

单词 威迫

See also:



power n

approach or go towards

External sources (not reviewed)

事實上,業界也曾向我反映,他們直覺認為政府 會利用收緊財政資源規則威迫利誘 ,迫使業界在其他事情上就範或讓步。
The industry participants have in fact reflected to me that they have the intuitive feeling that the
Government will tighten the financial
[...] resources rules to coerce them into giving [...]
in or making concession in other matters.
該修車師傅可能已涉及向顧客施加不當 影響和/威迫手段
The mechanic could be liable for exercising undue
[...] influence and / or coercion on the consumer.
[...] 達的渡假區參加健康計劃簡介會,而在簡介會後商戶方表示只會安排回程交通給 已簽訂合約參加某個健康計劃的顧客,這可能屬於使 威迫 手 段及/或施加不當 影響。
However, if a trader takes consumers to a resort for a health plan presentation which is situated at a distant location with no public transport available and after the presentation, the trader says he would arrange return
transport only if consumers sign a contract to subscribe to a health plan, this
[...] could amount to coercion and/or undue influence.
這些個案當 中,並沒有證實為與勒索“站頭費” 威迫 司 機加入不法組織有 關。
None of these cases was confirmed to be related to extortion of "terminal fees" or drivers being intimidated to join unlawful organizations.
8.75 李教授是否真的認為他不能強迫高等院校合併,抑或由於他 在中大與科大合併事件中“吃了苦頭”而決定以較為含蓄的方法( 包 括李資深大律師所說的威迫利誘 ”的方法) 達成他一直以來的願 望?
8.75 Did Professor Li genuinely accept that he could not force a merger on HEIs or did he, having had his “fingers burnt” in the CUHK and HKUST merger episode, decide to adopt a more subtle approach to achieve what he had always wanted, including the “stick and carrot” approach as suggested by Mr Lee SC?
最近發生了 林 巧
[...] 英事件,令社會人士震動 , 懷 疑 案 中是否威 迫 利 誘 的成分 , 但 是 , 在 市 民的實際經 [...]
驗 中 , 類 似 情況在警 隊 發生的頻 率 , 肯 定 遠 比 入 境事務處為高;只不過 類 似 指 控 在
投訴警 察 課 的 調查下,被 認 為 不 屬 實 , 而 被 認 為 屬 實 的 卻寥寥可數。
Members of the public have been greatly shocked by the recent incident
involving LIN Qiao-ying and are
[...] suspicious that elements of coercion may be involved. However, [...]
from their actual experience,
members of the public also know that the incidence of such cases in the Police Force is definitely far higher than that in the Immigration Department, only that most of these allegations are classified by the CAPO as unsubstantiated, and only a small number of them is considered substantiated.
賤男受雇於高利貸集團,用暴力手段追債,若然對方未能償還,便 威迫 他 們 購買鉅額保險,將對方打成殘廢後領取傷殘保險金。
He decides to quit his cruel job and to live a decent life.
在未来政治、立法和威迫使企业以新的方式思考之前,有前 瞻性的企业必须开始学习如何面对这个挑战。
This is a challenge that future-driven businesses have to accept long before politics, legislators or authorities force them into a new way of thinking.
他指科大與中大合併失敗,促使李教授採取另 一策略。李教授不再公開推動合併,改以 威迫 利 誘”的方法來說服 莫禮時教授及梁博士。
He suggested that the failure to merge HKUST and CUHK led Professor Li to adopt a different tactic – instead of publicly advocating a merger, Professor Li adopted a “carrot and stick” approach to persuade Professor Morris and Dr Leung.
今天,我看不到鄭汝樺局長在席,我覺得不大高興,因為政府可能會在 公共交通工具機構威迫下, 由勞工及福利局來支付這筆費用,我認為這是 [...]
Today, Secretary Eva CHENG is not in this Council, and I am not very
happy about it, because the Government
[...] may, due to the intimidation of public transport [...]
operators, eventually make the Labour
and Welfare Bureau pay for this expenditure and this, I think, is most unfair.
關 於 這 一 點 , 我 們 堅 持 原 來 的 建 議 , 因 為 我 們 確 信 , 被 告 應 有 不
受 限 制 的 權 利 去 為 自 己 辯 護 這 個 原 則,比 之 強 制 配 偶 作 證 時 頇
[...] 考 慮 的 問 題 如:是 否 方 便、是 否 合 乎 人 情 , 甚 至 是 否威 迫 的 可 能 性 , 更 為 重 要 。
We adhere to our recommendation in this instance because we are convinced that the principle that an accused should have an unfettered right to defend himself outweighs
considerations of convenience, courtesy and even the
[...] possibility of coercion which arise when a spouse is compelled to testify.
法 庭 於 是 會 問 為 何 ‚ X ‛ 竟 會 作 出 供 認 , 並 且 明 白 原 因 有 可 能 與 上 訴 人 所 聲 稱 的 作 出 供 認 原 因
[...] 相 同 , 那 尌 是 因 為 受威 迫 。
Asking why, therefore, X confessed,
the court recognised that it could be for the same reason the appellant alleged he confessed,
[...] that he was under duress.
2.6 交易員不應通過不當途徑向貨幣經紀索取資料。嚴禁作出任何明示或暗示的誘導威 迫或指 示,以表示來自該交易員的業務是取決於披露某些機密或敏感資料。
2 6 Dealers should not solicit information from
money brokers through improper
[...] channels Any inducements, threats or indications, explicit [...]
or implicit, that business from
the dealer(s) is linked to divulgence of confidential or sensitive information should be strictly forbidden
