

单词 妊妇

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低CD4细胞数的成年人妊娠妇女感 染艾滋病毒会使疟疾病症加重。
In adults with low CD4 cell
[...] counts and pregnant women, HIV infection [...]
appears to make malaria worse.
同时妊娠妇女具 有病毒感染症状需要区分EBV原发感染与巨细胞病毒(CMV),单纯疱疹病毒以及弓形虫病感染,后者可导致妊娠并发症并损伤胎儿。
Also, pregnant women with symptoms of [...]
a viral illness need to be able to distinguish a primary EBV infection, which has
not been shown to affect the baby, from a cytomegalovirus (CMV), herpes simplex virus, or toxoplasmosis infection, as these illnesses can cause complications during the pregnancy and may damage the growing baby.
Placenta 胎妊娠妇女子 宫中的海绵状器官,所有血液和营 养通过它传输给发育中的孩子。
Placenta a
[...] spongy organ in a pregnant woman’s womb [...]
through which all blood and nutrients pass to the developing baby.
在发展中国家妊娠妇女仍 需汲水,而且环境卫生设施的缺乏意味着无法保 持基本的个人卫生。
During pregnancy, women in developing countries [...]
still have to collect water, and the lack of sanitation facilities means
that it is not possible to maintain basic hygiene practices.
In pregnant women with symptoms of [...]
a viral illness, one or more of these EBV antibodies may be requested along with tests
for CMV, toxoplasmosis, and other infections to help distinguish between EBV and conditions that may cause similar symptoms.
当出现提示传染性单核细胞增增多症症状,但传染性单核细胞增多症检测为阴性 妊 娠 妇 女 出 现流感样症状时,或医生需要明确症状由EBV还是其他微生物感染所致时可申请EBV抗体检测。
EBV antibodies may be requested when you have symptoms suggesting
glandular fever, but a negative Monospot
[...] test and when a pregnant woman has flu-like [...]
symptoms and the doctor wants to determine
whether the symptoms are due to EBV or another microorganism.
非法终妊娠的妇女可 获得医疗和心理援助。
Women, who had illegally terminated pregnancy, were offered medical [...]
and psychological help.
妊娠的孕妇 在 Keystone Mercy 知道您怀孕后 24 个小时 之内看产科/妇科医疗服务提供者。
pregnant women with high-risk pregnancies with an OB/GYN [...]
provider within 24 hours of Keystone Mercy learning you are pregnant.
每年大约有 50 万妇女死于与妊娠 相关的原因,85%的孕妇死亡 率集中在撒哈拉以南非洲和南亚(见图二)。
Each year, half a million women die from pregnancy-related causes and 85 per cent of [...]
maternal deaths are concentrated in sub-Saharan
Africa and Southern Asia (see figure II).
间歇假定性治疗包括妊娠期妇女在 怀孕三个月之后的每次预定产前检查时,不管是否有感染疟疾的症状,都提供至少两服抗疟疾药物,目前使用周效磺胺-乙胺嘧啶(SP)。
Intermittent preventive treatment involves
[...] providing pregnant women with at least two [...]
doses of an anti-malarial drug, currently
sulphadoxine-pyrimethamine (SP), at each scheduled antenatal visit after the first trimester, whether they show symptoms of infection with malaria or not.
但是,利用孕妇死亡率作为孕妇 健 康情况的替代衡量标 准,往往会忽妊娠和 分娩造成的非致命性后果。
However, the use of maternal mortality as a
[...] proxy measure for maternal health means that the non-fatal consequences of pregnancy and childbirth are frequently [...]
[...] 联,具体地说,产前营养不良和出生体重过低导致今后易患肥胖症、高血压、心 脏病和糖尿病的体质,妊娠情 况,诸如孕 妇 肥 胖 和 妊 娠 糖尿病,也与母亲及 其子女所面临的类似风险有关联
Note also with concern that maternal and child health is inextricably linked with non-communicable diseases and their risk factors, specifically as prenatal malnutrition and low birth weight create a predisposition to obesity, high blood pressure, heart disease
and diabetes later in life, and that
[...] pregnancy conditions, such as maternal obesity and gestational diabetes, [...]
are associated
with similar risks in both the mother and her offspring
大赦国际指出2008 年《病人权利法》引入了病人权利督察员,对希望挑战 医生关于获得生殖健康服务包括请求合法终 妊 娠 的 决定 妇 女 没 有提供有效的 补救措施。
AI indicated the 2008 Law on the Rights of Patients that introduced an Ombudsperson for Patients’
Rights did not provide an
[...] effective remedy for women wishing to challenge a doctor’s decision on access to reproductive health services, including as regards a request for a legal termination of pregnancy.
按年龄组观察到的妇死亡 率的变化表明, 妊 娠 、 分娩和产后期间,存在 优质服务供应不足的问题。
The variation in maternal mortality rates by age group demonstrates that poor quality of care during pregnancy, delivery and [...]
post-partum is a problem.
促请会员国在需要时与国际组织和其他利益攸关方积极合作,支持实施 旨在改善贫穷家庭、包括孕妇妊娠 和 哺乳期间的营养状况的国家计划,促请会 [...]
员国、特别是孕产妇和儿童营养不良状况严重的国家,考虑执行《增强营养框架 和路线图
Member States to engage actively with international organizations and other stakeholders, where needed, in support of national plans
to improve nutrition in poor households,
[...] including during pregnancy and lactation, [...]
and urges Member States, in particular
countries with a high burden of maternal and child undernutrition, to consider implementing the Scaling Up Nutrition framework and road map
世界卫生组织选定摩 尔多瓦为实施“无风妊娠” 的全球倡议试点项目的欧洲国家,2005 年底妇女 儿 童卫生保健科学研究所下属国家围产期学信息与治疗方法研究中心荣获“协作 中心”的称号,实施本战略的目的在于为每个新生儿都有“一个健康生活的开始” 的目标全面实施的质量和效率。
