

单词 嬿





live in widowhood (formal)


rich widow



External sources (not reviewed)

这笔所需经费用于三位前秘书长的退休 津贴和一位前秘书长遗孀按减半计算的退休津贴,是根据自 2010 年 1 月 1 日起 应付最高退休金计算的。
The requirements under this provision provide for the retirement allowances of three former Secretaries-General and the widow of one former Secretary-General at the half rate based on the maximum retirement benefit payable as from 1 January 2010.
167 董事会可为任何现时为或於任何时间曾经为本公司、属本公司附属公司的任 何公司或与本公司或其任何附属公司结成联盟或联营的任何公司雇用或服 务,或现时身为或於任何时间曾经出任本公司或上述任何其他公司的董事或 高级职员,并出任或曾出任本公司或该等其他公司的受薪职位或高级职位的 任何人士,以及该等任何人士的妻子、遗孀、家属及受养人的利益,设立及 维持或促使设立及维持任何供款或非供款退休金或公积金或离职金计划或 (经普通决议批准)雇员或行政人员购股权计划,或给予或促使给予上述任 何人士捐赠、退休酬金、退休金、津贴或报酬。
167 The Board may establish and maintain or procure the establishment and maintenance of any contributory or non-contributory pension or provident or superannuation funds or (with the sanction of an ordinary resolution) employee or executive share option schemes for the benefit of, or give or procure the giving of donations, gratuities, pensions, allowances or emoluments to any persons who are or were at any time in the employment or service of the Company, or of any company which is a subsidiary of the Company, or is allied or associated with the Company or with any such subsidiary company, or who are or were at any time directors or officers of the Company or of any such other company as aforesaid, and holding or who have held any salaried employment or office in the Company or such other company, and the wives, widows, families and dependents of any such persons.
就本公司细则而言,雇员 购股计划指为鼓励或协助本公司、本公司附属公司或控股公司或 本公司控股公司的附属公司的真正雇员或前雇员或该等雇员或 前雇员的配偶、遗孀、鳏夫或二十一岁以下的子女或继子女或为 该等公司或人士的利益持有本公司股份或债券的计划。
For the purposes of this Bye-law, an employees' share scheme is a scheme for encouraging or facilitating the holding of shares or debentures in the Company by or for the benefit of the bona fide employees or former employees of the Company, the Company's subsidiary or holding company or subsidiary of the Company's holding company, or the wives, husbands, widows, widowers or children or step-children under the age of twenty-one of such employees or former employees.
联合国还通过项目支持种族灭绝遗孀协会,该项目是通过向身患艾滋病毒/ 艾滋病的种族灭绝遗孀协会成员和受益人宣传他们的财产和继承权,建设律师助 理在财产和继承权方面的能力,同时向受害者提供与财产和继承争端相关的法律 援助。
The United Nations is also supporting AVEGA through a project aimed at building capacity of paralegals in property and inheritance rights through sensitization of members and beneficiaries of AVEGA who are living with HIV/AIDS, about their property and inheritance rights, and at providing legal assistance to victims relating to property and succession disputes.
被视为等同于退伍军人和伤残军人的人、在伟大的卫国战争中捐躯军人的父 母和配偶、伤残军人的遗孀和战争年代在国内工作的人也将得到物质支持。
Persons considered equivalent to veterans and disabled soldiers, parents and spouses of military men who died in the Great Patriotic War, widows of disabled soldiers and invalids and workers on the home front during the military years will also get material support.
(13) 以授予资金或其他援助或本公司认为合适的其他方式,为现时或以往受雇於本公司或本 公司(业务或名称)任何前身公司的人士及该等人士的妻子、遗孀及家庭提供福利。
(13) To provide for the welfare of persons employed or formerly employed by the Company or any predecessors (in business or in title) of the Company and the wives, widows and families of such persons by grants of money or other aid or otherwise as the Company shall think fit.
该国政府告知工作组,根据民事补偿规定,Munir Said Thalib 先生的遗孀 领取了赔偿金,并未发现恐吓或报复受害者家庭的事件。
The Government informed the Working Group that under civil remedies Mr. Munir Said Thalib’s wife received an indemnity and that it is not aware of any incidents of intimidation or reprisal against the victim’s family.
1966年,侯谢的遗孀委托巴黎的德福奥拍卖会(Hôtel Drouot)拍卖一批常玉画作,一直到1990年前後,大多数的常玉油画作品仍在欧洲画商或收藏家的手上。
In 1966, Roché’s widow commissioned the Paris auction house Hôtel Drouot to sell a set of Sanyu’s painting, and most of the artist’s work remained in the hands of European dealers and collectors until about 1990, when Taiwan art dealers and Asian collectors began to acquire and collect his work.
老年贫穷看起来是由于缺乏保护机 制造成的,但也是特定政策(例如,强制退休年龄、缺乏保障最低 生活标准的社会保护)以及遭到经济剥削或权利被剥夺(例如,孀妇 没有继承权)等原因造成的。
Old-age poverty appears to be a result of the lack of protection mechanisms, as well as a consequence of specific policies (for example, mandatory retirement ages and inadequate social protections to ensure a minimum standard of living), financial exploitation or denial of rights (for example, no inheritance rights for widows).
关于 2009 年 3 月维埃拉总统和塔格梅·纳瓦耶 总参谋长遭刺杀案调查委员会的工作,检察长通知 我,调查已接近完成,他需要会见在国外的证人,包 括已故总统遗孀。
With respect to the Commission of Inquiry into the March 2009 assassinations of President Vieira and Chief of General Staff Tagme Na Waie, the Prosecutor General informed me that the investigation is nearing completion and that he needed to meet witnesses who are abroad, including the widow of the late President.
董事可设立及维持或促使设立及维持任何供款或非供款长俸或退休金或个人 长俸计划,或给予或促使给予捐赠、约满酬金、长俸、津贴或酬金,受益人 可为任何现时或过去曾在本公司、其附属公司、本公司或其附属公司的任何 关连或联营公司任职的人士,或现时或过去曾在本公司或上述其他公司出任 董事或高级职员的人士,或现时或过去曾在本公司或上述其他公司担任受薪 职位或职务的人士及任何该等人士的配偶、遗孀、鳏夫、家属及受供养人 士。
The Directors may establish and maintain or procure the establishment and maintenance of any contributory or noncontributory pension or superannuation funds or personal pension plans for the benefit of, or give or procure the giving of donations, gratuities, pensions, allowances or emoluments to, any persons who are or were at any time in the employment or service of the Company, or of any company which is a subsidiary of the Company, or is allied or associated with the Company or with any such subsidiary company, or who are or were at any time directors or officers of the Company or of any such other company as aforesaid, and holding or who have held any salaried employment or office in the Company or such other company, and the spouses, widows, widowers, families and dependants of any such persons.
根据实 际领取退休金、社会补助、卫国战争军人遗孀补助金的人数,退休年龄人口占土 库曼斯坦居民总人数的 4.8%(截止 2008 年 1 月 1 日)。
According to data on actual recipients of pensions, social benefits and allowances paid to widows of Great Patriotic War veterans, the share of persons of pensionable age in the population at large is 4.8 per cent (as at 1 January 2008).
在赋予经济权力方面,联合国继续支持种族灭绝遗孀协会成员和贝宁普韦 妇女协会的能力建设举措,发展和加强她们制作供出口的手工艺品和生产 Agaseke 篮子(和平篮子)的技能。
In terms of economic empowerment, the United Nations continues to support capacity-building initiatives of AVEGA members and Benimpuhwe associations to develop and enhance their skills in handicrafts and the production of the Agaseke baskets (peace baskets) for export.




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