

单词 妇孺皆知

External sources (not reviewed)

我提議政府對新例立即進行廣泛宣傳教育,務求家喻戶曉, 孺皆知。
I suggest that Government should immediately carry out comprehensive publicity
and education programmes on the amended legislation so that it
[...] will be made known to all, including women and children.
这些后果对青少年的负面影响尽 皆知 , 而 且现已认识到这些对年 妇 女和 女孩的影响最大。
The negative impacts of these outcomes for
[...] adolescents are well known and are recognized as being most devastating for young women and girls.
政府持续在非法村庄中开妇孺保健诊 所,正在新妇孺保健 诊所中心,为更多的人提供服务。
The Government is continuing to open Maternal and Child Health clinics in illegal [...]
villages and new MCH centers are being
built to serve the population.
政府也参与了一项干预方案,减少贝多因儿童家庭事故的发生率,并为现 居住在非法村庄中的贝都因人新 妇孺 保 健 诊所供资(为贝都因人提供服务的主 要医疗保健组织正在新建其他诊所)。
The Government also participates in an intervention program to decrease the rate of home accidents among Bedouin children, and has funded the building of additional MCH clinics for Bedouins currently living in illegal villages (additional clinics are being built by the main HMO serving the Bedouins).
某董事向眾董事發出一般性通知,表明他須被視為於該通知日期後可能與任何指定人士、商號或 法團訂立的任何合同或安排中擁有重大利益,即為已就如此訂立的任何合同或安排作出充分的利
[...] 益聲明,但除非該通知在董事的會議中作出,或董事採取合理步驟確保該通知在作出後的下一次 董事會議中提呈及宣讀,否則任何此等 知皆 為 無 效。
A general notice to the Directors by a Director that he is to be regarded as materially interested in any contract or arrangement which may be made with any specified person, firm or corporation after the date of such notice shall be a sufficient declaration of interest in relation to any contract or arrangement so made, provided that no such notice shall be of effect unless either it is given at a meeting of the Directors or the Director
takes reasonable steps to ensure that it is brought up and read at the next meeting of
[...] the Directors after it is given.
在我们发言时,我们首先想到的是成千上万在过 去 19 天中在加沙遭到杀害和遭受苦难的男 妇孺。
As we speak, our thoughts are with the thousands of men, women and children who have been killed and who have suffered in Gaza in the last 19 days.
除了贝多因城中的十八妇孺保健 诊所和一家移动家庭保健股之外,非法 村庄近期中已经建起六所新妇孺保 健诊所(Tipat Halav)。
In addition to eighteen Mother and Child Health Clinics located in Bedouin towns, and a mobile family care unit, six new Mother and Child Health Clinics (Tipat Halav), have recently been constructed in the illegal villages.
整个整个家庭被冷血 的犹太复国主义部队斩尽杀绝妇孺 和 其 他平民一道 成为蓄意进攻的目标和遭到屠杀。
Whole families are being eliminated in cold blood by the
[...] Zionist forces, and women and children, along [...]
with other civilians, are being deliberately targeted and massacred.
这几妇孺保健诊所 像以色列其他每妇孺保健 诊所一样设施完善。
These Mother and Child Health Clinics are equipped like every other Mother and Child Health Clinic in the country.
皆知道,我是男 人,我是建築師,我是認可人士。
As we all know, I am a man, an [...]
architect and an Authorized Person (AP).
此 外,访问了 242 个家庭 1 967 名家庭成员,向他们提供了关于如何预防艾滋病毒/
[...] 艾滋病以及家庭教育的基本信息,其中包括个人卫生和环境卫生 妇孺 健 康 等的 基本信息。
In addition, 242 households were visited and 1,967 family members have been reached and provided with basic
information on the prevention of HIV/AIDS and family education, including hygiene and
[...] sanitation and mother and child health.
应使《手册》的各项规定皆知晓, 因为它们维护 本组织的利益,并为工作人员提供一个指导他们按照本组织利益行动的框架。
They protect the Organization and provide officers with a framework to guide their action in a manner consistent with the interests of the Organization.
皆知道, 教育局自2005-2006年度起,推行課後學習及支援計 [...]
劃 (“課後計劃”),讓學校及非政府機構分別為清貧學生籌辦校本或區 本課後活動,以提升清貧學生的學習效能、擴闊他們在課堂以外的學 習經驗,以及增強他們對社會的認識和歸屬感,從而幫助他們的個人 成長及均衡發展。
All of us know that, commencing [...]
from the year 2005-2006, the Education Bureau has implemented the After-school Learning
and Support Programmes under which schools and NGOs organize school-based or district-based after-school services for poor students, so as to increase the learning effectiveness of poor students, broaden their learning experiences outside class, and boost their understanding of and sense of belonging to our society, thus helping in their personal growth and balanced development.
大多数的监测和评价工作人员,因为忙于处理其他职务,只能抽 出有限的时间进行评价,这也是众 皆知 的 事
It is also known that most monitoring and evaluation staff are able to devote only limited time to evaluation due to competing duties.
議員辦事處幾乎每星期也去信各電訊公司,全部涉及欺騙老人家或 借意迫老人家簽約等,其中九成的投訴人都 知 識 水 平不高、年紀較大的老 人家或新移民孺,當 中九成是屬於這類個案,甚少看到已取得博士資格的 人前來議員辦事處就這些問題提出投訴。
