

单词 嫁女



celebrate a wedding


men fear getting inthe wrong line of business, women fear marrying the wrong man (proverb)

See also:

External sources (not reviewed)

此外,第21A條又訂明,已婚婦人(除非 已與丈夫離婚)須當作與丈夫同姓,因此兒媳可包括在內,但 嫁女 則不合規定。
Besides, Rule 21A also
[...] provides that a married woman (unless divorced [...]
from her husband) shall be deemed to have her husband's family surname.
[...] 主席,最近有市民投訴指,華人永遠墳場不容許嫁女使用 家族龕位,但已離婚者除外,有關規則疑涉及性別歧視。
MR IP KWOK-HIM (in Chinese): President, recently, some members of the public have complained
that the Chinese Permanent Cemeteries do
[...] not allow married daughters to use their family [...]
niches except for those divorced, and
such a rule allegedly involves sex discrimination.
便是政府嫁女”時 要賠上很大份的“嫁 妝”,這其實是所有納稅人的金錢。
I believe this is really a
[...] bargain because the Government has to pay a large sum in "dowry" out of taxpayers' [...]
money to "get its daughter married".
Vera Wang Bouquet 花嫁女性淡香精」瓶身繼續以婚紗外形為藍本,靈感源于新娘于大日子手執的花球,其鮮花和香氛,是傳達愛意及盟誓的最佳選擇。
Vera Wang Bouquet Eau de Parfum is a fresh green floral type of scent and inspired by the magic and beauty of a radiant modern bride.
直至現在,不少市民仍然認為只要立㆘遺囑將新界土㆞留給遺孀或未 嫁 的 女 兒 , 便可 免受只由男㆜繼承遺產的習俗所影響。
Until recently, it was also widely thought that making a will to bequeath
land in the New Territories to a widow
[...] or an unmarried daughter would overcome [...]
the customary rule of succession by male line only.
員 :主席女士,新界地區過去的村代表選舉程序,長期以來被批評 為不民主及帶有歧視性,包括選舉方法不受選舉法例和舞弊法例監管;村代 表可以拒絕村民登記為選民、不准“ 嫁女 " 投 票,以及不准在鄉村居住了 十多年的非原居民成為選民等這些不合理規則。
There are also numerous unreasonable rules like VRs may refuse the registration of villagers as electors; women who have married and moved out of the village are not permitted to vote; and nonindigenous inhabitants are not permitted to vote despite their having lived in a village for more than 10 years, and so on.
[...] 人、家属和任何其他人或团体受金钱或实物之报酬,将女子许配或 嫁 , 而 女子 本 人无权拒绝;女子之丈夫,其夫之家属或部族,有权取得代价或在其他情形下 [...]
The Supplementary Slavery Convention prohibits any institution or practice whereby a woman, without the right to refuse, is promised or given in marriage on payment of a
consideration in money or in kind to her parents, guardian, family or any other person or group;
[...] the husband of a woman, his family or his [...]
clan, has the
right to transfer her to another person for value received or otherwise; or a woman on the death of her husband is liable to be inherited by another person.
(b) 2005 年《家庭法》仍然禁止穆斯林女嫁 给 非 穆斯林男子;显然这对 此类婚姻所生子女的权利有着不利的影响
(b) The 2005 Family Code still prohibits the
[...] marriage of Muslim women to nonMuslims, [...]
which has an obvious negative impact on the
rights of children born of such marriages
因此,最近有一則新聞報道, 一位香港男子投訴,他女朋友不肯 嫁 他 , 因為他沒有樓,大家可能 會指責香港的女士如此貪心,貪圖一層樓。
Recently, there was a news report that a Hong Kong male complained that his girlfriend refused to marry him because he did not have a flat.
[...] 俗,主要是為了保存氏族的姓及把祖業保存於氏族內,因為 女 出 嫁 後 ,便會遷往夫家, 與其族㆟居住。
The traditional custom of leaving ancestral property along the male line was mainly for the purpose of retaining the
surname of the clan and keeping property
[...] within the clan as women on their marriage [...]
moved to live with their husband's clan.
他的独女嫁 给了 雅克·德·瑟贡达老爷,也就是孟德斯鸠男爵和未来的著名作家的父亲。
Her only daughter married Jacques [...]
de Secondat, the baron of Montesquieu and future father of the famous writer.
因此,我想 問司長一件事:獲委任的大部份成員均曾經裁員,於是令人感到成立經 機會是由於對未來更沒有信心,所以要立即把危機 嫁 “ 打工 仔 女 ”。
Most of the members appointed have laid off employees, which gives people an impression that the Task Force is set up because of the lack of confidence in the future, thus necessitating the immediate shift of the crisis onto wage earners.
德国欢迎一 切 改善移徙工人权利 的步骤 , 并 建议考虑是否 可
[...] 能 对国家的国籍 法作 出修订 , 以 便 嫁 给非公民女 性公民与婚 娶 非 公民的男 性公民一样 [...]
可 以将国 籍 传 给其子女。
