

单词 姚明

See also:

surname Yao

External sources (not reviewed)

Now they think ofYao Ming.
美国洛杉矶(2013年2月20日)——瑞士高级钟表制造商GP芝柏表与亚洲协会南加利福尼亚分会(ASSC)于昨晚携手在洛杉矶千禧大酒店举行的2013年年会上,共同向传奇篮球运动 姚明
Los Angeles, CA (February 20, 2013)– Iconic luxury watchmaker Girard-Perregaux and Asia Society Southern California (ASSC) partnered up
last night in at the Millennium Biltmore Hotel to honor legendary basketball
[...] personality YaoMing at its 2013 Annual Gala.
Icons like Tiger Woods,
[...] Andre Agassi, Yao Ming, Rory McIlroy, [...]
Lionel Messi and the Williams sisters all paint the same picture:
child prodigy with stand-out talent goes on to be the youngest/highest paid star in their respective sport.
2012年2月,为了改善贫困地区儿童营养缺乏的状况,汤臣倍健与中国营养学会(CNS)、全球儿童营养基金会(GCNF)以及汤臣倍健品牌代言人及公益大使 姚明启动“贫困地区儿童营养改善项目”。
In February 2012, BY-HEALTH launched the “Nutrition Improvement Project for Children in Poverty Areas” together with China
Nutrition Society (CNS), the Global Child Nutrition Foundation (GCNF), and its brand
[...] spokesman and welfare ambassador Yao Ming.
请把第一表乙组所提及申请人的弟失业的情 况详列於此表内,并附上有关的。 将有关详情及理由
Details, together with reasons andsupporting documents, should be given in this table.
本年度仍有许多政治犯关押在监狱中,或以其他形式遭到拘留,其中包括维权活动人士胡佳;记者师涛;网络作家杨子立和Xu Wei;劳工活动人、Mu Mingjun、胡石根、黄相微、孔佑平、宁先华、李建峰、李信涛、林顺安(音译)、岳天祥、张善光、高建国、李旺阳、佘万宝;中国民主党创办人之一秦永敏;计划生育问题的揭发者陈光诚;苏志民;基督教活动人士张荣亮;维吾尔族人拖乎提·吐尼雅孜和迪力克斯·铁力瓦尔地;西藏人晋美嘉措、丹增德勒和根敦确吉尼玛。
Many political prisoners remained in prison or under other forms of detention at year's end, including rights activist Hu Jia; journalist Shi Tao; Internet writers Yang Zili and Xu Wei; labor activists Yao Fuxin, Mu Mingjun, Hu Shigen, Huang Xiangwei, Kong Youping, Ning Xianhua, Li Jianfeng, Li Xintao, Lin Shun'an, Yue Tianxiang, Zhang Shanguang, Gao Hongming, Zha Jianguo, Li Wangyang, and She Wanbao; China Democracy Party cofounder Qin Yongmin; family planning whistleblower Chen Guangcheng; Su Zhimin; Christian activist Zhang Rongliang; Uighurs Tohti Tunyaz and Dilkex Tilivaldi; and Tibetans Jigme Gyatso, Tenzin Deleg, and Gendun Choekyi Nyima.
万邦集团,是由唐山市政协委员、着名民营企业先生,于1993年3月在中国近代工业的摇篮,渤 —唐山市,创建的集能源投资、化工、建材生产、地产开发和金融战略投资与服务为一体的大型产业性投资集团公司,集团目前的固定资产已达12亿元,年产值25亿元以上;现有员工1290余人,其中高级管理人员和各类高级技术人员170余人,大学以上学历的员工占30%以上。
Wan Bang Group , Created by Mr. Yao Zizhong,a CPPCC member from the Tangshan City, a famous private entrepreneur ,in March 1993 in China, the cradle of modern industry,Bohai Pearl——Tangshan City , a set of energy investments, chemical building materials production, real estate development and financial strategies for investment and service to large-scale industrial investment in the subject group.
收到几篇美门第二代的文章,他们中间的 在加州宣道会负责英 文事工,他不但感谢美门的栽培,也对英文事工特别关心也是全时间的在校园团契服事;张 培智立志做个有影响力的高中老师,真让人佩服感动。
There are several submissionsfromsecondgeneration of MCCC, Henry Mui is now leading the English Ministry in an Alliance Church in California, he [...]
thanks our church for helping him grow,
and is especially concerned about the English ministry; Grace Yao is a full time worker in Intervarsity Campus Fellowship; Joseph Cheung Jr. admirably and movingly sets his mind to become an influential High School teacher.
The LNG Director of I.M. Skaugen, Mr. Yao Song, held a presentation about the market situation in China from the view of a Norwegian operator, talking about obstacles and opportunities in the Chinese market.
