单词 | 威斯康辛 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 威斯康辛—Wisconsin
Jubilee 运动(民间社会)和威斯康辛州妇女企业倡议公司(企业界)的观察员 做了发言。 daccess-ods.un.org | Statements were also made by the observer for the Jubilee Campaign (civil society) and theWisconsin Women’s Business Initiative Corporation (business sector). daccess-ods.un.org |
郑先生毕业於威斯康辛大学,获工业工程学士学位及 工商管理硕士学位。 wingtaiproperties.com | Mr. Cheng graduated from the University ofWisconsin with a Bachelor of Science degree in Industrial Engineering and a MBA degree. wingtaiproperties.com |
Prolitec总部在美国威斯康辛州密尔沃基,它直接为美国市场的各大品牌如Abercrombie [...] & Fitch、Hollister和迪斯尼等提供空气清新服务。 tipschina.gov.cn | Headquartered in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA, Prolitec [...] provides scent marketing services in the U.S. directly to major brands [...]such as Abercrombie & Fitch, Hollister and Disney. tipschina.gov.cn |
本届的毕业生收到了众多全球知名学府的录取通知,例如:英国的圣安德鲁斯大学,加拿大的多伦多大学以及美国的威斯康辛大学等等。 ycis-bj.com | The delighted students received a vast number of university offers [...] from all over the globe including the University of St. Andrews, the University of [...] Toronto and the Universityof Wisconsin. ycis-bj.com |
来自美国威斯康辛大学麦迪逊分校的Samuel Gellman及其同事尝试设计几种双亲化合物用于目的蛋白和生物膜的分离。 labome.cn | Samuel Gellman and colleagues from the [...] Universityof Wisconsin-Madison (USA) [...]have tried to design alternative amphiphiles [...]that can be used to extract target proteins from biological membranes. labome.com |
初步检查後,奥比斯的义务眼科医生,来自Valley Eye Associates、在威斯康辛州大学担任临床助理教授的Michael Vrabec认为桑哥的个案对当地Preah Ang Duong医院(我们的东道主),以及由老挝和缅甸来访的医生来说,将会是个非常宝贵的教学题材。 ukorbis.org | Dr. Michael Vrabec, ORBIS volunteer ophthalmologist from Valley Eye Associates and assistant clinical professor at the Universityof Wisconsin, inthe United [...] States, conducted [...]Song's preliminary examination and believed that Song’s case would have great teaching value for the local ophthalmologists at Preah Ang Duong Hospital, the host eye center, as well as the visiting ophthalmologists from Laos and Myanmar. ukorbis.org |
吴 博 士 於1975年 获 得 美 国 麦 迪 逊市威 斯 康 辛大学细 菌 学 理 学 士 学 位,於1977年 获 得 细 菌 学 理学硕士学位,再於1981年获得细菌学及生化学博士学位。 aactechnologies.com | Dr. Ng earned a Bachelor’s degree ofScience inBacteriology in 1975, a Master’s degree of Sciencein Bacteriology in 1977 and a Doctor’s degree in Bacteriology and Biochemistry in 1981 from the University of Wisconsin at Madison in the USA. aactechnologies.com |
二等奖奖金为5,000欧元,两名得主分别是来自美国威斯康辛大学麦迪逊分校的哥伦比亚人Juan P.Hernández-Ortiz,W.来自英国剑桥大学的德国人Jan [...] K.W.Sandler。 quadrantplastics.com | The winners of these awards, with a prize of EUR 5 000 each, were [...] Juan P. Hernández-Ortiz of Colombia, at [...] the Universityof Wisconsin-Madison, USA, and [...]Jan K. W. Sandler of Germany, at the [...]University of Cambridge, United Kingdom. quadrantplastics.com |
2007年11月,山中伸弥的实验室和威斯康辛大学 James Thomson 实验室同时宣布,人皮肤成纤维细胞也可以用同样的方法诱导成为多能干细胞。 shawprize.org | In November 2007, Yamanaka's laboratory, concurrently with [...] James Thomson’sof Wisconsin, startled the world [...]with the news that pluripotent stem [...]cells can also be induced from human skin fibroblasts in a similar fashion. shawprize.org |
美国福克公司(FALK)坐落于美国威斯康辛州的密尔沃基市,创始于1893年,是美国最大的动力传动装置生产厂,产品包括:不同形式的减速机、各式联轴器、液力偶合器、大型齿轮、船用动力系统、逆止器以及按客户要求设计的动力传动装置。 rexnord.com.cn | USA Falk Company located at Milwaukee city WI state in USA, founded in 1893, is a largest manufacturer of power transmissions device. Its production include various gear unit, various coupling, true torque fluid coupling, large-scale open gear, power system of vessel, backstop, power transmissions according to customers' requirement. rexnord.com.cn |
位於美国麦迪逊州的威斯康辛大学-高分子工程中心(The Polymer Engineering Center, PEC),从2006年开始导入Moldex3D 专业CAE模流分析软体和技术,用以辅助他们进行学术研究。 moldex3d.com | The Polymer Engineering Center(PEC) at the University of Wisconsin(UW), Madison, has been implanting the use of Moldex3D injection molding simulation software since 2006 to support their research and academic projects. moldex3d.com |
位于威斯康辛州沃帕卡,是全球最大的独立铸铁公司,主要生产灰口铸铁和球墨铸铁铸件。 steelorbis.cn | Based in Waupaca, Wisconsin, ThyssenKrupp Waupaca, Inc. is the largest independent iron foundry in the world and produces gray and ductile iron castings. steelorbis.com |
