

单词 委托人

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External sources (not reviewed)

缔约国指出,已经与门 多萨夫人的律师进行了初步会谈,律师将向委托人这一建议。
The State party notes that preliminary talks have already begun with Mrs. Mendoza’s lawyer, who will make this suggestion to his client.
为作好履行职责的准备委托人了英国广播公司世 界服务信托会和联塞建和办提供的培训课程。
In preparation for their responsibilities, trustees have received training courses from the BBC World Service Trust and UNIPSIL.
法律咨询科的工作不仅能让律师更好地代委托人,而且还通过让律 师的研究和准备工作注重与辩护有关的问题来提高诉讼程序的效率。
The work of the LegalAdvisory Section will not only enable counsel to better represent their clients before the Tribunal, but will also contribute to the efficiency of the proceedings by enabling counsel to focus their research and preparation on the issues relevant to the defence.
(a) 享 有 法 律 特 权 的 物 件 ( 证 据 法 令 第 1 0 条 ) : 这 些 物 件 是 绝 对 不 能 被 检 取 的,而 它 们 的 定 义 是 根 据 现 行 的 法 律 类 别 界 定 的,这 包 括 在 给 予 法 律 指 导 时 律 师委 托 人的 通 讯 和 相 关 的 文 件 , 及 有 关 法 律 诉 讼 的 通 讯 和 文 件 , 例 如 专 家 报 告 和 信 件 。
(a) Items subject to legal privilege (section 10 of PACE: These can never be seized and the definition follows the existing legal categories and includes communications between a solicitor and the client when giving legal advice together with the attendant documents, and communications and documents in connection with legal proceedings, such as reports and letters from experts.
委托人来的处理人)被设为批准路径的路径步骤时,用户的代理审批人可代理批准已发送的申 请。
When a delegator (original processor) isappointed as the route [...]
step of approval route, the proxy approver can approve the
submitted request by an applicant.
(b) 有 关 或 在 考 虑 提 出 法 律 诉 讼 时 及 为 该 等 诉 讼 的 目 的,专 业 法 律 顾 问 与委 托 人代 表委 托 人何 人 士 之 间 或 该 等 顾 问 或委 托 人何 该 等 代 表 与 任 何 其 他 人 士 之 间 的 通 讯 ; 及
(b) communications between a professional legal adviser and his client or any person representing his clientor between such an adviser or his client or any such representative and any other person made in connection with or in contemplation of legal proceedings and for the purposes of such proceedings; and
In some sensitive cases, lawyers had no pretrial access to their clients, and defendants and lawyers were not allowed to speak during trials.
特别报告员谨指出,《关于律师作用的基本原则》的原则 9 规定,政府必须 确保律师得到适当的教育和培训,13 以便其能够行使原则 12 至
[...] 15 中阐明的权利 和义务,主要就是提供建议和保 委托人利,支持正义。
The Special Rapporteur would like to point out that Principle 9 of the Basic Principles on the Role of Lawyers provides that Governments must ensure that lawyers have appropriate education and training,13 so as to be able to exercise the rights and duties set out in Principles
12 to 15, consisting primarily in
[...] advising and protecting the rights of their [...]
clients and in upholding the cause of justice.
我们饶有兴趣地注意到余留事项处理机制规约第 29 条的规定,该条要求辩护律师在代表其被联合国法庭 或预留机制起诉委托人时,必须“尊重”允许 他们在其国家内履行公务国家的“法律和条例”。
We note with keen interest the provision in article 29 of the statute of the Residual Mechanism requiring defence counsel to “respect thelaws and regulations” of the countries to which they are admitted to perform official duties while representing their clients who have been indicted by United Nations Tribunals or by the Residual Mechanism.
At Aastra, we are committed to advancing responsible corporate citizenship into the culture and day-to-day
operations of our company, and making a clear statement of this commitment to our
[...] employees, partners, clients and the public.
只 维 护 夫 妻 的 关 系 , 而 没 有 同 样 地 维 护 其 他 例 如 同 居 者 、 父 母
[...] 子 女 、 兄 弟 姊 妹 、 合委 托 人托 人 及 朋 友 间 的 关 [...]
