

单词 婚前

婚前 adjective ()

premarital adj
prenuptial adj



pre-marital sex

婚前派对 n

stag party n


prenuptial agreement
dowry contract

See also:


marriage n
wedding n
marry n

External sources (not reviewed)

我 們 較
[...] 為 喜 歡 用 這 個 意 思 來 解 釋 調 查 結 果 , 而 對 於 在婚 前 的 事 情 , 則 會 保 留 對 離 婚 男 女 的 保 護 。
We prefer to adopt this interpretation of the results of the
survey, and would preserve the protection
[...] afforded to divorced spouses in respect of matters occurring during the marriage.
学校和居民社团也举办关于家庭计划的咨询活动,家庭计划包 婚前, 夫 妇间及遗传方面的指导、怀孕控制方法的咨询、不育的处理、遗传及性传染疾 [...]
Family planning
[...] includes pre-marital and genetic [...]
issues counselling, information on birth control methods, treatment of
infertility and prevention of genetic and sexually transmitted diseases.
[...] 這些正面的價值觀和態度,學會如何面對色情資訊、懂得尊重別人的私隱, 並以負責任的態度探討和處理戀愛 婚前 性 行 為和未婚懷孕等與性有關的課 題。
We hope that students can develop such positive values and attitudes, so that they can learn how they should face pornographic materials and learn to respect the privacy of others and adopt a
responsible attitude in exploring and handling sex-related issues such
[...] as love, pre-marital sex and unmarried pregnancies.
我要指出,在現行的課程和將於 2009 年實施的新高中課程中,性教育部分
[...] 涵蓋了生理和心理兩個層次,也包括一些具爭議性的“性”議題,例如如何 分辨真愛和迷戀、對性的感覺及處理方法,以 婚前 及 婚 外 性 行為等。
I must point out that, in the existing curriculum as well as the new senior secondary curriculum to be implemented in 2009, the part of sex education covers both the physiological and psychological levels as well as some controversial "sex" subject matters, such as how to distinguish between true
love and obsession, the feelings towards sex and methods of
[...] handling them, pre-marital sex and extramarital sex, and so on.
Spouses may modify
[...] or change previous prenuptial agreements [...]
or celebrate new agreements.
[...] 准备、配偶水火不容、单亲父母、亲子关系引发的问题、家庭角色的分配和责任 、照顾老年人和残疾人、消除婚前 后 的 问题以及帮助家庭自足。
Parallel to these objectives, professional studies continue at these centres regarding preparation for marriage, incompatibility between spouses, single parenthood, problems stemming from parent – child relations, distribution of roles and responsibilities inside the family, care of
the elderly and the disabled,
[...] elimination of the problems before and after divorce, and helping family [...]
be self-sufficient.
本婚姻法律服务中心提供婚姻家庭领域法律服务的机构,专业结婚协议、离婚协议、婚姻测评 婚前 调 查 、恋爱协议、同居协议、纠纷调解。
Marital law service center provides marital family domain law service organization, marriage agreement,
divorce agreement, marriage evaluated
[...] after testing, before wedding investigates, [...]
love agreement, lives together agreement, dispute mediates.
预防艾滋病毒性传播 的唯一安全和完全可靠的方式婚前 禁 欲 以及婚姻 中尊重对方和彼此忠诚,这才是而且也必须是讨论提 供预防和支持问题的基础。
The only safe and completely reliable method of preventing the
sexual transmission of
[...] HIV is abstinence before marriage and respect and mutual fidelity within marriage, which are [...]
and must also be the foundation
of any discussion of prevention and support.
因此,评估人员建议,调强有多个性伙伴时使用避孕 套,而不是禁婚前性行为。
Consequently, the evaluators proposed that
condom use in the context of multi-partner sexual relations be emphasized rather than
[...] the prohibition of premarital sex.
年对《家庭法》的修正限制了包 括移徙工人在内的外国人和无国籍人士与塔吉克公民结婚的权利,只赋予在缔约
[...] 国合法居住至少一年的人这项权利,但要求他们必须签 婚前 协 议 ,外国人和无 国籍配偶负有为其塔吉克配偶和子女提供住所的义务,但没有获得房地产的权 利。
The Committee is concerned about information that the amendments to the Family Code made in 2011 restrict the right of foreign and stateless persons, including migrant workers, to marry Tajik citizens, by granting this right only to those who have legally resided in the State
party for at least one year and by
[...] requiring a mandatory prenuptial agreement whereby [...]
