

单词 嫌犯

嫌犯 ()

criminal suspect



a suspect

See also:


make a mistake
recurrence (of mistake or sth. bad)

External sources (not reviewed)

在几乎所有案件 中,宣布某人嫌犯,都 导致了法院嗣后的定罪。
In almost all the cases
[...] declaring a person as suspect has lead to subsequent [...]
conviction by the court.
嫌犯与辩 护人之间所有的联络内容均为保密,辩护人受其职业保 密原则之约束。
All communications between the defendant and a lawyer are confidential and privileged, and the lawyer is bound by professional secrecy.
安理会关于保护平民的第 1674(2006)号和第
1894(2009)号决议指出,如果一 个深陷冲突的社会或正从冲突中恢复的社会要正视过去的违法行为,并防止其再次
[...] 发生,则必须结束有罪不罚现象,而且各国有责任履行其义务,调查和起诉 嫌犯 有战 争罪、危害人类罪、灭绝种族罪或其他严重违反国际人道主义法的人员。
Security Council resolutions 1674 (2006) and 1894 (2009) on the protection of civilians state that ending impunity is essential if a society in conflict or recovering from conflict is to come to terms with past violations and prevent their recurrence, and that it is the responsibility of States to comply with
their obligations to investigate and
[...] prosecute persons suspected of war crimes, crimes [...]
against humanity, genocide or other
serious violations of international humanitarian law.
[...] 受《防止賄賂條例》某些條文所規 管,而從未有公職人員因嫌犯了普 通法中有關賄賂的罪行 而被檢控,劉慧卿議員表示關注 。
Ms Emily LAU expressed concern that CE was only subject
to certain provisions of POBO and that no public officer had ever been prosecuted for
[...] the common law offence of bribery.
正是本着这种想法,安全理事会在第 1976(2011) 号决议中请秘书长就依循适用的人权法,在国际人员 的参与和其它国际支持下设立索马里特别法庭,包括
[...] 一个索马里境外反海盗特别法庭,以审理索马里和该 区域的海嫌犯的模式提交报告。
It was with this in mind that the Security Council requested the Secretary-General, in its resolution 1976 (2011), to report on the modalities for the establishment of specialized Somali courts to try suspected pirates, both in Somalia and in the region,
including an extraterritorial Somali
[...] specialized anti-piracy court consistent with [...]
applicable human rights law and with the
participation of international personnel and other international support.
假如批示包括实施羁押措施,则 嫌犯 同 意 后,立即将所指 之批示告知其血亲、其信任之人或其指明之辩护人。
Court orders imposing pretrial detention must be, with the defendant’s consent, immediately communicated to a relative or to a trustworthy person named by the defendant, or to his/her lawyer.
这种转交处理还必须遵循大会第 62/63 号决议要求,向
[...] 大会提交相关报告,当转交国家当局处理的 嫌犯 罪 活 动发生在维持和平特派团 中或由维持和平特派团产生时,更应如此。
Such referrals are also made pursuant to General Assembly resolution 62/63, which requires reports to be made to the General Assembly, in particular when
referrals to national authorities have been made in
[...] connection with alleged criminal activities [...]
in or arising in peacekeeping missions.
秘书长关于科索沃特派团的报告(S/2011/281) 指出,在报告所述期间,欧洲联盟驻科索沃法治特派
[...] 团法(欧盟驻科法治团)逮捕了若干人,其中包括公职 人员,理由是嫌犯有战争罪。
The Secretary-General’s report on UNMIK (S/2011/281) notes that, during the reporting period, a number of people, including
public officeholders, were arrested by the European Union Rule of Law Mission in
[...] Kosovo (EULEX) for alleged war crimes.
缔 约国应采取其他措施,尊嫌犯固有 的尊严,同时确保对警方人员的保护,保证 其安全。
The State party should introduce
alternative measures which respect the
[...] inherent dignity of suspects while ensuring [...]
the safety and protection of police officers.
这种危险的官方言论取代了使用致死武力 的清晰法律标准,标准规定,警察只有 嫌犯 企 图 杀人(此时达到采用致死武力 的程度)并且没有其他可用方法逮捕嫌疑人(此时有必要使用致死暴力)的情况下才 能射杀嫌疑人。
Such dangerous official rhetoric displaces the clear legal standards on the use of lethal force which stipulate that the police may shoot to kill only when it is clear that an individual is about to kill someone (making lethal force proportionate) and there is no other available means of detaining the suspect (making lethal force necessary).
Legal aid is provided automatically
[...] to all persons suspected of a crime.
羁押是例外,只有在某个案件的具体情况下为确保某人在审判时到庭但存在如下 严重危险时才有理由采用:(a) 此人可能潜逃;(b)
[...] 为防止此人阻碍或危及调查 或法庭诉讼;或(c) 为阻止此人嫌犯下的 那种行为再次发生。
