单词 | 姿势 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 姿势 noun —position npose nless common: gesture n • poses pl 姿势 verb —posturing vExamples:摆好姿势不动的 adj—poised adj See also:姿 n—beauty n • appearance n 姿—looks • disposition 势 n—trend n • power n • situation n 势—gesture • momentum • potential • tendency • conditions • influence • male genitals • outward appearance
被拘留者还报告称,在被警察拘留期间被迫长时间 里保持非常难受的姿势(例如呈双膝跪地、上身挺直 的 姿势 )。 daccess-ods.un.org | Detainees also reported being kept in stress [...] positions (for instance, assuming a posture in which the body was supported [...]by bended knees) for prolonged [...]periods of time during police custody. daccess-ods.un.org |
这种疼痛通常会很明显,并且与姿势 的 变 化密切相关,在一般情况下,离开一张椅子或是向前弯曲时疼痛更严重。 beijing.ufh.com.cn | The pain is usually sharp and closely related [...] to changes in posture, commonly worse [...]when getting out of a chair or bending forward. beijing.ufh.com.cn |
有时会因供给气压,压板的安装姿势 , 压 板形状等因素,使压板 不能旋转。 kosmek.co.jp | The rotation may not be done because of the air pressure, lever mounting position and shape. kosmek.co.jp |
保持倾斜的姿势数分钟以确保药物充分地渗透和被吸收(或使用棉塞 以防药水漏出)。 polyclinic.singhealth.com.sg | Keep the ear tilted for a few minutes to ensure the medication is absorbed (or a cotton plug may be used to prevent leakage). polyclinic.singhealth.com.sg |
结合EXO肌肉支持系统、轻量化的弹力编织外层和大腿间单层带来的压缩 和 姿势 支 撑 来减少摩擦,使奔跑更远更轻松,才能恢复得更好。 salomon.com | These shorts combine EXO muscle support, [...] compression and postural support with [...]a lightweight stretch woven outer shell and [...]single layer between thighs to reduce chafing. salomon.com |
有迹象表明,受害者是在蹲伏或弯腰 姿势下被击中的。 daccess-ods.un.org | There are indications that the victim may have been in a crouching or bending position when this wound was sustained. daccess-ods.un.org |
腿部和足部很可能是在站立姿势下受 伤的。 daccess-ods.un.org | The wounds to the leg and foot were most likely received in a standing position. daccess-ods.un.org |
宠物箱必须坚固且通风性良好,最重要的是,宠物箱应有足够大的空间供宠物自由坐下或昂头站立、转身和以正 常 姿势 躺 卧。 united.com | The kennel must be sturdy, properly ventilated and, most importantly, must [...] be large enough for the animal to freely sit and stand with its head erect, turn around and [...] lie down in a normal posture. united.com |
26型是20型的进一步提高,并带有一块柔韧的“软板”,可以提供柔软、舒适的支撑,在从斜 躺 姿势 进 行 移位时尤其有价值。 liko.com | Model 26 is a further development of model 20 and features a pliable “Soft plate” for soft, comfortable support, which is especially valuable when lifting from the recumbent position. liko.com |
使用枕头或者其他支撑物)将儿童的 姿势 纠正成反痉挛的姿势,同 时尽量保持正常 的关节位置(比如,利用裹起来的毛毯卷 成一个U型的靠垫,用来轻轻地将头放到 [...] 一个舒适的位置,可以预防背部形成 拱形)。 thewpca.org | Position the child (using pillows or other [...] supports) to counteract spastic posture and maintain normal joint position [...]as far as possible (eg [...]a U-shaped cushion, made with a rolled-up blanket, can prevent back arching by cradling the head in a gently flexed position). thewpca.org |
乍一看,他摆出的姿势让人以为他沉浸在胜利的喜悦中 —— 其实,他身后烟雾弥漫,周围都是从工业国家输出的有害高科技废品。 unicef.org | Only at first glance does his pose seem triumphant; on closer look, he is standing against curtains of smoke, surrounded by the hazardous high-tech waste of industrialized countries. unicef.org |
据报告,其中超过 75 起案件涉及过 度或超时绑缚双手、蒙住双眼;据报告,62 名儿童遭殴打,据报告,35 名儿童 被要求长期保持同一姿势,16 名儿童被单独禁闭。 daccess-ods.un.org | In more than 75 of these cases the excessive or extended use of hand-ties and blindfolds were reported, 62 children reported being beaten, 35 children reported position abuse and 16 children were kept in solitary confinement. daccess-ods.un.org |
