

单词 威望

See also:


power n


visit v
look towards v


towards prep

External sources (not reviewed)

12 名成员组成,他们具有很高的威性和国威 望,他们在作决定时完全独立并有广泛的地域代表性。
The Commission is composed of 12 members of high authority and international prestige, with complete independence in their decision-making and broad geographical representation.
這些便是國際意見,是國際維護人權的著名組織的 意見,我相信特區政府是沒有這 威望 的。
All this is international advice, given by renowned international organizations on the upholding
of human rights. I do not think that the Government of the Special Administrative Region
[...] (SAR) can have such authority.
Besides that you can gain in prestige, experience and professional respect, there are many prizes involved.
我们将奉行积极、务实和平衡的外交政策,旨在确保国家利益,提高我国的 国威望和加 强国家、区域和全球安全。
We will pursue an active, pragmatic and balanced foreign policy aimed at
ensuring national interests, increasing the
[...] international prestige of our country [...]
and strengthening national, regional and global security.
Richardson先生在这个行业的国威望和 认 可度将带来巨大的领导力,有助于日星科技实施全球化的业务模式。
Mr. Richardson's
[...] international respect and recognition [...]
in this industry will bring proven leadership in assisting DayStar's
execution of its global business model.
公私伙伴 关系在联盟工作中发挥日益重要的作用,是制订有全球影响力的具体项目的基 础,例如与思科、卡洛斯特·古尔本金安基金会和若干其他伙伴发起的“对话咖
[...] 发现和推广在不同文化之间搭桥的最有创新性的基层举措;不同文明联盟暑期学 校;威望迪公 司共同设立的联合工作队,以确定不同文化间对话和文化多样性 [...]
20 家公司(雅虎、Intuit、英特尔和其他公司等)合作开展的。
They form the basis for the development of concrete projects with a global dimension, such as the “Dialogue Café” with Cisco, the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation and a number of other partners; the World Intercultural Facility for Innovation with the BMW Group to help identify and replicate the most innovative grass-roots initiatives for cross-cultural bridge-building; the Alliance
of Civilizations summer schools; a joint
[...] task force with Vivendi on measuring [...]
the impact of intercultural dialogue and cultural
diversity; and the “Do one thing for diversity and inclusion” campaign made possible through a partnership with 20 of the largest firms in Silicon Valley (Yahoo, Intuit, Intel and others).
对于前者而言,科学进步的动力来自久已形成的一种体系,即公开揭示、 出版物、同行评论、升职以及作为首创人所带来 威望 和 声 誉。
In the former, the incentives for scientific advance are the established systems of open disclosure, publication, peer review and promotion, and prestige associated with being first to make a discovery.
继续强调并加强了九个人口众多国家实现全民教育目标 的决心;提高了南亚等地区规划全民教育工作,和评估 学习成绩的能力;加强了九个人口众多国家在国际论坛 上为促进全民教育发挥的鼓动作用;通过发行联合出版 物和召开会议,重点探讨了全民教育、扫盲、性别平等 和远程教育等问题;提高了设在九个人口众多国家的办 事处在实施有关计划,帮助这些国家开展全民教育活动 方面的能力威望。
Continuation and reinforcement of E9 countries’ commitment to achieve EFA; Increase in capacities for planning EFA and assessing learning achievement, especially in South Asia; Reinforcement by E9 of the principal lobby role for EFA at international forums; Focus on EFA, literacy, gender, distance education, through joint publications and meetings; Improvement in delivery capacity and credibility of E9 offices to assist E9 countries in EFA.
如訪問的人全是民主黨,政府威望 肯 定 是零的,如訪問全部是政府的支持者,曾蔭權肯定是一百分。
If all of them are members of the Democratic Party, they would give zero mark to the government.
主席女士,這次並非首次有其他普通法適用地區的卓越法官獲委任為香 港終審法院法官。此舉正好鞏固終審法院 威望 , 也 確保香港的法治得以延 續,世界各地可以放心。
