

单词 始终如一

See also:


from beginning end
all along


be just like

External sources (not reviewed)

然 而,有报告表明,没有对保释程序进行充分宣传、解释 始终如一 地 实 施。
However, there are reports that bail procedures are not publicised adequately, explained, or implemented consistently.
它还将提始终如一的高质量数据,使分析员和管理层能够积极发现 问题和机会。
It will also provide consistent quality data, enabling analysts and management to proactively identify problems and opportunities.
只要植物品种与众不同始终如一、 稳 定(行话称 为 DUS)、新颖(从优先的商业化角度看),它就有资格获得该种保护。
Rather, to be eligible, varieties must only be distinctive, uniform and stable (DUS in the jargon) and novel (in terms of prior commercialisation).
我们的耳麦通过真正的宽频带声音和直观的用户体验提供高品质 始终如一 的 音 频体验,这使它成为您的统一通信解决方案的理想选择。
Our headsets provide a high quality, consistent audio experience with true wideband sound and an intuitive user experience, making it the ideal choice as part of your Unified Communications solution.
本公司的质量保障体系可有效确保产 始终如一 的 优 良品质,尤其体现在人身 安全健康的维护方面。
The operational quality assurance system ensures a consistently high quality standard, particularly in regard to the observance of health and safety requirements.
他还提醒专家小组,外聘 审计员参与了改革过程,内部监督办公室以后也能参与确 始终如一 地 实 施有关政策。
He also reminded the Group of Experts that the External Auditors are
engaged in the change process and that IOS
[...] subsequently could be involved with ensuring consistent application [...]
of policies.
委员会审查了各实体现有的非消耗性财产安排,并注意到下列各种缺陷的实 例:(a) 盘存报告中开列的某些物品已经不知下落,或者已经过时;(b) 没有足 够的实物盘点程序或者没始终如一 地 进 行实物清点;(c) 实物清点的物品与固 定资产登记册中的物品之间存在出入;(d) 某些实体保持人工固定资产登记册, 容易出错,其数据的进出因设计而变得难以操控;(e) 在没有证明文件的情况下 调整固定资产登记册;(f) 没始终如一地对 实物盘存和固定资产登记册进行对 账;(g) 有些物品并未一贯列入盘存报告;(h) 资产管理程序不够充分,例如给 各项资产加标签以及固定资产登记册中适当记录资产的详细情况。
The Board reviewed the existing non-expendable property arrangement across entities and noted the following examples of deficiencies: (a) the inventory reports included items that could not be located or were obsolete; (b) there were inadequate physical inventory count
procedures or physical
[...] counts were not always performed; (c) there were discrepancies between items physically counted and the items in the fixed asset registers; (d) some entities maintained manual fixed asset registers, which were prone to error and by design had weak data-access control; (e) adjustments were made to fixed asset registers without supporting documents; (f) reconciliation was not always performed between [...]
physical inventory
and the fixed asset register; (g) items were not always included in the inventory report; and (h) inadequate asset management procedures, such as tagging of individual assets and properly recording details of assets in the fixed asset registers.
与非不锈钢类模具钢相比,通过清洁的冷却水道确保均 匀的冷却始终如一的循 环时间,STAVAX ESR降低了 生产成本 。
When compared with non-stainless mould steels, Stavax ESR offers lower production costs through clean cooling channels that assure uniform cooling and consistent cycle times.
用 Craig 自己的话说,他的成功没有秘诀 - 只始终如一的刻苦训练。
In Craig’s own words, there is no secret to his success – just consistent hard work.
始终如一地落 实建议采取的第一项行动,即“认识到武装冲突期间侵犯 妇女和女孩人权的严重程度;并确保这一认识体现于所有和平支助行动的规划和 实施中”,但在“通过对妇女和妇女组织进行正式和平进程培训等活动,确保妇 女全面参与国家和国际一级的和平协议谈判”的工作尚未取得进展。
