

单词 妒贤忌能

See also:



贤能 n

sage n


be jealous of

External sources (not reviewed)

如果 主 要 官 員 真能做到這點 的 話 , 我覺得 也 不應招 致 代 表 任何界 別 的立法會議員妒忌。
If the principal
[...] officials could really do that, they should not be inviting envy from any Members returned to the Council by different constituencies.
我們既不是羨慕,也不妒忌, 而是要瞭解應向甚麼目標邁進。
We do not feel
[...] envious and we are not jealous; we must understand [...]
what objective we should be heading towards.
我們應慶幸他們的生活改 善,慶幸更多香港市能分享 香港的繁榮,而不 妒忌 他 們 ,打擊他們。
We should be pleased that they are able to achieve an improved standard of living; we should be pleased that more Hong Kong people are able to enjoy the prosperity of Hong Kong.
我 們不妒忌別 人 有 錢 , 但也絕對 不 應 覺得貧窮是 一 種自然現 象 , [...]
因為那 些 人 在 社 會 上 競爭失敗 。
We should not be jealous of people who are [...]
well-off, nor should we feel that poverty is a natural phenomenon because those
people have lost in competition in society.
首先,我不妒忌 (jea lous),因為我一向贊成有執政黨,大家都知道我這個立場,我已 [...]
First, I am not jealous, because I always [...]
support the idea of having a ruling party and everyone knows that this is my position,
and I have talked about this many times.
世界各㆞很多文明國家妒忌我們的低罪案率和高度信心, 我們必須謹慎,在改革有效的傳統治安制度時,切勿操之過急。
Our low rate of crime and high level of
[...] confidence are the envy of much of the civilized world, and we must [...]
take care not to "throw out the
baby with the bath water" when we seek alteration to effective traditions of law and order.
从新加坡任人贤的公 共行政经验、摩洛哥为地方政府发展必要的人力资本 的实例,以及开发署在帮助公务员适应地方发展方面的丰富经验(如在尼泊尔、 卢旺达、索马里、加纳和南非)中,得出以下两个结论:首先,地方治理在帮助 实现千年发展目标方面发挥了重要作用,可以名副其实地成为落实 2015 年后发 展议程的手段;其次,公民参与,包括适当和创造性地利用信息和通信战略能 够加 强地方治理,使其透明、问责和自主。
On the basis of the Singaporean experience of merit-based public administration and the Moroccan example of the necessity of human capital development for local governance, and the many experiences of UNDP in facilitating public-service adaptation for local-level development (for example in Nepal, Rwanda, Somalia, Ghana and South Africa), two conclusions were drawn: first, that local governance has played an important role in facilitating the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals and can serve as a veritable implementation vehicle for the post-2015 development agenda; and second, that citizens’ engagement, including the appropriate and innovative use of information and communication strategies, has the power to strengthen [...]
local governance by
infusing it with transparency, accountability and ownership.
人非贤孰能无过 ,仆人式领导也会犯错误,但他却能够从实践中不断汲取教训,在行动中做出反思,从而获得对未来行为决策的先见。
The ability to understand the lessons from the past, the realities of the present, and likely consequences of a decision for the future.
其實,很多人也妒忌香港,因為 這樣誤打誤撞而來的制度,將來很 能 成 為全球參考的制度。
In fact, many people are envious of Hong Kong, because this system, which came into being by mistake, [...]
will very likely become reference for other parts of the world.
我的抱负是使科特迪瓦 到 2020 年时成为一个新兴国家,一个与自身及其他 国家实现和解的国家,一个围绕着共和价值观团结在 一起的国家,一个尊重司法独立、消除有罪不罚现象 和贤任能的现代国家。
It is my ambition, as we approach 2020, to make Côte d’Ivoire an emerging nation, reconciled with itself and with other nations and united by republican values; a modern State that respects the independence of the judiciary and will combat impunity and ensure the promotion of merit and competence.
一些代表团对委员会前成员玉贤策 先 生(日本)的早逝表示哀悼,并强调了 他对委员会工作的贡献。
