

单词 威逼利诱

See also:

威逼 v

threaten v



威利 n

Willy n


Turrell Wylie, originator of the Wylie transcription of Tibetan script
Wylie (name)

External sources (not reviewed)

如若不然,我们可能就会看 到,随着人们要求自己的利而出 现更多狂暴的决 裂,到那时,任威逼都不能说服人民,让他们放弃 争取自己的利。
If not, we may see more of the violent ruptures that can follow when people demand rights that no amount of coercion will ever persuade them to abandon.
關於這些問題,我也在議事堂多次批評政府縱容這 些機利用權威、權勢逼迫和 威嚇小市民。
I have also criticized the Government, in this
Chamber, of condoning those organizations to make use of their authority
[...] and power to suppress and threaten the general public.
这样一来,志 愿者在TNR工作中不需要准备太多的工具,只要保证有一个诱捕笼和若干个转移布袋,就可 以利完成TNR的诱捕工作。
In this way, volunteers do not require a lot of tools for the TNR work, as long as there is a trapping cage and a number of bags, the trapping work can be done successfully.
其他一些影响充分实现这些权利的障碍包括:规定在投票时出示身份 证,从而将没有这些证件的土著人民排除在外;无法到达投票中心;很少开展使 用土著语言的公民和选民教育;使 利诱 、 强迫 和 威 胁 手 段;以及划分选举区 域,使得土著人民处于不利地位。
While the structure of these bodies is similar to that of the traditional council of elders - where members are selected or appointed from among community members - their aims, values and approaches are very different.
如果证明了被告是在威胁、引诱或许 诺的情形下作出此陈述,法庭将不采信该陈述。
If the statement is showed to have been
[...] recorded under threat, inducement, or promise, [...]
it will not be admitted in court.
该法院确认逼婚是犯罪利用武威胁使 用武力,通过犯罪人或与其有关的任何人的言行迫使某人缔结强迫婚 姻,从而给受害人造成严重痛苦或严重身心伤害。
The Court
[...] confirmed that forced marriage involved a perpetrator compelling a person by force or threat of force, through [...]
words, or conduct
of the perpetrator, or anyone associated with him, into a forced conjugal association resulting in great suffering or serious physical or mental injury on the part of the victim.
虽然在某些情形中,一些发展中国家发展以著作权为基础的行业所带来的潜 利 益 可诱人的 ,但根据从整个发展中国家世界得来的证据看,我们难以否认:更为强硬的著作权 保护对世界大多数贫困人口的负面影响很可能更为直接和明显。
Although the potential benefits from the development of copyright-based industries in some developing countries may be enticing in some cases, it is hard not to conclude from looking at the evidence from the developing world overall that the negative impacts of stronger copyright protection are likely to be more immediate and significant for the majority of the world’s poor.
何況我們現 在討論的並非是否申請移民的問題,而是應否要 逼 ㆟ 放 棄自己 利 的 問
Besides, what we are now discussing
is not the question of whether to apply for emigration, but whether we
[...] should force others to give up their own rights!
[...] 应商的资格、取消采购、根据第 20 条[**超级链接** ]以价格异常偏低为由否决 中选提交书,或者根据第 21 条[**超级链接** ]以胜出供应商一方进行 利诱、 有 不公平竞争优势或者有利益冲突为由将其排除在外)。
) The exceptions to the general rule set out in paragraph (1) are listed in subparagraphs (a) to (d) (disqualification of the winning supplier, cancellation of the procurement, rejection of the successful submission on the ground that it is abnormally low in accordance with article 20 [**hyperlink**], or exclusion of the
winning supplier on the
[...] grounds of inducement from its side, unfair competitive advantage or conflict of interest in accordance [...]
with article 21 [**hyperlink**]).
(b) 前所未見的病原體或物體的出現,或高度傳染性病原體或 物體的出現;或 (c) 人類廣泛暴露於某傳染性病原體的情況,或人類廣泛暴露 於某傳染性病原體逼切威脅。