年中的董事会会议由位于威斯康辛州Milwaukee市的欢乐海洋世界举办。 imata.org | The mid-year Board of Directors meeting is hosted by Oceans of Fun in Milwaukee,Wisconsin. imata.org |
1787年通过的西北条例,涵盖了现今的俄亥俄州、伊利诺 州、印地安纳州、威斯康辛州和密西根州,规定每一个新城镇, 在每36笔土地中要保留一块做为公立学校或当时所称之公学 (common school)使用。 americancorner.org.tw | The Northwest Ordinance of 1787, which encompassed the present-day states of Ohio, Illinois, Indiana,Wisconsin,and Michigan, mandated that every new township set aside one parcel of land out of every 36 for a public — or what was then termed a “common” — school. americancorner.org.tw |
这是第一幅根据实测数据绘制的威斯康辛地区大幅地图。 wdl.org | This is the first [...] large-scale map ofthe Wisconsin Territory based [...]on actual surveys. wdl.org |
童教授是美国威斯康辛大学的终身教授,任” 高分子工程中心”和”工程高分子工业协会”主任,同时兼任美国塑胶工程师学会(SPE)委员和其射出成型组主任,在高分子材料成型加工领域享有很高的学术声望。 moldex3d.com | He isthe Co-Director of the Polymer [...] Engineering Center and Engineering Polymer Industrial Consortium at UW-Madison, [...]and NSF Industry/University Corporative Research Center (I/UCRC) that supports faculty research and outreach. moldex3d.com |
该地图显示了威斯康辛地区在 1837 年之前测量的镇区,还绘出了街道、小路、天然地形、植被、工厂以及当时探明的铅、铜矿藏。 wdl.org | Also depicted are roads, trails, natural land forms, vegetation, mill sites, and the lead and copper deposits known at the time. wdl.org |
黄博士持有香港大学电机工程系理学士学位、麦迪逊威斯康辛大学电机及电脑工程理学硕士学位及香港理工大学颁授荣誉科技博士学位。 vtech.com.hk | Dr. WONG holds a [...] Bachelorof Science degree in Electrical Engineering from the University of Hong Kong, a Master of Science degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering from the Universityof Wisconsinandan Honorary [...]Doctorate of Technology [...]from the Hong Kong Polytechnic University. vtech.com.hk |
我们的研发团队以位於美国威斯康辛州科提吉格罗夫Cottage Grove 的北美总部为基地,在追求高产品价值的原则下开发关键技术及零件。 johnsonfitness.com | Based at our North American headquarters in Cottage Grove, Wisconsin, our research and development team is responsible for key tech and component development while maintaining high product value. johnsonfitness.com |
Quadrant Award 2005奖项得主(从左到右):Juan [...] P.Hernández-Ortiz(二等奖得主),美国威斯康辛大学麦迪逊分校;Laurence Mathieu(一等奖得主),瑞士洛桑联邦理工学院;Jan [...]K.W.Sandler [...](二等奖得主),英国剑桥大学。 quadrantplastics.com | The winners of the Quadrant Award 2005 (left to [...] right): Juan P. Hernández-Ortiz (2nd [...] prize), Universityof Wisconsin-Madison, USA; Laurence [...]Mathieu (1st prize), École Polytechnique [...]Fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland; Jan K. W. Sandler (2nd prize), University of Cambridge, United Kingdom quadrantplastics.com |
诸多研究均显示,高品质幼稚园中班教学对未来教育、生活、社会发展都有明显正面影响,任务小组呈交给市长的报告内提到,威斯康辛大学一份报告发现,若每位孩童平均投资6730美元,长期而言可节省47759美元的经费,包括矫正、失业、监禁等费用。 thisbigcity.net | In their report to Mayor Castro, [...] the Task Force points to a study from [...] the Universityof Wisconsin whichfound that [...]an average of $6,730 invested in the early [...]education of a child saved $47,759 in the long run by eliminating or reducing expenses associated with remediation, unemployment and incarceration. thisbigcity.net |
陈立明在威斯康辛大学麦迪逊分校取得计算机科学学士学位和工商管理硕士学位。 ece-china.com | Ericson was educated with a bachelor degree in Computer Science at Universityof Wisconsin –Madison, and with a MBA degree. ece-china.com |
贾甘纳坦是威斯康辛州绿湾城《绿湾新闻报》(Green Bay PressGazette)的记者,她曾为自己采访选举但却 [...] 不能参加投票感到懊丧。 americancorner.org.tw | As a reporter for the Green Bay [...] Press-Gazette in Green Bay, Wisconsin, Jagannathan was [...]frustrated with covering elections on [...]the job but being unable to participate herself. americancorner.org.tw |
威斯康辛州麦迪逊 — 2011年7月12日 — 伟尔矿业官方发言人今日宣布,全新沃曼®WBH®离心渣浆泵现已面向全球推出,该产品在原有的技术基础上进行了超过20项改进设计。 zs.weirminerals.com | July 12, 2011 – The new WARMAN® WBH® centrifugal slurry pump, which includes more than 20 design enhancements to existing technology, is now available worldwide, Weir Minerals officials announced today. weirminerals.com |
黄博士持有香港大学电机工程系理学士学位、麦迪逊威斯康辛大学电机及电脑工程理学硕士学位及香港理工大学颁授荣誉科技博士学位。 vtech.com | Dr. WONG holds a [...] Bachelor ofScience degree in Electrical Engineering from the University of Hong Kong, a Master of Science degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering from the University of Wisconsinand anHonorary [...]Doctorate of Technology [...]from the Hong Kong Polytechnic University. vtech.com.hk |