单词 | 妒嫉 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 妒嫉 —be jealous嫉妒 noun —jealousy n嫉妒 adjective —jealous adj嫉妒 —envy • be jealous 嫉妒 verb —hate vSee also:妒 adj—jealous adj 妒—envy (success, talent) 嫉—jealousy • be jealous of
2009年1 月的声明:‘巫术’越 来越多地被用来为报复或妒嫉之原 因寻找替罪羊或杀害其他人。 daccess-ods.un.org | AI also noted the statement of the Chair of the Constitutional Review and Law Reform Commission in January 2009 that ‘sorcery‘ was increasingly used as a way of finding scapegoats or killing someone for reasons of revenge or envy. daccess-ods.un.org |
下 面 所 述 即 為 一 例 ﹕ 一 方 面 [...] ﹐德 國 的 保 護 關 稅 ﹑海 外 投 資 ﹑快 速 的 經 濟 增 長 使 英 國 [...] 出 現 惶 恐 ﹑不 滿 和 妒 嫉 ﹔ 另 一 方 面 ﹐當 德 [...]國 嘗 試 從 英 國 手 上 奪 取 市 場 時 ﹐兩 國 即 互 相 憎 惡 。 hkahe.com | For example, on the one hand, Germany’s [...] protective tariffs, overseas investments and rapid economic growth caused fear, [...] dissatisfaction and jealousy in Britain. hkahe.com |
出于嫉妒,小 叮当(Ludivine萨尼埃)技巧失落的男孩到投篮命中率的温迪,为她接近岛屿,但温迪的生存和男孩问她是他们的母亲,并告诉他们的故事。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | Out of jealousy, Tinker Bell (Ludivine [...] Sagnier) tricks the Lost Boys into shooting Wendy as she approaches the island, but [...]Wendy survives and the boys ask her to be their mother and tell them stories. seekcartoon.com |
有一天,在嫉妒索伦的分枝能力,Kludd把他推的一个分支,却在不经意间属于自己。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | One day, in jealousy of Soren’s branching [...] ability, Kludd pushes him off a branch, but inadvertently falls himself. seekcartoon.com |
凯文似乎确切地知道他的所有客户的需求,这使得涡流愤怒的,和 E D D 嫉妒 的 ,因为埃迪说,凯文是比他聪明。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | Kevin seems to know exactly what all his customers want, which makes Eddy [...] furious, and Edd jealous because Eddy says [...]Kevin is smarter than him. en.seekcartoon.com |
布卢变得嫉妒的爱德华多和其他朋友出现在电视上时,他假装是一个非常生病的朋友中,才能出现,但事实上,它是唯一的朋友通过。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | When Bloo becomes jealous of Eduardo and the [...] other friends for appearing on TV, he pretends to be a very sick friend in [...]order to appear, despite the fact that it is only for friends up for adoption. seekcartoon.com |
为了保护城市,罗宾已经别无选择,只能同意反派杀手蛾的需求:他的女儿,小猫,她的舞会,非 常 嫉妒 的 星 火和小猫的前非常懊恼。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | In order to protect the city, Robin has no choice but to agree to the villain Killer [...] Moth's demand: to take his daughter, Kitten, to her prom, much to the [...] chagrin of a very jealous Starfire- and Kitten's ex. seekcartoon.com |
同样,嫉妒是我 们需要对付、承认和为之 悔改的。 sallee.info | Again, the jealousy is what needs [...] to be dealt with, confessed, and repented of. sallee.info |
然后,厌倦了没有一个真正的儿子,杰佩托说服比利是他的“儿子”,而匹诺曹变得越来 越 嫉妒 和 吃比利的肉体,成为一个真正的男孩,并获得杰佩托的父爱和感情。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | Then, tired of not having a real son, Geppetto convinces Billy to [...] be his “real son”, while Pinocchio [...] becomes increasingly jealous and is set on eating [...]Billy’s flesh to become a real boy [...]and gain Geppetto’s fatherly love and affection. seekcartoon.com |
海湾北岸的村民对移民安置的新房感 到 嫉妒。 banktrack.org | Villagers on the north shore [...] of the bay were jealous of new houses provided [...]for the resettlement affected villages. banktrack.org |
一个被宠坏的孩子名为巴里金光闪闪希望通过布卢的,当Mac告诉他,布卢不通过,布卢开始偷偷摸摸和他一起玩他的昂贵的玩具,MAC得 到 嫉妒 , 很 快就发现了一个令人震惊的真相巴里。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | A spoiled kid named Barry Bling wishes to adopt Bloo, when Mac tells him that Bloo is not up for adoption, Bloo begins to [...] sneak around with him and playing with his expensive [...] toys, Mac gets jealous and soon finds [...]out a shocking truth about Barry. en.seekcartoon.com |
小盒显示幻觉亲吻哈利,赫敏,罗恩,玩的不足之处 和 嫉妒 他 的 感情折磨,直到被激怒的罗恩用剑捣毁它。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | The locket torments Ron, playing on his feelings of [...] inadequacy and jealousy by displaying [...]a hallucination of Hermione kissing Harry, [...]until an enraged Ron smashes it with the sword. seekcartoon.com |
设置已准备好,... ED!:嫉妒凯文 的破纪录的骑自行车的能力,艾迪决定,以炫耀自己的技能。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | Jealous of Kevin's record-breaking [...] bike riding abilities, Eddy decides to show off his own skills. seekcartoon.com |