that has a high probability of causing a large number of deaths in the population or a large number of serious disabilities (whether or not long-term) in the population.
(c) 人類廣泛暴露於某傳染性病原體的情況,或人類廣泛暴露於 某傳染性病原體逼切威脅。
(c) the widespread exposure
[...] or the imminent threat of widespread exposure [...]
of human beings to an infectious agent
(a) 在有關特定嚴重罪行或特威脅的逼 切 性及嚴重 程度和相當可能取得的資料相當可能具有的價值 [...]
及其相關程度,與有關行動的侵擾程度之間求取 平衡
(a) balance the immediacy and gravity of the particular
[...] serious crime or threat and the likely value [...]
and relevance of the information likely
to be obtained against the intrusiveness of the operation
當然,局長可能會提 及有關因素的 immediacy 和
[...] gravity,即相關性和嚴重性,但我認為如果在 “公共安全威脅”中加上逼切威 脅 ”,則更能反映私隱通訊秘密和執法 兩者的平衡。
Of course, the Secretary will probably mention the immediacy and gravity of the relevant factors,
however, I believe that if the
[...] words "imminent threat" are added to "a threat to public security", [...]
the balance between privacy
in communication and law enforcement can be even better reflected.
(a) 法官必须维护联合国内部司法系统的独立性和廉正,必须独立履行职 责,不受来自任何当事方或方面的不适当的影响 诱 导 、 压力 威胁
(a ) Judges must uphold the independence and integrity of the internal justice system of the United Nations and must act independently in the
performance of their duties, free of any inappropriate
[...] influences, inducements, pressures or threats from any party [...]
or quarter
(a) 人类基因数据、人类蛋白质组数据或生物标本的采集,无论是采用侵入性方法或非侵入 性方法,及随后的处理、使用和保存,无论是由公共机构还是私立机构来进行,均应在 不以经济或其它个利益加以引诱的 情况下,事先征得当事人自愿的、知情的和明确表 示的同意。
(a) Prior, free, informed and express consent, without inducement by financial or other personal gain, should be obtained for the collection of human genetic data, human proteomic data or biological samples, whether through invasive or non-invasive procedures, and for their subsequent processing, use and storage, whether carried out by public or private institutions.
在条件不那么恶劣的宿舍,以及优待 区,监狱条件成了抬高空间价格威 胁 和 诱 因。
Prison conditions serve as both threats and incentives to hike the price of space in dormitories where conditions are less grim, as well as in privileged areas.
当地消息来源补充说,引发这次威 的 诱 因 是 ,在摩洛哥青年据报攻击三 个撒哈拉街区,当着安全部队的面破坏撒哈拉人的商店和其他财产时,安全部队 不采取行动。
Local sources added that the demonstration was triggered by the inaction of security forces when Moroccan youths reportedly attacked three Saharan neighbourhoods, allegedly destroying shops and other property belonging to Saharans, in the presence of security forces.
[...] 界接触,而且家人不了解这些人的下落和命运,所造成的隐秘不定的状况违反了 无罪假设,而且便利了严刑逼供或其他形式的虐待。
Even if detainees are criminally charged, the secrecy and insecurity caused by the denial of contact to the outside world and the fact that family members have no knowledge of their whereabouts and
fate violate the presumption of
[...] innocence and are conducive to confessions obtained under [...]
torture or other forms of ill-treatment.
它应切实有效地促进每个人享有在不遭恐吓或不 威逼 的 情况下在不同体系中进行选择的 利。
Mr Sook Jong Lee (Republic of Korea) The Communidade Solidária project (Brazil) The Life Science project (Namibia)
最近,有不少小學學生家長(尤其是沙田馬鞍山區)及家長教師會成員向本人反映,他們的子女準備在本年9月升讀中一,他們子女現時就讀的小學的教師,為求提高其學生升讀收錄大部分屬第一派位組別("組別")的中一學生的學校("第一組別學校")的比率, 威逼利 誘 的 手法,要求家長在自行分配學位階段及統一派位階段選擇小學班主任所建議的中學。
