

单词 嬉水池

See also:



pool n
pond n

surname Chi

External sources (not reviewed)

現有設施包括 3 個室嬉水池、1 個室外兒童淺水池和 4 個室內 暖池(50 米主池、嬉水池、訓 練池和跳水池各一個) 。
The existing facilities include three
[...] outdoor leisure pools, one outdoor paddling pool, and four indoor heated pools comprising a 50-metre main pool, a leisure pool, a training pool and a diving pool.
(d) 拆除副池毗鄰的現有兒嬉水池;以
(d) demolition of the existing
[...] children’s fun pool adjacent to the secondary pool; and
(i) 正在興 建中的 大 角 咀 市 政 大 廈 ,
[...] 包括一個 25 米 的 訓練池 和 一嬉 水 池 ,工程 預計在 2005 年年中 [...]
落 成 。
(i) The Tai Kok Tsui Municipal Services Building which is now under construction will include one 25-metre
[...] heated training pool and one leisure pool.
康文署提供的暖水泳池設施當中,除池水較深的主池外,還有池水較淺 的練池及嬉水池,以 滿足不同泳客的需要。
Apart from the heated main pools where the water is
deeper, some training and
[...] leisure pools where the water is shallower also [...]
have heated pool facilities so as to satisfy the needs of different swimmers.
你不讓 他們嬉水池,又 不讓他們到小童池,他們永遠也不懂游泳。
If FC Members are not allowed to
[...] swim in leisure pools, and if they are [...]
not allowed to swim in toddlers' pools either, they will never be able to swim.
每個泳館內可設有不同種類的泳池, 例如主池、副池、習泳/訓練池、遊樂 嬉水池 及 跳 水池等。
In each of the complexes, there can be swimming
pools of different types such as main pools, secondary pools, teaching/training
[...] pools, fun/leisure pools and diving pools.
在策劃 階 段 , 由 於 元 朗 區已有一 個 標 準 泳池( 即 元 朗 公 眾 游泳池),
[...] 所以有關方面當時遂 決 定 在 天 水圍提 供 一嬉 水 池 。
At the planning stage, there was already a standard pool in the Yuen Long District (that is, the
[...] Yuen Long Public Swimming Pool).
此命令將何文嬉水泳池指定 為市政局轄區內的公眾泳池。
This Order designates the Ho Man Tin Leisure Pool as a public swimming pool in the Urban Council area.
(c) 把室嬉水池改建 為四線訓練池/熱身池,並在池 面範圍為泳客提供做舒展運動的區域; [...]
(e) 改善跳水設施,包括為跳水運動員提供新的升降 機、跳水台和水力按摩池
(c) conversion of the indoor leisure pool into a four-lane [...]
training/warm-up pool and provision of a stretching area for
swimmers at the pool deck level
馬鞍山游泳池設有一個 50 米的標準室外泳池,沙田賽馬會 游泳池設有一個標準室外暖水池,而顯田游泳池( 第 1 期 ) 則 只 有一嬉 水池和一個訓練池。
They are the Ma On Shan Swimming Pool; the Sha Tin Jockey Club Swimming Pool and the Hin Tin Swimming Pool (phase 1). The Ma On Shan Swimming Pool has a standard outdoor 50-metre pool, Sha Tin Jockey Club Swimming Pool has a standard outdoor heated pool and the Hin Tin Swimming Pool (phase 1) is mainly a leisure pool and a training pool.
現有的元朗游泳池和天水圍游泳池並不足 以應付需求,特別是天水圍游泳池僅有一 嬉水池 , 附 設有一個習 泳池和一個訓練池。
The existing provision of Yuen Long Swimming Pool and Tin Shui Wai Swimming Pool (TSWSP) is not adequate, in particular that the TSWSP is only a leisure pool together with a teaching pool and a training pool.
康文署轄下 37 個公眾泳池場館提供不同種類的泳池設施,包括 50 米主池、50 米副池、跳池、訓練/習池和 嬉水 / 戲 水池。
The 37 public swimming pool complexes managed by the Leisure and Cultural Services Department (LCSD) are provided with various types of pool facilities,
including 50-metre main pools, 50-metre
[...] secondary pools, diving pools, training/teaching pools and leisure/paddling pools.
這些泥土的 含鉛量全低於美國環保局為兒嬉戲 場地所定下的可接水 平,因此不會對健康構成影響。
Results revealed that the soil had lead
concentrations all below
[...] the acceptable level set by the United States Environmental Protection Agency for lead in soil for children playing areas, thus not [...]
