单词 | 媲美 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 媲美noun—matchn媲美—is comparable withSee also:媲n—matchn pairn
可与最优秀的国际教育体系媲美的教育体系,使公民获得满足其需求和 卡塔尔社会需要的必要资源。 daccess-ods.un.org | An educational system that is the equal of the most outstanding international educational systems and will equip citizens with the wherewithal to meet their needs and the needs of Qatari society. daccess-ods.un.org |
全速前进到全速后退在三秒中之内就可完成:没有任何其它的船舶推进系统可以与之 媲美。 voith.com | Full speed ahead to full speed astern in three seconds: No other vessel propulsion system can keep up. voith.com |
没有其它任何种类的 0.25 A 至 3.0 A 整流器(塑料、玻璃或金属)可以与 Vishay 独特的玻璃-塑料结构所提供的 SUPERECTIFIER 特性组合相媲美。 digikey.cn | No other 0.25 A to 3.0 A rectifiers of any kind — plastic, glass, or metal — can match the SUPERECTIFIER combination of features that result from Vishay’s unique glass-plastic construction. digikey.cn |
其他有趣的城市,缪拉,在那里走来走去的中世纪街道和城墙是非常愉快,圣面粉,一个中世纪小镇,有一定的重要性,足以 媲美欧里亚克部门的资本,但也Chaudes-艾格,温泉镇的温泉用于治疗风湿和地板下的供暖系统的房子和游泳池。 leapfrog-properties.com | Others interesting cities are; Murat, where walking around its medieval streets and ramparts is very pleasant, St Flour, a medieval town of some importance,rivalling Aurillac as the capital of the department but also Chaudes–Aigues, a spa town where the hot springs are used to treat rheumatism and provide an under floor heating system for most of the houses and the swimming pool. leapfrog-properties.com |
毛里求斯的发展政策 基于这样一种国家愿景,即创造一个足可与高收入国家相 媲美的高生产率、高效 率、高科技、高收入经济,并为全民创造一个繁荣昌盛的未来,创建一个包容, 一个人人皆可共享发展机遇,一个法律面前人人平等的社会。 daccess-ods.un.org | Mauritius development policies are anchored in the country’s vision of a high-productivity, high-efficiency, high-technology and high-wage economy that can join the league of high-income countries while consolidating a prosperous future for all, and an inclusive society where there are opportunities for all and where there is equality of treatment before the law. daccess-ods.un.org |
代表指出,第二十九届粮农组织亚洲及太平洋区域会议一致认为,区域办事处 应予以加强,以确保划拨给办事处的财政和人力资源能够与划拨给其他区域用于新建 分区域办事处的资源相媲美。 fao.org | Delegates noted that the twenty-ninth Regional Conference for Asia and the Pacific had unanimously supported the view that the Regional Office should be strengthened in such a manner as to ensure that the financial and human resources provided for the office would be comparable tothose committed for other regions that have newly established sub-regional offices. fao.org |
在拥有大型车床加工能力的前提下,实现了可与小型车床 媲美的高 精度。 moriseiki.com | The NLX4000 enables machining capability of large lathes and achieves high-accuracy machining of small lathes. moriseiki.com |
但是,昂贵的这些礼物比任何神,马相 媲美,在庄严的牺牲,是对的索玛,工厂,所谓的索玛牺牲inebriating汁产品。 mb-soft.com | But dearer to the gods than any of [...] these gifts, and rivaling thehorse-sacrifice [...]in solemnity, was the offering of the inebriating [...]juice of the Soma-plant, the so-called Soma-sacrifice. mb-soft.com |
所以,透过 DVD-ROM 光碟机、 DVD 播放软体 和个人音响配备的组 合,媲美电影院的声光震撼,即可呈现在您眼前。 btc.com.tw | That is, the combination of DVD titles, your stereo setup and this DVD-ROM drive package will bring you incredible sound and visual effect. btc.com.tw |
以色列的调查和起诉制度可与面临同样挑战的许多民主国家媲 美,第三部分论及其他国家在这方面建立的制度。 daccess-ods.un.org | Israel’s system of investigation and prosecution is comparable to that of many democratic states confronting similar challenges, and in the course of Part III reference is made to the systems other states have developed in this regard. daccess-ods.un.org |
没有任何其他提供商能媲美Equinix 的全球覆盖。 equinix.cn | No other provider can [...] match the global reachof Equinix. equinix.com |
标的根据运输与道路安全部的规划框架确定,框架计划扩大贝多因城的公共交通 服务,使其与犹太城镇的公共交通服务 媲美,因为贝多因城目前缺乏组织完善的 公共交通系统。 daccess-ods.un.org | The tender was published in the framework of the Ministry’s plan to expand public transportation services in Bedouin towns to equalize them with those in Jewish towns, as Bedouin towns currently lack an organized system of public transportation. daccess-ods.un.org |
阿尔斯特地处爱尔兰最北方、以及三面环海的地理位置使得它拥有壮观悬崖、广袤沙滩和起伏山脉的美丽景观,爱尔兰的其他地方都很难与之 媲美。 discoverireland.com | The geographical location of Ulster, as the most northern part of [...] Ireland surrounded by ocean on three sides, [...] has formeda breathtakingly beautiful [...]coast of dramatic cliffscapes, sweeping strands and tumbling mountain. discoverireland.com |
