单词 | 媛 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 媛—a beautyless common: beautiful (woman) Examples:徐熙媛—Xu Xiyuan or Hsu Hsiyuan or Barbie Hsu (1976-), Taiwan pop star and actress, F4 band member 名媛—debutante young lady of note 婵媛—be interwoven (of a woman) graceful be emotionally involved
自 2005 年以来,日本松山爱媛大学为大二学生开设一门有关和平与核裁军 的全年必修课程。 daccess-ods.un.org | Ehime University in Matsuyama, Japan, has offered a full-year prerequisite course on peace and nuclear disarmament to sophomore students since 2005. daccess-ods.un.org |
李禄媛女士将被视作持有本公司7,190,000股股份的权益,理由为彼实益拥有Best Jade所有已发行股本,而Best Jade则 持有本公司7,190,000股股份。 equitynet.com.hk | Ms. Li Luyuan will be taken to be interested in 7,190,000 shares in the Company as a result of her being beneficially interested in the entire issued share capital of Best Jade which in turn holds 7,190,000 shares in the Company. equitynet.com.hk |
皇室贵族及名媛淑女纷纷千里而来接受这被誉为“THE CURA”的温泉水疗程。 sogo.com.hk | The royal and wealthy have visited regularly to experience "the living water", known as "the Cura". sogo.com.hk |
从我对那些时尚ICON的照片的研究,那些上世纪60年代末和70年代初的照片中那些美丽女人和那些当时的社交名媛的贵族肖像,从Gian Paolo Barbieri 绘制的Marisa Berenson 和 Anjelica Huston 到Richard Avedon 拍摄的Marella Agnelli 和 Gloria Vanderbilt。 mffashion.com | The basis of my research into the iconography there are pictures of beautiful women and aristocratic protagonists of the beautiful socialite in the late 60's and 70's. From Marisa Berenson and Anjelica Huston portrayed by Gian Paolo Barbieri to Marella Agnelli and Gloria Vanderbilt in the shots of Richard Avedon. mffashion.com |
简介 首播日期: 2013.01.21 民国初年,义字当头的帮会话事人苏飞(黄浩然)经营苦力馆,财政受困,误以为性格单纯的宋礼和(陈锦鸿)是西关唐家大户至亲,刻意奉迎,欲在礼和所经营的新码头取利……谁料礼和只是唐家大闲人,而真正掌舵人是广州商界翘楚──唐家大小姐唐雅媛(郭羡妮)。 justlatte.com | Synopsis Release Date: 2013.01.21 In the early years of the Republic of China, gang leader SO FEI (Wong Ho Yin), to whom the brotherly loyalty will always prevail, runs a hard labour business which encounters financial difficulties. justlatte.com |
吴 女 士 之 父 亲 」 指 吴 柏 明 先 生 , 吴春媛女士之 父 亲 , 吴 女 士 为 非 执 行 董 事 以 及 执 行 董 事 潘 政 民 先 生 之 配 偶 aactechnologies.com | Wu’s Father” Mr. Wu Boming (deceased), father of Ms. Ingrid Wu, a non-executive Director and the spouse of Mr. Benjamin Pan, an executive Director aactechnologies.com |
东北大学大学院药学研究科的青木淳贤教授、井上飞鸟助手、卷出久美子助教、东京大学大学字药学系研究科的新井洋由教授、大和田智彦教授、爱媛大学健体医学研究中心的东山繁树教授等人,共同开发了可检测GPCR活性的新手法。 tohoku.ac.jp | Professor Junken Aoki, Research Associate Asuka Inoue, and Assistant Professor Kumiko Makide of the Laboratory of Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry, Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Tohoku University, along with Professor Hiroyuki Arai and Professor Tomohiko Ohwada of the Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, The University of Tokyo, and Professor Shigeki Higashiyama of the Proteo-Medicine Research Center, Ehime University, cooperated and developed a novel method to detect the activation of G Protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs). tohoku.ac.jp |
1月18日,北京耀中公布了演讲比赛的最终获奖名单:叶凯雯(九年级)第三名,梁媛(八年级)第二名,天赐(十一年级)第一名。 ycis-bj.com | On January 18, the winners of YCIS Beijing speech competition were announced, with Rebecca Yap (Year 9) getting third place, Ann Liang (Year 8) second place and Nathan Drisner (Year 11) first place. ycis-bj.com |
超过10位知名创意人参与此次展览,包括当代艺术家林天苗、马秋莎、陈维、陈蔚、胡晓媛,纽约时报主编Kally Doe,以及合作中的摄影师许熙正和音乐人李剑鸿。 sanlitunvillage.com | More than 10 creative artists will attend the exhibition, including contemparary artists Lin Tianmiao, Ma Qiusha, Chen Wei, Chen wei, Hu Xiaoyuan, Chief Editor of The New York Times Kally Doe, and JNBY's collabrating photographer Xu Xizheng and musician Li Jianhong. sanlitunvillage.com |