the foreign or stateless spouse is obliged
to provide his or her Tajik spouse and children with a dwelling, without having the right to acquire real estate property.
正如中學生應否談 戀愛,或有沒婚前性行 為等都不存在家長准許與否等問題,問題 癥結在於青少年有否在這方面接受正確的資訊及教育。
Similar to issues like dating among secondary
[...] school students and premarital sex, parental [...]
permission is not of major concern, the
root of the problem lies in whether teenagers are receiving accurate information and education.
a. 培育组织(例如香港公教婚姻辅导会、香港明爱家庭服务部)宜设立机制,鼓励新婚夫妇在婚后数年内继续与这些曾为他们提 婚前 培 育 的组织联络,以接受婚后延续培育,重点包括:如何在家中建立良好的人际(包括姻亲)关系及沟通;保持夫妻之间的良好沟通及亲密感;学习接纳、体谅并以宽恕心怀对待配偶,互相扶持;夫妻性生活的协调;认识夫妻性格上的特点及不同婚龄阶段的特色,好能互相适应和配合;重视夫妻灵修,一起成长成圣。
a. The organizations which have provided marriage and family life formation for couples (e.g., CMAC and Caritas Family Service) are recommended to set up mechanisms which can facilitate the
contacts between them
[...] and the newly married couples in the first few years of their marriage, with a view to receiving ongoing formation, [...]
and the key points of
which include: Ways conducive to sound interpersonal (including the parents-in-law) relationships and communication; maintaining sound communication and intimacy between husband and wife; learning to accept, to give support to, and to show understanding towards the other party with a forgiving heart; maintaining a harmonious sexual life; getting to know the characteristics of each party's personality and the distinctive features of different stages of marriage, with a view to becoming more well adjusted with each other; paying special attention to the spirituality of married life so that both parties may grow and attain sanctity together.
雖然目 前法例規定年齡在21歲以下之人士如結婚,須徵得父親的許可,但委
[...] 員會認為設置這種年齡限制並不十分重要,因為傳統華人家庭的子 女,不論年齡,在婚前,均 先徵求父母的同意。
Although under the present law a person is required to obtain the father's consent to marriage if the person is under 21 years of age, the Commission feels that an age limit is of no great significance in the
circumstances of traditional Chinese family life, since it is usual to obtain
[...] parental approval to marriage at any age.
婚前派對 價錢為澳門幣3,590 (平日)以及澳門幣4,120(週末),每次最多六人,詳細水療項目致電酒店查詢。
The Bridal Spa Party is priced [...]
at MOP3,590 on weekdays and MOP 4,120 on weekends.
遗憾的是,在贝多因的新生儿中,先天畸形和遗传病的发病率仍然很高,原因有 很多,包括近亲结婚的传统,以及 婚前 和 生育前屏蔽遗传疾病检查方面存在文 化-宗教-社会障碍。
Unfortunately there are still high rates of congenital malformations and inherited diseases among Bedouin infants, due to multiple factors
including the tradition of
[...] consanguineous marriage, as well as cultural-religioussocial barriers to pre-marital and pre-natal [...]
screening for inherited diseases.
为所有社会群体免费提供了预防性保健服务,包括强制 婚前 体检
Provision of free preventive health care for all social categories, including compulsory
[...] medical examination prior to marriage
d. 配合教区内现有的组织及渠道(如公教婚姻辅导会、明爱家庭服务、牧者所编排的课程等),以加 婚前 准 备 ,并提供短期(约两天)、中期(约在六个月内分期进行)及较长期 婚前 培 育课程供教友选择。
d. Provide a more substantial premarriage preparation, taking into due consideration the programmes of existing organizations and channels in
the Diocese [e.g., Hong Kong Catholic Marriage Advisory Council (CMAC), Caritas Family Service, courses organized by pastors, etc.]; offer short-term (about two days), medium-term (about six months by stages) and long-term premarriage formation programmes for the Catholics to choose from.
求斯政府提供的资料,《移民法》、《民事地位法》和《艾滋病毒/艾滋病法》均于 2008
[...] 年得到了修改,现在要求艾滋病毒呈阳性的非公民在与公民 婚前 公 开 其艾滋 病毒方面的状况,此外不向艾滋病毒呈阳性的移民工人发放工作许可。
According to information provided by the Government of Mauritius, the Immigration Act, the Civil Status Act and the HIV and AIDS Act were all amended in 2008 and now require
an HIV-positive non-citizen to disclose his/her
