






not satisfactory or dependable
not very proper or appropriate


Tourette syndrome

External sources (not reviewed)

如食物因 容器宜供人食用,提供有关食物以作出售亦属违法。
Should the food be rendered unfit for human consumption due to a problematic container, it would be an offence to offer such food for sale.
此外,根据具体开支项目的开支率衡量计划的执行情况可能并因为,在 这样具体层面的开支水平在整个双年度期间并不总是呈现线性运行态势的。
In addition, measuring the programme implementation by expenditure rates of specific object-of-expenditure items may not be appropriate as expenditures at that level of detail are not always incurred in a linear manner during the biennium.
内部审计办公室的产出重点是评价和改进治理、风险管理和管控工作,为此 目的,将确保:(a) 办公室具有明确的与机构目标相关的任务规定,并受助于一 个独立、客观和挥作用的管理结构,还具有核可的年度工作计划;(b) 办 公室能够及时得到并保持数量和质量合适的人力资源,以执行其年度工作计划并 完成任务;(c) 办公室高效实施㈠ 审计和调查方法,包括使用支助工具、技术 和知识管理方法;㈡ 业务管理办法,包括各司的管理和业务活动管理以及业绩 监测;㈢ 质量保证和持续改进。
The Office of Internal Audit will focus its outputs on evaluating and improving governance, risk management and control processes by ensuring that (a) it has a clear mandate linked to organizational objectives and is supported by an independent, objective and well-functioning management structure with approved annual work plans; (b) it secures and retains the right quantity and quality of human resources in a timely manner to execute its annual work plans and fulfil its mandate; and (c) it is effective and efficient in applying (i) audit and investigation methodologies, including the use of supporting tools, technology and knowledge management approaches; (ii) operational management practices, including divisional and engagement management and performance monitoring; and (iii) quality assurance and continuous improvement.
(bb) 每份据此销毁之文件均为有效文件,并式登记、注销或载 入本公司账册或记录(视情况而定)。
(bb) that every such document so
destroyed was valid and effective and had
[...] been duly andproperly registered, cancelled, [...]
or recorded in the books or records
of the Company, as the case may be.
(b) 如果反对与第二阶段公布有关,则应在第二阶段反对期完结前(在第二阶段公布之日後的七 (7)日内)
(b) in the case of Objections relating to the Second Stage Announcement, by the end of the Second Stage Objection Period (being seven (7) days commencing on the day after the Second Stage Announcements).
[...] 效管理渔业,尤其是金枪鱼的捕捞,为此放许可证,加强监测和监 督。
Another key area of interest for the Pacific island countries was the ―blue economy‖ and the
efficient management of fisheries, especially
[...] tuna, through the proper issuanceof licences [...]
and increased monitoring and surveillance.
(b)  本公司可备有按该条例第 73A 条所允许之正式印章一枚,用以在本公司所 发行之股份或其他证券之证书上盖印(以及在加盖该正式印章之任何该等证明书或 其他文件上毋须任何董事、高级人员或其他人士之签署及机械式复制签署,且该等 证书或其他文件即使没有任何该等签署或上述机械式复制签署仍属有效及应视为已 在董事会之授权下盖章及签立),以及可备有按董事会决定根据公司条例条文规定之 供在外地使用之正式印章一枚,且本公司可以书面形式并盖上该印章委任在外地之 任何一名或多名代理人或者一个或多个委员会作为本公司之权之代理人, 目的在於加盖及使用该正式印章,并可施本公司认为合适之有关使用正式印章之限 制。
securities issued by the Company as permitted by Section 73A of the Ordinance (and no signature of any Director, officer or other person and no mechanical reproduction thereof shall be required on any such certificates or other document and any such certificates or other document to which such official seal is affixed shall be valid and deemed to have been sealed and executed with the authority of the Board notwithstanding the absence of any such signature or mechanical reproduction as aforesaid) and an official seal for use abroad under the provisions of the Companies Ordinance where and as the Board shall determine, and the Company may by writing under the seal appoint any agents or agent, committees or committee abroad to be the duly authorised agents of the Company for the purpose of affixing and using such official seal and they may impose such restrictions on the use thereof as may be thought fit.