没有任何一个印尼极端组织建立了可以与哈马斯在黎 巴嫩和巴勒斯坦建立的医疗诊所相媲美的系统,但有 几个组织曾涉足以草药疗法、拔罐疗法和驱邪术为基 础的“伊斯兰医学”。 crisisgroup.org | None of the Indonesian extremist groups have managed to put in place a system of medical clinics analagous to Hizbollah or Hamas in Lebanon and Palestine respectively, but several have dabbled in “Islamic medicine” (thibbun nabawi), based on herbal remedies, cupping (bekam) and exorcism of evil spirits (djinn). crisisgroup.org |
ODV(全向视图)和 ABN(高级黑色向列)技术实现了优异的正面屏幕性能(例如超高的对比度 (500:1) 和宽视角),可媲美VFD(真空荧光显示器),且具有低功耗和高分辨率优势。 digikey.cn | ODV (Omni-Directional View) and ABN (Advanced Black Nematic) technologies achieve superior front screen [...] performance, such as [...] very high contrast ratio (500:1), and a wide viewing angle that is comparable toVFD (Vacuum Fluorescent [...]Displays) but [...]have the advantage of low power consumption and high resolution. digikey.be |
该大臣指出,学术人员的薪金和工作条件可与欧洲其他大学相 媲美。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The Minister states that salaries and working conditions of academic personnel are comparable with [...] other universitiesin Europe. unesdoc.unesco.org |
Seagate 了解音乐播放器市场的需求,进而重新推出 1 寸硬碟机,使其效能、可靠性、电池使用年限及成本都足以 媲美或超越快闪记忆体。 seagate.com | Seagate listened to the music player market and has reinvented the 1-inch hard drive to compete with or beat flash memory in performance, reliability, battery life and cost. seagate.com |
在同一个拘留所,令代表团成员喜出望外的是为 6 个月至 3 岁的儿童提供 了与外界任意一所幼儿园相媲美的幼儿教育设施。 daccess-ods.un.org | At the same facility, the members of the delegation were pleasantly surprised by the early-childhood education facility available for children aged 6 months to 3 years, which was on a par with any nursery school in the outside world. daccess-ods.un.org |
全新CLS是全球首辆配备LED高性能车头灯(LED High Performance headlamps)的汽车,配以夺目颜色元素的LED 科技,类似日间行车灯,表现媲美现时双氙气的表现、实用性及能源效益。 mercedes-benz.com.hk | The CLS is the first passenger car in the world to offer LED High Performance headlamps, which combine the exciting colour elements of LED technology - similar to those of daytime running lamps - with the performance, functionality and energy efficiency of today's bi-xenon generation. mercedes-benz.com.hk |
2011年底,集团研究部获香港商报选为「杰出研究团队证 券商」,确认集团研究部拥有超卓市场及股票分析实力,媲 美其他对手。 htisec.com | In end 2011, Haitong International Research was awarded “Best Equity House for [...] Research Team” by Hong Kong Commercial Daily, affirming the Group’s superior market [...] and stock analysis among the peers. htisec.com |
更何况,部份官员已学会偷换概念,把40多分的支持度评分说成是获得四成多的支持比率,还说这样的民望可以 媲美世界 各国。 hkupop.hku.hk | What's more, some local officials have learnt to twist the meaning of, say, a support rating of 40 something marks into a 40 something percent [...] support rate. They even claimed that such a degree of popularity could rival that of [...] any political leader in theworld. hkupop.hku.hk |
作为对这种特权的交换,索马里部长、 国会议员、外交官和自由职业“中介”将获得外国签证变成了一个可能只有海盗 行为与之媲美的增长性行业,赴美签证每个卖 10 000 至 15 000 美元。 daccess-ods.un.org | In exchange for this privilege, Somali ministers, members of parliament, diplomats and freelance “brokers” have transformed access to foreign visas into a growth industry matched possibly only by piracy, selling visas for $10,000 to $15,000 each. daccess-ods.un.org |
放弃品牌旧有的SUPER CCD EXR,采用1,230万像素APS-C片幅CMOS感光元件;配合f/2.0大光圈23mm Fujinon定焦镜头,画质的细致程度及散景效果,直可 媲美单镜反光相机。 think-silly.com | Now rid of Super CCD EXR, this model is fitted with 1,230 megapixels APS-CMOS light sensor; f/2.0 23mm Fujinon lens creates fine images as well as bokeh effect, its result Is comparable to DSLR. think-silly.com |
油水分离器已经根据 [...] 实际运行要求进行了优化调整,经过二十年的不断改 进和提高,特别是新一代油水分离器业已成为一种工 业标准,并被诸多同行所仿效,但是却从来没有任何 一种产品可以与之媲美。beko.de | Additional investment costs and infrastructural conversions are not necessary. beko.de |
对于吸收器,管的导热系数只是影响整体导热性能的一部分因素,也就是说,全铝吸收器的导热性能完全可以与传统的铜管吸收器相 媲美。 hydro.com | In an absorber, the tube material heat transfer coefficient only affects a fraction of the total heat transfer, meaning that the performance of an all aluminium absorber is fully comparable withtraditional absorbers with copper tubes. hydro.com |
电动汽车的组件并无限制车内的空间,相反smart 电动汽车的车厢内部与行李放置的空间十分宽敞,可 媲美以燃烧引擎(combustion engine)推进的smart fortwo。 mercedes-benz.com.hk | The electric drive module does not limit the space available in the smart electric drive in any way; there is justas much interior and luggage compartment space as in a smart fortwo with a combustion engine. mercedes-benz.com.hk |