单词 | 妍丽 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 丽—Korea
拥有顶级高浓度胶原蛋白,特别妍选珍贵美容成分:珍珠粉、蚕丝蛋白、燕窝萃取、苹果多酚,给肌肤每日关键的补给,让美の魅力持久绽放。 bonjourhk.com | The trendiest and miracle skin care drink containing deluxe and high content of collagen, pearl powder, silk protein, bird’s nest extract and apple polyphenol can keep your skin elastic and soft. bonjourhk.com |
其他主要研究人员包括香港大学博士後研究生陈蕾蕾、李妍及新加坡国立大学癌症科学中心DG [...] Tenen教授。 xn--pssu7cv61a...xn--wcvs22d.hk | Other key researchers included Dr Chen [...] Leilei, DrLi Yan from HKU and [...]Professor DG Tenen from Cancer Science Institute of [...]National Singapore University. xn--pssu7cv61a...xn--wcvs22d.hk |
三月十九日上午十时,委派优质管理部经理何 丽妍女士及一名工作员到校访问,本校蔡梓瑜校长及总务部何彩燕部长盛情款待,两小时内,先接受详尽的访问,继而参观学校环保设施。 edmschool.net | CPTTM came to our school at 10 o’ clock on 19th of March and interviewed our principal Mr. Choi Chi U and the supply manager of the department of General Affairs Ms. Ho Tsai Yen, who received them cordially and led them to take a look at the environmental facilities at the school. edmschool.net |
历届「亚洲最具影响力设计大奖」评审委员皆是国际知名的设计界翘楚,当中包括专注於传讯设计的Bo Linnemann先生及石汉瑞先生;对产品及工业设计有丰富经验的Qeelin创办人及创作总监陈瑞麟先生、村田智明先生及中国福特汽车公司首席设计师刘家宝女士;於建筑界举足轻重的严迅奇先生、阮庆岳先生及朱錇先生;积极推动创意产业发展,专门研究文化,教育及商业设计项目的邱丽玫女 士、菲利普·多德先生、罗启妍女士 及新加坡The Press Room Publishing & Design Consultancy总编辑兼创作总监锺瑞玲女士,令此设计大奖更具权威与认受性。 dfaaward.com | The Award‟s prestigious international judging panel consists of world-renowned design professionals, including communication design specialists Bo Linnemann and Henry Steiner; product and industrial design experts Dennis Chan (Founder and Creative Director of Qeelin), Murata Chiaki and Chelsia Lau (Chief Designer of Ford Motor Company"s China/ASEAN Programmes); heavy weighted architects Rocco Yim, Roan Ching-yue and Zhu Pei; Julia Chiu, Philip Dodd, Kai-yin Lo and Kelley Cheng (Editorial and Creative Director of The Press Room Publishing Consultancy from Singapore). dfaaward.com |
创新科技署副署长黎志华先生(左)、韩国装置艺术家安毕妍小姐 (中)及香港科技园公司行政总裁陈荫楠先生(右)参观「艺术@科学园」的首个展览 – 由国际知名的韩国装置艺术家安毕妍小姐创作的最新作品「ADAMAO – Uncomplying Tunnel」。 hkstp.org | Mr. Andrew Lai, Deputy Commissioner for Innovation and Technology (Left), Korean installation artist Miss Pilyun Ahn (Middle) and Mr. E. Anthony Tan, CEO of HKSTPC (Right) visited “ADAMAO – Uncomplying Tunnel”, the first exhibition of “Art in the Park” launched by HKSTPC. hkstp.org |
万宝龙创建了独特的书写工具HSH亲王阿尔贝二世摩纳哥公主蔡卓妍维特施托克正式封他们的工会,他们结婚的日子。 zh.horloger-paris.com | Montblanc has created unique writing instrument HSH Prince Albert II of Monaco and Princess Charlene Wittstock have officially used to seal their union, their wedding day. en.horloger-paris.com |
1954年,贾克.古登—娇韵诗(Jacques Courtin-Clarins)创办了自己的第一家娇韵诗美妍中心,在这里通过与顾客的沟通,让他寻找到了研发娇韵诗护理的最初灵感。 clarinsusa.com | Jacques Courtin-Clarins opened his first institute in 1954 and it was here that here was able to meet his clients and where he found inspiration for the first Clarins Treatments. clarinsusa.com |
亚历山大街是赫尔辛基其中一条最知名的购物街,街上店铺的圣诞橱窗在人潮中争妍斗丽,很自然地成为购买过节礼物者的瞩目焦点。 visitfinland.com | Aleksanterinkatu, one of Helsinki’s best known shopping streets, is a natural focus for gift seekers. visitfinland.com |