(B) 倘本公司发行一系列不可藉交付而转让之债权证或债券股证,则 董事会须促使置有关债权证或债券股证持有人的名册。
(B) If the Company issues a series of debentures or debenture
stock not transferable by delivery, the Board
[...] shall cause aproper register to be [...]
kept of the holders of such debentures.
鉴于本章指出和强调的事项,审计委员会感到关切的是,加沙存在 的业务条件对某些内部控制作带来更大风险。
In the light of the matters detected and highlighted in this chapter, the Board is concerned that the
operational conditions that exist in Gaza place a
[...] heightened riskon theproper functioning of [...]
certain internal controls.
你只需交「计划成员资金转移申请表」(HAPM)及「个人账户持有人申请表」(HA71),我 们便会为你设立个人账户,并联络你现时的强积金服务机构,安排转移累算权益的事宜。
Just complete and submit the ‘Scheme Member’s Request for Fund Transfer Form’ (HAPM) and ‘Personal Account Holder Application Form’ (HA71) to enable us to set up a personal account for you, and we will ask your existing MPF service provider to transfer your accured benefits to us.
使用除害剂,有利於保障公众健康,保障农作 物免受天然毒素和有害微生物的污染。
The proper use ofpesticides [...]
is beneficial to public health to protect crops from contamination by natural toxins and harmful microorganisms.
除了继续并有可能扩 展已经在 32 C/5 中开始实施的工作重点外,根据地区磋商的结果,新的跨部门的专题可能包 括:教师培训与信息传播技术、艾滋病毒/艾滋病预防教育、教育为可持续发展服务理小岛屿上发生的变化和维持岛上的多样性、多语言使用以及通过收集和使用翔实数据促 进基于证据的政策制定等。
In addition to a continuation and possible broadening of the de facto main lines of action commenced in document 32 C/5, new themes for intersectoral initiatives may include among others, drawing also on suggestions made during the regional consultations: teacher training and ICTs, HIV/AIDS prevention education, education for sustainable development, coping with change and sustaining diversities in small islands, multilingualism, and the promotion of evidence-based policy-making through the collection and use of quality data.
(g) 确保旅行和运输挥其管理合同的作用,监测航空旅行供应商 的表现及是否充分遵守合同,包括提供联合国管理实体和监督机构索要的所有 [...]
(g) To ensure that the Travel and
[...] Transportation Section properlyperforms its contract [...]
management role by monitoring the
performance of air travel vendors and their full compliance with contract provisions, including the provision of all information requested by United Nations management entities and oversight bodies.
董事亦可拒绝登记凭证式股份的转让,除非 转 让 文 件 ( i )印( 如 有 需 要 )并 送 交 本 公 司 的 登 记 办 事 处 或 董事会可能决定的任何其他地点,连同将要转让的股份的证书及/ 或 董 事 可 能 合 理 要 求 作 为 所 有 权 证 明 的 其 他 证 据;或 ( i i ) 仅 与 一 类 股 份 有 关。
The Directors may also refuse to register a transfer of a certificated share unless the instrument of transfer is: (i) lodged, duly stamped (if necessary), at the registered office of the Company or any other place as the Board may decide accompanied by the certificate for the share(s) to be transferred and/or such other evidence as the Directors may reasonably require as proof of title; or (ii) in respect of only one class of shares.
科特迪瓦当局没有能控制在科特迪瓦北部的过境货物;而武器在科 [...]
Ivorian authorities do not have the
[...] capacity toproperly control the [...]
transit of goods in northern Côte d’Ivoire and the
circulation of weapons there remains an important concern for the Group.
无 论 阁 下 是 否 有 意 出 席 股 东 周 年 大 会 并 於 会 上 投 票 , 务 请 尽 快 将 随附之代表 委 任 表 格 按 其 上 印 备 之 指 示交回 本 公 司 之 香 港 股 份 过 户 登 记 分 处 — 香 港 中 央 证 券 登 记 有 限 公 司 , 地址为 香 港 湾 仔 皇 后 大 道 东 183 号 合和中 心 17M 楼 , 惟 无 论 如 何 最 迟 於 股 东 周 年 大 会 或 其 任 何 续 会 指 定 举 行 时 间 48 小 时 前 送达。
Whether or not you intend to be present and vote at the AGM, you are requested to complete the enclosed form of proxy in accordance with the instructions printed thereon and return it to the Company’s Hong Kong branch share registrar, Computershare Hong Kong Investor Services Limited, at 17M Floor, Hopewell Centre, 183 Queen’s Road East, Wanchai, Hong Kong as soon as possible and in any event not less than 48 hours before the time appointed for the holding of the AGM or any adjournment thereof.