系 , 是 不 合 逻 辑 的 。
There is no logic in protecting the relationship of spouses, but not similarly
protecting that of co-habitees, parents and children, brothers and sisters,
[...] partners, principalsand fiduciaries, and friends.
人权理事会在其关于失踪人员问题的第7/28 号决议中决定在第九届会议上举
[...] 行一次关于失踪人员问题的小组讨论会,并请联合国人权事务高级专员办事处编 写小组讨论纪要,以便随后在同一届会议委托人事会咨询委员会编写关于 这方面最佳做法的研究报告。
In its resolution 7/28 on missing persons, the Human Rights Council decided to hold a panel discussion on the question of missing persons at its ninth session, and requested the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights to prepare a summary of the panel’s deliberations
with a view to subsequently
[...] chargingthe Human Rights Council Advisory Committee, at thesame [...]
session, with the preparation
of a study on best practices in the matter.
然而,我国政府无意妨 碍或阻挠辩护律师有效和高效代表委托人力。
My Government, however, has no intention of interfering or hampering the ability of defence counsel to represent their clients effectively and efficiently.
根据委托文书或授权书的条款作出或由法团的授权代表作出的表决,尽 委托人已死亡或无精神行为能力或该委托或发出该委托或转让该等股份的授权已 被撤销,仍应属有效,惟条件是使用该委托文书的会议或延会开始前,本公司没 [...]
A vote given in accordance with the terms of an instrument of proxy or power of attorney or by the duly authorised
representative of a
[...] corporation shallbe valid notwithstanding the previous death or mental incapacity of theprincipal [...]
or revocation of the
proxy or of the authority under which the proxy was executed, or the transfer of the share in respect of which the proxy is given, provided that no intimation in writing of such death, mental incapacity, revocation or transfer as aforesaid shall have been received by the Company at its registered office before the commencement of the meeting or adjourned meeting at which the proxy is used.
小组委员会还建议建设公设律师数据库,从而记委 托人设律师秘密举报或提到的酷刑或其他不人道待遇案件。
The Subcommittee further recommends that public defence databases be developed in order to keep records of instances of torture or other inhuman treatment reported or mentioned in confidence to public defenders by their clients.
事实上,担委托人通 知,委托人见索即付保函的金额或承担使用抵押证书的风险。
In fact, the guarantor gave the principal notice to repay the amount of the demand guarantee or risk the use of the mortgage.
The Population Service Centres shouldbe alsoentrusted with theregistration [...]
of vehicles and the issuance of driver’s licences.
上文第32(a)-(t) 款列出的所有实体或个人在过去、现在、将来委托人伙人、官员、主管、员工、代理商、律师、法人或其他代表,受托人、继承人、执行人、管理人、股东、顾问、前任、继任人、收购人和受让人(包括获得任何前述实体所有或绝大部分资产、股份或其他所有者权益的人,如果继任人、收购人或受让人所承担的责任基于上文第 32 款 (a)-(t) 列出的条款 23(b)(3) 和解集体被免责方)。
For each of the entities or persons in Paragraphs 32(a)-(s) above, each of their respective past, present, and future principals, trustees, partners, officers, directors, employees, agents, attorneys, legal or other representatives, trustees, heirs, executors, administrators, shareholders, advisors, predecessors, successors, purchasers, and assigns (including acquirers of all or substantially all of the assets, stock, or other ownership interests of each of the foregoing entities to the extent a successor’s, purchaser’s, or acquirer’s liability is based on the Rule 23(b)(3) Settlement Class Released Parties as defined in Paragraphs 32(a)-(t) above.
委托人的申请 在申请样式的路径信息中设置了初始值时,将在路径步骤中显示处理人。
Processors are displayed in the route steps only when the initial value is set for the route step of the request form.