[...] status in order to marry a citizen, and work [...]
permits are not issued for HIV-positive migrant workers.
[...] 吧间和迪斯科舞厅不断增加以及某些少数民族常见的传 婚前 性 行为和吸毒现象对那 些易受感染的村民可能造成严重影响。
However, the increasing number of bars and
discotheques together with high levels
[...] of traditional premarital sex and drug abuse [...]
in certain ethnic groups were deemed
to have serious implications on the vulnerability of the villagers under consideration.
这种传统的身体护理源自于印尼爪哇岛,已有了几个世纪的历史,主要是皇室新娘 婚前 进 行 的一项活动。
This complete traditional body treatment driven originally from Java Island, Indonesia, has
been used for centuries especially for future brides among the Royal families to
[...] indulge themselves before the wedding.
政 府还通过建立的中心,提供婚前地 中 海贫血病免费检查。
The Government also provides free testing
[...] for thalassaemia prior to marriage, through its established [...]
在这个标榜性自由的时代,年青人需 持守神的教导,保守自己的心和身体不受沾污, 婚前 性 纯 洁」的作者诚恳地呼吁我 们,「真爱需要等待」。
When the world is promoting promiscuous sexual relationships, a sister shares with us her experience and urges us to guard our hearts and bodies.
香港家庭計劃指導會多年來不斷擴展其服務範疇,除提供節育指導服務 婚前及 懷 孕前驗身服務、更年期診所、男性保健服務、流動診所、性教育流動圖書館外, [...]
亦積極拓展新服務,包括骨質疏鬆診所、子宮頸病診所、乳房保健診所、飲食療 法服務,與及最新推出的性治療,目的是透過整合的生殖與性健康服務,促進港 人的性與生殖健康。
Apart from the provision of birth control
[...] services, Pre-marital and Pre-pregnancy [...]
Preparation Service, Menopause Clinic,
Well Men Clinic, Mobile Clinic, Sex Education Mobile Library and the FPAHK Website, the Association has developed new channels to promote sexual and reproductive health.
Agnès B婚前名为Agnès Trouble, 从小钟情于艺术,先后在Cours Gufflet和凡尔赛的 Ecole des Beaux学习艺术学和美术。
Agnès B, originally named Agnès Trouble, had a love of art from an early age, studying at the Cours Gufflet and drawing at Versailles’s Ecole des Beaux-Arts.
本代表团致力于实现旨在制止和扭转艾滋病毒 扩散的目标,提倡唯一普遍有效、安全和廉价的制止 该疾病扩散的手段婚前禁欲 和婚后相互忠诚、避免 冒险行为和提倡普及防止艾滋病毒母婴传染的药品。
My delegation remains committed to achieving the goal of halting and reversing the spread of HIV by promoting the only universally effective, safe and affordable means of halting
the spread of the
[...] disease: abstinence before marriage and mutual fidelity within marriage, avoiding risk-taking [...]
behaviours and
promoting universal access to drugs that prevent the spread of HIV from mother to child.
一对河北省夫妇起诉当地计划生育官员于2000年9月对他们实行晚期堕胎,因为这些官员认为这位孕妇是在 婚前 5 个 月 怀的孕,因此认定胎儿是“非法的”。
A couple from Hebei Province sued local family planning officials for forcing a late-term abortion in September 2000 of a fetus deemed
"illegal" because it was
[...] conceived five months prior to the couple's marriage, which they said [...]
destroyed the mother's ability to conceive.
遇有与外国人结婚的英国人或在英国办理离婚的德国或法国夫妇,要求英国法院强制执行他们在外国订立 婚前 协 议,法院便会被逼 婚前 协 议的效力表明立场,情况就如Radmacher v Granatino [2009] EWCA Civ 649上诉案件一样。
When UK nationals marry foreigners or when Germans or French marry and divorce in the UK,
having signed in their own
[...] countries PNA and ask the UK court to enforce them, often the court was forced to make a stance on the validity of PNA as in the [...]
appeal case of Radmacher
v Granatino [2009] EWCA Civ 649.
除此之外酒店更推出密婚前派對 ,於香薰療理中心為新娘子和姊妹們提 婚 禮 前 的 美 容療程,令各位於大日子當日變得容光煥發。
In order to create a
[...] even more memorable wedding for the bride, Grand Lapa Macau is launching a Bridal Spa Party for the bride and bridesmaids to indulge themselves with beauty treatments before the big day.
聖經明確禁止的是:不誠實、偷竊、惡意的行為、不道德的性關係(婚前性關係、姦淫、同性戀行為)、不正當的行為、褻瀆神、謠言(閒 話)、以及醉酒。
Explicitly forbidden in the Bible are: dishonesty, theft, vandalism, sexual immorality (fornication, adultery, homosexual behavior), immodesty, profanity, gossip, and drunkenness.




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