

单词 嫖资

See also:

visit a prostitute

External sources (not reviewed)

其他国家还谈到了对性服务需求以嫖 客责任所做的深入研究。
Other States also mentioned research into demand for sexual services and the
[...] responsibility of the clients.
政府列入的罪行 有:出版淫秽刊物、剥削儿童、侵害儿童的残暴行为、花 嫖 淫 儿 童、对儿童的 色情剥削以及贩运儿童的行为。
Thus the Government incorporated the offences of obscene publications, exploitation of children, cruelty to children, procuration, sexual exploitation of children and trafficking.
例如,由于这些国家专门针嫖娼卖淫群体采取了相应的综合预 防方案,这些群体的感染率已出现大幅下降。
In those countries, for example,
comprehensive prevention programmes targeting people who
[...] buy and sell sex had significantly [...]
reduced the infection rates among those population groups.
他有否想過嗜賭嫖是不 對的呢?
Did it ever occur to him that his addiction to gambling and whoring is wrong?
委员会关切嫖童色 情旅游正在滋生形成,然而,缔约国却未采取必要的 防范和打击这种现象的措施。
The Committee is
[...] concerned that child sex tourism is [...]
developing and that the State party has yet to adopt the necessary
measures to prevent and combat this phenomenon.
有关联刚特派团成员进行性剥削和性虐待的指控始于 2004 年,当时,秘书 长首次在提交安全理事会的定期报告中提到这些指控。35 指控对象既有文职人 员,也有军事人员,内容涉及强奸、与未成年人发生性关系、把性作为雇用条件嫖娼。
Allegations of sexual exploitation and abuse by MONUC personnel came to light in 2004, when the Secretary-General first included reference to them in his regular report to the Security Council.35 The allegations, made against both civilian and military staff, included rape, sex with minors, sex for employment and sex with prostitutes.
[...] 罪;犯罪置换的风险和预防犯罪举措促成犯罪的影响;预防金融犯罪;欺诈和 洗钱;预防恐怖主义活动资助恐 怖主义行为;禁毒执法对策;减少与酗酒有 [...]
关的暴力;亲密伴侣实施的暴力或凶杀;人口贩运;以及关于重罪和有组织犯 罪以及预防山林纵火的会议。
Specific areas of research and dissemination of findings related to crime prevention include: planning for a national programme of technical assistance; the most effective use of closed-circuit television; evaluations of court diversion programmes; the prevention of cybercrime and identity crime; the risks of crime displacement and criminogenic effects of crime prevention initiatives; the prevention of financial crime; fraud and
money-laundering; the prevention of terrorist
[...] activities and the financing of terrorism; law [...]
enforcement responses to drugs; the reduction
of alcohol-related violence; intimate partner violence and homicide; human trafficking; and conferences on serious and organized crime and on bushfire arson prevention.
舊區往往嫖、賭、毒的溫床,而且衛生環境惡劣,㆟口老化, 居住環境擠迫,可說是㆒個健康社會的毒瘤。
Aggravated further by poor sanitation, aging population and crowded living environment, the dilapidated areas can be regarded as the malignant tumours of a healthy society.
会议注意到艾滋病毒在亚太区域内的 传播和蔓延具有的以下各种独特性:所发生的新的感染案例大多集中 于主要的高危人群,包括与男子有性行为的男子、注射毒品者 嫖娼 者 和卖淫者、变性人、迁移人群、以及与之有亲密性接触的伙伴。
The Meeting noted the unique characteristic of the epidemic in the Asia-Pacific region: new infections were concentrated among key populations at higher risk, including men who have sex with men, people who use drugs, people who buy and sell sex, transgender persons, mobile populations and their intimate sexual partners.
芬兰为维和特派 团制定了行为守则,其中包括关于性剥削的规定,并禁 嫖 妓。
Finland has developed a code of conduct for peacekeeping missions that includes information on sexual exploitation and
[...] forbids the use of prostitutes.
其他与会者建议关注的优先领域包括:气候变化、防灾备灾、通 资 源 可 持续 管理减少生物多样性的损失、可再生能源、国家科学与技术战略的制定、促进地方和本地知识系 [...]
Other suggested areas of priority attention included: climate change, disaster prevention and preparedness,
minimizing biodiversity loss through sustainable
[...] management of resources, renewable energies, [...]
the formulation of national strategies
in science and technology, the promotion of local and indigenous knowledge systems as well as improving the links between scientists and decision-makers.
例如,嫖娼定 为刑事犯罪;裸体表演在冰岛被禁 止,贩运人口受害人有权获得冰岛的临时居住许可。
