as prescribed by IAS 39 [...] and as disclosed in [...] Note 2.4 to the financial statements, and the methodology indicated in the Sub-Fund's Trust Deed dated 6 August 2011 results in a difference in the calculation of the Sub-Fund's net asset value [...]of RMB7,337,726 (2011: [...]RMB10,842,390) as of 31 December 2012 for the purpose of calculating the net asset value per unit for processing subscription and redemptions in the Sub-Fund. htisec.com |
按照一般市場規定或慣例須在一定期間內交付資產之財務資產買賣(常規買賣),須於交易日(即 子基金承諾 購買或出售該財務資產之日期)確認。 htisec.com | Purchases or sales of financial assets that require delivery of assets within the time frame generally established by regulation or convention in the marketplace (regular way [...] trades) are recognised on the trade date, i.e., the [...] date that the Sub-Fund commits to purchase [...]or sell the financial asset. htisec.com |
這些委員強調,當局除提供種子基金 讓 社企創業外,亦應 提供全面的支援服務協助社企持續發展。 legco.gov.hk | These members stressed that in [...] addition to providing seed money for starting [...]social enterprises, there should be comprehensive [...]support services for their sustainable development. legco.gov.hk |
一名 委員建議政府探 討設立種 子 基金的可 行 性 , 以協助電影業新秀 [...] 和新成立的電影公司發展電影事業。 legco.gov.hk | A Member suggested that the Government should explore the feasibility of [...] establishing a seed fund to assist new [...]talents and start-ups in the film industry. legco.gov.hk |
这些项目与联苏特派团和全国选举委员会密切协作和协调执行,包括起 [...] 草各单位有关选民登记的计划,制订全面的选举预算,用选举 篮 子基金 提 供 的资 金采购物品和服务,协调国际社会为选举工作进行的财务合作。 daccess-ods.un.org | These projects, pursued in close collaboration and coordination with UNMIS and the National Elections Commission, included preparation of unit plans for the registration process, a comprehensive election [...] budget, procurement of goods and [...] services funded by the Elections Basket Fund and coordination [...]of international financial [...]cooperation for the electoral process. daccess-ods.un.org |
(a)子基金將資 產之絕大部分風險及回報轉讓,或 ( b ) 子基金 概 無轉讓或保留資產之絕大部分風險及 回報,但已將資產控制權轉讓。 htisec.com | Either (a) the Sub-Fund has transferred substantially all the risks and rewards of the asset, or (b) the Sub-Fund has neither transferred [...] nor retained [...]substantially all the risks and rewards of the asset, but has transferred control of the asset. htisec.com |
為避免因成立旅監局而令業界在短期內大幅增加經營 [...] 成本,或不合理地加重旅遊大眾的負擔,我們建議政府向旅監 局提供一筆一次過撥款作為種子基金 , 以 支付成立費用和部分 營運開支,及作為應急儲備,應付因市況極為惡劣而令年度收 [...]入減少的情況。 legco.gov.hk | To avoid substantially increasing the operating costs of the trade upon the establishment of the TIA, and causing an unreasonable burden to the travelling public, we propose that [...] the Government should provide [...] a one-off capital grant to the TIA as seed money for meeting [...]the set-up cost and part of the [...]operating expenses, and as contingency reserve in events of extremely poor market conditions which would reduce its annual income. legco.gov.hk |
梁議員又不同意為長者提供種子基金 創 業的建議, 因為讓長者承擔經營業務的風險是錯誤的做法。 legco.gov.hk | Mr LEUNG also disagreed with the [...] proposal of providing seed money for the elderly [...]to start business, as it was wrong to [...]let the elderly take risks in running business. legco.gov.hk |
凡子基金關於應付基金單位持有人的分派及其他短期應付賬款的金額 [...] 均歸入此類別。 htisec.com | The Sub-Fund includes in this [...] category amounts relating to distribution payable to unitholders and other short-term payables. htisec.com |
子基金的投 資目標乃主要透過投資於(不少於其資產淨值的 80%)中國的人民幣定息證券,達致資本升 [...] 值及賺取收入。 htisec.com | The investment [...] objective of the Sub-Fund is to achieve capital [...]appreciation and income generation by primarily (i.e. not [...]less than 80% of its net assets) investing in the PRC Renminbi (“RMB”) fixed income securities. htisec.com |
拟议为目前与燕子基金会有 合同关系的霍加皮电台以下人员设立 60 个员额 (7 个本国干事和 53 个本国一般事务人员):7 个新闻干事(本国干事)、8 个电台 广播技术员(本国一般事务人员)、8 [...] 个司机(本国一般事务人员)、6 个行政助理(本 国一般事务人员)、23 [...]个记者(本国一般事务人员)和 8 个节目制作人/播音员(本 国一般事务人员)。 daccess-ods.un.org | It is proposed to establish 60 posts [...] (7 National Officer and 53 national General Service) for the following staff of Radio [...]Okapi that currently [...]hold contracts with the Fondation Hirondelle: 7 Public Information Officers (National Officer), 8 Radio Broadcast Technicians (national General Service), 8 Drivers (national General Service), 6 Administrative Assistants (national General Service), 23 Journalists (national General Service) and 8 Programme Producers/Presenters (national General Service). daccess-ods.un.org |
一揽子基金还将 支助选民登记 进程,选举法的改革,所有计划中选举的举办和有限地支持地区和县办事处的设 [...] 备配备。 daccess-ods.un.org | The basket fund will also provide [...] support to the voter registration process, reform of the electoral laws, organization [...]of all planned elections and limited support to equip the regional and district offices. daccess-ods.un.org |