韩国当红演员朴诗妍与美国SPA品牌“TOUCH”及现代百货商店携手,从10月14日至16日在首尔木洞现代百货商店举办为期三天的慈善义卖会。 bntnews.cn | For the licensing agreement ceremony, CEO and publisher of Highcut magazine Bang Sung hoon visited head office of Shogakukan located in Tokyo. bntnews.co.uk |
其他嘉宾包括科技园公司行政总裁陈荫楠先生及项目及设施副总裁陈文伟博士、安毕妍小姐及为作品赞助循环再用物料的着名韩国糖果饼店Haitai Crown执行董事Yoon Sukbin先生。 hkstp.org | Other officiating guests included Mr. E. Anthony Tan, Chief Executive Officer and Mr. M.W Chan, Vice President - Projects and Facilities of HKSTPC; Ms Ahn Pilyun and Mr. Yoon Sukbin from Haitai Crown, the famous Korean confectionary supplier who sponsored the materials for building the art piece. hkstp.org |
另外,卡地亚还发起了微访谈,网友可以与陈妍希在 线问答,在网页上可以看到她回答众多粉丝的问题。 labbrand.com | In addition, Cartier organized an online Q&A session with Michelle Chen that saw her answer dozens of fan questions. labbrand.com |
采用华丽的设计与温暖丰富的色调,DOM Lounge 的特色在於簇绒垫墙面和 LED 照明吧台,宾客可在华丽的麂皮沙发和典雅的皮革沙发上或舒适的休息区内自在放松,针对希望拥有私人空间的贵宾,还提供了高墙隔间,内有 19 世纪初俄国文艺复兴风格的空灵壁画。 hk.marinabaysands.com | Opulentlydesigned and hued in warm, rich colours, DOM Lounge features tufted cushion walls and LED lit bars where guests may retreat comfortably on glamorous suede and classy leather sofas, cozy seating areas or for VIPs seeking privacy - high-walled booths with ethereal wall murals borrowing influences from early 19th century Russian Renaissance. marinabaysands.com |
Borghese 改善浮肿去黑眼圈妍白眼霜 驰名美白眼霜,专利配方有助抑制黑色素形成同时淡化斑点。 aster.com.hk | Borghese [...] Terme Bianco Spa-Whitening Eye [...]Creme moisturizes the eyes area, while the eye cream can whiten the eyes skin and [...]get rid of the black eyes effectively. aster.com.hk |
融合了科技,独家法式按摩手技及天然植物萃取,娇韵诗美妍中心风行全球超过50年,得到无数消费者的青睐。 clarinsusa.com | The fusion of science, touch and nature which define the Clarins Skin Spa experience across the world, attract a clientiele which has remained loyal for over 50 years. clarinsusa.com |
该尊新蜡像身穿由周杰伦馈赠的华丽银色劲装,包括一袭饰有亮丽宝石的银色外套及型格长裤,充满未来感,是周杰伦2010年「超时代演唱会」的造型之一。 yp.mo | Dressed in a futuristic outfit in silver – including a metallic silver jacket studded with gem stones and a pair of silver trousers, the new Jay Chou wax figure is depicted in one of his many looks at The Era World Concert Tour in 2010, courtesy of the superstar himself. yp.mo |
来自香港大学李嘉诚医学院临床肿瘤学系癌症研究实验室的关新元教授(後者)及李妍博士(前者)与新加坡国立大学癌症科学中心合作,成功发现RNA编辑现象是导致肝癌的其中一个原因。 xn--pssu7cv61a...xn--wcvs22d.hk | (Back) Professor Guan Xin-yuan and (front) Dr Li Yan from the Cancer Genetic Laboratory of the [...] Department of Clinical Oncology, The University [...] of Hong Kong Li KaShing Faculty [...]of Medicine, have been working closely with [...]the Cancer Science Institute of National Singapore University on proving RNA editing to be one of the liver cancer causes. xn--pssu7cv61a...xn--wcvs22d.hk |