这些专业人士的地址与固体球, 运动和平衡的姿势; 他们 远离球流和Cadence凝胶像润滑良好的机器,让他们的摆动组件; [...] 他们从回波动过渡转发波动小的动荡, 无缝移动到受影响地区同步运动产生对自己的身体或运动外观的改变很少强调;和, 他们转移到与流量的完成,很少涉及任何反冲职位,并充分吸收他们的神的力量的波动最小的应变或惊愕. aboutgolf.com | These professionals address the ball with solid, athletic [...] and balanced posture; they move away [...]from the ball with flow and cadence that [...]allows their swing-components to gel like well-oiled machines; they transition from back swings to forward swings with little turbulence, and seamlessly move into impact areas with synchronized series of movements that generate very little stress on their bodies or change in athletic appearances; and, they move into their finish positions with flow rarely involving any recoil and fully absorb the force of swings with minimal strain or consternation to their demeanors. aboutgolf.com |
更加易于试出来的可能是新的智能电池,这种电池能够一直指示当前电量状态;或新的无线手控板——因为没有电缆碍手碍脚,使得用户可以采取更符合人体工学的工 作 姿势。 liko.com | Easier to detect is probably the new, smart batteries, which always indicate current charge [...] status, or the new wireless hand control which allows a more [...] ergonomical working posture, because no [...]cables are in the way. liko.com |
酒店内的高级商务房环境优雅舒适,风格简约;豪华房套房以沉稳的深色作为整个空间的色彩搭配基调,溶入淡淡的欧式低调与奢华,房内备有豪华的双人沙发及现代化办公桌,提供给您一个集日常生活和商谈及办公为一体的舒适空间;小套房色系明亮,客厅和卧室的隔间采用日式优美的玻璃帷幕为造型,并配以简约风格的沙发,带给您一个清爽简洁的生活环境;复式房采用木制家具为主,让您以最自然 的 姿势 享 受视觉带来的快乐,巧妙的空间利用,使得整个设计风格别具一格,让您体验光力新时空公寓酒店带您温馨典雅的上海住宿生活。 gloo518.com | The surrounding of the advanced business room is delicate and comfortable, with a concise style; With the deep color as the color matching mood of the entire space, and a light European low tone and luxury, luxurious suites are equipped with double sofas and modern desks, it can offer you a comfortable space which combined daily life, negotiation and handling official business; Small suite with a bright color, its compartment between sitting room and bed room is used Japanese-style elegant glass curtain, and matched with concise style sofas, which can bring you a refreshing laconic living environment; Duplex room is mainly equipped [...] with wooden furniture, [...] which can make you have visual pleasure with the most natural posture, and its clever [...]use of space, making [...]the whole design a unique style, which can make you experience the warm and elegant life that the Shanghai Luminous New Space-time Hotel Mansion bring you. gloo518.com |
华丽的空间表现出微妙的色彩和抽象 姿势, 引领人们回到那些奇异时代, 追溯由豪华到抽象的装饰蜕变。 prada.com | The grand spaces exhibit subtle colors [...] and abstracted gestures suggestive of [...]their singular eras and trace the evolution [...]of ornament from the lavish to the abstract. prada.com |
朝左肩伸展您的脖子;保持这个姿势 几 秒 钟,再慢慢朝胸部转动您的头,然后朝右肩伸展您的脖子。 united.com | Stretch your neck toward your left shoulder; hold for a few seconds, slowly roll your head toward your chest and then stretch toward the right shoulder. united.com |
的齿的形状被设计成使得有最佳适合之间的上部和下部的科学文章越来越探索不 良 姿势 之 间的关系,和各种类型的异常咬合,但这个主题仍然是有争议的。 institutododelta.com.br | The shape of the teeth are designed so that there is optimal fit between the upper and lower scientific [...] articles increasingly explore the [...] relationship between bad posture and the various [...]types of malocclusion, but this subject is still controversial. institutododelta.com.br |
有时因供给油压・流量以及压板的安 装 姿势 等 因 素,惯性矩较大的压板无法实施旋转动作。 kosmek.co.jp | There may be no swinging action for the lever with large inertia based on different hydraulic supply pressure, flow and lever mounting position. kosmek.co.jp |