Whereas the first action recommended to “recognize the extent of the violations of the human rights of women and girls during armed conflict and ensure that awareness of these violations is a factor in planning and implementation of all peace support operations”, is being consistently implemented, efforts to ensure the “full involvement of women in negotiations of peace agreements at national and international levels, including through the provision of training for women and women’s organizations on formal peace processes” are yet to gain ground.
安全理事会内支持正义的国家需要认识到,如果 始终如一 地 对 法院提供外 交支持,便会为一些人的说法提供佐证,认为打击有罪不罚仅仅是披着司法外衣 的政治手段而已。
Justice-supporting States on the Security Council need to recognize that the lack of consistent diplomatic support for the Court gives fuel to the argument of those who say that the fight against impunity is nothing more than politics clothed in judicial trappings.
这一问题上,委员会 的立场很明确,而始终如一。
The Committee’s position had always been clear and consistent on that point.
高保真珍珠科技可使色始终如一达 数小时,而奶油般的浓郁质地给予双唇充分滋养。
High Fidelity Pearl technology ensures that colour and shine stay true for hours while this creamy, rich texture provides nourishing skin care benefits to lips.
可以承受高压、 振动、真空和温度变化的无泄漏密封需 要依赖于紧公差以始终如一的、严格 的质量控制和良好的设计原理。
Leak-tight seals that will withstand high pressure, vibration, vacuum, and temperature changes depend on close tolerances and consistent, exacting quality control in conjunction with good design principles.
每一框架都应用了稍微不同的观点,但 是又有一始终如一的主线:生态系统和生物多样性 向人类提供效益;许多效益都影响当地水平;许多都 是高度有形的,即使市场不能对其定价。
Each of the frameworks applies a slightly different perspective but there is a consistent thread: ecosystems and biodiversity provide benefits to humans; many of these benefits impact at the local level; many are highly tangible even if the market fails to place a price on them.
她赞赏印度政府对技转中始终如一 的 支 持,包括财政支持和提供东 道国设施。
She expressed appreciation to the Government of India for its consistent support of APCTT, both financially and through the provision of host facilities.
凭借ADP为跨国公司提供的具有独一无二的宽度、可扩展性和互用性的服务,Avery Dennison可以有效实现其战略性人力资源目标,同 始终如一 地 贴 近自己在欧洲及欧洲以外地区的所有员工。
Leveraging the unique breadth, scalability, and interoperability of ADP's service offerings for multinationals, Avery Dennison can effectively achieve its strategic HR goals with a consistent approach for all its employees across Europe and beyond," said ADP Corporate VP and General Manager GlobalView, Laurie Eldridge.
性别分析对于理解妇女和男子、女童和男童的不同需要、关切和贡献都极为 重要,但在复员方案的规划、执行和评估中并 始终如一 地 切 实加以采用。
The use of gender analysis is crucial to understanding the different needs, concerns and
contributions of women and men, girls and boys,
[...] although it has not been consistently or effectively [...]
used in planning, implementing
and evaluating disarmament, demobilization and reintegration programmes.
联合国应 从各国人民的利益出发,而不是从强者的利益出发始终如一地履 行《宪章》以及主权国家多年来为人类 和地球的利益制定的其他法律文书和决议。
It is up to the United
[...] Nations to consistently implement, for the benefit of peoples and not the interests of the powerful, the Charter and the other legal instruments [...]
and resolutions
that sovereign States have established through the years for the good of humankind and the planet.
因此极其重要的是,每批脂质体需要在窄分布粒径和单层方面具有相同的高品质,而且其形态也需要能够复制 始终如一。
It is therefore of utmost importance that each batch holds the same high quality, in terms of narrow size distribution and unilamellarity, and that their morphology is reproducible and consistent.
[...] 我国代表团谨借此机会重申,迫切需要有关各方所有 时候和在所有情况始终如一和公 正地维护、加强和 尊重安全理事会任务规定的明确条款和国际人道主 [...]
义法准则,这些任务规定和准则是武装冲突中保护平 民所依赖的基础。
