

单词 媒体教育

See also:


media, esp. news media

教育 n

education n
teaching n

教育 pl

schools pl



External sources (not reviewed)

[...] 部分,教科文组织推动欧洲议会决议的编制,确认媒体和信息扫盲的重要性以及教科文组织 促媒体教育的作用。
As part of its sensitization campaign, UNESCO contributed to the preparation of a resolution by the European
Parliament, recognizing the importance of media and information literacy and
[...] UNESCO’s role in promoting media education.
教科文组织与青年人,以及所有的群体--各国政府 媒体 、 教育 工 作 者、国际机构和非 国家参与者携手合作,通过预防教育制止艾滋病的蔓延。
UNESCO in partnership with young people, and all groups – governments, the media, educators, international [...]
agencies and non State
actors to work hand-in-hand to stop the spread of HIV through preventive education.
会议提出了许多其它建议,诸如确保数字遗产得到保护,包括把档案和图书馆作为 “世界记忆计划”的组成部分;制订儿童和成 媒体教育 计 划 ;根据信息社会世界首脑会议 的精神,特别在知识社会和知识经济的背景下,推广普及使用信息传播技术。
A range of other suggestions was put forward, such as: to ensure the preservation of digital heritage, including archives and libraries as a component of the
“Memory of the World
[...] Programme”; to develop media education programmes for children and adults; and to increase familiarity with the use [...]
of ICTs, especially
within the framework of the knowledge society and knowledge economy, in light of the outcomes of the World Summit on the Information Society.
在调查期间,通过“国媒体教育协 会 ”项目,教科文组织为提高国际对媒体扫盲的 重要性的认识继续做出努力。
During the period
[...] under review, UNESCO continued its efforts to raise international awareness about the importance of media literacy, through [...]
its “Mentor” project.
[...] 发展;缩小数字鸿沟;利用信息与传播计划和电子空间的多语言使用;支持建设和平、解决 冲突和对话;学校的媒体扫盲 媒体教育; 文 献遗产,包括音像资料;促进信息与传播技 术为可持续发展服务;改进媒体政策的伦理标准;支持国际传播发展计划和全民信息计划之 [...]
Respondents proposed many additional “other priorities” for MP V. These included training of media workers; bridging the digital divide through community multimedia centres in remote areas; local content production and the utilization of knowledge for sustainable development; reduction of the digital divide; use of ICTs and multilingualism in cyberspace; support to
peacebuilding, conflict resolution and
[...] dialogue; media literacy and media education in schools; [...]
documentary heritage, including
audiovisual material; promotion of ICTs for sustainable development; enhancing ethical standards in media policies; and support for coordination of the IPDC and IFAP programmes.
还有国家建议在 35 C/5 中继续以跨部门和跨学科方法开展以下主题和专题活动:与贫 困作斗争;包容教育;监狱中的教育;水与环境,包括荒漠化和气候变化 媒体教育 和 将 信 息和传播技术纳入课程;预防教育(不仅涉及艾滋病毒和艾滋病,而且涉及疟疾以及其他传 染性疾病);全民科技教育;加强科研系统;保护和宣传地方传统知识;知识产权;世界遗 [...]
The following topics and themes were also proposed for pursuit in an intersectoral and interdisciplinary manner in document 35 C/5: fight against poverty;
inclusive education;
[...] arts education; education in the context of prisons; water and environment – including desertification and climate change; media education and introduction [...]
of ICT in curricula;
preventive education, to address not only HIV and AIDS but also malaria and other pandemic diseases; scientific and technological education for all; strengthening of research systems; preservation and promotion of traditional local knowledge; intellectual property; world heritage conservation; culture for sustainable development and ecotourism; preservation of documentary heritage; and intercultural dialogue.
在欧盟委员会的支助下,作出了一种安排来协调和 监督区域伙伴的工作,目的是为地中海地区师范院校编制和推行关 媒体教育 的 培 训模块。
With the support of the European Commission, a structure has been set up to coordinate and monitor the work of regional partners,
with the aim to prepare and introduce
[...] training modules on media education for teacher colleges in [...]
the Mediterranean region.
确定的领域有:培训教师使用信 息与传播技术媒体教育,包 括对信息内容进行批判性分析;以及专业人员的培训,其中包括记者 和媒体专业人员、档案馆员、图书馆员以及其他信息专业人员。
The following areas were identified in
[...] this regard: teacher training in the use of ICTs; media education, including critical [...]
analysis of information
contents; and training of professionals, including journalists and media professionals, archivists, librarians and other information specialists.
一位代表对教科文组织有着与促进表达自由的媒体非政府组 织合作的优良传统表示欢迎,并强 媒体教育 对 于培养公民的的批评意识十分重要。
One delegate welcomed UNESCO’s
strong tradition of cooperation with media NGOs promoting freedom of expression and stressed the
[...] importance of media education for the development [...]
of citizens’ critical attitudes.