The purchase of prostitution has, for example, been criminalised; nude shows have been prohibited in Iceland, and victims of human trafficking are entitled to temporary residence permits in Iceland.
预算文 件第 29C.35 段列出这一构成部分下将交付的产出,其中包括:提供范围广泛的 旨在建立和维持本组织领导及管理能力的培训方案;增进方案管理人员和负有行
[...] 政管理职责的工作人员的人力和财 资 源 管 理专门知识;提高秘书处工作人员的 [...]
The outputs to be delivered under this component are set out in paragraph 29C.35 of the budget document, and include the provision of a wide array of training programmes designed to build and sustain the Organization’s leadership
and managerial capacity; improve the human
[...] and financial resources management [...]
expertise of programme managers and staff with
administrative responsibilities; upgrade the information technology skills of Secretariat staff; build and strengthen linguistic capabilities; and support career development and upgrade substantive skills.
[...] 对话,邀请教科文组织教席担任者参与对话活动;两个地区的实习记者 资 深 新闻工作者的 对话;举行青年论坛;重新启动文学作品翻译委员会,增加用欧洲语言翻译的阿拉伯作品; [...]
A host of concrete proposals were suggested to the coordinators of the Dialogue, such as: dialogue and networking among universities; dialogue among young scientists, involving UNESCO chairholders in
dialogue activities; dialogue among student
[...] journalists and seasoned media practitioners [...]
from both regions; the holding of youth
forums; reactivation of the Committee for the Translation of Literary Works and increase in the translation of Arabic works into European languages; a comparative study of school textbooks; dialogue involving professionals from cultural industries; the organization of an interregional conference on the image of Arab-Islamic culture in European history books.
[...] 行为,但视管辖权方而定,其中一些确实涉及犯罪行为指控,例如与未成年人性交、强奸嫖 娼和性攻击。
While not all cases of sexual exploitation and abuse will amount to criminal conduct, a number of cases did involve allegations of criminal
conduct, depending upon the jurisdiction, such as sexual intercourse with a
[...] minor, rape, prostitution and sexual assault.
为了打击对妇女的暴力行为,打击贩运人口等国际犯罪,冰岛议会于2009 年通过了一部法律,嫖娼定 为刑事犯罪,藉此将卖淫定义为一种必须予以消除 的、对妇女的暴力形式。
To combat violence against women and to fight international crime, including human trafficking, in 2009 the Icelandic Parliament passed a law criminalising the purchasing of prostitution, thereby defining prostitution as a form of violence against women that must be eliminated.
通过严厉惩嫖娼或强迫劳动的行为,消除对妇女一切形式的暴力, 包括卖淫和贩运。
Eliminate all forms of violence against women, including prostitution and trafficking, by instituting severe punishment for the purchase of sexual services or forced labour.
這等同一位嗜賭嫖的爸 爸說︰“我已經預備好了,我今天往賭場快活,你們兩母子就在家吃 四菜一湯吧,而平時你們是只能吃三菜一湯、兩菜一湯的。
This is like a father addicted to gambling and whoring, who says, "I have made an arrangement. Today, I am going to the casino to have a great time and you two, mother and son, will have four dishes and one soup at home.
在澳門政府眼中,我們被賭徒嫖客 、 黑 社會、“大耳窿”和高利貸都比下去了,竟認為我們這些人對其社會所造 成的破壞會來得更大。
It is considered that the damage caused by us is even more severe.
土耳其欢迎女性在教育和参与方面的状况, 并称赞尼日尔《刑法典》严惩女性外阴残割、奴役 嫖 娼 行 为。
It welcomed women’s education and participation and saluted Niger’s Penal Code which severely punishes FGM, slavery and procurement of prostitution.
事 實 上 , 當 權 者的“ 眼 中 釘 ” 絕 對不是報章 內 的 色 情 版嫖妓指南,當 權 者的“ 眼 中 釘 ” , 是 政 府失誤 的指南。
In fact, the thorn in the side of the person in power definitely would not be the pornographic columns and prostitute guide in the newspapers, rather it is the guide to all the faults of the Government that is most hurting.
香港大學民意研究計劃在2011年8月,透過真實訪員以隨機抽樣方式,分兩階段進行了十大政治團體排名調查,發現對比三個月前,十個政團中有七個的評分都下跌,當中跌幅超過誤差的就有公民黨、支聯會和民主黨,分別下跌3.1、2.9及2.4分,可能分別與外傭居港權事件、司徒華效應減退、和民主黨前總幹事陳家偉涉 嫖 妓 有 關。
