

单词 始于



fig. big accomplishments come from an accumulation of little achievements made one by one
lit. a thousand mile journey begins with the first step

External sources (not reviewed)

这段历始于 1993 年安理会设立前南斯拉夫问题特别法庭以及一年以后设立卢旺达问题特别 [...]
This began with the Council’s establishment [...]
of the ad hoc tribunals for the former Yugoslavia in 1993 and then a year later for Rwanda.
伊斯兰会议组织重申,只有结始于 1967年的 以色列对巴勒斯坦和阿拉伯领土的占领,建立以东耶 [...]
路撒冷为首都的独立巴勒斯坦国,并根据大会 1948 年第 194(III)号决议公正解决巴勒斯坦难民的困境, 才有可能实现中东和平。
The OIC group
[...] reiterates that peace in the Middle East will be [...]
achieved only by ending the Israeli occupation of the Palestinian
and Arab territories that began in 1967 and by establishing the independent State of Palestine with East Jerusalem as its capital, and by achieving a just solution to the plight of the Palestinian refugees in accordance with General Assembly resolution 194 (III) of 1948.
第一组关于因环境问题导致人 口实际迁移的研始于亚太 地区和非洲,而编写第一个关于气候变化对移徙影响的出版物是 [...]
A first set of studies on actual
displacements of populations due to
[...] environmental issues was started in Asia-Pacific and [...]
Africa, and a first publication on the
impact of climate change on migration was prepared to serve as background material for an agenda-setting exercise within the United Nations to draw attention to this theme for future policies.
关于方法,风险管理过程的主要构成部分是:内 部环境;对风险和目标的考虑,考 始于 探 讨 将风险 和目标对应起来的风险;事件确定和风险评估,包括 [...]
确定可能危及组织的潜在事件;风险应对和控制活 动,包括根据风险的影响和概率将风险评级;信息和 沟通;监测,此部分属于管理层的责任。
With respect to methodology, the main components of the risk management process were the internal
environment; the consideration of
[...] risks and objectives, beginning with a mapping of [...]
risks that aligned the two; event identification
and risk assessment, which included identifying potential events that might entail risks for the Organization; risk response and control activities, including the prioritization of risks based on their impact and likelihood; information and communication; and monitoring, which would be the responsibility of management.
[...] 国必须开展努力,必须开展可信的谈判进程,结束以 色始于 1967 年的占领,并建立以东耶路撒冷为其 [...]
In so saying, the Movement stresses the utmost importance of the efforts of the international community and the United Nations and of a credible negotiation
process for bringing an end to the Israeli
[...] occupation that began in 1967, as well [...]
as the achievement of an independent State
of Palestine with East Jerusalem as its capital.
就保健系统优化而言,从以纸张为基础的健康信息系统地转向数字储存和 交换信息(始于 2003 年),是很重要的一步。
In terms of optimisation of the health care system, systematic transfer from
paperbased health information to digital storage and exchange of
[...] information, which started in 2003, is an important step.
这样说,不结盟运动是强调,国际社会和联合 国的目前努力至关重要,为结束以色 始于 1967年 的占领和最终实现巴勒斯坦国独立而开展有公信力 的谈判进程也是至关重要;实现巴勒斯坦的独立要 以东耶路撒冷为其首都,并公正、永久解决巴勒斯 坦问题的所有其他方面,导致在中东实现真正的和 平与安全。
In saying that, the Movement stresses the utmost importance of the ongoing efforts of the international community and the United Nations and of a credible negotiation process in bringing an end to the Israeli occupation that began in 1967 and in finally achieving the independence of the State of Palestine, with East Jerusalem as its capital, and a just and lasting solution for all other aspects of the Palestine question that leads to genuine peace and security in the Middle East.
[...] 告》;同时,教科文组织统计研究所开始审查文化统计的方法 始于 1986 年)和国际标准,以便就 文化在社会和经济发展中的作用问题收集可靠及可比数据。
To give greater prominence to issues and views relating to the notion of cultural diversity, preparatory work was initiated on UNESCO’s second World Culture Report; the UNESCO
Institute for Statistics (UIS)
[...] concomitantly began to revise methodological tools (dating back [...]
to 1986) and international