Detention is the exception, which may be justified in the concrete circumstances of a case (a) to ensure a person’s appearance at trial whenever there is a serious danger that he or she may abscond; (b) to prevent him or her from obstructing or endangering the
investigation or the court proceedings; or (c) to prevent a repetition of the kind of
[...] conduct of which he or she is suspected.
保护恐怖主义受害人的人权必须被看作 主要依赖各国的一项真正的法律义务,不得借口犯恐怖嫌犯的人权,为过多的且不相称的执行权力 或其他基本政治目的采取紧急措施而滥用。
The protection of the human rights of the victims of terrorism must be seen as a genuine legal duty resting primarily on
States, not misused as a pretext for
[...] violating the human rights of those suspected of terrorism, for [...]
taking emergency measures
that provided for excessive and disproportionate executive powers, or for other essentially political purposes.
还有人指出,如一项引渡条约未另行规定,则对被 嫌犯 提起国内起诉应享有优先。
It was also noted that domestic prosecution
[...] of an alleged offender should be given [...]
priority when an extradition treaty did not provide otherwise.
安全理事会第 1851 (2008)、1897 (2009)、1976 (2011)和 2015 (2011)号决 议,大会第 64/179、65/232 和 66/181 号决议(以及第 66/231 和 65/37 A 号决议
[...] 发挥作用,帮助打击海盗行为,特别是在建立必要的法律框架及司法和执法能 力以便能够起诉和监禁海嫌犯和被 定罪的海盗、允许移交被定罪的海盗以便 [...]
Both the Security Council, in its resolutions 1851 (2008), 1897 (2009), 1976 (2011) and 2015 (2011), and the General Assembly, in its resolutions 64/179, 65/232 and 66/181 (and to a lesser extent in its resolutions 65/37 A and 66/231), have acknowledged the role of UNODC in providing technical assistance to States in the fight against piracy, specifically in the areas of developing the necessary legal frameworks and judicial and law enforcement
capacities to enable the prosecution and
[...] incarceration of suspected and convicted pirates, [...]
allowing for transfers of convicted
pirates to serve sentences in Somalia, improving prison capacity and conducting training for prison staff in Somalia.
第 158號法律公告修訂《定額罰款(交通違例事項)規例》(第 237
[...] 章,附屬法例A)的附表表格1及 2(涉嫌犯定額 罰款交通違例事項的通知書 [...]
L.N. 158 amends Form 1 and Form 2 of the Schedule to the Fixed Penalty (Traffic Contraventions)
Regulations (Cap. 237 sub. leg. A) (Notice of
[...] particulars of alleged fixed penalty [...]
traffic contravention and Notice demanding
payment of fixed penalty respectively) to update the information included in the Forms.
It now appears that Dorner spent most of that time hiding in a vacation cabin across the street from the command post.
卢旺达已将移民事务进一步移交国家安全局管理,以加强对恐嫌 犯行动的控制。
Rwanda has further transferred the
immigration services under the National Security Service with a view to better controlling
[...] the movement of suspected terrorists.
此外根据《大湖区安全、稳定和发展公约》 2006 年《防止和惩治灭绝种族罪、战争罪、危害人类罪和一切形式歧视的议定书》 第 12 条,无嫌犯的公 务身份为何,灭绝种族罪、战争罪和危害人类罪这一章 的规定均适用。
In addition, in accordance with article 12 of the 2006 Protocol for the Prevention and the Punishment of the Crime of Genocide, War Crimes and Crimes against Humanity and All Forms of Discrimination to the Pact on Security, Stability and Development in the Great Lakes Region, the provisions of the chapter on genocide, war crimes and crimes against humanity apply irrespective of the official status of the suspect.
有理由怀疑一些军事指挥官和文职领导人 嫌犯 有 危 害人类罪,因为他们 故意未采取其权力范围内一切必要合理的措施预防和约束其下属的相关罪行,也 [...]
A number of military commanders
and civilian superiors may
[...] reasonably be suspected of responsibility for crimes against humanity [...]
because of their knowing
failure to take all necessary and reasonable measures within their power to prevent or repress the commission of relevant crimes by their subordinates or to submit the matter to the competent authorities.
如 某 人嫌 犯 案 被 捕 但 偵 查 工 作 尚 未 完 成,可 獲 [...]
准 保 釋 外 出 並 按 照 保 釋 表 格 所 指 定 的 日 期 時 間 到 警 署 或 罪 案 調 查 科 的 單 位 辦 事 處 報 到 。
A person arrested in
[...] connection with an offence may, if inquiries [...]