Through interviews with Yao Jui-chung and participating students, this paper focuses on the following questions: What is the significance of this art project’s social participation?
还强调,诸如埃塞俄比亚和卢旺达等允许经过 专门训练的助产人员而不是完全合格的医生接生的国家在降低孕产妇死亡率方 面已取得了显着的进展。
Dr. Yao also highlighted that countries such as Ethiopia and Rwanda, which allow births to be supervised by specially trained birth attendants rather than fully qualified doctors, have made remarkable progress in reducing their maternal mortality rates.
[...] 占领阿塞拜疆领土上开展各种非法活动等途径推行的政策和表现的行径清楚地意图是吞并这些领土(例如,见阿塞拜疆最近散发的文件:A/64/760S/2010/211)。
The Republic of Azerbaijan has repeatedly stated that, despite ongoing political efforts towards the earliest resolution of the conflict on the basis of the generally accepted norms and principles of international law, the policy and practice of the Republic of Armenia, the occupying Power, implemented inter alia through various
illegal activities in the occupied territories of
[...] Azerbaijan, clearlytestify to [...]
its intention to secure the annexation of these
territories (see, for example, the most recent document circulated by Azerbaijan: A/64/760-S/2010/211).
The mayor of Almere, Mrs. Jorritsma, was previously holding the roles of Minister of commerce, water and infrastructure, Minister of Economic affairs and Deputy Prime Minister.
大会第六十三届会议注意到秘书长任命了一名新的使用多种语文问题协调 员;请秘书长确保平等对待所有语文事务处,并确保会员国代表之间有效地用多 种语文进行沟通,包括通过以所有正式语文同时分发文件;请新闻部改进所采取 的行动,实现在联合国网站上同等使用六种正式语文;请秘书长向大会第六十五 届会议提交一份综合报告,执行大会有关使用多种语文的各项决议的情 况(第 63/306 号决议)。
At its sixty-third session, the General Assembly took note of the appointment by the Secretary-General of a new Coordinator for Multilingualism; requested the Secretary-General to ensure equal treatment for all language services and effective multilingual communication among representatives of Member States, including through simultaneous distribution of documents in all official languages; requested the Department of Public Information to improve actions taken to achieve parity among the six official languages on the United Nations website; and requested the Secretary-General to submit to it at its sixty-fifth session a comprehensive report on the full implementation of its resolutions on multilingualism (resolution 63/306).
援助侧重于以下几个方面:(a)建立符合国际标 准和规范的法律和政策框架;(b)加强国内机构特别是反腐败机构和刑事司法机 关的能力,以便以综合协调的方式有效预防和控制腐败;(c)在公共和私营部 门,包括在公共资源管理方面,增强廉洁和问责制并提高(d)协助有关 政府机关进行国际合作并在国内和国际范围追回资产;(e)与国际社会成员和联 合国系统成员发展战略性和主题性的合作伙伴关系,以确保技术援助提供工作 的一致性;(f)支助建立网络和平台,使会员国在区域和国际层面进行政策对话 和同侪学习。
Assistance focuses on (a) establishing legal and policy frameworks consistent with international standards and norms; (b) strengthening the capacity of domestic institutions, in particular anti-corruption bodies and criminal justice institutions, to effectively prevent and control corruption in an integrated and coordinated way; (c) enhancing integrity, accountability and transparency in public and private sectors, including the management of public resources; (d) supporting relevant Government institutions in international cooperation and the recovery of assets at the domestic and international levels; (e) development of strategic and thematic partnerships with members of the international community and United Nations system to ensure coherency in the delivery of technical assistance; and (f) supporting the establishment of networks and platforms for policy dialogue and peer learning among Member States at the regional and international levels.