standards on cultural statistics in order to collect reliable comparable data on the place of culture in social and economic development.
国家发展方案 3 是始于国家 发展方案 1 的国家逐步发展规划过程的第三个阶段,它是纳米比亚和 [...]
国际上范围广泛的利益攸关者以及来自全国 13 个行政区的代表在温得和克作出 努力的结果,他们在 2007 年 10 月全国协商会议之后,参与确定了我国人民的需
要、优先事项、机会和面临的挑战,并制订了应对政策、方案和战略,(国家计 划委员会,2008:I;国家发展方案 3,第 1 卷)。
Itself a third level of a national evolutionary development
[...] planning process that began with NDP1, NDP3 is [...]
the product of the efforts of a wide range
of Namibian and international stakeholders in Windhoek, and representatives from the country’s 13 regions that participated in the identification of the needs, priorities, opportunities and challenges facing our people, and prepared responsive policies, programmes and strategies following the National Consultation Conference in October 2007 (National Planning Commission, 2008: i; National Development Plan 3, vol. 1).
纽荷兰与Vallerani的良好合作关系 始于 许 多 年前的由联合国粮农组织与意大利政府出资合作完成的 “Acacia Project”项目。
The partnership between New Holland and Vallerani was consolidated years ago during the "Acacia Project" financed by the FAO in collaboration with the Italian government.
厄立特里亚对索马里武装团体的支持 始于 1998 -2000 年的边界冲突, 当时阿斯马拉力图通过向侯赛因·穆罕默德·法拉赫“Aydiid”为首的民兵派 别提供援助,并通过他向包括欧阵和奥阵在内埃塞俄比亚武装反对派提供援 助,从而在索马里开辟针对埃塞俄比亚的“第二战场”。
Eritrean support to Somali armed groups dates from the 1998-2000 border conflict, when Asmara sought to open a “second front” against Ethiopia in Somalia by provision of assistance to the militia faction headed by Hussein Mohamed Farah “Aydiid”, and through him to Ethiopian armed opposition groups including ONLF and OLF.
玉米和小麦价格沿续始于 2007 年年初的下降趋势,2009 年玉米价 格下降 25%,小麦价格下降 30%。
[...] their downward trend started in early 2007, the [...]
prices of maize and wheat declined in 2009 by 25 per cent for
maize and 30 per cent for wheat.
大尼罗河的管线 始于联合州,并跨越黑格里(Heglig)和喀土穆,而后 绵延 1,600 [...]
The GNPOC pipeline begins in the Unity state [...]
fields and traverses Heglig and Khartoum before continuing some 1,600km to Port Sudan on the Red Sea.
成员任期始于当选 后的日历年内技术执行委员会第一次会议,止于任期结 束的日历年内技术执行委员会第一次会议前夕,根据具体情况为两年或三年。
The term of office
[...] of a member shall start at the first meeting [...]
of the TEC in the calendar year following his or her election
and shall end immediately before the first meeting of the TEC in the calendar year in which the term ends, as applicable two or three years thereafter.
在世界动物卫生组织与食典的合作方面,观察员忆及两者的合 始于 2001 年,主 要通过世界动物卫生组织动物生产食品安全工作组工作的形式,目的是改进标准制定活 动中的协调和统筹。
With regard to the cooperation between the OIE and Codex, the Observer recalled that the OIE and Codex had been working together since 2001, mainly through the work of the OIE Animal Production Food Safety Working Group, with a view to improving the coordination and harmonization of standards setting activities.
协会在9个国家坚持工作,秉持以马内利修女所坚持的理念,延续 始于 3 0 多 年 前在开罗贫穷小镇的工作。
Based on her guiding principles, the
association continues to work in 9
[...] countries, work that was begun on her own in the [...]
shanty towns of Cairo over 30 years ago.
始于2008年 的经济和金融危机暴露 了全球层面现行安排和体制结构在应付一 系列紧迫的发展问题方面的不足,其中包括 [...]
减少全球经济不平衡、就公平公正的贸易框 架达成协议和就气候变化的缓解和适应方 面取得进展等。
The economic and
[...] financial crisis, which started in 2008, has exposed [...]
the inadequacy of the current arrangements and institutional
structures at the global level in addressing a range of pressing development issues, including reducing global economic imbalances, reaching agreement on an equitable and fair multilateral trade framework, and making progress on climate change mitigation and adaptation.
当联合国儿童基金会找到机会将BCC倡议与Vasadhara奶厂联系起来时,该组织便能够整合该地区以妇女为主的牛奶生产合作社的强大网络,并兼顾推 始于 2 0 0 1年 的奶厂清洁牛奶运动的倡议。
When UNICEF had the opportunity to link the BCC initiative to the Vasadhara Dairy, it was able to integrate the dairy’s strong network of predominantly women’s cooperative societies for milk