posing unacceptable health risk.
也许您希望在往返畅游时不受干扰,也许您希望当自己孩 嬉 戏 于游 乐 池 时 能尽享自由时光,我们体察您的需求,并为此设立了成人专用泳池。
We understand passenger needs; that serious swimmers like to carry out their laps undisturbed, whilst parents
can enjoy free time as their
[...] children can play happily in a dedicated play pool, hence our [...]
child-free pool for grownups.
这些区域安全且设备完善,满足日常娱乐所需,让孩子们有足够的空间 水 、 游 泳、探索 嬉 戏。
Safe and equipped play areas offer daily entertainment and plenty of space for
[...] running, exploring, diving, swimming and, most important of all...playing!
在未禁止这种做法的某些国家中,产出水被弃置于可 能未衬砌不透水隔层的水池中, 甚至直接倒入河流或海洋中。
In some countries where the practice is
[...] not banned, produced water is disposed of in waste ponds, which may not [...]
be lined with impermeable
barriers, or even dumped directly into streams or oceans.
鑑於沙 田 賽馬會游泳池是全港最受歡迎的室外 水池 , 我們預計擬建的室內水池將 會有很多區內居民使用。
As the Sha Tin Jockey Club Swimming Pool is the most popular
[...] outdoor heated pool, it is anticipated that the proposed indoor heated swimming pool will be highly [...]
patronised by local residents.
該項工程的預算費用約為 3.92 億元,設施方面將會包括一個 50 米室外主池、一 個 25 米室內暖水池、一個習泳池、一個訓練池兼熱身池,以及一個兒 池連 按摩設施嬉水設備
Under the Rural Public Works (RPW) and the Urban Minor Works Programmes, District Working Groups (DWGs) are set up in each district to identify projects and monitor their implementation.
在闪耀的碧绿小海湾中,成群结队的鳐鱼在浅水域若隐若现地巡游,而海狮在洪堡洋流的 水 中 嬉 戏。
In the glittering, turquoise-green coves, squadrons of manta rays patrol the shallows while sea lions
[...] cavort in the cool waters of the Humboldt [...]
对于水,除 了为新的时辰“帝舵Hydronaut二”的选择,如新的TechnoMarine“邮轮体育直径45毫米的追随者mun ir o n t 嬉 戏 钟 表,或选择版本为最酷的“路易威登坦博 水 ” 目 录著名的皮具,“迪奥Chiffre高棉D02型”或精湛的“帆船计时自动”赫尔墨斯。
With regard to scuba diving, in addition to choice as the new chrono "Tudor Hydronaut II", the followers of muniront playful timepiece such as new TechnoMarine "Cruise Sport 45 mm in diameter, or opt for versions as the coolest "Louis Vuitton Tambour Diving" Catalogue of the [...]
famous leather goods,
the "Dior Chiffre Rouge D02" or the superb "Clipper Chrono Automatic" of Hermes.
钓鱼者从工厂的污水排放设备得益不少:排放口处 水 干 净、清澈,在那 嬉 闹 的鱼儿可真不少。
The water at the feed-in point is so clear and pure that a whole [...]
host of fish are attracted to it.
产生差异的主要原因是如下各项所需资源减少:(a) 建筑事务,原因是多年
期项目接近完成以及混合行动采取利用本身资源和军力增强手段的战略;(b) 设
[...] 备购置,主要原因是 2011/12 年度期间计划采购所水罐和化粪池 、 电气设备、 战地防御设备、发电机、净水设备和预制设施,2012/13 [...]
年度期间不再需要为此 编列经费;(c) 给部队和警察派遣国政府的特遣队所属自我维持装备偿款,原因
是根据当地实有的装备计算偿款,并对建制警察部队费用估计数适用了 16%的较 高延迟部署率,而 2011/12 年度期间的延迟部署率是 10%。
The variance is attributable primarily to reduced requirements with respect to: (a) construction services owing to the near completion of the multi-year projects and the Operation’s strategy to engage in-house resources and military enablers; (b) acquisition of
equipment, owing mainly to the planned
[...] procurement of all water and septic tanks, electrical [...]
equipment, field defence equipment,
generators, water purification equipment and prefabricated facilities in 2011/12, for which no provision was made in the 2012/13 period; (c) reimbursement of troop- and policecontributing Governments for contingent-owned self-sustainment equipment, based on actual equipment on the ground and reflecting the application of a higher delayed deployment factor of 16 per cent to the cost estimates for formed police units, as compared with a 10 per cent factor for the 2011/12 period.