西澳大学西澳医学研究所(WAIMR)的教授乔治 George Yeoh)和他的团队同浙江大学副教授张爱斌(音译)合作开展肝病新疗法的研究。
UWA Professor George Yeoh and his team at the WA Institute for Medical Research (WAIMR) have joined forces with Zheijiang’s University’s Associate Professor Aibin Zhang to carry out research into new treatments for liver disease.
在这个播客中,麦肯锡大中华区总经理梁敦临,麦肯锡公司香港办公室董、林国沣以及副董事Jared Shu 讨论了在这一背景下,麦肯锡发表的一项新调研,探究中国富人在选择私人银行业务时的行为偏好。
In this podcast, Nick Leung speaks with Emmanuel Pitsilis, Kenny Lam, and Jared Shu about a new survey they published that sheds light on what China’s wealthy are looking for when they shop for private banking services.
The 90-metres tall office tower located at the junction of the two main roads provides a visual link from Jiefang Bridge, the main connection between Jiangbei District and the city centre across the Yuyao River.
The significance and value of this “participation” lie in the fact that it is both a collective action by Yao Jui-chung and his students, and in that it used artistic methods to hold up a social issue to scrutiny and engage the awareness of the people in regards to that issue.
还报告了人口基金一个旨在减少难产的项目,方法是早期识别面临危 险的怀孕妇女,确保她们在产前及时送入医院。
Dr. Yao also reported on a UNFPA project that aims to reduce the cases of obstructed labour by identifying at-risk pregnant women early on and ensuring that they are brought to the hospital well before they go into labour.
於本公布日期,本公司董事分别有董事会主席兼独立非执行董事王阳元先生、本公司总裁、 首席执行官兼执行董事张汝京先生、本公司非执行董 生、以及本公司独立非执行董 事徐大麟先生、川西刚先生、萧崇河先生、陈立武先生、虞有澄先生及江上舟先生。
As at the date of this announcement, the Directors of the Company are Yang Yuan Wang as Chairman and Independent Non-Executive Director of the Company; Richard R. Chang as President, Chief Executive Officer and Executive Director of the Company; Fang Yao as Non-Executive Director of the Company; and Ta-Lin Hsu, Tsuyoshi Kawanishi, Henry Shaw, Lip-Bu Tan, Albert Y.C. Yu and Jiang Shang Zhou as Independent Non-Executive Directors of the Company.
中科软首席保险顾先生说:「联科使用GigaSpaces [...]
XAP作为平台,能帮助保险公司提高系统的性能,加快网上报价、投保及理赔过程,同时联科能为区内客户提供在GigaSpaces XAP的专业技术支持,在这方面中科软和联科有广泛的合作空间。
According to Mr. Yao Jiacheng, Chief [...]
Insurance Consultant of Sinosoft, “the CLUSTERTECH’s solution offers high system performance
and helps insurance companies accelerate their online quotes, insurance applications and claim processing by using GigaSpaces XAP platform.
丁天立先生、郑慕智博士、陈再彦先生先生将根据本公司的公司细则第109(A)条及第189(ix) 条轮值告退,惟彼等合资格并愿於应届股东周年大会上重选连任。
Mr. Ivan Ting Tien-li, Dr. Moses Cheng Mo-chi, Mr. Floyd Chan Tsoi-yin and Mr. Andrew Yao Chofai shall retire by rotation in accordance with the Company’s Bye-laws 109(A) and 189(ix), and being eligible, offer themselves for re-election at the forthcoming Annual General Meeting.
後排左起:七家软件供应商的代表,包括:Infinite Financial Solutions Limited顾问羅伟兴、 數码思维李耀辉、翰科顾问有限公司高级顾问张瑞龍、思滔科技有限公司行政总裁黄庆 昌、聯讯科技(国际)有限公司销售董 、标竿科技有限公司高级方案顾问麦永熙 、以及MYOB Hong Kong Limited Channel Manager羅子俊。
(Back row, from left) Representatives of the 7 software vendors, including: Vanbrogh Law, Consultant of Infinite Financial Solutions Limited, Yunixe Li of eBean Century, SL Chang, Senior Consultant of Dynamic Tech Consultants Limited, Simon Wong, CEO of Thinking Technology Limited, Sunny Yaury, Sales Director of United Technologies (International) Limited, Newland Mak, Senior Solution Consultant of Purpose Driven Solution Limited, and Paul Law, Channel Manager of MYOB Hong Kong Limited.




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