Several delegations expressed their condolences for the untimely demise of Mr. Kensaku Tamaki (Japan), former member of the Commission, highlighting his contribution to the work of the Commission.
Yeo 先生概述了在新加坡建立强有力的公共行政的主要治理原则:(a) 对团 体自由采取务实主义,同时注意社会和谐,在制定经济和工业政策时,采取市场 主导和国家主导两种做法;(b) 制定公共政策,鼓励建立靠雇员工资和雇主缴款 融资的多个利益攸关方储蓄计划,从而避免依赖文化;(c) 定期评价政策的宗旨 和机构的相干性;(d) 采取综合治理办法,促进机构间的协调与合作;(e) 提倡 诚实、透明和不容忍腐败的风气,减少腐败行为的诱导因素;(e) 强调开发人力 资本,为此注重任人贤和不断学习。
Mr. Yeo outlined the key principles of governance for the establishment of a strong public administration in Singapore: (a) adopting pragmatism towards group freedoms with an eye on social harmony, and the mixed use of market and State-led approaches in economic and industrial policymaking; (b) avoiding a culture of dependency through public policies that encourage multi-stakeholder saving schemes funded by employee wages and employer contributions; (c) evaluating the purpose of policy and the relevance of institutions on a regular basis; (d) embracing a holistic approach to government and promoting inter-agency coordination and cooperation; (e) promoting honesty, transparency and intolerance for corruption and reducing incentives for corrupt behaviour; and (e) emphasizing human capital development through a focus on meritocracy and continuous learning.
他們也有很強妒忌心,例如指摘 別人奪去道德高地。
They have a
[...] strong sense of jealousy and they will accuse [...]
people of robbing them of the moral high ground.
整個第二期的倭馬亞王朝,代表這家人當中,他們最危險的對手,這部分是由技巧與它們破壞了聲譽執政王子指責違背自己的正統,他們的品德和他們的政府在一般的,而部分其狡詐操縱自相殘 忌妒 其 中 阿拉伯語和非阿拉伯語科目的帝國。
Throughout the second period of the Umayyads, representatives of this family were among their most dangerous opponents, partly by the skill with which they undermined the reputation of the reigning princes by accusations against their orthodoxy, their moral character and their administration in general,
and partly by their cunning manipulation of
[...] internecine jealousies among the Arabic [...]
and non-Arabic subjects of the empire.
以中環為例 ⎯⎯ 梁美芬議員經常妒忌我 們的中環區 ⎯⎯ 高聳入雲的商廈雖然有能會帶 來很高的收益,但市 民同時也要付出代價,例如是交通擠塞,或是我們要忍受很差劣的空 氣,甚至是現時有輿論指出,這會損害香港的競爭力。
Taking Central as an example ― Dr Priscilla LEUNG often envies the Central District very much ― although commercial buildings reaching to the sky may bring considerable revenues, people also need to pay a price.
Miss Tanya
[...] CHAN asked if we were jealous of the development [...]
in Central.
其實,大家鞭撻社會的不公義,竟然被“仇富”這兩個字形容妒 忌、心胸狹窄。
Actually, people who challenge the injustices in society have unexpectedly been described under the
[...] term "anti-rich" as jealous and narrow-minded.
例如,我国婴儿和五岁以下幼儿每 1 000 活产死 亡率自 1990 年以来下降了 29%。同时,苏丹陛下提拔 女性担任我国社会中的众多领导职务,树立了一个任 人贤、以 基本的平等原则为基础的榜样。
For example, our mortality rates for infants and children under five per 1,000 live births have fallen by 29 per cent since 1990, while His Majesty’s promotion of women to numerous leadership positions in our society has provided a meritocratic example, founded on the basic principle of equality.
我們不妒忌別 人 在 香 港 賺錢和 發 展 , 不過,政府 是 要 同 時平衡 各 方 面 的 需 要 。
We are not envious of other people who are making money and developing in Hong Kong, however, it is necessary for the Government to balance the needs of all parties at the same time.
他與建制派會面討論臨時撥款或其他事宜是沒有問題的,我是 不妒忌的,我把他們當作是一個聯合政府或甚麼的。
It is fine for him to meet with the pro-establishment camp and discuss the provisional funding or other matters with them.
第二,作為一個機構,交易所的任何制度都必須清晰,不可朝令 夕改,也不妒忌他人從中賺錢或謀利,只要這樣做是合法的,這也 是一種很正當的情況。