Germany welcomed all steps to improve the rights of migrant workers and recommended considering the possibility of introducing amendments
to national laws on
[...] citizenship, so that female citizens married to noncitizens [...]
can pass on their nationality to their children
in the same way that male citizens married to non-citizens do.
最近有㆟將㆗英兩國的關係比喻作兩個家庭「對親家」,我敦促英國政 府盡快為親事辦嫁妝,讓她女兒 在九七前後皆可以拿 英國國民(海外)護照優 優悠悠㆞出埠度蜜月。
I urge the British Government to get the dowry ready soon for its daughter in the form of a BN(O) passport which is valid both before 1997 and beyond so that she may have ample time to make plans for her honeymoon which the couple could spend abroad.
它对女孩和女人生的每一阶段都产生影响,从针对胎 儿性别进行的选择性人工流产和杀婴 女 孩 的 保健和营养不足、切 女 性 生殖器、 童婚、将强奸作为战争武器、为商业性剥削和劳工剥削的目的贩运人口、家庭暴 力、所谓的“名誉”杀人、嫁妆引 起的谋杀,到忽视和排斥寡妇等,不一而足。
It affects girls and women at every point in their lives and ranges from sex-selective abortion and infanticide, inadequate health care and nutrition given to girls, female genital mutilation, child marriage, rape as a weapon of war, trafficking for purposes of commercial sexual exploitation and labour exploitation, domestic violence, so-called “honour” killings, dowry-related murder, to [...]
the neglect and ostracism of widows.
一 些 蔑 視 德 川 幕 府 的 法 律 , 把女 嫁 給 債 權 人 , 以 逃 避 還 債 。
Some escaped debts by flouting Tokugawa law and marrying their children to those of their creditors.
民 建 聯 多 番 促 請 港府積 極對待 今次與 泛 珠 三 角 區 域 的 協 議,是因 為 “ 九 加 二 ” 的 合作協 議 並沒有 約 束 性 , 各 方 有 權 自行決 定 參與協議的全 部 或 部分合作項目 ,若香港依 舊 抱  “ 皇女 唔 憂 嫁 ” 的 態度, 只 會 錯 失 合作機 會 。
The DAB has over and again urged the Hong Kong Government to treat this agreement with the PPRD Region positively because this "Nine plus Two" agreement on co-operation is not binding, all parties have the right to decide on their own whether to participate in some or all of the co-operation programmes.
现在有几种习俗是,女孩在宗教仪式的幌子下被迫结婚,例如,消除种族 歧视委员会曾经提到,印度存在一种寺院妓女的现象,即通常是达利特人 女孩 被迫嫁给神 ,并被迫与庙宇的成员发生性关系 (CERD/C/IND/CO/19,第18段)。
For example, the Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination has noted the existence in India of devadasi, whereby a girl, usually a Dalit, is forced to marry a deity and forced to have sex with members of the temple (CERD/C/IND/CO/19, para. 18).
消除对妇女歧视委员会关注也门少女的所谓 “ 游客婚姻”或 “临时 婚
[...] 姻”,通常 是家境 贫 寒 的女嫁给邻国 富 有的非也门男子 ; 随 [...]
着 旅游业 的发展 , 这 种现象 在过去几 年 变 得 更 为普遍。
CEDAW was concerned with so-called “tourist
marriages” or “temporary marriages” of
[...] young Yemeni girls, usually from poor [...]
families, to non-Yemenis, usually rich men from
neighbouring countries, which have become more common in the last years with the development of tourism.
我的第二項觀察是,政府內部在經濟方面仍然未能調較不干預政策,未 能有效協助企業提升對外競爭力,也未能致力提升投資創業的吸引力,而且 部分政策官員仍停留在“皇女唔憂 嫁 ” 的 心態,此謂之僵化。
My second observation is that as the Government is still unable to make adjustment to its non-intervention policy, it can hardly help enterprises to enhance their international competitiveness effectively or put in efforts to improve the appeal of Hong Kong to overseas investors and entrepreneurs.
[...] 法;废除婚姻监护人的法律规定;毫无例外地依法承认穆斯林 女嫁 给 非 穆斯林 男子为合法74 。
CESCR recommended revising the Family Code to ensure that polygamy be outlawed, that the legal requirement of the “marital guardian” institution be abolished and that a
marriage concluded
[...] between a Muslim woman and a non-Muslim [...]
man be recognized by law without exception.74 CEDAW made similar recommendations.75 32.
委员会感到关注的是,尽管在2005 年修正了《家庭法》,仍然准许一夫多妻
[...] 制,婚姻监护人的法律规定未被废除,《家庭法》第30 条继续禁止穆斯林女嫁给 非穆斯林(第10 条、第3 条和第2条第2款)。
The Committee is concerned that, despite the amendments to the Family Code in 2005, polygamy is still allowed, that the legal requirement of the institution of the marital guardian is not abolished and that
article 30 of the Family Code continues to prohibit
[...] marriages of Muslim women to non-Muslims [...]