Madam President, this is not the first time jurists of the highest distinction from other common law jurisdictions are appointed to Hong Hong's Court of Final Appeal, thereby consolidating the prestige of this court and ensuring the world's confidence in the continuity of the rule of law in Hong Kong.
(b) 评审委员会将由因致力于和平事业而广为 人知且受人尊敬的享有国威望的人 士组 成。
(b) It shall be formed of figures of international repute, who are known and respected for their attachment to the cause of peace.
憑着獨特的產品和富有想象力的產品包裝設計,THANN獲得了2005年度最 威望 的 泰 國總理出口大獎、2005年度日本工業設計促進協會的G - Mark大獎,以及2006年度香港設計中心頒發的Asia Grand Award。
Unique products and imaginative packaging design have won THANN the prestigious 2005 Thailand Prime Minister’s Export Award, the 2005 G-Mark Award from the Japan Industrial Design Promotion Organization, and the 2006 Design for Asia Grand Award from the Hong Kong Design Centre.
迅速而果断地采取行动,消除这些 祸患,显然将提高政府威望,赢 得民众的信任,进 而加强政府在打击反叛活动方面享有的地位。
It is clear that rapid and determined action against those evils will enhance the Government’s authority and generate trust among the population, thus strengthening the Government’s position with respect to insurgent activities.
(a) 支助关于公共部门新趋势的区域部长级会议(与区域委员会合作)⑵; (b) 联合国公共服务奖评选(经济和社会理事会 2000 年 7 月 27 日第 2000/231
[...] 号决定核准了专家组的建议,即由秘书长颁奖以表彰为促进公共服务的 作用威望和影响力所作出的贡献)。
(b) United Nations Public Service Awards competition (in its decision 2000/231 of 27 July 2000, the Economic and Social Council endorsed the recommendation of the Group of Experts that prizes be awarded by the
SecretaryGeneral for contributions made to the cause of
[...] enhancing the role, prestige and visibility [...]
of the public service).
欧安组织轮值主席威望使其 担负着促进和体 现欧安组织赖以立足的人权和基本自由、善治和法治 原则的重要责任。
The prestigious role of the OSCE Chairmanshipin-Office brings with it important responsibilities to promote and embody the principles of human rights and fundamental freedoms, democracy, good governance and the rule of law, on which the OSCE is founded.
他们在享誉世界、颇威望的钟 表制造术发源地 Vallee de Joux 大街磨练手艺,齐心协力创造了迄今为止仍被尊为世界级品牌的 Audemars Piguet 手表。
They honed their craft on the streets of Vallee de Joux renowned as the cradle of prestige horology and collaborated to create Audemars Piguet Watches which remains a world class brand today.
本视频在广东锁展的迷人背景下拍摄,这是极 威望 的 展 览,本领域专家年年汇集于此,使得场面活跃非凡。
The video was filmed in the attractive setting of the Canton Locksmith Show, the prestigious trade fair for sector professionals that bring the scene alive every year.
雖然參議院與眾議院的 權力相等,但參議員席位一 般被認為更威望,因為參 議員代表的選民範圍更廣, 數量更多(七個最小州例外) ,任期更長;而且由於參議 員人數較少,他們在全國受 到更大的注意。
Though the Senate and the House have equal powers, a Senate seat is generally thought to be more prestigious than a House seat: The constituency is larger (except in the case of the seven smallest states, where it is the same), the term length is longer, and senators receive more national attention because there are fewer of them.
[...] Schell提出的所谓的中国国际地位与其自身形象不相符合的“全 威望 赤 字”问题显示出的能力,一举获得“年度最受瞩目国家品牌”称号。
The country is rewarded as the most impressive country brand in light of how well it responded to the challenges represented by the Olympic Games as well
as for its capacity to address
[...] the so-called “deficit of global respect”, a term coined [...]
by journalist Orville Schell to
describe the sense within China that the country’ s international standing is not in line with its self-image.
最大的水務私營化參與者,是兩家法資的跨國企業:威立雅環境(Veolia Environment 由傳媒集威望迪( Vivendi)擁有);以及蘇伊士里昂水務(Suez Lyonnaise des Eaux),其食水及污水生意由子公司Ondeo經營。
