单词 | 婉妙 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 婉妙adjective—sweetadjsoftadj婉妙—lovely (of sounds and voices)See also:婉—graceful tactful 妙—wonderful
包裹在玫瑰金镶钻表壳之内,掩盖在纯美表盘之下,是Girard-Perregaux 1966 Lady 38毫米女装表复杂婉妙的机芯。 wthejournal.com | Housed in its setting of gem-set pink gold, the dial of the Girard-Perregaux 1966 Lady 38 mm hides great [...] complexity behind its pure aesthetic; the diamonds and the [...] mother-of-pearl are subtlyintertwinedin a [...]hypnotic ballet of curves. wthejournal.com |
韩娥美妙而婉转的歌声给人们留下了深刻的印象。 chinesestoryonline.com | Followed along with the song, some people could not help dancing happliy. chinesestoryonline.com |
作为中立的民意研究者,笔者毋须任何党派的选举工程或竞选策略,亦不会对任何选举结果表示赞赏或婉惜。 hkupop.hku.hk | To be an objective opinion survey researcher, the author is not required to understand the electoral [...] engineering of any political [...] parties or campaign strategies, nor to appreciateor feel sorry about [...]the election outcomes. hkupop.hku.hk |
区域观察员在评估时较委婉一些;他们对全国选举委员会的选举管理工作表示赞扬并指出,选举是《全 [...] 面和平协议》执行工作中的一个重要基准。 daccess-ods.un.org | Regional observers were more restrained in [...] their assessment, commending the National [...] Elections Commission for itsmanagement [...]of the process and stating that the elections [...]were an important benchmark in the implementation of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement. daccess-ods.un.org |
在这里,您可以欣赏到美妙的自然风景和本土动物;也可以在一望无垠的海滩尽情散步;在大型市场上观看来来往往的人流;在一流的免费艺术馆和博物馆了 解澳大利亚的艺术和遗产(参见“文化”部分);您还可以参加充满浓郁的澳大利亚气息的节日,如每年夏季在全国各地海滨举行的冲浪救生比赛等。 studyinaustralia.gov.au | Enjoy endless walks along endless beaches; go people watching at fantastic markets; learn about Australia's art and heritage at excellent free galleries and museums (see the Culture section); or attend some typically Australian festivals, like the surf life-saving competitions on beaches all around the country during summer. studyinaustralia.gov.au |
不过,在它与大会的关系上,1995 年任期的执行局 有时会被非执行局会员国强烈批评,因为它趋于成为微型大会本身,而且趋于认为它向大会 提交的建议——确实总要经过冗长和详尽的讨论,至少在名义上是代表整个教科文组织成员 进行的——不得被触动(因为围绕其通过有微妙的妥协)而只能被“盖上橡皮图章”,这种 态度有时在大会本身的届会期间引发了相当激烈的批评。 unesdoc.unesco.org | In its relations with the General Conference, however, the Executive Board in its post-1995 composition has sometimes been strongly criticized by States non-Members of the Board for a tendency to act as if it were a mini-General Conference of itself, and to consider that the recommendations it transmits to the Conference – indeed often after lengthy and exhaustive discussions that are at least nominally conducted on behalf of the entire UNESCO membership – should not be touched (because of the delicate compromise surrounding their adoption) and just be “rubber-stamped”, an attitude that has aroused at times quite severe comments during the sessions of the General Conference itself. unesdoc.unesco.org |
本公司已根据公司条例第XI部注册 为海外公司,郑碧浩女士(执行董事)及戴婉如女士已获委任为本公司於香港接收 传票的代理人。 embryform.com | The Company has been registered as an oversea company under Part XI of the Companies Ordinance. [...] Ms. Cheng Pik Ho Liza, an executive [...] Directorand Ms. TaiYuen Yu have beenappointed [...]as agents of the Company for the acceptance [...]of service of process in Hong Kong. embryform.com |
目前出现一个审案法官空缺是由于玛里琳·卡曼法官出于个人原因已婉拒将其任期如大会第 65/251 号决议核准的那样再延长六个月(见 A/65/853)。 daccess-ods.un.org | The current vacancy for the ad litem judge arose because Judge Marilyn J. Kaman had declined, for personal reasons, to accept the extension of her appointment for an additional six-month period, approved by the General Assembly in resolution 65/251 (see A/65/853). daccess-ods.un.org |
老 年 人 向一些国家人权机构提出的一个普遍性的投诉 是,他们由于年龄的原因,被婉拒就业、面试或其他找工机会。 daccess-ods.un.org | A common complaint brought to national human rights institutions by ageing and older persons was being declined employment, interviews or other opportunities to find work as a consequence of age. daccess-ods.un.org |