为加强媒体教育、研 究和传播发 展方面的合作,教科文组织为亚美尼亚、阿塞拜疆、白俄罗斯、格鲁吉亚、摩尔多瓦共和国 [...]
和俄罗斯联邦新闻系主任会议(2003 年 9 月)提供了支持。
To strengthen cooperation in
[...] the development of media education, research and [...]
communication, UNESCO supported a meeting
of Deans of the Faculties of Journalism in Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, the Republic of Moldova and the Russian Federation (September 2003).
这 次会议是一个机会,可以讨论现 媒体教育 和 媒 体 扫 盲政策问题,思考在新的媒体环境(信 息社会)下出现了哪些挑战,及其对青年、教育、公民参与和民主的影响。
The session provided an opportunity to
[...] discuss existing media education and media literacy [...]
policies and to reflect on what challenges
are emerging from the new media environment (the Information Society) and its effects on youth, education, civic participation and democracy.
[...] 等,比如为不讲爱沙尼亚语的人组织商务旅行,目的是操练语言,激励青年合 作,支媒体教育,拟 订公民资格考试信息方案。
Under the sub-programme “Social competence”, various activities were carried out with the aim to increase equality in working life, such as organising business trips for nonEstonian speaking people with the aim of language
practice, stimulating youth
[...] cooperation, supporting media education, and preparing [...]
an information programme for the citizenship examination.
新闻部及其下属的全球信息网络(UNICs)依 媒体 、 教育 机 构和非政府组织的服务,将联合国的核心信息传递给全世界人民。
Along with its global network of Information Centres
[...] (UNICs), DPI works with media, educational institutions and [...]
non-governmental organizations in
bringing the core messages of the UN to people around the world.
各会员国提得最多的领域是:和平与可持续发展教育、技术和职业教育与培训媒 体教育、适 应气候变化、减少和减轻灾害风险、生物多样性、善政、针对幼儿教育和青年发 [...]
The areas most mentioned by Member States were: education for peace and
sustainable development, technical and vocational
[...] education and training, media education, climate [...]
change adaptation, disaster risk
reduction and mitigation, biodiversity, good governance, programmes targeting early childhood and youth development, programmes related to the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals and the promotion of South-South and North-South-South (triangular) cooperation.
政府 继 续 通过与利益攸关方举行讨论会和会议,包括克 戈 特拉会议、出版 物媒 体 教育博 茨瓦纳。
The Government
[...] continues to educate Batswana through seminars and meetings with stakeholders, including Kgotla meetings, publications and media.
在“世界遗产掌握在年轻人手中项目”的框架内,出版了阿拉伯文版的教育资料汇 编;启动了新的媒体教育材料 编写工作;结合第七届世界遗产城市组织研讨会的召开,在 希腊的 Rhodes 举办了第十四届世界遗产青年论坛。
In the framework of the World Heritage in Young Hands
Project, a new Arabic
[...] version of the Education Kit was published; the preparation of new multimedia educational material was [...]
initiated, and the
14th World Heritage Youth Forum was organized in connection with the seventh Symposium of the Organization of World Heritage Cities in Rhodes, Greece.
已经确定的潜力大的领域有:可持续发展教育、全纳教育、技术和职业教育、创 新技术媒体教育、气候变化和减灾。
Areas of high potential identified were: ESD, inclusive education,
technical and vocational education,
[...] technology for innovation, media education, climate [...]
change and disaster mitigation.
本次大会由五场专题会议和四次圆桌会议组成,会议议题分别涉及:媒体与人权、历 史回顾和现有观点与挑战、通过教育促进人权文化、媒体对人权文化的贡献、记忆教育与人 权、人权沟通的最优方法媒体教育 、 对 民主公民权和人权 媒体教育 等。
The Conference included five masterly conferences and four round tables on: Media and Human Rights: Historical Overview and Current Perspectives and Challenges; Promotion of a Culture of Human Rights by Means of Education; Media Contribution to a
Culture of Human
[...] Rights; Memory Education and Human Rights; Best Practices in Communication for Human Rights and Media Education and Media Education for Democratic [...]
Citizenship and Human Rights.
议员媒体、教育工作 者和公共团体也更多地要求 就特别顾问各自的任务规定提供信息和发表意见。
Calls from
[...] parliamentarians, the media, educators and public groups [...]
for information and views on the Special Advisers’ respective mandates have also grown.
(a) 鼓励设立合作网络,以便建立相互理解,推动对话以及为实现共同的
[...] 政策目标而采取建设性行动,争取取得明显成果,例如在教育、卫生、预防冲 突、就业、融合以媒体教育等领域中实施服务项目
(a) Encouraging the creation of collaborative networks to build mutual understanding, promoting dialogue and inspiring constructive action towards shared policy goals and the pursuit of tangible outcomes, such as
servicing projects in the fields of education, health, conflict prevention,
[...] employment, integration and media education