上诉中委托人注意,波瓦第尔上诉法院违反了《销售公约》,因为《公 约》并不适用于供私人或家庭使用的船只销售或货物销售。
In the appeal, the principal drew attention to the fact that the Poitiers Appeal Court had breached CISG, in that the Convention did not apply to the sale of boats or the sale of goods purchased for personal or family use.
His clients included multi-national [...]
corporations (MNCs) and local government bodies.
Lambert Private Equity LLC没有外部投资者,被认为是由 委托人的一个私营集团,类似于用自有资金进行投资的商业银行,正因为如此,它致力于通过发现并投资于成长企业追求资本增值。
Lambert Private Equity LLC has no outside investors and is considered a private group run by its principals, similar to a merchant bank that invests its own capital and as such it is seeking capital appreciation through the identification and funding of growth companies.
此外,在审判开始以前,律师不得与诉委托人,而 且不能对法院的决定提出上诉(第2 条、第11 条和第12条)。
In addition, lawyers are not allowed to meet with their clients until the trial begins and the decisions of the court cannot be appealed (arts. 2, 11 and 12).
(b) 委托人理人身份,自世界任何地方或向世界任何地方开展一般贸易、进 口、出口、买入、售出及经营各种货品、材料、物质、物品及商品
(b) general trading, importing, exporting, buying, selling and dealing in goods, materials, substances, articles and merchandise of all kinds in, from and to any part of the world, whether as principal or as agent
According to the law, defense attorneys [...]
can be held responsible if their client commits perjury, and prosecutors and judges
have wide discretion to decide what constitutes perjury.
自1995年以来,KCP委托人 上述领域实现了超过20亿美元的第三方权益融资,并在美洲、中东和北非、撒哈拉以南的非洲以及东南亚完成了100多项交易――包括为中东和北非地区的Tamweel、富彩(FORSA)(Istithmar [...]
Moda等大型企业提供的企业金融咨询服务,以及telcos like Telesonique(瑞士)和Nationlink(中非共和国)等公司重大的销售方咨询委托。
Since 1995,KCP principals haveraisedthird-party [...]
equity financing in excess of US$2.0 billion in these industries and
have completed over 100 transactions in the Americas, MENA, Sub-Saharan Africa and Southeast Asia -- including corporate finance advisory services in the MENA region to major establishments such as Tamweel, FORSA (part of Istithmar World) and Villa Moda, as well as significant sell-side advisory mandates for telcos like Telesonique (Switzerland) and Nationlink (Central African Republic).
以BVI Vista Trust为例,该类型的信托对委托人要优势在于委托人托存续期间,一直保持对SPV的控制;对受托人就任、罢免公司董事以及出售公司股份给予了限制委托人拥有对公司经济利益的权利以及对公司的实际控制权。
Taking the BVI Vista Trust as an example, the advantages of this type of trust for grantors is that the grantors always have the control of the SPV during the existence of the trust; there are limitations on the appointment or removal of corporate directors by the trustee as well as [...]
on the sale of corporate
shares; the grantors always have the right to obtain the company’s economic benefits and have real control over the company.
就算乙方通知甲方乙方作为 获认可委托人理人行事,乙方的身份仍是甲方的客户,除非甲方书面同意把委托人甲方的客户对待或者乙方任命代 理人代表乙方行事并签订授权委托书。
This remains the case even if you
notify us that you are
[...] acting as theagent of an identified principal, unless we agree in writing to treat that principal as our client, oryou appoint anagent to [...]
act on your behalf and complete a POA.
16.10 替任董事有权对他有权益或利益的安排或交易订立合同幷获支付或赔偿款 项,犹如他就是董事一样,但是他无权向公司收取替任董事的酬金,除了他 的委任人不时通知公司应付委托人 金部分(如有)。
16.10 An alternate Director shall be entitled to contract and be interested in and benefit from contracts or arrangements or transactions and to be repaid expenses and to be indemnified to the same extent mutatis mutandis as if he were a Director, but he shall not be entitled to receive from the Company in respect of his appointment as alternate Director any remuneration except only such part (if any) of the remuneration otherwise payable to his appointor as such appointor may by notice in writing to the Companyfrom time to time direct.




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