梁婉嫦女士知悉业界代表的建议,他们希望政府与中国内地当局紧密合作,在源 [...] 头上管制输港食物含有三聚氰胺的情况,而不只是规管在本港出售食物中的三聚氰 胺,并检控本港商户。 cfs.gov.hk | Ms.LEUNGYuen Sheungnoted suggestions [...] from trade representatives that Government should work closely with the authorities [...]in mainland China to exercise control over the source of melamine in food to be exported to Hong Kong instead of simply regulating melamine in food to be sold in Hong Kong and prosecuting traders in Hong Kong. cfs.gov.hk |
此外,自达尔富尔混合行 动开办以来,有 109 名选定的候选人婉拒了任用聘书。 daccess-ods.un.org | In addition, since the establishment of the mission, 109 selected candidates have declined offers of appointment. daccess-ods.un.org |
作为中立的研究者,我们无意褒贬任何党派的选举工程或竞选策略,亦不会对选举结果表示赞赏或婉惜。 hkupop.hku.hk | As a neutral researcher, we have no intention to appreciate or criticize the election engineering or electoral strategy of any parties. hkupop.hku.hk |
除了父亲Paulinus,已经提到,是神甫罗素,谁被选为协助完成了大量的“薄伽梵往世书”的比尔努夫开始,翻译和出版谁除了对印度教有趣的研究有;神甫杜波依斯,谁发表了巧妙地阐述了现代印度教,题目是“印度教的礼仪,习俗和礼仪”(牛津,1897年);和父亲j的Dahlmann,律政司司长最后,但公平地注意到有相当出色的翻译工作是由当地印度教学者所做神圣的印度教和解释文本。 mb-soft.com | Besides Father Paulinus, already mentioned, are the Abbé Roussel, who was chosen to assist in completing the translation of the voluminous "Bhagavata Purana", begun by Burnouf, and who has besides published interesting studies on Hinduism; the Abbé Dubois, who published a masterly exposition of Modern Hinduism under the title "Hindu Manners, Customs and Ceremonies" (Oxford, 1897); and Father J. Dahlmann, SJ Finally, it is but fair to note that considerable excellent work is being done by native Hindu scholars in translating and interpreting sacred Hindu texts. mb-soft.com |
即使只是表面的此类利益 冲突也是不适当的,因此应该透过婉言谢绝馈赠,以避免此类利益冲突。 colgate.com | Even the appearance of such a conflict of interest is inappropriate and should be avoided by politely declining the offer. colgate.com |
由于产前咨询比例、妇女抗破伤风疫苗接种覆盖率及在有辅助设施中分婉比例的提高,妇女医疗保健的产前护理明显改善。 daccess-ods.un.org | The prenatal care aspect of the health-care coverage of women has distinctly improved, thanks to the higher proportion of prenatal consultations, the coverage of women for anti-tetanus vaccination and the proportion of deliveries in assisted facilities. daccess-ods.un.org |
前景 利记行政总裁陈婉珊女士表示:「环球市场呈现复苏迹象,中国经济尤其畅旺,集团坐拥优势, [...] 有望受惠国内消费市场的爆炸性增长及金属价格回升。 leekeegroup.com | Ms. Clara Chan, Chief Executive [...] Officer of LEE KEE, said, “Buoyed by the signs of global recovery, in particular the robust [...]Chinese economy, LEE KEE is well positioned to capitalise on the explosive consumption growth in the domestic market and the upward global price trend for metals. leekeegroup.com |
有见及此,今年再度加码,推出「康宏代言人计划2013」,并在芸芸30多名参加者当中,挑选出三位合资格的专业理财顾问 ─ 康宏理财服务有限公司联席董事吴婉奇小姐(Christine Ng)、联席董事卓啓雄先生(Franky Cheuk)以及助理联席董事梁惜君小姐(Morise Leung),作为新一任代言人。 convoyfinancial.com | As a result, "Convoy Spokesperson Programme 2013" is launched this year to further enhance the scheme. 3 qualified professional financial advisors were selected among 30 applicants, including Ms. Christine Ng, AssociateDirector of Convoy Financial Services Limited, Mr. Franky Cheuk, Associate Director of Convoy Financial Services Limited and Ms. Morise Leung, Assistant Associate Director of Convoy Financial Services Limited, as the new spokespersons. convoyfinancial.com |
对於人民与场所孰轻孰重,行政单位总委婉地以安全为由表明立场,且趋势大多不受民众青睐,相较於其他主要城市,我的故乡南加州地貌特别对行人不利,洛杉矶其实愈来愈多民众乐见转运系统能改善、人口密度能提高,若有些人指称热爱开车的居民仍占绝大多数,就像指称玛丽皇后(Marie Antoinette)是因喉咙痛而死一样,完全不符合事实。 thisbigcity.net | There is a growing population of Angelinos who crave better transit and practical density but to say they are dwarfed by the petrol-propelled masses is like saying Marie Antoinette died of a sore throat. thisbigcity.net |