通过采访一些儿童和青少年,防止酷刑小组委员会收到可靠、一再出现的 酷刑和虐待指控,其中包括:工作人员徒手、用木棍或金属棍击打后脑勺和身体 其他部位,扒光儿童和青少年的衣服,强迫他们用很不舒服 的 姿势 站 立 ,侮辱和 威胁。 daccess-ods.un.org | Through interviews conducted with a number of children and adolescents, the SPT received credible and reiterated allegations of torture and ill-treatment. These included beatings by staff on the back of the head and other parts of the body with open hands, wood or metal batons, stripping of children and adolescents, forcing them to stand in uncomfortable positions, insults and threats. daccess-ods.un.org |
如果感觉 到痛又不能够起身,就要大声喊救 命,然后找个比较舒服的姿势在地上 坐或躺着,直到救援的到来 。 cgh.com.sg | Sit or lie down on the floor in a comfortable position till help arrives. cgh.com.sg |
这个专利系统的非常简单,它非常类似于盖螺母拧领子的管道工密封管 道 姿势 下 , 花了三十年劳力士领先于真实性领域的竞争。 zh.horloger-paris.com | Thanks to this patented system that's surprisingly simple, which closely resembles the cap nut screwed collars that plumbers pose for sealing a pipe, Rolex took thirty years ahead of competition in the field of authenticity. en.horloger-paris.com |
可旋转的控制把手让您能够以最方便 的 姿势 使 用 热像仪。 flir.com | A turnable control grip allows you to use the camera in the most comfortable position. flir.com |
他们可爬来爬去和做站立的姿势,并 可借 助支撑物(如沿着家具)行走和不靠支撑物短暂站立,还可不靠人扶走几步。 cpsc.gov | They can crawl forward and backward, pull themselves into a standing position, walk with support (for example, along furniture), stand momentarily without support, and complete a couple of unassisted steps. cpsc.gov |
工作时,如 果有时能坐着工作或坐特殊的椅子改 变 姿势 ,可 减轻身体的压力,也有其它的工作 姿势 会 造 成身 体的压力,例如:工作时的手超过肩膀的高度或 低于膝盖的高度。 safeatwork.se | If you spend some time sitting or sitting-standing, this will reduce the strains. Examples of other positions which cause strain are working with your hands above shoulder height or below knee height. safeatwork.se |
呼吸暂停次数、血氧饱和度的下降、腹部的运动和睡 眠 姿势 都 被 记录在正式报告中。 shanghai.ufh.com.cn | The number of episodes of apneas, decreases in blood oxygen, abdominal [...] movements, and sleep positions are recorded [...]in a formal report. shanghai.ufh.com.cn |
由于目前的研究显示,PowerPlate®振动训练对老年妇女的预 期 姿势 控 制力有改善效果,并且以往的研究已显示可增强力量和爆发力,故PowerPlate®训练似乎是预防老年人跌倒的有用工具。 powerplate.com | The aim of the study was to assess the effect of Power Plate® [...] training on postural control and [...]the prevention of falls in the elderly. powerplate.com |
联合国全球信通技术与发展联盟主席塔拉勒·阿布 -格扎拉先生说明信息和通信技术(信通技术)如何通过其传 播 姿势 和 技 术的能 力能够在发展方面、包括经济发展方面发挥大作用,提供没有国界的商机。 daccess-ods.un.org | Mr. Talal Abu-Ghazaleh, Chair of the United Nations Global Alliance for Information and Communication Technology and Development, explained how information and communications technology (ICT) could play a great role in development, including economic development, through its ability to spread knowledge and technology, and provide borderless business opportunities, he said. daccess-ods.un.org |
在设计中时时考虑到驾驶员,MPW系列带有创新的人体功能学技术,例如安装在底部的手柄,最优化操 作 姿势 , 提 高了跟在后面走的空隙。 yale.com | Always made with the operator in mind, the MPB and MPW series features innovative ergonomic technology like the bottom mounted handle, which optimizes the operating position and increases the walk-behind clearance. yale.com |
(c) 缔约国的判例和立法没有为15 岁以上的受害儿童提供一贯的适当保 护; (d) 诸如向未成年人购买性行为和为摆出 性 姿势 而 对儿童进行剥削等罪行 被归为“对儿童实施的不太严重的性犯罪”类别。 daccess-ods.un.org | (d) Crimes such as the purchase of a sexual act of a minor and exploitation of children for sexual posing are categorized as “less serious sexual offences against children”. daccess-ods.un.org |