在这方面,秘书长注意到联合国文明联盟 媒体 、 教育 、 移 民和青年领域开 展的各种活动,其中包括建立网络资源(www.globalexpertfinder.org),旨在当出现 造成不合的文化间紧张局势时,记者能与范围广泛的国际专家建立联系;联合国 文明联盟国际研究金方案,使来自欧洲、美利坚合众国和穆斯林占主体的国家的 青年专家能够了解彼此的社会和价值观;创立“对话咖啡馆”倡议——一个由来 自不同文化背景的个人组成的全球网络,他们通过电视会议交流观点,相互了解; 宗教和信仰教育网络社区,鼓励交流认识多样性和容忍方面的良好做法;以及青 年团结基金,支助让青年参与文化间对话的具体项目。
These included the creation of an online resource (www.globalexpertfinder.org) designed to connect journalists with a wide range of international experts in times of divisive intercultural tensions; the international fellowships programme of the United Nations Alliance of Civilizations, which enables young professionals from Europe, the United States of America and countries with a Muslim majority to learn about each other’s societies and values; the creation of the “Dialogue Café” initiative, a global network of individuals from different cultural backgrounds who, via videoconference, share ideas and learn about each other; the education about religions and beliefs online community, which encourages the exchange of good practices in learning about diversity and tolerance; and the Youth Solidarity Fund’s support for concrete projects involving youth in intercultural dialogue.
该网络还将充当研究中心媒体教育 观 察 站。
The network will also serve as a
[...] research centre and media literacy observatory.
在泰国, 教科文组织倡议制订一个《中学教 媒体教育 指 南 》,以应对当前对媒体对青年人影响的进 [...]
In Thailand, UNESCO initiated the preparation of a secondary school
[...] teacher guide on media education as a response [...]
to the current need for increased
awareness and understanding of the impact of the media on young people; it is expected to raise media literacy levels among secondary school teachers and students in the country.
采取适当措施,通媒体、教育机构 和其他现有渠道开展公众宣传运 动,消除对个人或社群的基于其文化特性的一切形式的偏见。
(i) Taking appropriate measures to conduct public
[...] campaigns through the media, educational institutions and [...]
other available channels, with a
view to eliminating any form of prejudice against individuals or communities, based on their cultural identity.
[...] 旨在确保享有主张和言论自由权利,促进记者安全,培育自由、多元、独立和专业媒体,推媒体教育,以及应用媒体发展指标等方面的工作。
UNESCO’s work aiming at ensuring the right to freedom of opinion and expression, promoting safety of journalists, fostering free,
pluralistic, independent and professional media,
[...] advancing media education and applying the [...]
Media Development Indicators should be further encouraged.
(a) 鼓励设立合作网络,以便建立相互理解,推动对话以及为实现共同的 政策目标而采取建设性行动,争取取得明显成果,例如在教育、卫生、预防冲 突、就业、融合以媒体教育等领 域中实施服务项目; (b) 在政府中设立适当机制,以便除其他外确定和处理存在不同宗教群体 成员之间紧张关系的潜在领域,并且协助预防冲突和进行调解
(a) Encouraging the creation of collaborative networks to build mutual understanding, promoting dialogue and inspiring constructive action towards shared policy goals and the pursuit of tangible outcomes, such as servicing projects in the fields of education, health, conflict prevention, employment, integration and media education
与联盟各主题有关的一些学术网络也得到扩展:诸 媒体教育 ( 33 个 合作 伙伴)、宗教和信仰教育(18 个合作伙伴)、不同文明联盟研究网络(16 [...]
家学术机 构和由 200 多家机构组成的网络)等领域;确认协作研究机会的工作已经开始。
Several academic networks of relevance to Alliance themes
were expanded, such as
[...] in the areas of media literacy (33 partners), education about religions [...]
and beliefs (18 partners) and
the United Nations Alliance of Civilizations Research Network (16 academic institutions and networks, comprising over 200 institutions); and work was begun on identifying collaborative research opportunities.
不同文明联盟继续发媒体教育倡议,以帮助年轻人浏览越来越复杂的媒体 报道,推供他们所需要的工具,使他们成为有辨识、有批判能力的媒体消费者。
The Alliance of Civilizations has continued
[...] to develop its media literacy initiatives in [...]
order to help young people navigate
an increasingly complex media world and provide them with the tools they need to become discerning and critical media consumers.
一些答复国强调,必须加媒体教育 、 媒体 使 用地方语言及发 展民主等领域的跨部门合作,还有一份答复建议设立一个新的跨部门平台来处理信息和传播 [...]
Some respondents stressed the need for strengthened
cross-sectoral cooperation in
[...] areas such as media education, local languages in media and the building [...]
of democracy, while another
one suggested the creation of a new Intersectoral Platform to deal with information and communication issues.
本组织继续支持塞尔维亚本地电视节目的制作,协助独立机构制作纪录片、文化节目 和专题讨论节目,还与世界报刊协会共同发起了 教育媒体 ” 项 目,其目的是通过改 媒体 教育的内 容来促进言论自由与民主公民的普遍价值和和平文化。
In Somalia, UNESCO consolidated and extended the community-based peace initiatives with extrabudgetary [...]
funding from the European Commission.




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