

单词 媒气

See also:

External sources (not reviewed)

c. 可用在气媒介(如 氮气)中将熔体做成球状铝粉的设备。
with organization of the
[...] process in an argon-water environment; [...]
c. Equipment usable for the "production" of spherical aluminium
powders by powdering a melt in an inert medium (e.g. nitrogen).
已和各种合作伙伴开展合作以增加优质媒体内容,并将其作为教科文组织国际会 议“广媒体与气候变化”(2009 年)所通过的巴黎宣言的后续工作。
Collaboration has been undertaken with various partners to increase quality media content as a
follow-up to the Paris Declaration adopted by the UNESCO international
[...] conference “Broadcast Media and Climate Change” (2009).
[...] 境规划署合作举办的第一次国际广 媒 体 与 气 候 变化大会(2009 年)受到了极大的关注。
Considerable interest was witnessed at the first International
[...] Conference on Broadcast Media and Climate Change [...]
(2009), organized in partnership with the
United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP).
已经确定的潜力大的领域有:可持续发展教育、全纳教育、技术和职业教育、创 新技术媒体教育、气候变化和减灾。
Areas of high potential identified were: ESD, inclusive education,
technical and vocational education, technology
[...] for innovation, media education, climate change and [...]
disaster mitigation.
[...] 于气候变化和北极可持续发展国际专家会议:科学、社会、文化及教育挑战” (2009 年 3 月),“国际气候变化教育研讨班”(2009 年 7 月),关于广媒体 与气候变 化问题国际会议:公共服务职责(2009 年 9 月),建立促进气候变化和 可持续发展行动的全球岛屿和沿海流域生物圈保护区网络(2009 [...]
年 5 月)和联合
国以发展中国家社区为主的适应气候变化合作计划(UN-CBA),包括开发计划 署、联合国志愿人员组织和教科文组织(2009 年 7 月),编制关于移民和气候变 化的报告和世界科学知识与技术伦理委员会关于气候变化的伦理影响的报告(两 份均在 2009 年年底出版)。
Examples are: the “International Experts Meeting on Climate Change and Arctic Sustainable Development: Scientific, Social, Cultural and Educational Challenges” (March 2009), the
[...] Seminar on Climate Change Education” (July 2009), the “International Conference on Broadcast Media and Climate Change: [...]
A Public Service Remit”
(September 2009), the establishment of the Global Network of Island and Coastal Biosphere Reserves Contributing to Action on Climate Change and Sustainable Development (May 2009), and the United Nations Collaborative Programme on Community-Based Adaptation to Climate Change in Developing Countries (UN-CBA) involving UNDP, the United Nations Volunteers and UNESCO (July 2009), the preparation of a report on migration and climate change, and a COMEST report on the ethical implications of climate change (both to be published late 2009).
通过进一步了解教科文组织 “广媒体与气候变化:公共服务职责”大会(巴黎, 2009 年 9 月)通过的《巴黎广媒体与气候变 化宣言》,教科文组织继续支持媒体在全世界 提高公众对气候变化的认识方面的努力,主要方式是与非洲国际新闻社(IPS)建立伙伴关 系,旨在突出非洲在联合国气候变化大会上的话语权及其报告。
Following up on the
[...] Paris Declaration on Broadcast Media & Climate Change adopted at the UNESCO Conference on “Broadcast Media and Climate Change: A Public Service Remit” [...]
(Paris, September 2009), UNESCO has continued to support media’s efforts to enhance public awareness
of climate change around the world, including through a partnership with Inter Press Service (IPS) Africa that aims at highlighting Africa’s voice at and reporting from the United Nations Climate Change Conferences.
与会者通过了《广媒体和气候变 化问题巴黎宣言》,呼吁国际社会以及联合国有关机 构和规划署,包括教科文组织、联合国环境规划署(UNEP)、世界贸易组织(WTO)、国 [...]
广播联盟和国际广播组织的工作,加强各种广播组织和相关专业组织在地区和国际层面的合 作,最大限度地提高预防气候变化计划和报告的质量和针对性。
The Conference participants adopted the Paris
[...] Declaration on Broadcast Media and Climate Change, inviting [...]
the international community and
relevant agencies and programmes of the United Nations, including UNESCO, UNEP, WTO, ITU and the UNFCCC to support all broadcasters, regional broadcasting unions and international broadcasting organizations to strengthen regional and international collaboration of all broadcasting organizations and concerned professional organizations to optimize the quality and relevance of programming and reporting on climate change.
通过召开两次重 大会议,推动解决媒体的性别平等问题: 国际伦理与性别大会(2009
[...] 年)侧重于促进新闻工 作室内的平等;国际广媒体与气候 变 化大会则强调妇女在气候变化第一线的作用并敦促进 [...]
Gender equality dimensions in the media were further addressed through two major conferences: the international Conference on Ethics and Gender (2009) which focused on bringing equality in the
newsroom; and the International
[...] Conference on Broadcast Media and Climate Change [...]
which underlined the role of women on the