尼拉的家庭有一个烧烤,LEM试图问尼拉的日期,但她的 嬉 皮 朋 友,Glar,中断与他的抗议歌曲。
At a barbecue Neera’s family is having, Lem tries to ask Neera on a
[...] date; but her hippie friend, Glar, [...]
keeps interrupting with his protest songs.
V. 一般物品及設備 例如擴音器、對講機、哨子、池、 充 電 池 、 急救箱、急救箱補充 品、蒸水/礦泉水、茶 包、意見箱、信箱、許可證框架、黑板/ 白板/水松板、香港街道圖、訪客記錄冊、節日裝飾品、典禮裝飾 品、證件套連掛繩等。
V. General Supplies & Equipment e.g.
loudhailers, two-way
[...] radios, whistles, batteries, rechargeable batteries, first aid boxes, first aid box refills, distilled water/mineral water, tea bags, suggestion [...]
boxes, letter
boxes, frames for approval letter, blackboards, whiteboards, cork notice-boards, Hong Kong street guide, guest record books, festive decorations, ceremonial decorations, name badges with necklaces, etc.
由於務農是很多新界居民的傳統職業,受收回土地或清拆影響的 新界「農民」,可獲特別為農民而設的特惠補償安排,當中包括以莊稼在收 成後市場價格為基準而定的農作物補償;為建於私人土地上合資格農用構 築物而設的特惠津貼( 津貼參考面積及性質相類構築物的標準單位租金減 去折舊值作出估算,折舊值則按有關構築物的狀況而定);及另外因應農地 上的雜項永久改善工程而設的特惠津貼( 津貼將按更換有關項目的標準價 格減去折舊值而定),改善工程可包括農場設備及裝置, 水池 、 井 、圍 欄 、 灌溉管道/渠道、圍牆、大閘、土堤及其他小型附設裝置。
As farming is a traditional occupation of many New Territories residents, special ex-gratia compensation arrangements are made for “farmers” in the New Territories affected by land resumption or clearance. These include among others a crop compensation, assessed on the basis of the market value of the crops under cultivation; an ex-gratia allowance (EGA) for qualified farm structures on private land, assessed at standard rates based on the type and floor area less depreciation value which makes references to the conditions of the affected farm structures; and another EGA for miscellaneous permanent improvements to farms e.g. farm installation and fixtures such as water ponds, wells, fences, irrigation pipes/ditches, boundary walls, gates, bunds and other minor annexures, assessed at standard rates which are based on the standard replacement rates of the items less their depreciated value.
您可以选择以下设施(根据您所在的邮轮)来度过您的上午时光,例如游泳池(分成人和儿童 池 ) 、 水 上 公 园、健身房、保龄球、迷你高尔夫、游戏厅、4D电影院、图书馆阅览、咖啡馆上网,在MSC水疗中心享受,或者参与到我们为大众开放的常规免费项目。
Choose to spend your morning in one of the many onboard facilities, such as
(depending on your ship) swimming (adults-only
[...] and kids-only pools available), aqua park, gym, [...]
bowling, mini-golf, the games arcade,
4D cinema, browsing in the library, catching up in the Internet café, a moment in the MSC Aurea Spa, or joining in one of our general activities which are free and open to all.
咸水养殖产量只占世界产量7.9%,但占总产值12.8%,因在 水池 塘 养 殖的海水对 虾价值相对要高。
Brackishwater aquaculture yielded only 7.9 percent of world production in terms of quantity but accounted for 12.8 percent of total value because of the relatively high-valued marine shrimps cultured in brackish-water ponds.
同时位于Burrard Inlet东北侧的Belcarra公园,也非常受欢迎,这里的Sasamat湖是全大温地区水温最高的一个湖,每逢夏日,来 嬉水 游 玩的大人孩子狗狗们,络绎不绝。
At about 1.4 hectares in size, it is directly across the inlet from Rocky Point Park and is the northern end of Shoreline Trail.
同时位于Burrard Inlet东北侧的Belcarra公园,也非常受欢迎,这里的Sasamat湖是全大温地区水温最高的一个湖,每逢夏日,来 嬉水 游 玩的大人孩子狗狗们,络绎不绝。
Bert Flinn Park encompasses 138 hectares of largely undeveloped parkland on former industrial lands.




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