律师在场可能威慑那些不然会通过 迫 、 威 胁 或 某种形式的虐待设法 从被拘留者那里获得资料的官员。
The presence of a lawyer may deter
officials who might otherwise try to obtain information from
[...] detainees through coercion, threats or some type [...]
of abuse.
它们都以非常不同的方 式,成为日益严重迫威胁非 洲之角和东非和平与安全的外国武装集团的 [...]
And both countries — in very different ways — serve as platforms for foreign
armed groups that represent a grave and
[...] increasingly urgent threat to peace and security [...]
in the Horn and East Africa region.
[...] 调查,但在其他案件中,安全部队人员污蔑受害人或者采取 迫 、 威 胁 或 贿赂手 段迫使其撤回控诉。
In some cases, military and legal authorities have implemented adequate measures, such as public recognition of wrong-doing and expediting investigations, but, in other cases, members of security forces contributed to
the stigmatization of the victims or pressured them to withdraw their
[...] accusations through coercion, threats or payoffs.
虽然安全理事会对利比亚采取的行动属于例外 性质,同时也是消除迫威胁的最后手段,但安全理 事会和国际社会拥有提供保护的手段。
While the Security Council’s actions against Libya were
exceptional and represented the last resort in
[...] addressing an imminent threat, the Security [...]
Council and the international community
have means of protection at their disposal.
在现代世界,安全的概念 已远远超出军备积累、气候变化、贫穷和不发达、 流行性疾病和恐怖主义造成的迫的 安 全挑战威 胁到 了世界很大一部分人口的实际生存。
In the modern world, the concept of security went well beyond the
accumulation of
[...] armaments; the compelling security challenges emanating from climate change, poverty and underdevelopment, pandemic disease and terrorism threatened the very existence [...]
of a large part of the world’s population.
马尔代夫面临迫在眉睫威胁, 不仅来自伊斯兰激进主义或国内自生的恐 怖,而且来自根源于邻近地区和整个世界的恐怖主义状况的各种其他威胁,以及 [...]
It is not only the threat from Islamic radicalization [...]
or home-grown terror that is imminent in the Maldives, but also various
other threats that have their roots in the terror situation in the neighbouring region as well as the whole world and also various other concerns that might lead to unrest in the country.
建设和平基金将通过资助以下方面的项目为巩固和平作出贡献:应对和平进 程所受到的迫威胁; 建立或加强国家能力以促进和平解决争端;刺激经济振兴 [...]
The Peacebuilding Fund will contribute to
consolidating peace by funding projects designed
[...] to respond to imminent threats to the peace process, [...]
build or strengthen national capacities
to promote peaceful resolution of conflict, stimulate economic revitalization and re-establish essential administrative services.
[...] 从联合国组织刚果民主共和国稳定特派团吸取经验教训,该特派团已建立社区报 警网络,作为应对社区面临的迫威 胁 的 预警系统(见 A/65/743/Add.8,第 36 和第 [...]
37 段)。
In this connection, the Advisory Committee encourages the Mission to draw lessons from other missions, such as the United Nations Organization Stabilization Mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, which has already established
community alert networks as an early
[...] warning system of imminent threats in the communities [...]
(see A/65/743/Add.8, paras. 36-37).
[...] 武器义务,包括处理部署在其大陆的数百件核武器对 人类构成切实迫威胁的问题,而不是毫无根据地指 责伊朗和平的核计划。
Accordingly, instead of making unfounded claims against Iran’s peaceful nuclear programme, they should fully comply with their obligations in terms of nuclear disarmament and the non-proliferation of
nuclear weapons, including by addressing
[...] the real and immediate threats posed by the hundreds [...]
of nuclear weapons deployed on their continent.
[...] 联刚稳定团),我们继续看到,当今的维和行动在 保护处于迫威胁之 下的平民时,可在军人采取的 迅速有力行动以及细心关怀和照顾责任区内易受伤 [...]
害平民的人员所从事的活动两者之间求得微妙的平 衡。
In the United Nations Organization Stabilization Mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (MONUSCO), we continue to find that contemporary
peacekeeping, when it comes to the protection
[...] of civilians under imminent threat, is a fine balance [...]
between prompt and robust action
required from a soldier in uniform and a person who cares and nurtures the vulnerable civilian community in his area of operational responsibility.
干擾學校秩序:任何學生不得以任何方式, 使用暴力,噪音,武力,迫,威脅 , 恐嚇, 恐懼,消極抵抗,侮辱,或其他行為,有意 [...]
或無意中斷學校的教學和學習,干擾學校的 正常運作,和破壞其功能;{24
A student may not in any manner, by use of
[...] violence, noise, force, coercion, threat, intimidation, [...]
fear, passive resistance, insult, or
other conduct, intentionally or unintentionally cause the disruption of any lawful mission, process, or function of the school; {24




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