The Public Opinion Programme (POP) at the University of Hong Kong conducted a double stage survey on the rankings of the top 10 political groups in August by means of random telephone surveys conducted by real interviewers.
民意研究計劃總監鍾庭耀分析:「在八月底進行的最新『十大政團』調查顯示,對比三個月前,十個政團中有七個的評分都下跌,當中跌幅超過誤差的就有公民黨、支聯會和民主黨,分別下跌3.1、2.9及2.4分,可能分別與外傭居港權事件、司徒華效應減退、和民主黨前總幹事陳家偉涉 嫖 妓 有 關。
Robert Ting-Yiu Chung, Director of Public Opinion Programme, observed, "Our latest survey of "Top 10 Political Groups"
conducted in late August shows that, compared to three months ago, the ratings of 7 out of 10
[...] political groups have gone down.
敦促各国采取有效措施,打击助长此种危害儿童的犯罪行为的市场,包 括对性剥削或性虐待儿童嫖客和个人采取、有效和强制执行预防、改造和惩罚 措施,同时确保提高公众对这一问题的认识
Calls upon all States to prevent, criminalize, punish and eradicate the practices of the sale of children, child slavery, commercial sexual exploitation of children, child prostitution and child pornography, including the use of the Internet and new technologies for those practices, and to take effective measures, as appropriate, against the criminalization of children who are victims of exploitation
敦促各国采取有效措施,打击助长此种危害儿童的犯罪行为的市场,包 括对性剥削或性虐待儿童嫖客和 个人采取、有效和强制执行预防、改造和惩罚 [...]
Urges States to take effective measures to combat the existence of a market that encourages such criminal practices against children, including through the adoption, effective application and
enforcement of preventive, rehabilitative and
[...] punitive measures targeting customers [...]
or individuals who sexually exploit or sexually
abuse children, as well as by ensuring public awareness
不過,這是澳門的事,但最可惜的是,香港政府看到香港人被比下 去,連賭徒嫖客、 黑社會、“大耳窿”也不如的時候,香港政府連反問 [...]
That said, this is still Macao's own business, but it is most regrettable that when the Hong Kong Government saw that
Hong Kong people were considered even worse
[...] than gamblers, brothel customers, triad [...]
members and loan sharks, it did not even
have the courage to ask one question.
蘭馨交流協會相信,除非付嫖妓的 需求以及用這樣的態度來對待婦女和女孩是可接受的, 等等之類的問題能得以解決,否則婦女和女孩會繼續被迫當性奴隸。
Another example: Soroptimist fully supports addre ssing the demand side of prostitution and  trafficking since we believe that women and girls  will continue to be victims of sex slavery until  the demand for  paid sex and the attitude that treating women and  girls in this way is acceptable is addressed.
這個情況令我非常氣憤,因為我到澳門工作的時候,我留意到賭徒 可以入境嫖客可 以入境,黑社會可以入境、“大耳窿”可以入境、高利 [...]
貸可以入境,但現在居然是議員不可以入境、平民不可以入境、學者不 可以入境、記者不可以入境。
This is infuriating because when I was working in Macao,
I noticed that all sorts of people,
[...] including gamblers, brothel customers, [...]
triad members, debt collectors and loan sharks, could gain entry.
一個關注性工作者的團體在本年3月至10月期間,收到76宗性工作者就警察濫用職權作出的投訴,其中18宗指執行掃黃任務的警察乘假 嫖 客 之 便免費獲取性服務、1宗指警員使用暴力、3宗涉及利用警察身份要求免費提供性服務,以及4宗涉及警察在警署內無理要求被捕性工作者脫光衣服搜身。
Of these, 18 cases were allegations of police officers' taking advantage of the opportunities to obtain sex services for free while posing as clients in anti-vice operations, one case related to the alleged use of violence by police officers, three cases involved the use of police officers' capacity to ask for free sex services, and four cases involved police officers unreasonably demanding the arrested sex workers to take off all their clothes for body search in police stations.
這 件事令我想到一 個 滿 身 惡習,嫖、 賭 、 飲 、 吹 的 父 親 向 [...]
自 己 的 子 女 說 , 父 親 很 辛苦, 父 親 每 晚 吸 煙 、 飲酒、 跳 舞 很 辛苦, 所以要求他們節 儉 一 點 , 這便是政府的邏輯。
This has made me think of a father who is
indulged in all kinds of bad habits, such
[...] as frequenting brothels, gambling, drinking [...]
and smoking, and he told his own children
that he was financially stringent for he had to smoke, drink and dance all night long and so, he asked his children to be more frugal.




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