比赛当天,天公也特别眷顾热爱高尔夫的女士名媛们,美好的春日,馥郁的花香,高尔夫的无限乐趣伴随着一个个青春靓丽的挥杆倩影穿梭在旭宝的冠军场地上,比赛的成绩也是相当的优异,远距奖由王爱鸣女士以260码的成绩获得,近洞奖由金惠庚女士以1码的成绩获得,总杆冠军获得者张艾雯女士以77分的成绩收获精美奖杯和价值近六千元的丹玛手表一枚,净杆组蔡虹女士以69.8分的成绩摘得桂冠,并获得精美水晶奖杯和价值6500元的 Mizuno球杆1套,亚军获得者是70分的袁小北女士,她获得的是精美奖杯和 Mizuno球包套装,季军获得者是仅仅相差0.4分的金英玉女士,获得精美奖杯和Mizuno球包一只。 silport.com.cn | The top Gross winner was Ms Zhang Aiwen (77), she was prized with crystal trophy and Daumier valued RMB5800; Top 3 Net scores were Ms Cai Hong (69.8), prized with crystal trophy and Mizuno Golf club set valued RMB 6500, next winner was Ms Yuan Xiaobei (70), prized with crystal trophy and Mizuno Golf bag set, and the second runner up was Ms Kim Yingyu (70.4), she got the crystal trophy and Mizuno Golf bag. silport.com.cn |
文彩媛日前被选为该品牌2012 S/S系列的代言人拍写真,弃以往清纯典雅的形象,变身高傲帅气的冷都女吸引了人们的眼球。 bntnews.cn | MCM introduced its AW12 collection and its men's lifestyle collection titled ‘MCM Men's Generation,’ at the finale of the show, and the show was broadcast live on the MCM website. bntnews.co.uk |
除了罕宁•奥拉夫•埃斯佩达尔之外,将参加此次艺术展的还有曹恺(中国)、科斯塔(Costa,法国)、冯良鸿、冯琳、封岩、高峰、高媛、耿雪、韩美钞、韩湘宁、何昊远(以色列)、李颂华、刘卓泉、林苒、裴丽、任芷田、邵译农、徐一晖、薛雷(德国)、杨穹、赵光辉、张巍和朱利页。 norway.org.cn | In addition to Henning Espedal, the exhibition features Cao Kai (China), Costa [...] (France), Feng Lianghong, Feng Lin, Feng Yan, [...] Gao Feng, Gao Yuan, GengXue, Han [...]Meichao, Han Xiangning, He Haoyuan (Israel), [...]Li Songhua, Liu Zhuquan, Lin Ran, Pei Li, Ren Zhitan, Shao Yinong, Xu Yihui, Xue Lei (Germany), Yang Qiong, Zhao Guanghui, Zhang Wei, Zhu Liye. norway.cn |
非执行董事吴春媛女士、独立非执行董事Dato’ Tan Bian Ee及周一华女士未能於2012年5月按 新企业管治守则第A.6.7条守则条文规定出席本公司股东周年大会,概因该等董事并非居住於 香港且已有其他海外业务委托事项。 aactechnologies.com | Ms. IngridChunyuan Wu, a non-executive Director and Dato’ Tan Bian Ee and Ms. Chang Carmen I-Hua, independent non-executive Directors, were unable to attend the annual general meeting of the Company held in May 2012 as provided for in the new code provision A.6.7 of the CG Code as these Directors were not based in Hong Kong and already had other overseas business commitments. aactechnologies.com |
其中,增产手笔、规模最大的当属住友化学,该公司计划于2012年夏季前投下100亿日圆于爱媛工厂(爱媛县新居滨市)内增设LED基板材料“高纯度氧化铝”新产线,将其年产能自现行的1,600吨倍增至3,200吨规模。 xlt-ssc.com | Where production mine, the largest and undoubtedly the Sumitomo Chemical, the company plans to cast before the summer of 2012 at the Ehime plant 10 billion yen (Niihama City, Ehime Prefecture) in addition LED substrate material "high-purity alumina" The new production line, its production capacity from the current 1,600 tons to 3,200 tons of doubling the size. xlt-ssc.com |
Intelligent Drive U821V旅行碟,打造出最具时尚、品味、科技的生活储存设备,提供名媛雅士最具收藏的经典式样,在操作上特别强调「使用零步骤」- 单刀直入插拔设计,只要将PQI U821V直接插入USB连接埠便可开始运作,无须再拔开帽盖或将USB接头推出,超乎想像的使用方式,搭配外观采以质地坚硬、耐腐蚀的不锈钢材质,表面如透过细致的工法打造出抛光镜面般的色泽,呈现出如炫光般的质感,此外,在碟身尾端还特别具备LED指示灯贴心设计,当档案正在传输时便会呈现出蓝色灯号,运作状态一目了然,每一个环节都是近乎苛求。 us.pqigroup.com | The Intelligent Drive U821V is a unique “zero-step” storage device that can simply be inserted and ready for use without having to first remove a cap or push out a retractable USB head. pqigroup.com |
澳门旅游局与香港新城电台合作,由新城广播剧团制作广播剧-「此时此地」,邀请香港着名艺人李克勤、杨千嬅、陈文媛、周英杰担任剧中主角,透过大气电波向全港市民,尤其是香港的年青人,散播澳门独有的文化气息,藉此吸引更多香港市民到澳门旅游。 industry.macautourism.gov.mo | The Macau Government Tourist Office (MGTO) cooperates with the Hong Kong Metro Broadcast Corporation Limited, and the Metro Broadcast Radio Drama of Hong Kong Metro Broadcast Corporation Limited will produce a radio play called "Wish you were here". industry.macautourism.gov.mo |