在“(三)”之後加上“設立一站式社會企業支援服務中心,”;在 [...] “切合實際需要的支援”之前刪除“訂定”,並以“提供”代替,及 [...] 在其後加上“、培訓及顧問”;在“包括提供”之後加上“ 種 子基 金、短期租金減免、”;在“締造有利成長的環境”之後加上“,包 [...]括制訂有助促進社會企業的政府採購政策,推動政府部門及公營機構 [...] 向社會企業批出更多服務外判合約”;在“加強對大眾的培訓,”之 後刪除“教導他們如何”,並以“為有志投身社會企業的人士提供課 程以”代替;在“發展社會企業時,須”之後 除“走出純社工界別 的框框,”;及在“鼓勵及廣泛接納”之後 除“有心有力的”。 legco.gov.hk | To delete "putting in place support" after "(c)" and substitute with "setting up a one-stop social enterprises support services centre to provide support, training and advisory"; to add "seed money, short-term rent remission," after "including the provision of"; to add ", including formulating a [...] government procurement policy which helps [...] promote social enterprises and giving impetus [...]to government departments and public organizations [...]to outsource more service contracts to such enterprises" after "an environment conducive to their growth"; to delete "so as to teach them how" after "the general public" and substitute with "and providing courses for those who aspire to join such enterprises in order"; to delete "break away from the confines of the pure social work sector by encouraging and embracing" after "the community should, in developing social enterprises," and substitute with "encourage and embrace"; and to delete "willing and capable" after "the participation of". legco.gov.hk |
公约基金会内部设立了一个专门负责加强秘书处职能 的 子基金 会。 unesdoc.unesco.org | A sub-fund has therefore been established within [...] the Convention Fund in order to build [...]the secretariat’s capacity. unesdoc.unesco.org |
管理費 基金經理有權向子基金按年 收取管理費,該費用 按 子基金 下 每個類別可贖回基金單位的持有人應佔資產 淨值的 1.2%(A 類基金單位)及 0.8%(I 類基金單位)於每個交易日計算及累算(合共最高達總計每年 [...] 2.5%,須向基金單位持有人發出不少於一個月的事先通知),並每月支付上月應付費用。 htisec.com | The Manager is entitled to [...] receive, on an annual basis, a management fee from the Sub-Fund, at a rate of 1.2% for [...]Class A units and [...]0.8% for Class I units (up to maximum of 2.5% per annum in total on giving not less than one month’s prior notice to the unitholders) per annum with respect to the net assets attributable to holders of redeemable units of each class of the Sub-Fund calculated and accrued on each dealing day and are paid monthly in arrears. htisec.com |
主席建 議,為 進一步發展社會 [...] 企 業 和協助婦女 在當地 社 區 開展業務,政府應成立基金,為 上 述 目 的提 供種子 基金。 legco.gov.hk | The Chairman suggested that to further develop social enterprises and assist women to [...] start their business in the local community, the Government should [...] establish a fund to provide seed money for such purpose. legco.gov.hk |
(e) 該等可贖回基金單位於其年期內應佔之總預期現金流,相當程度上以工具年期 內 子基金 的 盈虧、經確 認淨資產變動或經確認及未經確認淨資產的公平值變動計算。 htisec.com | (e) The total expected cash flows attributable to [...] the redeemable units over the life of [...] the instrument are based substantially on [...]the profit or loss, the change in the recognised [...]net assets or the change in the fair value of the recognised and unrecognised net assets of the Sub-Fund over the life of the instrument. htisec.com |
有關貨品和服務必須證明是對子基金 有 利 ,並可包括研究和諮詢服務、經濟及政治分析、投資組合分析 [...] (包括估值和表現衡量、市場分析、數據及報價服務、與上述貨品和服務有關的電腦軟件和硬件)、結算 及託管服務,以及和投資有關的刊物。 htisec.com | The goods and services must be of [...] demonstrable benefit to the Sub-Fund and may include [...]research and advisory services, economic [...]and political analysis, portfolio analysis including valuation and performance measurement, market analysis and data and quotation services, computer hardware and software incidental to the above goods and services, clearing and custodian services and investmentrelated publications. htisec.com |
財政司司長在2006-2007年度財政預算案演辭中表示,政府當 [...] 局會進一步協助社會企業的發展,例如成立 種 子基金 以 助設立社會企 業,以及利便社會企業參與競投政府合約。 legco.gov.hk | The Financial Secretary stated in his 2006-2007 Budget speech that the Administration would assist [...] further in the development of SEs, such [...] as by setting up seed funds to assist the formation [...]of SEs and facilitating participation [...]by SEs in tenders of Government contracts. legco.gov.hk |
我們只是請政 府撥一些款項出來設立種子基金,然 後由民間主導,一直慢慢滾存下 去,並須配合政府在發展權轉移方面的政策,而不要一如張宇人議員 [...] 剛才所說像“ 扑傻瓜” 般,稍有異動便制訂臨時的“ 發展審批地區 圖 ”(DPA),又或好像張學明議員所說般以圈地當作保育。 legco.gov.hk | We have only requested that the Government make some [...] provisions to set up a seed fund, which will then [...]be led by the community and gradually [...]amassed to a larger amount, and it has to tie in with the policy of the Government on the transfer of development rights, instead of drawing up interim Development Permission Area (DPA) plans at times of some slight irregularities as in the "hit-the-dumb" game illustrated earlier on by Mr Tommy CHEUNG, or fencing off land for conservation as said by Mr CHEUNG Hok-ming. legco.gov.hk |
該表亦分析子基金財務 資產(在適用情況下不予折現)的到期概況,以提 供 子基金 的 合 約承擔及 流動資金的全面概覽。 htisec.com | The table also [...] analyses the maturity profile of the Sub-Fund's financial assets (undiscounted where appropriate) in order to provide a complete view of the Sub-Fund's contractual [...]commitments and liquidity. htisec.com |