联合行动中心负责:(a) 发挥联络中心的作用,确保政府和联合国国家工作 队能够适当利用稳定团的资产和资源进行重建活动;促进各项旨在加强国家能力 的活动,例如支持重要访问和方案的发起;(b) 通过每日局势报告和昼夜行动检 测中心的行动紧急时间报告交流信息,促进联合国系统对海地状况的了解;(c) 协调稳定团危机管理中心,使稳定团高级管理层能够作出知情决定用稳 定团资源应对自然灾害或其他重大危机事件。
The Centre is responsible for: (a) providing a focal point that ensures that the Government and the United Nations country team have appropriate access to the Mission’s assets and resources for reconstruction activities and enabling activities that strengthen Government capacity, such as support for high-profile visits and programme launches; (b) facilitating situational awareness within the United Nations system in Haiti through operational information shared in daily situation reports and emergency incident reporting made possible by a round-the-clock operations monitoring centre; and (c) coordinating the Mission’s crisis management centre, facilitating informed decisionsby MINUSTAH senior management on the use of Mission resources in response to natural disasters or other significant crisis events.
裁军谈判会议的僵局持续得越久,其成员国之间的信任损失就越多,就越难 以建精神,而如果各国要开始谈判精神又是如此必要。
The longer the stalemate in the Conference on Disarmament lasts, the more trust among its members
is lost and the
[...] harder it becomes to build the spiritof compromise that is so necessary if States are [...]
to begin negotiations.
[...] 仍然必须实施重要的战略,在国家一行《儿童权利公约》,并确保制定 [...]
While exemplary in terms of ratification, an important strategy would be to implement the Convention on
the Rights of the Child appropriately at the
[...] national level and to assure that [...]
policies are designed so as to realize the
right to food of children, a group with particular nutritional needs.
股东回代表委任表格後,仍可按意愿出席股东周 年大会(或其任何续会)并於会上投票。
Completion and return of the form of proxy will not preclude you from attending and voting in person at the Annual General Meeting (or any adjournment thereof) should you so wish.
本报告确认了人权高专办认为可以作为人权高专办和常 设论坛之间交换意见的主题领域,包括讨论:(a) 常设论坛可以向人权高专办提 供的咨询意见性质和形式;(b) 人权高专办每年向论坛提供的资料的性质 ;(c) 论坛成员在人权高专办国家一级的活动中可与其进行的合作;(d) 改善人权高专 办和论坛观察员(尤其是国家和土着人民组织)之间对话的方式方法 ;(e) 处理 可能在论坛届会上提出的人权申诉法。
The present report identifies areas that OHCHR considers could be the subject of exchanges between the Office and the Permanent Forum, including a discussion on (a) the nature and form of advice that the Forum can give to OHCHR; (b) the nature of the information provided annually by OHCHR to the Forum; (c) the possible cooperation of members of the Forum with OHCHR in its activities at the country level; (d) the ways for improving dialogue between OHCHR and observers to the Forum, especially States and indigenous peoples’ organizations; and (e) the appropriate ways of handling human rights complaints that may arise at sessions of the Forum.
尽管任何股东其时已身故或破产或发生任何其他事项,且不論本公司是否知悉其 已身故、破产或有关其他事项,任何依据细则传送或以邮递方式寄往或送交有关 股东注册地址或其就收取通告或文件而提供之地址的通知或文件,概被视为已就 该名股东单独或与其他人士聯名持有的任何登记股达,直至其他人士取 代其登记为有关股份的持有人或聯名持有人为止,且就细则而言,有关送达被视 为已充分向所有於股份拥有权益(不論为聯名或声称透过其或由其持有)的人士 送达该通知或文件。
Any notice or document delivered or sent by post or left at the registered address or the address supplied by him for the sending of notices or documents to him of any member in pursuance of the Bye-Laws shall, notwithstanding that such member be then deceased or bankrupt or that any other event has occurred and whether or not the Company has notice of his death, bankruptcy or such other event, be deemed to have been duly served in respect of any registered shares whether held solely or jointly with other persons by such member until some other person be registered in his stead as the holder or joint holder thereof and such service shall for all purposes of the Bye-Laws be deemed a sufficient service of such notice or document on all persons interested (whether jointly with or as claiming through or under him) in the share.