Recently, quite a number of parents of primary students, in particular those in Ma On Shan of Sha Tin, and members of Parent-Teacher Associations have relayed to me that the teachers in the primary schools of their children who will move up to Secondary One ("S1") in September this year have called on them, with coercion and inducement, to choose the secondary schools recommended by the class teachers during the discretionary places allocation stage and central allocation stage, with a view to increasing the percentage of their students moving up to those secondary schools ("top band schools") which admit mainly S1 students belonging to Band One.
我 相信對民主政制的最大打擊, 莫過於政威逼立法 機關屈服於其強權之㆘。
Nothing is more damaging to the democratic process than to have a government seeking to bully a legislature into submission.
威胁利诱的形 式灌输观念”一句,这既包括了对 囚犯的胁迫,也包括了宗教利诱,然后可删除后面 的一句。
suggested that footnote 15 could be attached to the sentence “Any form of coerced effort to shape opinion is prohibited”, which covered both the coercion of prisoners and religious coercion, and the following sentence could then be deleted.
(d)项所列理由源自 第 20
[...] 条和第 21 条,第 20 条允许采购实体否决异常低价提交书,第 21 条则要求 采购实体以供应商或承包利诱、不 公平竞争优势或利益冲突为由将其排除在 采购程序之外。
The grounds listed in subparagraph (d) originate from article 19 that permit the procuring entity to reject an abnormally low submission and from article 20 that require the procuring entity to
exclude a supplier or
[...] contractor from the procurement proceedings on the grounds of inducement from that [...]
supplier or contractor,
an unfair competitive advantage or conflicts of interest.
保护儿童免受忽视、犯罪诱、权利 侵 犯 和身体伤害,对这些行为定 罪并对罪犯实施更严厉的处罚。
Children are shielded from neglect, exposure to delinquency, infringements of their freedoms and bodily harm through the criminalization of these acts and the higher penalties imposed for their commission.
在本届会议上,社会科学及人文科学委员会和自然科学委员会审议了 35 C/COM SC/DR.1 号文件所建议的决议(提案国:奥地利、比利时、玻利维亚多民族国、布基纳法 索、刚果、朝鲜民主主义人民共和国、丹麦、吉布提、多米尼加共和国、芬兰、冰岛 利比 亚、立陶宛、卢森堡、马达加斯加、新西兰、荷兰、 威 、 帕 劳、巴布亚新几内亚、波兰、 葡萄牙、萨摩亚、塞内加尔、斯洛文尼亚、瑞典、图瓦卢和乌拉圭;共同提案国:巴巴多 斯、哥斯达黎加、德国、哈萨克斯坦、拉脱维亚、黎巴嫩、马来西亚、摩纳哥、巴基斯坦、 [...]
During this session, the SHS and SC Commissions examined the resolution proposed in document 35 C/COM SC/DR.1 (submitted by:
Austria, Belgium,
[...] Plurinational State of Bolivia, Burkina Faso, Congo, Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, Denmark, Djibouti, Dominican Republic, Finland, Iceland, Libya, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Madagascar, New Zealand, Netherlands, Norway, Palau, Papua New [...]
Guinea, Poland, Portugal,
Samoa, Senegal, Slovenia, Sweden, Tuvalu, Uruguay; co-sponsored by: Barbados, Costa Rica, Germany, Kazakhstan, Latvia, Lebanon, Malaysia, Monaco, Pakistan, Solomon Islands, Suriname, and Zambia), requesting the Director-General to strengthen UNESCO’s specialized capacity on climate change, building upon UNESCO’s unique interdisciplinary profile.
他們都在覆函上註明,指他們是在 威逼的 情況下簽署同意書,他們並不同意改變聘用條款,包括公積金條款。
In returning their responses, a majority of staff agreed to the reduction in salary and not to the other terms; they attached a conditional reply stating that they signed under duress and that they did not agree to changes to their terms of employment including superannuable status.




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