(arts. 10, 3 and 2, para. 2).
該等措施包括勸喻課本出版商不要在課本推廣活動上,向學校 提供任何形式的利益、捐贈、禮品或奢華款待,以免將有關成 本嫁到書 價上;編訂《課本編印設計簡約指引》供出版商參 考,並要求出版商編印課本時,以"實而不華"的原則採用廉價而 恰當的印刷方法、紙張及設計等,以減輕製作成本;每年向學 校發出《學校選用課本及學習材料須知》的通函;以及提供指 引,述明如何透過教師研討會選用合適課本及幫助學生盡量減 少課本。
These include advising textbook publishers not to provide schools with any forms of advantages, donations, free gifts or luxurious hospitality during textbook promotion to avoid including the related costs when pricing the textbooks; issuing the "Guidelines for Printing of Textbooks" to publishers for reference and requesting them to adopt the "functional and cost-effective approach" by making use of appropriate printing methods, paper and design with low-cost features to reduce the production costs of textbooks; issuing to schools a circular memorandum on "Notes on Selection of Textbooks and Learning Materials for Use in Schools" every year; and providing guidelines on how to select suitable textbooks and help students minimize textbooks through teacher seminars.
缔约国在这一方面认为,这些“个别的”来文叙述了发生失踪事件的一般性 情况,只是强调了安全部队的行动,但是从来没有提及那些利用非法手 嫁 祸于 武装部队的各种武装组织的行动。
The State party observes in this connection that these “individual” communications dwell on the general context in which the disappearances occurred, focusing solely on the actions of the security forces and never mentioning those of the various armed groups that used criminal concealment techniques to incriminate the armed forces.
指港燈所設的一個帳目,透過該帳目可得出政府和港 燈所議定的標準燃料成本與港燈的實際燃料成本之間 的差異(“燃料成本帳戶調整”),並以回扣或收費方 式,將之嫁到客戶身上。
means the account maintained by HEC through which the difference between the standard cost of fuels as agreed between the Government and HEC and the actual cost of fuels to HEC (“Fuel Cost Account Adjustment”) is captured and passed on to the consumers by way of rebates or charges.
中山美尼亚公司的案例表明,存在与该技术相关的固有成本(比 如运输、增加密度等),而且该技术的长期可持续性主要取决于改进生产流程以缩减成本 或将成本嫁给客户。
The case of Zhongshan Minea demonstrates that there are inherent costs associated with this technology (e.g., transportation, increasing density) and the long term sustainability would depend on improving the production process to reduce costs or to pass them on to consumers.
同時, 由於保險公司並非福利機構,㆒切開支都只會 嫁 到 市 民的供款,加㆖大部分保險公 司都會向某些病㆟,包括長期病患者收取高昂的保費,因此,在強制性醫療保險計劃 ㆘,結果只有醫生和保險公司成為真正的得益者,對於基層病㆟而言,依然得不到應 有的保障。
Therefore, it will only result in doctors and insurance companies becoming the real beneficiaries whereas patients who need the primary health care will still be unable to get the protection.
[...] 与灭妖杀巫相关的杀戮;与维护“声誉”相关的杀戮;与武装冲突相关的杀戮;嫁妆引 起的杀戮、与性别认同和性取向相关的杀戮,和族裔与土著身份相关的 [...]
The direct category includes: killings as a result of intimate-partner violence; sorcery/witchcraft-related killings;
honour-related killings; armed
[...] conflict-related killings; dowry-related killings; [...]
gender identity- and sexual orientation-related
killings; and ethnic- and indigenous identity-related killings.
其他不利因素还包括:耕种季节出现异常高温造 嫁 接 植 株的抵抗力下降; 和/或管理做法不当,如提供足量的有机物质、作物密度和水的恰当使用等方面。
Other unfavourable factors included: reduced
[...] resistance of grafted plants due [...]
to unusually high temperatures during the cropping
season; and/or poor management operations such as the supply of organic matter in adequate amounts, the cropping density, and proper use of water.
在该背景下,有人建议,缔约国 和更广泛的执行群体应确保满足上述要求,不应局限于如何确 女 孩 、 男孩、女和男 子平等获得为执行《公约》提供的资源的一般性讨论,而应询问为什么这 方面的进展一直如此缓慢。
In this context, it was suggested that both States Parties and the broader implementation community need to make sure that this actually happens, including moving beyond the general discussions of how to ensure that girls, boys, women and men have equal access to the resources generated through implementation of the Convention, and, by asking why progress has been so slow.




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