Bargaining is not the norm in Australia, unless you're at a second-hand market or buy a whole new wardrobe from one store, in which case it probably wouldn't hurt to ask for a small discount.
尽管随後发现有关董事或担任上述职务的人士的委任全部或任 何该等人士不符合资格,惟任何董事会会议或任何有关董事委员会或担任董事职务的 任何人士以诚信态度作出的所有行动将为有效,犹如每位有关人士已获正式委任,并 合资格担任董事或有关委员会的成员。
All acts bona fide done by any meeting of the Board or by any such committee or by any person acting as a Director shall, notwithstanding that it shall be afterwards discovered that there was some defect in the appointment of such Director or persons acting as aforesaid or that they or any of them were disqualified, be as valid as if every such person had been duly appointed and was qualified to be a Director or member of such committee.
43 在就追讨任何到期催缴股款而提出的诉讼或其他法律程序的审讯或聆讯时, 只需证明:根据本章程细则被控股东的姓名已在登记册内登记为欠缴股款股 份的持有人或其中一位持有人;批准催缴股款的决议入会议记录; 及有关催缴股款通知发予被控股东﹔而毋须证明作出该催缴的董事 的委任或任何其他事项,且上述事项的证明即为有关债务的确证。
43 At the trial or hearing of any action or other proceedings for the recovery of any money due for any call, it shall be sufficient to prove that the name of the member sued is entered in the register as the holder, or one of the holders, of the shares in respect of which such debt accrued; that the resolution making the call is duly recorded in the minute book; and that notice of such call was duly given to the member sued, in pursuance of these Articles; and it shall not be necessary to prove the appointment of the Directors who made such call, nor any other matters whatsoever, and the proof of the matters aforesaid shall be conclusive evidence of the debt.
(B) 在规程及任何其他适用财政及其他法律及法规条文的规限下,任何可换股优 先股股东可於任何时间透过向股份过户登记处办事处递交经正式签署及换通知连同有关可换股优先股的股票及董事可能合理地要求以证明 行使有关权利人士的所有权其他凭证(如有)(或倘有关股票遗失或损毁, 则为董事可能合理要求的所有权凭证及弥偿保证),就其持有的一股或多股 可换股优先股行使换股权。
(B) Any CP Shareholder may exercise the Conversion Right in respect of one or more Convertible Preference Shares held by him at any time subject to the provisions of the Statutes and any other applicable fiscal and other laws and regulations by delivering a duly signed and completed Conversion Notice to the Registrar's Office accompanied by the Certificates in respect of the Relevant Convertible Preference Shares and such other evidence (if any) as the Directors may reasonably require to prove the title of the person exercising such right (or, if such Certificates have been lost or destroyed, such evidence of title and such indemnity as the Directors may reasonably require).
177.2.4 使股份选择权的股份(「选择股份」)不得派 付股息(或赋予选择权的部分股息),而须按上述厘定 的配股基准向选择股份的持有人配发入帐列为缴足的股 份来以股代息,为此,董事会须划拨及运用本公司未分 配利润的任何部分或本公司任何储备帐(包括任何特别 帐项、股份溢价帐及资本赎回储备(如有任何该储 备))或损益帐的任何部分,或董事会厘定可供分派的 其他款项,将从中相当於按该基准将予配发的股份总面 额的款项予以资本化,并将之用於缴付按该基准配发及 分派予选择股份持有人的适当股份数目的全部股款。
177.2.4 the dividend (or that part of the dividend in respect of which a right of election has been accorded) shall not be payable on shares in respect whereof the share election has been duly exercised ("the elected shares") and in lieu thereof shares shall be allotted credited as fully paid to the holders of the elected shares on the basis of allotment determined as aforesaid and for such purpose the Board shall capitalise and apply out of any part of the undivided profits of the Company's reserve accounts (including any special account, share premium account and capital redemption reserve (if there be any such reserve)) or profit and loss account or amounts otherwise available for distribution as the Board may determine, a sum equal to the aggregate nominal amount of the shares to be allotted on such basis and apply the same in paying up in full the appropriate number of shares for allotment and distribution to and amongst the holders of the elected shares on such basis.




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