单词 | 委聘 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 委聘 verb —appoint vengage vSee also:聘—betrothal gift • get married (of woman) • betroth • engage (a teacher etc)
聯昌國際已獲委聘擔任 獨立財務顧問,負責向獨立董事委員會及獨立股東提 供意見。 equitynet.com.hk | An independent financial adviser CIMB-GK has been appointed to advise the [...] Independent Board Committee and the Independent [...]Shareholders. equitynet.com.hk |
此項委聘並不 涉及任何相關財務資料之獨立審查。 equitynet.com.hk | This engagement did not involve independent examination of any of the underlying financial information. equitynet.com.hk |
(23) 委聘銷售 代理銷售本公司任何產品及本公司於世界任何地方擔任代理人之任 [...] 何貨品及東西。 ckh.com.hk | (23) To appoint sales agents [...] to sell any of the products of the Company and any goods and things for which the Company are [...]agents in any part of the world. ckh.com.hk |
我們在 1997 年 6 月把 556CL 號工程計劃「安達臣道發展計劃的 規劃及工程可行性研究」提升為甲級;按付款當日價格計算,估計所 需費用為 1,870 萬元,用以委聘顧問進行擬議發展計劃的規劃及工程 可行性研究。 legco.gov.hk | In June 1997, we upgraded 556CL “Planning and engineering feasibility study for development at Anderson Road” to Category A at an estimated cost of $18.7 million in MOD prices for engaging consultants to carry out the planning and engineering feasibility study for the proposed development. legco.gov.hk |
彼曾加入香港九龍倉集團旗下的馬可勃羅國際酒店部 擔任總裁,其後接受新加坡置地一家附屬公司 的 委聘 , 以監督其酒店投資。 wingtaiproperties.com | He joined Wharf Holdings in Hong Kong as President of [...] their Marco Polo International Hotel Division [...] prior to his appointment to a subsidiary [...]of Singapore Land to oversee their hotel investments. wingtaiproperties.com |
本 報 告 及 吾 等 之 計 算 之 草 稿 已 送 呈 該 公 司 管 理 層 。 彼 等 已 審 閱 及口頭 向吾等 確 認 , 本 報 告 及 計 算 所 述 之 因 素 於 所 有 重 大 方 面 均 屬 準 確 , 及 就 彼 等 所 知 , 並 無 有 關 吾 等 之 委 聘 之任何 重 大 事 項 尚 未 加 載 。 cre8ir.com | Drafts of this report and our calculation have been presented to the management of the Company, which has reviewed and orally confirmed to us that this report and factors included in the calculation are accurate in all material aspects and to the best of their knowledge there is no material matter regarding our engagement that have not been included. cre8ir.com |
一如上文第9(b)段所載,在經擴大的輔助計劃之下,就 第 II類法律程序(即與勞資審裁處上訴有關的民事法律程序以外 的新訂民事法律程序類別及有關專業疏忽申索的現行民事法律 程序類別而言),其最終分擔費用比率為20%;凡申索在審訊或 聆訊開始日期之前或(如有委聘大律師) 在向大律師送交在審訊 或聆訊中出庭的委聘書之 前已達致和解者,則最終分擔費用比 率為15%。 legco.gov.hk | As set out in paragraph 9(b) above, under the expanded SLAS, the rate of final contribution for Type II proceedings (i.e. the new types of civil proceedings apart from those relating to Labour Tribunal appeals and existing types of civil proceedings for professional negligence claims) is 20% or 15% if the claim is settled before the date of commencement of the trial or the hearing, or if counsel is engaged, before the delivery a brief to counsel for attendance at the trial or the hearing. legco.gov.hk |
供應商(申請人)如欲核實其產品的降解性,應自 費 委聘化 驗 所,就產品進行《測試指引》所訂明的測試(詳情見下文第 [...] 8 段 )。 wastereduction.gov.hk | Suppliers (the applicants) who [...] wish to verify the degradability of their [...] products should appoint a laboratory to [...]conduct the tests as stipulated in the Testing [...]Guideline (detailed in Section 8 below) for their products at their own cost. wastereduction.gov.hk |
卓 亞 已 獲 委 聘 就 此 方 面 向吾等 提 供 意 見 , 而 其 意 見 之 詳 情 [...] 及 其 達 致 推 薦 建 議 所 考 慮 之主要 因 素 , 載 於 本 綜 合 文 件 第 32 至 57 頁 卓 亞 函 件 內 。 cigyangtzeports.com | Asian Capital has been appointed to advise us in this [...] respect, and details of its advice and the principal factors takenintoconsiderationinarrivingatitsrecommendation [...]are set out in the letter from Asian Capital on pages 32 to 57 of this Composite Document. cigyangtzeports.com |