front line of climate change and urged further action for targeted science communication policies.
保护人民免遭灾难的主要战略有:及时而有系统地在大 媒 体 上 传播气 预报,以及民防机关组织采取的措施。
The timely and systematic dissemination of weather
[...] forecasts in the mass media and the measures organized [...]
by the civil defence authority
have been the main strategy for protecting the population against disasters.
教科文组织艾滋病毒/艾滋病青年电视制片人 网络与重要的地区广播组织合作 ——这些组织亦积极参与了 2009 年《巴黎广媒体与气候变化宣言》的后续行动—— 进一步扩大外联范围,吸引了全球 70 多个 国家 300 余名参与者。
The UNESCO Network of Young TV Producers on HIV and AIDS expanded its outreach to more than 300 participants covering over 70 countries worldwide in collaboration with major regional broadcasting organizations, who have also been actively involved in the follow-up to the 2009 Paris Declaration on Broadcast Media and Climate Change.
在第三次会议上,与会者讨论了如何鼓 媒 体 撰 写 气 候 变 化问题的报道, 并举行了一次小型培训班,以补充私营通讯公司所作的介绍。
At the third session, participants discussed ways
[...] to encourage the media to write about climate change issues, [...]
and a small training session
was held to complement the presentation made by a private communications company.
教科文组织与环境规划署结为伙伴关系,于2009年9 月在巴黎举办了第 一次“广媒体与气候变 化问题”国际会议。
In partnership with UNEP, UNESCO organized in Paris, in September 2009, the first International
[...] Conference “Broadcast Media and Climate Change”.
[...] 因此与联合国环境规划署合作举行了首次“广 媒 体 与 气 候 变化”国际会议(巴黎,2009 年 9 月)。
UNESCO’s strategy to partner with media on education for sustainable development issues attracted considerable interest
and led to the first international
[...] conference “Broadcast Media and Climate Change” organized [...]
in collaboration with the United
Nations Environment Programme (Paris, September 2009).
通过举媒体与气候变化全媒体论 坛(2010 年 6 月)成功落实了教科文组织广媒体与气候变化国际会议在 2009 年通过的《巴黎宣言》,与德意志银行、教 科文组织科学报道和节目编制奖以英联邦广播协会开展合作以增加媒体报道的内 容。
Successful follow-up to the Paris Declaration adopted in 2009 by the
[...] international conference “Broadcast Media and Climate Change” through the Global Media Forum on media and climate change (June 2010) to increase [...]
content in collaboration with Deutsche Welle and UNESCO Award for Science Reporting and Programming in cooperation with the Commonwealth Broadcasting Association.
在小岛屿发展中国家举办了 旨在加媒体人员对气候过 程的科学理解的培训活动,包括对太平洋国家的 40 名记者进行 [...]
Training events to strengthen scientific
[...] understanding of climate processes among media professionals were [...]
held in SIDS, including training
of 40 journalists in the Pacific.
一些发达国家媒体不仅报气候变 化相关问题,而且越来越 多地参与制定和实施提高认识活动。
In some developed countries media organizations are not only reporting on climate change related [...]
issues, but are increasingly
involved in the design and implementation of awareness-raising campaigns.
各会员国提得最多的领域是:和平与可持续发展教育、技术和职业教育与培训媒 体教育、适气候变 化、减少和减轻灾害风险、生物多样性、善政、针对幼儿教育和青年发 [...]
The areas most mentioned by Member States were: education for peace and sustainable
development, technical and vocational
[...] education and training, media education, climate change adaptation, [...]
disaster risk reduction and
mitigation, biodiversity, good governance, programmes targeting early childhood and youth development, programmes related to the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals and the promotion of South-South and North-South-South (triangular) cooperation.
在这方面,他告诉听众,南南新闻出席并深入报道了 2005-2015“生命之水”国际十年行动的高级别中期审查会议(2010 年,杜尚别)、 气候变化公约缔约方第十六届会议(2011 年,坎昆)以媒体与气候变化高级别会 议(2010 年,内罗毕)。
In that context, he told the audience that South-South News had been present and had facilitated in-depth coverage of the High-level Conference on the Midterm Review of the International Decade for Action, “Water for Life”, 2005-2015 (Dushanbe, 2010), the sixteenth session of the Conference of
the Parties to the
[...] Convention on Climate Change (Cancun, 2011) and at the High-level Conference on Media and Climate Change (Nairobi, 2010).
在教科文组织广媒体与气候变 化问题国际会议:公共服务职责(巴黎,2009 年 9 月)通过《广媒体和气候变 化问题巴黎宣言》之后,教科文组织一直支持媒体为提高全球 公众气候变化意识所作的努力。
Following up on
[...] the Paris Declaration on Broadcast Media & Climate Change adopted at the UNESCO Conference on “Broadcast Media and Climate Change: A Public Service [...]
Remit” (Paris,