are not completed, be released on bail to reappear at
a Police station or offices of Crime Wing's formation at a date and time stated in the bail form.
《刑事诉讼法》第551 条规定,当司法警官嫌犯罪时 ,检察官必须毫不 拖延地将案件提交最高法院司法庭,司法庭必须在八天内进行审判。
Article 551 of the Code of Criminal Procedure
provides that, when a judicial
[...] police officer is suspected of having committed a crime, the Prosecutor [...]
must seize the Judicial
Chamber of the Supreme Court without delay, who must render a judgment within eight days.
嫌犯馬上 乘坐一台等候中的汽車逃走,目擊者指汽車是一輛深藍色或黑色,2000年代早期的Audi A6。
The suspects fled and jumped [...]
into a waiting vehicle, described by witnesses as a dark blue or black early 2000s-model Audi A6, police said.
根据与之相关的引渡或起诉(或引渡或起诉)义务,对 嫌犯 下 某 些种 类罪行的人,一国必须或行使管辖权(其中必然包括在某些情况下行使普遍 [...]
管辖权)或将此人引渡至能够且愿意行使管辖权的国家,或将此人移送对该 涉嫌人和该罪行具有管辖权的某个国际刑事法院。
) a state is required either to exercise jurisdiction (which would necessarily include exercising
universal jurisdiction in certain
[...] cases) over a person suspected of certain categories [...]
of crimes or to extradite the person
to a state able and willing to do so or to surrender the person to an international criminal court with jurisdiction over the suspect and the crime.
孚 則 亦 說 明 ( 第 1 1 . 1 4 段 ) 當 適 當 的 成 年 人 不 在 場 時 , 不 得 向 青 少 年 問 話 或 要 求 提 供 或 簽 署 一 份 書 面 口 供 , 無 論 該 名 青 少 年 是 否 有嫌 犯 罪 , 不 過 , ‚ 在 有 特 殊 需 要 的 情 況 下 ‛ ( 附 件 C , 第 C 1 段 ) 便 可 以 這 樣 做 。
It also states (paragraph 11.14) that a juvenile, whether suspected of crime or not, must not be interviewed or asked to provide or sign a written statement in the absence of the appropriate adult, though “in exceptional cases of need” (Annex C, para C1) this may be done.
2000 年至 2004 年,中国相继出台《关于在查处侵犯知识产权违法犯罪案件工作中加强协作
[...] 配合的通知》、《行政执法机关移送 嫌犯 罪 案 件的规定》及《关于加强行政执法机关与公安 [...]
From 2000 to 2004, China promulgated successively the Circular on Strengthening Collaboration and Cooperation in Investigating and Dealing with Intellectual Property
Infringements, the Regulations on Transfer of Cases
[...] Involving Alleged Crimes by Administrative [...]
Enforcement Agencies, and the Opinions
on Strengthening Communication Between Administrative Enforcement Agencies and Public Security Departments & the People’s Procuratorate.
[...] 会认为,最重要的是寻找长期办法来解决起诉海 嫌犯 和 监 禁被判定有罪的 海盗的问题,取得和维护重大成果,以便协助在索马里境内加强法治,并为 [...]
此回顾,要创造条件在索马里沿海持久消除海盗和海上武装劫船行为,就要 在索马里境内实现和平与稳定,加强国家机构,实现经济社会发展,尊重人 权和法治。
The Council therefore deems it of utmost importance to
find long-term solutions to the problem
[...] of prosecuting suspected, and imprisoning [...]
convicted, pirates, which achieve and
sustain substantive results with a view to contributing to the reinforcement of the rule of law in Somalia, and recalls in this regard that peace and stability within Somalia, the strengthening of State institutions, economic and social development and respect for human rights and the rule of law are necessary to create the conditions for a durable eradication of piracy and armed robbery at sea off its coast.
自打击海盗行为方案于 2009 年 5
[...] 月设立以来,毒品和犯罪问题办公室不断 向东非各国提供实质性支助,协助其努力将在索马里沿海抓获的海 嫌犯 绳之 以法。
Since the inception of the counter-piracy programme in May 2009, UNODC has continued to provide substantial
support to countries in East Africa in their
[...] efforts to bring suspected pirates captured off [...]
the coast of Somalia to justice.
[...] 组织和外交渠道推动与外国调查机构进行相互合作(包括交流信息),并建立了 一个数据库来收嫌犯姓名 和犯罪手段等信息,以调查汇款(“furikome”)欺诈 行为。
In addition, the National Police Agency of Japan had been promoting mutual cooperation, including the exchange of information, with foreign investigative agencies through INTERPOL and diplomatic channels, and had created a database
for collecting
[...] information, including on suspects’ names and the means of committing crimes, for the investigation [...]
of “furikome” frauds.




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