ii) 決定聘用為薪酬委員會提供諮詢服務之任何顧問 的 委聘 條 款 及支付酬金之所需撥款幅度。 asiasat.com | (ii) determine the terms of engagement and the extent of funding necessary for payment of compensation to any consultant retained to advise the RC. asiasat.com |
考慮到所涉及的 工作的性質後,屋宇署已委聘私人 顧問,進行特別行動中並非法定的工作,例如 [...] 在屋宇署發出法定通知之前及之後,對棄置/危險招牌進行勘查和視察,以期署 方在其執法行動中能達致最佳的整體成本效益,並在該項特別行動中能以最靈活 方式調配部門的人手。 devb.gov.hk | Having taken into account the nature of the work [...] involved, the BD has engaged private sector [...]consultants to carry out the non-statutory [...]work in respect of the special operation, such as carrying out of survey and inspection of abandoned/dangerous signboards before and after the BD’s issue of statutory notices, with a view to maximising the overall cost effectiveness of the Department’s enforcement actions and flexibility in the Department’s staff deployment in the special operation. devb.gov.hk |
獲委聘之總 經理或一名或多名經理之任期由董事會決定,而董事會可向其 [...] 或彼等賦予董事會之全部或任何權力以及董事會認為合適之職銜。 comnet-telecom.hk | The appointment of such general [...] manager, manager or managers may be for such period as the Board may decide and the Board [...]may confer upon him or them all or any of the powers of the Board and such title or titles as it may think fit. comnet-telecom.hk |
彼 等 已 審 閱 及口頭 向吾等 確 認 , 本 報 告 及 計 算 所 述 之 因 素 於 所 有 重 大 方 面 均 屬 準 確 , 及 就 彼 等 所 知 , 並 無 有 關 吾 等 之 委 聘 之任何 重 大 事 項 尚 未 加 載 。 cre8ir.com | Drafts of this report and our calculation have been presented to the management of the Company, which has reviewed and orally confirmed to us that this report and factors included in the calculation are accurate in all material aspects and to the best of their knowledge there is no material matter regarding our engagement that have not been included. cre8ir.com |
本 公 司 於 獨 立 董 事 委 員 會 批 准 後 將 委 聘 獨 立 財 務 顧 問 , 分別就 收 購 建 議 及 特 別 交 [...] 易( 尤 其 是 收 購 建 議 及 特 別 交 易是否 公 平 合 理 及 其 可 否 接 納 及 投 [...]票 贊 成 )向 獨 立 董 事 委 員 會 提 供 意 見 。 cigyangtzeports.com | An independent financial adviser will be appointed by the Company after [...] approval by the Independent Board [...] Committee to advise the Independent Board Committee in respect of [...]the Offers and the special [...]deal, respectively, and in particular as to whether the Offers and the special deal are, or are not, fair and reasonable and as to its acceptance and voting, respectively. cigyangtzeports.com |
我們的責任是根據我們的審閱對該等簡明中期財務資料作出結論,並按 照 委聘 之 條款僅向整體董事局報告,除此之 [...] 外本報告別無其他目的。 swirepacific.com | Our responsibility is to express a conclusion on this condensed interim financial information based on our review and to [...] report our conclusion solely to you, as a body, in [...] accordance with our agreed terms of engagement [...]and for no other purpose. swirepacific.com |
凡(1)任何除外服務;及(2)其他(i)費用屬或然性 質;(ii)費用可能超過500,000美元;或(iii)非核數工作的費用可能超 過1,500萬美元的委聘,均 需經審核委員會批准方可作實。 glencore.com | The Audit Committee’s approval is required for (1) any Excluded Service (2) and other engagement where either (i) the fee is contingent, (ii) the fee may exceed $ 500,000, or (iii) where the fees for all non-audit work may exceed $ 15 million. glencore.com |
(1) 在指定證券交易所規則不時規定的董事輪值告退方式的規限下,及儘管 任何董事以任何合約條款或其他條款委任 或 委聘 , 於 每屆股東週年大會上,當時 為數三分一的董事(或如董事人數並非三(3)的倍數,則須為最接近但不少於三分 一的董事人數)均須輪席退任,惟各董事須至少每三年告退一次。 apollosolar.com.hk | (1) Subject to the manner of retirement by rotation of Directors as from time to time prescribed under the rules of the Designated Stock Exchange, and notwithstanding any contractual or other terms on which any Director may be appointed or engaged, at each annual general meeting one third of the Directors for the time being (or, if their number is not a multiple of three (3), the number nearest to but not less than one-third) shall retire from office by rotation provided that every Director shall be subject to retirement at least once every three years. apollosolar.com.hk |