It cannot be envious when some people are gaining money or making profits so long as it is lawful for them to do so, and such a situation is rather normal.
我經 常向外國 朋 友說, 如果你看到 香港的一位 巴 士司機 在 駕 駛巴士 的 時 候 , 被 一 輛 勞
斯萊斯汽車爬 頭 ,勞斯萊斯裏 坐  一 位 大 亨, 銜  雪茄,
[...] 這個巴 士司機 看 見這樣的情況並不妒忌, 他 只 會 說 , “我永 遠 也沒有機 [...]
會 坐 在 這 輛 勞 斯萊斯裏 , 但 只 要我勤 力 做我的工 作 , 總
有一天 , 我 希望我的兒 子 會 有這個機 會 。
As I always tell my foreign friends, if they see a bus driver being over-taken by a Rolls-Royce with a tycoon smoking
a cigar sitting at the back, the bus
[...] driver would not be jealous. He would only say, [...]
"I will never have the chance of sitting
at the back of a Rolls-Royce, but as long as I work hard, I hope that one day my son will have such a chance.
我促請財政司及政府將預算案㆗對香港的描述付諸實行:「我們的社會是㆒個開 放、重能者的 社會;任何㆟士的成功,只會激勵他㆟效法,而不會引 妒忌。
I urge the Financial Secretary and the Government to
make good its
[...] description that, "we are an open, meritocratic society, where success inspires emulation, not envy" and that, "....
假如醫 生與病人之間不能建立互信,醫生治病時有所 忌 , 無 形中 能 會窒 礙了醫療發展,最終受害的是病人和社會大眾。
If the medical practitioner is worried and fails to establish mutual trust with his patients, this will imperceptibly hinder medical development to the detriment of patients and society as a whole.
这类行动必须与体育运动界按照《条例》规定所采取的行动相配 合,因为,如果这两种文件之间缺乏协调一致,则有 能 被 一些人所利用而肆 忌 惮 地 长期 在体育运动中使用兴奋剂。
Such actions must be complementary to those actions being taken by the sporting movement under the Code, as any lack of harmonization between the two instruments has the potential to be exploited by unscrupulous individuals to perpetuate doping in sport.
在條例草案中,為了確認法律界的關注,政府已在建 議的修訂中附加一項條文,要求法院在裁定是否針對某位法律代表發 出虛耗訟費命令時,須考慮律能夠 無 顧 忌 地 進 行訟辯工作這個公眾 利益因素。
In order to recognise, in the Bill, the concerns of the legal profession, the Administration has included in the proposed amendment a provision which requires the court to take into account the public interest in fearless advocacy when determining whether or not to make a wasted costs order against a legal representative.
在开展德班会议的后续活动方面,教科文组织还将加强与人权委员会负责种族主 义、种族歧视、仇外情绪和相关不宽容问题特别报告员、负责德班会议后续活动政 府间工作组、有关非洲后裔居民问题工作组,以及由联合国秘书长委任的监督《德 班宣言》和《行动纲领》落实情况的独 贤 达 人 士团4 的合作。
As part of the follow-up to the Durban Conference, UNESCO will also reinforce its cooperation with the Special Rapporteur of the Commission on Human Rights on contemporary forms of racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance, the intergovernmental working group on the Durban follow-up, the Working Group of Experts on People of African Descent and the group of independent eminent experts4 appointed by the Secretary-General of the United Nations to follow-up the implementation of the Durban Declaration and Programme of Action.
在此,我要感谢那些让贤的董事,因为前辈的无私奉献,才有了总商会的今天,因为前辈的无私 贤 , 才 能 让 更 多行业代表,青年才俊加入商会,作出贡献。
We are now able to recruit new talent from a diversity of trades and industries to contribute to the Chamber because of their great contributions and exemplary selflessness.
此外,由於在本港的政制之㆘,政府是 不會更換的,那些可能以反對派自居的政治家便毋須 忌 有 ㆒ ㆝他們 能 須 要 ㆒同承 擔實際的政府責任。
Moreover, because under our system, governments do not change, those politicians, who may regard themselves as acting as the opposition to the government, are not restrained by the knowledge that one day they, as a group, may have to assume real government responsibility.




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