The largest players in water privatization are two French transnationals: Veolia Environment (owned by media conglomerate Vivendi) and Suez Lyonnaise des Eaux whose water and wastewater businesses are run by its subsidiary Ondeo.
与歧视作斗争国家理事会开展了几项公共宣传举措,在几个大要案中对政 府官员有针对性的处罚提升了理事会在民众中 威望。
NCCD had undertaken several public awareness initiatives, while targeted sanctions against public officials in high profile cases had added to increasing awareness of its role.
神谷茂先生1962年进入日本松下电子公司,担任常务董事、照明事业部部长及总工程师,同时,他也是国际电光源学术委员会顾问、日本照明学会名誉会长,并且是日本最早援助中国经济和技术发展的专家,在国际与国内的照明界享有很高的声誉 威望。
Meanwhile, he was also consultant of International Electric Lighting Academic Committee and reputed president of Japanese Lighting Association, and also the specialist that first helped China in its economic and technological development.
Perspectives and insights into growth prospects for 2007
黄祖耀先生是新加坡成就非凡的银行家和商业巨子,同时也是具 威望 的 华 社领袖;丹斯里拿督李深静局绅是马来西亚举足轻重的著名企业家,对棕榈油工业做出了重要贡献;刘永好先生在八十年代白手起家,拥有目前中国最大的饲料生产企业;梁振英先生以专业精英身份,领导世界级房地产咨询公司,并在香港政界极具影响力;陈启宗先生不但纵横香港房地产业,同时也是一位涉足教育及文化领域的“学者型商人”。
Tan Sri Dato Lee Shin Cheng, at the helm of a prominent Malaysian conglomerate, is very successful in the oil palm industry; Mr Liu Yong Hao is an entrepreneur who built up his agribusiness empire in the 1980s, which now ranks as one of China’s largest; Mr Leung Chun-ying is a respected professional distinguished by his involvement in a global property consultancy and in the Hong Kong political scene; Mr Ronnie Chan is a leading figure in Hong Kong’s real estate industry and well-known for his involvement in the world of academia.
上海牌手表中国历史性手表品牌正在将5个新的模型推出市场,为的是使自己重振其品牌 威望 , 并将自己的品牌向国外拓展,并试图将自己的品牌向青年一代推广。
Shanghai Watch – historical Chinese watch brand - is launching 5 new models to get its prestige back and brand itself to the younger generation in China and abroad.
竞争性的民族意识——那种认定个人的尊严是与其“人民” 威望 不 可 分割的观念——在1895至1905年间进入了中国精英群体的思维。
Competitive national consciousness – the consciousness that one’s individual dignity is inseparably tied to the prestige of one’s “people” – worked its way into the minds of China’s best and brightest between 1895 and 1905.
如果您在商业公司工作,当一家 重要的研究型大学聘请您为合作副教授或合作教授时,您会获得 仅在商业环境内工作所无法获得的个 威望 与 学 术认可。
If you are working in a commercial company, your appointment as an affiliate Associate or full Professor by a major research university provides you a personal cachet and academic recognition that would not be possible working exclusively within your commercial environment.
佳士得将其所获得的成功 归功于其伦敦拍卖会不可撼动威望 , 该 拍卖行在2012年的伦敦拍卖会上共 达成了15项拍价超过1,050万美元的交易,而它的竞争对手苏富比在同一拍价 水平上只达成了4项交易。
In contrast with its position in New York, Christie’s called the tune in London, accounting for 52% of revenues there ($1.129 billion) compared to 39% for Sotheby’s, 3.5% for Phillips de Pury & Company, 2.8% for Bonhams and 1.1% for MacDougall’s. Christie’s owed its success to the solidity of its prestige sales in London, which enabled it to generate fifteen bids of over $10.5 million in 2012 compared to the four of its great rival, Sotheby’s. Its most glittering success of the year was the sale of a major work by Yves Klein for $32.6 million (£21 million, Le Rose du bleu (RE 22), 27 June 2012), a new world record for the French artist.




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