5.6 如屬新產品,申請人須委聘化驗 所(詳情見下文第 8 段 ),進行有關食物安全、降解 [...] 性及物理表現所規定的測試。 wastereduction.gov.hk | 5.6 For new products, the [...] applicant should appoint a laboratory (detailed [...]in Section 8 below) to conduct the required tests [...]on food safety, degradability and physical performance. wastereduction.gov.hk |
是項檢討包括委聘外部 第三方釐定 所收購物業、機 器及設備之公允值,導致現金產生單位內之礦權於收購日期作出重 [...] 新分配。 mmg.com | This review included engaging an external third [...] party to determine the fair values of the property, plant and equipment [...]acquired, resulting in the reallocation of mineral rights within cash generating units at the date of acquisition. mmg.com |
本公司已向本公司每名獨立非執行董事發 出 委聘 書 ,為期一年,且有 關 委聘 將 僅 於其中一方向另一方發出不少於三個月 的事先書面通知而終止。 westchinacement.com | The Company has [...] entered into an appointment letter with each of the independent non-executive Directors of the Company for a term of one year, and appointment of which will [...]only be terminated by [...]either party giving to the other not less than three months prior notice in writing. westchinacement.com |
在本細則的規限下,本公司可按董事會釐定的方式將本公司擁有留置權的任何股份出售; 但除非現存留置權涉及一筆現時應付的款項,或者是現存留置權涉及現時須清償或解除的負債或 委聘,又 或在述明及要求付清現時應付的款項,或指明負債 或 委聘 並 要求予以清償或解除的書面 通知發出後已屆滿十四(14)個整日,並且已向當其時的登記持有人或因該持有人去世或破產而享有 該股份的人士送達擬出售違約股份的通知,否則不得將有關股份出售。 ntpharma.com | Subject to these Articles, the Company may sell in such manner as the Board determines any share on which the Company has a lien, but no sale shall be made unless some sum in respect of which the lien [...] exists is presently [...] payable, or the liability or engagement in respect of which such lien exists is liable to be presently fulfilled or discharged nor until the expiration of fourteen (14) clear days after a notice in writing, stating and demanding payment of the sum presently payable, or specifying the liability [...]or engagement and [...]demanding fulfilment or discharge thereof and giving notice of the intention to sell in default, has been served on the registered holder for the time being of the share or the person entitled thereto by reason of his death or bankruptcy. ntpharma.com |
受公司法條文另行規 定所限,核數師酬金應由本公司於股東週年大會上釐定或授權釐 定,惟於任何個別年度本公司可於股東大會上轉委董事會釐定核數 師酬金,而任何獲委聘以填 補任何臨時空缺的核數師的酬金可由董 事釐定。 perfectech.com.hk | Subject as otherwise provided by the Companies Act, the remuneration of the Auditors shall be fixed by or on the authority of the Company in the annual general meeting except that in any particular year the Company in general meeting may delegate the fixing of such remuneration to the Board and the remuneration of any Auditors appointed to fill any casual vacancy may be fixed by the Directors. perfectech.com.hk |
(D) 董事不得就有關其本人受聘擔任本公司或本公司持有權益 之其他公司之任何職位或獲利之崗位之任何董事會決議案 [...] (包括安排或更改相關委任條款或終 止 委聘 ) 進 行投票,亦 不會在該情況下被計入法定人數。 casil-group.com | (D) A Director shall not vote or be counted in the quorum on any resolution of the Board concerning his own appointment as the holder of any office or place of profit with the Company or any other company in [...] which the Company is interested (including the arrangement or variation of the terms [...] thereof, or the termination thereof). casil-group.com |
