

单词 媚娃

娃娃 ()

small child

See also:



doll n
baby n

External sources (not reviewed)

娃娃:Fa irytopia,没有翅膀的花仙子埃利纳击败Laverna,邪恶的女巫的妹妹, 媚 儿 给 叶琳娜的翅膀作为奖励。
In Barbie: Fairytopia, the wingless flower fairy Elina defeated Laverna, the evil sister of the Enchantress, and the Enchantress [...]
gave Elina wings as a reward.
你們應思考清楚,究竟 你們現時所做的,是為了資產階級、為大老闆 媚 , 與中央政府對抗, 還是自立門戶?
You should consider clearly if what you are now doing is meant to flatter the capitalist class and big bosses, resist the Central Government or to do something on your own?
Winter days are cool and sometimes
[...] gloriously sunny, with little wind, and often start with early [...]
morning frost and fog.
4间卧室的房子在德塞夫勒塞夫勒的平均价格将耗资210K和250K欧元之间,这是非常好的价值,考虑其阳光 媚 的 气 候和邻近的大西洋海岸。
The average price of a 4 bedroom house in Deux Sevres will cost
between 210k and 250k Euros which is very good value
[...] considering its sunny climate and [...]
proximity to the Atlantic coast.
媚博士 表示,衞生福利及食物局對基因改造食物的標籤規定至今並 無定論,但在研究需否推行強制標籤時,將會考慮業界的意見和市民健康。
Dr. Della SIN informed that the Health, Welfare and Food Bureau (HWFB) did not have any predetermined decisions for the labeling requirements for GM food so far; however, the views of the trade as well as the public health would be taken into account when considering whether there was a need to implement mandatory labelling.
在这一方面,法律顾问通知我,在提名候选人的 规定期限之后,若干国家团体提交了下列额外提名 (所有提名均与文件 A/66/182、A/66/183 和 A/66/184 所列其他国家团体已经提名的候选人有关):也已经 由马耳他国家团体提名的茨韦塔纳·卡梅 娃 ( 保加利亚);也已经由马耳他国家团体提名的阿卜杜 勒·科罗马(塞拉利昂);也已经由哥伦比亚、刚果 民主共和国、萨尔瓦多、印度、列支敦士登、马耳 他和罗马尼亚等国家团体提名的小和田恒(日本);也 已经由罗马尼亚国家团体提名的朱立亚·塞布庭德 (乌干达);也已经由列支敦士登和罗马尼亚国家团体 提名的彼得·通卡(斯洛伐克);以及也已经由印度、 列支敦士登和罗马尼亚国家团体提名的薛捍勤(中 国)。
In that connection, the Legal Counsel has informed me that, after the established deadline for nominating candidates, the following additional submissions were received from several national groups, all of which relate to the candidates already nominated by other national groups appearing in documents A/66/182, A/66/183 and A/66/184: Tsvetana Kamenova (Bulgaria) has been nominated also by the national group of Malta; Abdul G. Koroma (Sierra Leone) has been nominated also by the national group of Malta; Mr. Hisashi Owada (Japan) has been nominated also by the national groups of Colombia, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, El Salvador, India, Liechtenstein, Malta and Romania; Julia Sebutinde (Uganda) has been nominated also by the national group Romania; Peter Tomka (Slovakia) has been nominated also by the national groups of Liechtenstein and Romania; and Xue Hanqin (China) has been nominated also by the national groups of India, Liechtenstein and Romania.
另外一个景点是媚迷人 的郁金香园,亭亭玉立的郁金香遍地开花,紫红色、浅黄色和粉红色的花朵让人眼花缭乱、陶醉不已。
Another attraction is the stretches of alluring tulip gardens filled with bright crimson, yellow and pink tulips in full bloom.
谨随信转递耶路撒冷和以色列 45 位知名巴勒斯坦人士(包括基督教和伊斯兰 教人士、政界人士、工商界人士和民间社会活动家)写给联合国人权事务高级专 员纳瓦尼特姆·皮莱和联合国教育、科学及文化组织(教科文组织)总干事伊琳 娜·博娃的信和相关文件,其中促请她们采取行动,阻止以色列政府继续摧毁 位于耶路撒冷的马曼·阿拉公墓(见附件)。
I have the honour to transmit herewith relevant documents along with letters written by 45 prominent Palestinians from Jerusalem and Israel, including Christian and Muslim figures, politicians, businesspeople and civil society activists, addressed to the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, Navanethem Pillay, and the Director-General of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), Irina Bokova, urging that they take action to stop the continued destruction of Ma’man Allah Cemetery in Jerusalem by the Israeli Government (see annex).
他向各位代表表示欢 迎,指出教科文组织内部各级领导层发生了重大变化,并且向教科文组织总干事伊琳娜·博娃女士 和自然科学部门助理总干事 Gretchen Kalonji 女士的就职表示祝贺,呼吁她们为教 科文组织水资源界的设想和预期提供支助。
He welcomed the delegates, noting in his address that major changes of leadership have occurred at several levels within UNESCO and congratulated Ms Irina Bokova, Director-General of UNESCO, and Ms Gretchen Kalonji, Assistant Director-General for Natural Sciences, on their appointments and called for their support to the vision and expectations of the water community of UNESCO.
清新而性感的水,泛起的淡淡漣漪化成了波浪狀的瓶身和外包裝,獨具風格的瓶身捕捉了流水的動態美感,柔和的曲線凝聚著女人的 媚 和 潔 淨。
Sexy and fresh water, the faint ripples of the surface became wavy and the bottle packaging, unique style of water bottle to capture the dynamic beauty of the soft curves of the woman's charming pool and clean.
這是一款明快而感性的香氛,就像使用它的女性一樣,香氛透過充滿活力而令人垂涎的水果以及微妙的花香來表現女性的 媚 氣 息 ,升華了從她身上散發出的東方情調以及迷人魅力。
This bright and sensual scent, like the woman who wears it, defines the essence of femininity through the vibration of mouth-watering fruits and delicate flowers, which sublimate the oriental and gourmand whispers that have been left on her skin.
考虑到当前的各项全球性挑战,博 娃 女 士 强调,尽管世界风云变幻,为了以下各项 宗旨,教科文组织仍有存在的必要:号召国际社会团结一致,确保所有人都可以接受全纳、 有质量的终身教育,促进科学界的开放和对话从而确保科学为人类发展服务,促使发展以文 化为中心,促进言论自由进而确保多样性。
Taking into account current global challenges, Ms Bokova emphasized that despite changing realities, the need for UNESCO still remains – to mobilize international solidarity, to secure inclusive quality lifelong learning for all, to promote open access and dialogue within sciences to ensure that sciences serve the development of humanity, to establish culture at the heart of development, and to promote freedom of expression to ensure diversity.
叛国集团通过向美国媚邀宠 并加紧对骨肉同胞的对抗,以图苟延残喘,他 们在这两起案件的借口下,极力寻找维持对抗的办法。
But the group of traitors prolonging their remaining days through sycophancy towards the United States and escalated confrontation with fellow countrymen is working hard to find a way out in keeping the phase of confrontation under the pretext of the two cases.
这个宽敞的一楼公寓由一个开放的居住面积与享受阳光 媚 的 天井,时髦的意大利安装花岗岩台面,2个明亮的卧室,逐次淋浴房和家庭浴室。
This spacious ground floor apartment comprises of an open plan living area with access to the sunny patio, stylish Italian fitted kitchen with granite worktops, 2 bright bedrooms, en suite shower room and family bathroom.




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