中国军队对美国军队在伊拉克和阿富汗的实 战经验嫉妒之情溢于言表129 ;而联合国维和行动 [...] 专家组研究的非洲部署经验也让中国神往不已。 crisisgroup.org | Some jealousy has been expressed regarding [...] the combat experience U.S. troops are gaining in Iraq and Afghanistan.129 The [...]mul tiple deployments of peacekeepers in Africa are also creating a team of operational experts on Africa. crisisgroup.org |
时常有人问我一个非常相似的问题,仿佛是为了等着我对 [...] Linux 与 Unix 之间由商业公司挑起的版权及商标争端表示我的愤怒 或 嫉妒。 bsdmap.com | Occasionally, people ask me much the same question, but posed in a way that seems to expect an [...] answer that shows jealousy or irritation [...]about Linux vs. bsdmap.com |
宫廷理想在拟人化之后化为寓言中的真实角色,讲述“情人”这位全能之主,为赢得“玫瑰”的欢心,在爱的法则下经历的种种冒险,以及他如何避开 Male [...] Bouche(脏话王)、Dangiers(危险)以及 Jalousie(嫉妒)布置的陷阱的故事。 wdl.org | Courtly ideals, personified, are the real actors in the fable, which recounts the adventures of the Lover as, having fallen under the laws of Love, the all-powerful master, he [...] must avoid the traps of Male Bouche (Foul Mouth), [...] Dangiers (Danger), and Jalousie (Jealousy) to win his lady, [...]The Rose. wdl.org |
富裕家庭將繼續將多戶住宅改建為單戶住宅,卻不知道此舉將進一步扼殺房市,人人都將繼 續 嫉妒 , 因 為自己依舊買不起。 thisbigcity.net | Well-heeled families will [...] continue restructuring brownstones into single-family dwellings [...]without realizing they are reducing [...]an already choked housing stock in the process. thisbigcity.net |
有时候,家庭成员的评价和把他们拿来与其他人作比较, 会引致挫折感、嫉妒和怨恨。 hongfook.ca | Sometimes, family members judge and make comparisons with others, which could cause [...] frustration, jealousy and resentment. hongfook.ca |
整个倭马亚王朝的第二个时期,这个家庭的代表,在他们最危险的对手,部分技能与它们破坏了卫冕王子对他们的正统的指控,他们的品德和他们在总局的声誉,以及部分狡猾操纵帝国的阿拉伯和非阿拉伯科目之间的自相残杀 的 嫉妒。 mb-soft.com | Throughout the second period of the Umayyads, representatives of this family were among their most dangerous opponents, partly by the skill with which they undermined the reputation of the reigning princes by accusations against their orthodoxy, their moral character and their administration in general, [...] and partly by their cunning manipulation [...] of internecine jealousies among the Arabic and non-Arabic subjects of the empire. mb-soft.com |
num.传译二十一),也有更高,更精神鉴于饶教授:“在未来世界既不存在吃,喝,也没有生育,既不易货贸易也 不 嫉妒 , 没 有仇恨,也没有冲突,但义人坐在他们头上的冠冕,享受的Shekinah辉煌,因为它是说:'他们看见了上帝,也吃了喝',这就是他们看到上帝是肉类和饮料给他们“(Ber. mb-soft.com | 5 (Num. R. xxi.), there is also the higher and more spiritual view taught by Rab: "In the world to come there is [...] neither eating, drinking, nor procreation, [...] neither barter nor envy, neither hatred [...]nor strife; but the righteous sit with their [...]crowns on their heads and enjoy the splendor of the Shekinah; for it is said: 'And they saw God and did eat and drink'; that is, their seeing God was meat and drink to them" (Ber. 17a). mb-soft.com |
它们是一种天资聪颖的狗狗,会非常重视它们的主人,如果精心饲养,会让所有人 都 嫉妒 您。 eukanuba.com.cn | As an intelligent dog, this breed becomes so attached to its owners if treated well that they have [...] been known to be jealous. eukanuba.fr |
不久,Livia的激情就化作了嫉妒、报 复并最终变成疯狂。 gucci.com | Soon Livia’s [...] passion spirals into jealousy, revenge and, [...]ultimately, madness. gucci.com |
Gorgon(高哥,三姊妹女妖)之一的Medusa(美杜莎)原本是一位有着一头美丽头发的美少女,深得天神宙斯的兄弟海神普西顿的宠爱,但却因此遭到普西顿正妃 的 嫉妒 , 被 变成一位有着一丛蛇团头发、猪牙般的牙齿、青铜色的手及可飞行的黄金翅膀的丑陋少女,所有的人只要看她一眼就会吓得立刻变成石头,但她却是三姊妹中唯一没有不死之身的一位。 chinaqj.com | Gorgon (high-brother, three sisters female demon), one of Medusa (Medusa) was originally a hair with a beautiful girl, won the brother of Zeus Poseidon Dempsey [...] Benton's favor, but so has been universal [...] Sidon is Princess of jealousy, was turned into [...]a group with a bunch of snake hair, pig [...]tooth-like teeth, bronze hands and golden wings can fly ugly girl, all who see her will immediately become scared into stone, but she is the only three sisters, a body that does not die. chinaqj.com |
整個第二期的倭馬亞王朝,代表這家人當中,他們最危險的對手,這部分是由技巧與它們破壞了聲譽執政王子指責違背自己的正統,他們的品德和他們的政府在一般的,而部分其狡詐操縱自相殘殺 忌 妒 其 中 阿拉伯語和非阿拉伯語科目的帝國。 mb-soft.com | Throughout the second period of the Umayyads, representatives of this family were among their most dangerous opponents, partly by the skill with which they undermined the reputation of the reigning princes by accusations against their orthodoxy, their moral character and their administration in general, [...] and partly by their cunning manipulation of [...] internecine jealousies among the [...]Arabic and non-Arabic subjects of the empire. mb-soft.com |