In that regard, my delegation would like to take this opportunity to reiterate the urgent
need for all parties
[...] involved — at all times and in all situations — to consistently and impartially [...]
preserve, strengthen and
respect the exact terms of the mandates of the Security Council and the norms of international humanitarian law, which are the foundation upon which rests the protection of civilians in armed conflict.
Equinix 香港 IBX® 数据中心为关键任务应用提供一 始终如一 的 运 营基地,并为我们的金融服务客户提供业务连续性解决方案。
The Equinix Hong Kong IBX® data centers provide a consistent base of operations for mission-critical applications and offer business continuity solutions to support our financial services customers.
教科文组织与联合国基金和联合国国际伙伴关系基金 (UNF/UNFIP)的合作情况:在继续发 展与联合国国际伙伴关系基金 (UNFIP)的合作方面,所取得的进展 始终如一 的。
UNESCO’s partnership with the United Nations Foundation/United Nations Fund for International Partnerships (UNF/UNFIP): Progress has been very consistent in the continued development of cooperation with the United Nations Fund for International Partnerships (UNFIP).
均匀磨浆可使纤维的质始终如一, 从 而可确保针对不同的成品使用优质原料或二次纤维。
The quality consistency of the fibers due to uniform refining treatment allows optimum use of high-quality raw material components or secondary fibers for the respective end product.
我们提供标准化概念和设计 始终如一 地 努 力满足特定情况下的特殊要求和客户的需要。
We offer standard designs that can always be modified to accommodate the specific applications to meet our customers requirements.
该办公室将更加重视性别平等主流化、知识管理和能力建设,与 此同时始终如一地支 持确保工作人员的安全,支持以安全方式交付方案和管理 业务连续性,包括做好防备,管理风险,应对危机,恢复业务。
The Office will increase its focus on gender mainstreaming, knowledge management and capacity development while consistently supporting the security of staff and the safe delivery of programmes and business continuity management, including preparedness, management of risk, crisis response and business recovery.
他还感谢观察员的关心和大力支持,并感谢秘书处和口译人 始终如 一的辛勤工作。
He also thanked the observers for their interest and strong support, as well as the secretariat and the interpreters for their continuous hard work.
大会第 748(VIII)号决议免除了美国根据《联合国宪章》第十一章下承担的 义务,根据这项决议,自 1953 年以来,美国对波多黎各的地位和联合国机构审 查这种地位的权限所采取的立 始终如一。
Since 1953, the United States has maintained a consistent position regarding the status of Puerto Rico and the competence of United Nations organs to examine that status, based on resolution 748 (VIII), by which the General Assembly released the United States from its obligations under Chapter XI of the Charter of the United Nations.
63 “铸铅行动”后的火箭 攻击没有造成以色列人员伤亡,或这种攻击的次数很少,也没有带来任何变化。 在这些巨大的挑战面前,是加沙的民间社会表现出了反对封锁的 始终如一 的决 心。
In the face of these tremendous
[...] challenges, it is Gazan civil society that has demonstrated the most consistent resolve against [...]
the blockade.
(c) 始终如一地在 追查武器程序中规定使用国际刑事警察组织(国际刑警组 织)的追查和鉴定武器工具,例如,国际刑警组织《非法武器记录和追查管理系 [...]
统》,并加强与国际刑警组织和世界海关组织的合作,在国家、区域和全球各级 建设打标、保存记录和追查能力
(c) To consistently include in their weapons tracing [...]
procedures the use of tracing and firearm identification tools of the
International Criminal Police Organization (INTERPOL), such as the INTERPOL Illicit Arms Records and Tracing Management System (iARMS), and to enhance cooperation with INTERPOL and the World Customs Organization in building capacity for marking, record-keeping and tracing at the national, regional and global levels




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