单词 | 娱乐业 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 娱乐业 noun —entertainment industry nSee also:娱乐 n—entertainment n • pursuit n • diversion n 娱乐—fun • amuse • joy • hobby 娱—amuse 乐业 n—contentment n
从全球的角度来讲,著作权保护的直接回报主要流向欧洲和北美的出 版 业 , 娱乐业 和 软件 业。 iprcommission.org | From a global perspective, the direct rewards from [...] copyright protection are largely directed to [...] the publishing, entertainment and software industries [...]in Europe and North America. iprcommission.org |
专家组调查了古德先生在科特迪瓦 娱乐业 , 特 别是在“Leaders Team Associated”公司的利益(见 [...] S/2008/598,第 169 段)。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Group conducted investigations into Mr. [...] Goudé’s interests in the entertainment business in Côte d’Ivoire, [...]in particular the Leaders Team [...]Associated company (see S/2008/598, para. 169). daccess-ods.un.org |
CVT 也在努力进行其他区域的网络升级,以提供电子商务和基于OTT(Over The Top)的服务,比如下载电影、游戏等 娱乐业 务。 zte.com.cn | CVT is also busy upgrading our Internet connections to the rest of the [...] world to provide for e-commerce and over the top (OTT) services such as downloading of [...] movie TV, gaming and entertainment. wwwen.zte.com.cn |
上一个专家组还调查了布莱·古德先生在科特迪 瓦 娱乐业 中 的 利益,特别 是据称他在其中有经济利益的 Leaders Team [...] Associated 公司和其他公司。 daccess-ods.un.org | The previous Group of Experts also conducted [...] investigations into Mr. Blé [...] Goudé’s interests in the entertainment business in Côte d’Ivoire, [...]notably the company Leaders Team [...]Associated, and other companies where he allegedly has economic interests. daccess-ods.un.org |
这涉及到六大行业:海洋聚合物提取业、电 [...] 缆业(电信和电源)、可再生能源业(离岸风能、海浪能和潮汐)、油气业、 渔 业 及 娱乐业。 teebweb.org | Six industrial sectors were considered: marine aggregates extraction; [...] cables (telecommunications and power); renewable energy (offshore wind, wave, tidal); oil and [...] gas; fisheries; and recreation. teebweb.org |
小规模(不足 10 [...] 人)的商业、电影·演艺业、保健卫生业、待 客 娱乐业等 特殊行业的劳动时间是每周 44 小时。 town.matsushige.tokushima.jp | For small-size businesses (under 10 people), movie and [...] theatre businesses, health and hygiene [...] businesses and entertainment/amusement businesses [...]which deal with customers as a special [...]measure, working hours are 44 hours per week. town.matsushige.tokushima.jp |
2010 年 3 [...] 月,全球创造性论坛在加利福尼亚州洛杉矶召集了制片人、导演、 作者和演员以及联合国高级官员,探索联合国 和 娱乐业 可 以 协力提高人们对全球 问题的意识和调动公众对全球问题积极性的各种方法。 daccess-ods.un.org | In March 2010, the Global Creative Forum brought together producers, directors, writers and actors with senior United Nations officials in Los Angeles, California, [...] to explore ways in which the [...] United Nations and the entertainment industry can join forces [...]to raise awareness and mobilize [...]the public around global issues. daccess-ods.un.org |
在现代化主义意识形态的推动下,不少人把第三产业看作最先进的产业 (Fourastié 1949;亦见黄宗智 2009,2008b 的讨论),并希望把中国表达得比其 [...] [...] 实际更高度现代化。兴许是出于如此的意愿,统计局最近采用了一些听来十分现代 化的统计指标,诸如“信息传输”、“文化体育 和 娱乐业 ” 、 “科学研究”、“金 融和保险业”、 “租赁和商务服务业”、“计算机服务和软件业”等等,或有意 [...] 或无意地促使人们忽视占服务业人数最多的小贩、摊贩、保姆、服务员、街道清洁 [...]员、社区保安等等农民工。 lishiyushehui.cn | Driven by the ideology of modernizationism, the notion that the tertiary sector represents the most advanced economic development (Fourastié, 1949; cf. the discussion in Huang, 2009, and Huang Zongzhi, 2008b), and the wish to represent China as a more modern economy than it really is, the NSB has been fronting the most modernsounding groups of the service sector, such as “Information Transmissions,” “Computer Service and Software,” “Finance and Insurance,” “Leasing and Business [...] Services,” “Scientific Research,” [...] “Culture, Sports, and Entertainment,” and so on, downplaying [...]in effect the much larger numbers [...]of migrant peddlers, domestics, restaurant help, street cleaners, residential community guards, and other such migrant workers (nongmingong) who are also grouped under the service sector. lishiyushehui.cn |