香港盲人辅导会主席罗德贤小姐、社会福利署助理署长 (康复及医务社会服务)林嘉泰先生、义务工作发展局筹募及推广委员会主席曾佩娟女士、香港杰出义工会创会会长车淑梅小姐及2012年香港十大杰出青年及香港杰出义工关心妍小姐亲临担任主礼嘉宾。 hksb.org.hk | We were grateful to Ms Nancy Law, Chairman of HKSB, Mr Lam Ka Tai, Assistant Director (Rehabilitation and Medical Social Services) of Social welfare Department, Ms Camilla Tsang, Chairman, Fundraising & Promotion Committee of Agency of Volunteer Service, Ms Candy Chea, Founding President of Hong Kong Volunteer Awardees Society and Ms Jade Kwan, 2012 Ten Outstanding Young Persons and Hong Kong Volunteer Awardee, for their presence to officiate at the Ceremony. hksb.org.hk |
这部五分钟的微电影名为“Destinée” (命中注定),邀请了英国演员Oliver Jackson-Cohen和台湾女演员陈妍希饰 演分手后在朋友的婚礼上再次相遇的Olivier和Claire,影片在埃菲尔铁塔旁的一个华丽的巴黎式花园里拍摄。 labbrand.com | The 5-minute long micro movie called “Destiny” stars British actor Oliver Jackson-Cohen and Taiwanese star Michelle Chen (陈妍希) in the roles of Olivier and Claire, two broken-up lovers meeting again at friends’ wedding in a magnificent Parisian garden right by the Eifel Tower. labbrand.com |
本公司受让广药集团、安徽华东中药工程集团有限公司及刘菊妍等 5名自然人持有广州汉方合共 26.04%的股权,各方於2007年1月10日签订了《股东转让股权合同》。 equitynet.com.hk | (1) Pursuant to the Equity Transfer Agreement entered into among the Company, GPHL, Anhui Huadong Chinese Medical Engineering Corporation Limited and five natural persons including Ms. Liu Ju Yan on 10 January 2007, a 26.04% equity interest in aggregate held by GPHL, Anhui Huadong Chinese Medical Engineering Corporation Limited and the above five natural persons in Guangzhou Han Fang was transferred to the Company. equitynet.com.hk |
现当代艺术品方面,国际艺廊如Michael Goedhuis(伦敦)、Adam Williams Fine Art(纽约)、Amells(斯德哥尔摩/伦敦)、Sundaram Tagore Gallery(纽约、比华利山及香港),Russeck Gallery(美国佛罗里达州)、Maison d’Art(摩纳哥)、嘉图现代艺术(香港)、世界画廊(香港)、马凌画廊(香港),以及香港着名艺术珠宝设计师陈世英及罗启妍亦参与这次盛会。 aaifair.com | Leading art galleries included Michael Goedhuis (London), Adam Williams Fine Art (New York), Amells (Stockholm/London), Sundaram Tagore Gallery (New York, Beverly Hills, Hong Kong), Russeck Gallery (Florida, USA), Maison d’Art (Monaco), Grotto Fine Art (Hong Kong), Galerie du Monde (Hong Kong), EdouardMalingue Gallery (Hong Kong) and art jewellery designers Wallace Chan and Kai-Yin Lo (Hong Kong). aaifair.com |
雷克先生对威廉姆斯女士成为联合国儿童基金会大使表示热烈欢迎,在其之前,丹尼.凯 (Danny Kaye)、奥黛丽.赫本 (Audrey Hepburn)、哈里.贝拉方特 (Harry Belafonte)、米亚.法罗 (Mia Farrow)、大卫.贝克汉姆 (David Beckham)、奥兰多.布鲁姆 (Orlando Bloom)、金妍儿( Yuna Kim) 和夏奇拉 (Shakira) 等许多知名人物都相继担任过联合国儿童基金会大使。 unicef.org | Mr. Lake expressed his excitement to have Ms Williams join the company of past and presentUNICEF Ambassadors that includes Danny Kaye, Audrey Hepburn, Harry Belafonte, Mia Farrow, David Beckham, Orlando Bloom, Yuna Kim and Shakira. unicef.org |
尤其在五星级旅馆 Le Couvent des Minimes开幕後,其中设置了美妍美体 SPA!最近,与世界分享普罗旺斯已变成首要目标,与Kairos Travel合作,欧舒丹推出客制化的普罗旺斯特别行程,观光导览精挑细选的旅游景点。 tw.loccitane.com | The cultural elements of Provence have also been increasingly important to the brand, especially with the opening of the five star hotel, Le Couvent des Minimes, featuring a L’OCCITANE Spa. pl.loccitane.com |
SOGO CLUB 14楼的CLARINS美妍中心乃SOGO CLUB最大型之美妍中心,设有独立女宾及男宾部共14个护理服务房间,设计宽敞舒适,更提供维琪浴(vichy shower)水疗设备,带你远离烦嚣,尽情享受贴心贴身的美肌服务。 sogo.com.hk | Institut Clarins is the largest beauty centre at SOGO CLUB, Causeway Bay. There are 14 treatment rooms for ladies and gentlemen, and a vichy shower room especially for spa treatments. sogo.com.hk |