September 2009), UNESCO has continued to support media’s efforts to enhance the public awareness of climate change around the world.
以下是媒体通报气候变 化问题的良好做法的 一些事例,这是根据与会者的经验确定的
The following are a few examples of good practices to
[...] communicate climate change issues to the media, which [...]
draw on the experiences of participants
教科文组织一马当先,与环境署合作举办了第一次“广 媒 体 与 气 候变 化”国际会议(巴黎,2009 年 9 月)。
UNESCO led the first international
[...] conference “Broadcast Media and Climate Change”, [...]
organized in collaboration with UNEP (Paris, September 2009).
许多缔约方认识媒体在应对气候变 化方面发挥的重要作用,为记者开展 了关于气候变化的科学、技术和政治复杂性的培训,以便其能够有效和准确地报 [...]
Many Parties recognized the
[...] important role that the media plays in combating climate change [...]
and have conducted trainings
for journalists on the scientific, technical and political complexities of climate change in order to support effective and accurate reporting on this matter.
教科文组织还将与国家和社区广播站合作,增 媒 体 获 得有 气 候 变化信息的能力和 机会,从而提高媒体开展公众宣传的能力,动员社会适应和缓解气候变化带来的影响。
Work will also be carried out with national
and community
[...] broadcasters on enhancing media capacities and access to information about climate change with [...]
the goal of enhancing
the capacities of the media to raise public awareness and promote social actions for climate change adaptation and mitigation.
与会者考虑到欧洲地区各国所起作用的差距以及新闻工作者 媒 体 对 气候 变 化问题的理解和认识方面的差别,因此得出结论,应该采取不同的办法和交流 [...]
Participants considered the differences in the various countries of the European region as regards their role, and of
the understanding and awareness of
[...] journalists and the media on climate change issues, [...]
and concluded that different approaches
and communication strategies were needed.
最后,以“建媒体报道气候变化和人道主义新闻的能力”为宗旨,教科文组织正在 与“WATAN [...]
电视”共同对 20 名媒体人员进行报道可持续发展与气候变化问题的培训。
Finally, with the aim of Capacity-building on
[...] the reporting on climate change and humanitarian [...]
information in media, UNESCO is
working with WATAN TV to train 20 media professionals in reporting on sustainable development and climate change.
67% 的人口媒体作为气候变 化信息的主 要来源,当前的趋势证实这样的想法,即通 媒 体 提供 的 气 候 变化信息的水平与 人口减少其排放量的积极行为变化之间存在相互关系。
It noted
[...] that in Sweden the media is an effective way of communicating on climate change issues: an opinion poll showed that 67 percent of the population were relying on the media as their source of [...]
information on climate
change, and trends support the idea that there is a correlation between the level of information on climate change provided through the media, and the positive behavioural changes of the population to reduce their emissions.
Refraction 折射:当光线或能量波倾斜着穿过一 媒 介 (如 空 气 ) 到 另一 媒 介 ( 如玻璃)时,由 于光线在两种媒介中的传播速度不同,导致其传播方向发生偏转。
Refraction: The change of direction (deflection) of a light ray or energy wave from a straight line as it passes obliquely from one medium (such as air) to another (such as glass) in which its velocity is different.
围绕挑起冲突和过分夸大冲突展开了明显的“行动”,通 媒 体 串通 一 气 大 张 旗 鼓地进行宣传,把厄立特里亚描绘为“区域不稳定的根源”,使其深受其害。
The transparent “operation” revolved around igniting skirmishes and amplifying
them out of all proportion through an
[...] intensive and concerted media campaign to portray [...]
and victimize Eritrea as a “source of regional destabilization”.
立即联系我们,了解 INFICON 工具箱中最畅销的媒检漏仪、易燃 气 体 检 漏仪、 媒 回 收 系统、 媒 充 注 秤、真空泵和真空压力计。
Contact us today, and well take you through the INFICON toolbox of best-selling refrigerant leak detectors, combustible gas leak detectors, refrigerant recovery systems, refrigerant charging scales, vacuum pumps, and vacuum pressure gauges.
[...] 方和个人有助于安全和抗灾的行动的宣传方案;公布社区的成功事例;就有气候的问题媒体进 行培训;制订有关适 气 候 和 减少风险的教学大纲; 支持关于抗灾能力的研究方案;改善机制促进知识从科学转化为在对气候敏 [...]
Specific steps should include collating and disseminating good practices; undertaking public information programmes on local and personal actions that contribute to safety and resilience;
[...] [...] publicizing community successes; training the media on climate-related issues; developing education [...]
curricula on climate adaptation and risk reduction;
supporting research programmes on resilience; and improving mechanisms for knowledge transfer from science to application for risk management in climate-sensitive sectors.




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