电影并不是美国人的发明;然而却是美国对世 界 娱乐业 作 出 的卓越贡献。 embassyusa.cn | Moving pictures were not an American invention; however, they have nonetheless been the preeminent American [...] contribution to world entertainment. eng.embassyusa.cn |
这样,旅游业和娱乐业继续 为该国增长最迅速的工 商部门提供附加值,每年约有 1.8 亿人在沿海地区观光。 daccess-ods.un.org | As a result, tourism and recreation continue to add value to the country’s fastestgrowing business sectors, [...] with some 180 million [...]people visiting the coastal areas each year. daccess-ods.un.org |
共同创始人Matthew [...] Goldstein在向娱乐和媒体渠道开放及销售内容上做了大量的工作,使Firebird不仅在收购本地制作的内容方面,而且在数字内容的改编与销售方面满足 了 娱乐业 众 多 客户的需求。 tipschina.gov.cn | Due to the extensive work of co-founder Matthew Goldstein in opening and selling content for entertainment and media outlets [...] in the region Firebird caters to [...] many clients in the entertainment industry in terms of adaptation [...]and sales of digital content [...]as well as acquisition of regionally produced content. tipschina.gov.cn |
旅游和娱乐业应尊 重获取和享有文化遗产的权利。 daccess-ods.un.org | (i) Tourism and entertainment industries should respect [...] the right of access to and enjoyment of cultural heritage. daccess-ods.un.org |
26.A. 旅游和娱乐业、包 括游轮的地点和规模:就业——旅游业的经济效益——保 [...] 护海洋生物多样性产生的经济效益。 daccess-ods.un.org | 26.A. Location and scale [...] of tourism and recreation, including cruise [...]ships: employment — economic benefits of tourism — [...]economic benefits resulting from protecting marine biodiversity. daccess-ods.un.org |
漫威[màn [...] wēi ]所有的意义,与Marvel品牌的精髓是一致的;以漫画起家,多年以来逐步进化演变成为一个国 际 娱乐业 的 发 动机。 labbrand.com | The connotation of the name漫威 [màn wēi] is consistent with the essence of [...] Marvel’s brand; it is founded on comic books and has evolved over the years [...] to become a global entertainment powerhouse. labbrand.com |
在世界范围内盗版令娱乐业损失 惨重,如何打击盗版,保护知识产权,以促进中 国电影产业的健康发展,是众多国内国外电影产业界人士和经济界人士十分关心的问题。 uschina.org | The entertainment sector suffers heavy [...] losses worldwide due to copyright piracy, and the question of how to crack down on [...]copyright piracy and protect intellectual property rights in order to promote the healthy development of China’s movie industry has become a significant concern for many people in the movie industry both at home and abroad. uschina.org |
所处行业 : 分销/零售 (美发/美容院) 服务业及其他 (娱乐业) betheone.com | Business sectors : distribution / retail (hair stylist / beauty salon) [...] services & others (entertainment) betheone.com |
决赛的评委由来自国际知名的音乐和 娱乐业 专 业 人士组成,包括六次格莱美获奖歌手Toni [...] Braxton、梦工厂动画首席执行官Jeffrey Katzenberg、资深音乐制作人Ron Fair和David Foster以及知名娱乐律师兼品牌战略家Ken Hertz。 tipschina.gov.cn | The panel consisted of six-time Grammy Award-winning R&B singer [...] Toni Braxton, DreamWorks CEO Jeffrey [...] Katzenberg, legendary music producers Ron Fair [...]and David Foster, and prominent entertainment [...]attorney and brand strategist Ken Hertz. tipschina.gov.cn |
一个重要的提醒是,其它相同的支柱产业仍将忽视他们所应用的技术以及他们是如何被证明的,例如旅 游 业 和 娱乐业。 uigarden.net | It was important to be reminded that the same key [...] industries will exist irrespective of the technology they use and how they are manifested, for [...] instance travel and entertainment. uigarden.net |