The experience of Moldova has been highly appreciated by the WHO, which selected Moldova among the European countries as a pilot project for the implementation of the Global Initiative “Pregnancy without risks”, and at the end of 2005 the national informational and methodical Centre of perinatology within the Institute of Scientific Research in the field of Healthcare of Mothers and Children was honoured with the titles of Collaborative Centre.
芝加哥 – 据发表在1月2日刊《美国医学会杂志》上的一则研究披露,一项包括了近3万名北欧国家妇女的研究显示——这 妇 女 在 妊 娠 期间曾经按照处方获得过一种选择性5 - 羟色胺再摄取抑制剂(SSRI)——在考虑了包括产妇有精神疾病在内的众多因素之后,研究人员表示 妇 女 在 妊 娠 期 间服用这些药物与死产、新生儿死亡或新生儿期之后的死亡风险之间没有发现明显的关系。
CHICAGO – In a study that included
[...] nearly 30,000 women from Nordic countries who had filled a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) prescription during pregnancy, researchers found no significant association between use of these medications during pregnancy and risk of stillbirth, neonatal death, or postneonatal death, after accounting for factors including maternal psychiatric disease, [...]
according to a
study in the January 2 issue of JAMA.
百分之八十的孕妇死亡是直接由产科因素造成,如大出血、感染 妊 娠 高 血压综合症及不安全流产引起的并发症。
Eighty percent of maternal deaths are caused by direct obstetric causes such as haemorrhage, infection, hypertensive disorders of pregnancy and complications [...]
of unsafe abortion.
对于属于上述不止一类妇女来 说,由 妊 娠 原因死亡和残疾的风 险还要大。
The risk of death and
[...] disability from pregnancy-related causes increases even further for women who fall into [...]
more than one such category.
为实现千年发展目标采取的步骤包括支助以下 项目的财政承诺:“EMBRACE”,提供 妊 娠 到产 后期连续照管的妇和儿 童健康支持模式;和“全 民学校”,旨在改善总体学习环境的基本教育支助 模式。
Steps taken toward achievement of the MDGs included
financial commitments to
[...] support “EMBRACE”, a maternal and child health support model to provide a continuum of care from pregnancy to the post-natal [...]
period, and “School
for All”, a basic education support model designed to improve the overall learning environment.
该计划得到世卫组 织、人口基金、儿童基金会、世界银行和其他伙伴的认可,旨在帮助各国政府规
[...] 划和寻求支助,以便保健系统各级部门能够在 妇妊 娠 、 分娩和产后期间提供熟 练护理,并加强国家保健制度。
The plan, endorsed by WHO, UNFPA, UNICEF, the World Bank and other partners, aims to help Governments
plan and mobilize support for skilled
[...] attendance during pregnancy, childbirth and [...]
the post-natal period, at all levels of
the health-care system, and to strengthen national health-care systems.
可以通妇女妊娠前 后改善营养、早期纯母乳喂 养、婴儿优质补充喂食和幼儿补充适当微量营养素等干预办法,结合预防和快速 [...]
Marked reductions in chronic undernutrition can be achieved through
[...] improvements in women’s nutrition before [...]
and after pregnancy, early and exclusive
breastfeeding, good-quality complementary feeding for infants and young children with appropriate micronutrient interventions, combined with the prevention and rapid treatment of infectious diseases.
[...] 妇死亡原因并确保服务的可用性、可得性、可接受性和高品质,致 使 妇 女 死 于妊 娠或 分娩时,国家就需要对侵犯妇女生命权的问题负责。
When women die in pregnancy or childbirth because the Government fails to use its available resources to take
measures necessary to address the
[...] preventable causes of maternal death and ensure [...]
availability, accessibility, acceptability
and good quality of services, the responsibility of the State may be engaged in respect of a violation of women’s right to life.
根据 2009 年马尔代夫人口健康调查初步结果,99.3%的马尔代 妇 女 妊娠 期 间寻求专业医务人员的产前护理。70.03%的分娩由医生进行,在国家 99%的 分娩是住院分娩(生命登记系统,卫生和家庭事务部,2009 年)。
According to the preliminary results of the 2009 Maldives
Demographic Health Survey
[...] 99.3% of Maldivian women seek antenatal care from a health professional5 during pregnancy. 70.03% of deliveries [...]
are conducted by
doctors, and 99% of deliveries in the country are institutional deliveries (Vital Registration System, Ministry of Health and Family, 2009).
为 了解 决营 养不良这一具 体问题,有关方面对 预防人生初期的 营养不良 给予注 意和指 导,办 法是出 生 前便进 行 早 期 干 预 并 向 育妇女和孕 妇 提供营 养 品,以保证其身体健康并防妊娠后 期流产。
To solve the specific problems of lack of nutrition, attention and orientation was provided to prevent the lack of nutrition at an early age of life by early intervention before
birth, and nutrition was
[...] provided to women of reproductive ages and pregnant women to make their health good and to prevent late miscarriage [...]
in the reproduction system.
为进一步改善成效,各国政府必须增 妇女 获 得熟练助产士服务的途径,这些助产士可以处妊 娠并 发症,并且确保提供充足的药品和其它必要物 资,以避免和治疗生产并发症。
To further improve those results, Governments
[...] need to increase women’s access to skilled birth attendants who can address the complications of pregnancies and ensure that [...]
sufficient drugs and
other necessary supplies are available to prevent and treat obstetric complications.




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