production across the district, and to piggy-back the initiative on the Dairy’s Clean
[...] Milk Campaign, which began in 2001.
拉美早期的区域主始于纯 经 济原因,表现形式是自由贸易协定,例如, 拉丁美洲自由贸易联盟-拉美自贸联盟 16 (1960年)、中美洲共同市场或中美市场 [...]
(1960年)、加勒比自由贸易联盟-加勒比 自贸联盟(1968年)和卡塔赫纳协定。
Early regionalism in Latin America originated from purely economic [...]
reasons that became manifest in the form of free trade
agreements such as the Latin America Free Trade Association—LAFTA (1960), the Central American Common Market or CACM (1960), the Caribbean Free Trade Association—CARIFTA (1968) and the Cartagena Agreement (1969).
我坚定地希望并相信西方国家和中国之间的深入协 始于 教 育 和让学生前往中国学习。
I have a firm hope and belief that a greater collaboration between Western Countries
[...] and China must start with education [...]
and bringing students to China.
土耳其的对外援始于1985年 的粮食援助, 然后一直持续并扩大到许多领域。
Turkish foreign assistance started in 1985 as food [...]
aid, then continued and expanded into many fields.
朝这个方向的努始于 2011 年的支助预算,而 2012-2013 年度拟议支助预算将根据实地能力评估产生的 [...]
The drive in this direction started with the support budget [...]
for 2011 and the proposals for the support budget for 2012-2013
will further institutionalize field presence in light of the recommendations arising from the field capacity assessment.
荷兰在报告中提及一份打击欺诈和金融犯罪的内阁计划 (2002-2006
[...] 年),以及一项加强打击金融和经济犯罪措施的方案(2007-2011 年),该方案是旨在改进安全状况的称作“安 始于 预 防 ”的更广泛计划的一部 分。
In its report, the Netherlands referred to a Cabinet plan to combat fraud and financial crime (2002-2006) and to a programme for reinforcing measures against financial and
economic crime (2007-2011) that was part of a broader scheme to increase
[...] safety called “Safety begins with prevention”.
由于计量吸入器生产始于 2004 年,因此撤销了革新异丙脱溴胺的申请;基于 2003 年 6.1 ODP 吨氟氯化碳消费量,而不是 2007 年报告的 7.4 ODP 吨消费量,重新计算了增支 经营费用。
The request for the reformulation of ipratropium was withdrawn since manufacturing of this MDI commenced only in 2004; [...]
and incremental operating
costs were recalculated based on the 2003 CFC consumption of 6.1 ODP tonnes and not on the 2007 reported consumption of 7.4 ODP tonnes.
关于 HFC-32 安全标准和条例的研始于氟氯 烃淘汰管理计划编制阶段,目的是对利用 [...]
HFC32 加工和使用制冷和空调设备的安全性的技术规范进行初步研究。
Research on an HFC-32 safety
[...] standard and regulation started in the HPMP preparation [...]
stage and aims at preliminarily studying
the technological specifications for the safety in manufacturing and use of refrigeration and air-conditioning equipment with HFC-32.
The protracted struggle between supporters of the elite establishment – the monarchy, the military and the judiciary – and those allied with ousted Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra began with the formation of the “yellow-shirted” People’s Alliance for Democracy (PAD) in 2006.
在这份“便携式地图集”中,de la Feuille
[...] 记载了错综复杂的西班牙王位继承战争(1701-14 年),这场战始于西班牙哈布斯堡国王查尔斯二世的去世,他把西班牙留给了法国波旁王朝国王路易十四的孙子安茹公爵菲利普。
In this “portable atlas,” de la Feuille documented the
intricacies of the War of Spanish
[...] Succession (1701-14), which began after the Habsburg [...]
king of Spain, Charles II, died and left
his kingdom to Philip, the Duke of Anjou and the grandson of the French Bourbon king, Louis XIV.
管理局在这次研讨会后开展的其中一个协作项目是卡普兰项目,该项于 2002始,于 2007 年结束。2 项目目的是评估深海海底结核矿带的生物多样 [...]
性程度、物种分布和基因流动,以协助更好地评估结核采矿可能对生物多样性造 成的威胁。
One of the collaborative projects undertaken by the Authority
as a result of the workshop was
[...] the Kaplan Project, which began in 2002 and concluded in [...]
2007.2 The aim of the project was
to assess levels of biodiversity, species range and gene flow in the abyssal nodule provinces in order to assist efforts to better evaluate the potential threats to biodiversity from nodule mining.




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