对海滩、沙丘、红树林、湿地 [...] 和珊瑚礁等弹性自然保护特色进行保护和加强,这还将维护生物多样性、审美价 值和娱乐业42 daccess-ods.un.org | Resilient natural protective features, such as beaches, sand dunes, mangroves, wetlands and coral [...] reefs, are conserved and enhanced, which also maintains biological diversity, [...] aesthetic values and recreation42 (see box 18). daccess-ods.un.org |
独立专家在报告最后提出 [...] 了一些旨在促进从人权角度看待文化遗产问题的建议,建议的对象是国家、从事 文化遗产工作的专业人员和文化机构、研究人员以及旅游 和 娱乐业。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Independent Expert concludes her report with recommendations aimed at promoting a human rights-based approach to cultural heritage matters and addressed to States, professionals [...] working in the field of cultural heritage and cultural institutions, [...] researchers and tourism and entertainment industries. daccess-ods.un.org |
尽管取得了一些进展,但由于在中国发生的知识财产盗窃,从制药和生物技术到先进制 造 业 到 娱乐业 的 美国和其他外国公司每年仍然损失数十亿计的美元。 embassyusa.cn | Despite some progress, American and other foreign companies in industries ranging from [...] pharmaceuticals to biotechnology to advanced [...] manufacturing to entertainment still lose billions [...]of dollars every year from IP theft in China. eng.embassyusa.cn |
科文顿·柏灵律师事务所的合伙 [...] 人,曾任华纳兄弟中国公司的执 行董事,在媒体和娱乐行业处理 过许多前沿业务,并曾于亚太地 区和许多顶尖的公司和决策者们 [...]共事。 halfthesky.org | Partner in the Washington and Beijing offices of Covington and Burling, LLC; former managing director of Warner Brothers, China, has [...] worked on may cuttingedge transactions [...] in the media and entertainment industries , as [...]well as with many leading companies and [...]policymakers throughout the Asia-Pacific region. halfthesky.org |
该证据表明,著作权保护只是发展中国家发展本国有生存能力的出版 、 娱乐 和 软 件 业 的一 个必要条件,而非充分条件。 iprcommission.org | The evidence suggests, therefore, that the availability of copyright protection may be a necessary but not a sufficient condition for the [...] development of viable domestic industries in [...] the publishing, entertainment and software sectors [...]in developing countries. iprcommission.org |
它们通常还能提供其它产品, 如木材、饲料或建筑材料,在娱乐和 旅 游 业 中 也 具有非常重要的作用。 teebweb.org | Often they provide other products such as wood, fodder or building materials and play [...] an important role for recreation and tourism. teebweb.org |
该组织准备通过其植物 园网络、先进的研究和园艺复合区,以及生命和资源库,达到以下目的:(a)建立、 发展、运行并维护一个具有图书馆、植物标本库、实验室和博物馆的教育和科学 中心,鼓励对基础和应用热带植物学进行研究;(b)促进并鼓励对基础热带植物生 命进行研究,并研究热带植物在农业 、 林 业 、 园 艺 业 、 医 学和其他科学领域的应 用;(c)通过出版物和其他媒体,分享与基础和应用热带植物学有关的现有知识; (d)采集并栽培热带植物,以保护面临灭绝威胁的热带植物物种;以及(e)建立一种 有助于开展教育、指导和娱乐活动 的设施。 daccess-ods.un.org | Through its network of botanical gardens, state-of-the-art research and horticulture complexes, and living and resource collections, the organization’s purposes are to: (a) establish, develop, operate and maintain an educational and scientific centre with libraries, herbaria, laboratories and museums to encourage and conduct research in basic and applied tropical botany; (b) foster and encourage fundamental research in tropical plant life and study the uses [...] of tropical flora in [...] agriculture, forestry, horticulture, medicine and other sciences; (c) share knowledge acquired relative to basic and applied tropical botany through publications and other media; (d) collect and cultivate tropical flora and to preserve species of tropical plant life threatened with extinction; and (e) provide a facility which contributes to education, instruction, and recreation. daccess-ods.un.org |