就本公司非執行董事委聘書的 條款以及彼等二零零六、二零零七及二零零八年度的董事袍金向董事會提出 建議。 gdc-world.com | making recommendations to the Board on the terms of engagement letters of the Non-executive Directors of the Company and their directors’ fees for the years 2006, 2007 and 2008. gdc-world.com |
根據香港聯合交易所有限公司證券上市規則第 14A.38 條,董事局已委聘本公 司核數師按照香港會計師 [...] 公會頒布的香港相關服務準則第 4400 號「就財務資料執行協定程序的聘用協定」,以抽樣方式對上述持續 關連交易執行若干事實查明程序。 asiasat.com | In accordance with paragraph 14A.38 of the Rules Governing the Listing of [...] Securities on The Stock Exchange of Hong [...] Kong Limited, the Board of Directors engaged [...]the auditors of the Company to perform [...]certain factual finding procedures on the above continuing connected transaction on a sample basis in accordance with Hong Kong Standard on Related Services 4400 “Engagements to Perform AgreedUpon Procedures Regarding Financial Information” issued by the Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants. asiasat.com |
那 些 礙 於 費 用 問 題 而 未 能 委 聘 律 師 的 訴 訟 人 , 可 因 這 種 收 費 孜 排 而 得 以 聘 請 律 師 。 hkreform.gov.hk | They enable litigants to retain a lawyer in circumstances which would otherwise, because of the cost deterrent factor, not be possible. hkreform.gov.hk |
(a) 主要負責就委任、重新委任、罷免外聘審計師、審批外聘審計師的酬金 及委聘條款以及任何涉及該審計師辭職或遭罷免的問題而向董事會提供 建議 huili.hk | (a) be primarily responsible for making recommendations to the Board on the appointment, reappointment and removal of the external auditor, and to approve the remuneration and terms of engagement of the external auditor, and any questions of resignation or dismissal of that auditor huili.hk |
在股東特別大會上處理之一切事務均須當作特別事項,而在股東週年大會上 處理之一切事務,除批准宣派股息、省覽及採納賬目、資產負債表、董事與核數 [...] 師報告書及須附加於資產負債表之其他文件、選舉董事 、 委聘 核 數 師填補退任核 數師、釐定核數師酬金以及就董事酬金或額外酬金表決外,亦須當作特別事項。 comnet-telecom.hk | All business shall be deemed special that is transacted at an extraordinary general meeting, and also all business that is transacted at an annual general meeting with the exception of sanctioning dividends, considering and adopting of the accounts and balance sheet and the reports of the Directors and Auditors and other documents required to be [...] annexed to the balance sheet, the election of [...] Directors and appointment of Auditors [...]in the place of those retiring, the fixing [...]of the remuneration of the Auditors, and the voting of remuneration or extra remuneration to the Directors. comnet-telecom.hk |
(c) 該等交易是根據五礦鋁業買賣協議、二零零八年華北鋁業總協議及山西關鋁購買框架協議、山西 關鋁銷售框架協議、供應協議、二零一一年 MMG 關連交易,MMG 融資協議,購電協議及礦物勘探 及開採協議之各自條款進行,而交易條款公平合理,並且符合本公司股東的整體利益;及 68 本公司核數師已獲委聘就本 集團的持續關連交易作出匯報。 mmg.com | (c) in accordance with the respective terms of the Minmetals Aluminium Sale and Purchase Agreement, the 2008 NCA Master Agreement, 2008 Minmetals Aluminium Master Agreement, the Shanxi Guanlv Purchase Framework Agreement, the Shanxi Guanlv Sale Framework Agreement, the Supply Agreement, the 2011 MMG Connected Transactions, the MMG Loan Facility, the Power Purchase Agreement and the MEPA that are fair and reasonable and in the interests of the shareholders of the Company as a whole. mmg.com |
審核委員會主要負責就委聘、續聘及 罷 免外聘核 數師向董事會提供建議,批准委聘外 聘 核 數 師之酬金及條款,以及任何有關核數師辭任 或免職之問題;亦負責審閱本集團之中期報告及年報與賬目,並監察本公司之財務匯報 系統及內部控制程序。 cflg.com.hk | The Audit Committee is mainly responsible for making recommendations to the Board on the appointment, reappointment [...] and removal of the external auditors and to approve the remuneration and terms of engagement of the external auditors, and any questions [...]of resignation or dismissal of such auditors; reviewing the interim and annual reports and accounts of the Group; and overseeing the Company’s financial reporting system and internal control procedures. cflg.com.hk |