Almost every week the ward offices would send letters to the telecommunications companies and these letters are all about cases like elderly persons being swindled or forced to sign contracts, and so on.
新任秘书长特别代表众皆知的最 初成就之一 是,他努力争取使即将举行的议会选举获得必要的保 障,特别是确保把一些席位留妇女 以 及确保处理投 诉时有国际参与。
One of the first public achievements of the new Special Representative of the
Secretary-General was to obtain the necessary
[...] guarantees for the upcoming parliamentary elections — particularly to secure the seats reserved for women and ensure an international presence in the handling of complaints.
[...] 移动免疫队也为居住在永久性城镇之外的贝多因家庭的新生儿提供家庭免疫接 种,这些新生儿的家人没有把他们带去任何一 妇孺 保 健诊所进行治疗。
Two mobile immunization teams managed by the Ministry of Health also provide home immunizations to infants in Bedouin families living
outside of permanent towns, whose
[...] families do not bring them to one of the Mother and Child Health Clinics [...]
for treatment.
阿尔及利亚欢迎布达佩斯人权论坛力争保 妇孺 、 融 合少数人,并促进待 遇和机会的平等。
Algeria welcomed the Budapest Human Rights Forum,
[...] efforts to protect women and children, integrate [...]
minorities and for equality of treatment and opportunity.
日本强调加强弱势人民的权利,特别是难民和 境内流离失所者以及他们当中妇孺 , 并 强调以综合方 法促进人类安全活动。
Japan has placed emphasis on the empowerment of
vulnerable people, particularly refugees
[...] and IDPs and the women and children among [...]
them, and on an integrated approach by
promoting the human security perspective.
注意到这 一点令人感到不安。在这些公开辩论会上,就连充满 激情和妥善拟定的发言也未能治愈其听众的梦游症, 因为这些听众完全知道,有关僵局如尽 皆知 的 北极 星那样不可变动。
It is worrisome to note that the Council’s only activities in regard to the Palestinian issue are its quarterly open debates, where even spirited and well-drafted statements fail to cure the
somnambulance of their
[...] audience, which knows only too well that the stalemate is as immutable as the proverbial North Star.
最后,阿尔巴 尼亚还指出,“通过杀害阿尔巴尼亚族人士或强行驱逐他们的手段将科索沃阿尔
[...] 巴尼亚族人口减至约 60 万的意图”,“外国官皆知,而 且据报告,塞尔维亚曾 公开如此表示过”(第 [...]
29 段)。
Albania at last added that “the intention to reduce the Albanian population in Kosovo to about 600,000 by killing
members of the group or forcefully expelling
[...] them”, was “known to foreign officials, [...]
and reportedly have been publicly uttered
by Serbian officials” (para. 29).
皆知,新 加坡是开放的外向经济体,经济走势与欧美国家和亚洲市场的前景息息相关。
Singapore is an open and export-oriented economy, and our economic outlook is inextricably linked to the economic health of the European, American and Asian markets.
特别是通过减 少贫困来帮助抵御疾病、改妇孺的 健康状况、扩大受教育机会和实现可持续性发展。
SubSaharan Africa has the lowest current enrolment rate at 60%.6 It is our task to consider whether and how intellectual property rights (IPRs) could play a role in helping the world meet these targets – in particular by reducing poverty, helping to combat disease, improving the health of mothers and children, enhancing access to education and contributing to sustainable development.
与所涉条约机构任务有关的领域内的主要活动 保护人权遭受侵犯穷人人权之家倡导人、创建人和负责人 研究如何消除针妇孺的传统有害习俗的督导员 提高人们对防止酷刑、任意拘留、暴力侵害妇女和贩运妇女的认识的影片的规划 人和制片人 关于人权的国家报告编写者,马达加斯加出席定期审议两项公约《消除一切形式 种族歧视国际公约》、《消除对妇女一切形式歧视公约》和普遍定期审议报告代表 团团员 在普遍定期审议机制内,审议贝宁、摩洛哥、布基纳法索、巴林、埃及的三国小 组成员
Drafts national human rights reports and serves as a member of the delegation of Madagascar present during consideration of State party reports submitted with regard to the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination, the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women and the universal periodic review process
我们对于以色列在加沙地带进行的军事行动毫 无节制、滥用武力所造成的巨大破坏和无辜巴勒斯坦 人民包妇孺惨重的伤亡感到震惊。
We are appalled by the scale and intensity of the devastation and the deaths of innocent Palestinians, including women and children, caused by the indiscriminate and excessive use of force in the Israeli military operations in the Gaza Strip.
[...] 之間,作出取捨,我寧願選擇先保障那些無辜的罪案受害者,因為這些受害者包括孺,甚至老㆟和傷殘㆟士。
If I were asked to choose between protecting the many innocent victims of criminal violence, or the few who fall victim to police abuse, I would have to choose and give priority to the
innocent victims of crime, because those victims include small
[...] children and women, and even the elderly [...]
and the handicapped.
[...] 参与科学技术对实现性别平等和妇女赋权至关重要,同时这也具有经济意 义,可妇女提供必知识、 生产力、学习能力、技能、道德价值观和理解 [...]
力,使其能终生学习、获得就业、增进身心健康,包括预防和控制孕产死亡、 艾滋病毒和艾滋病及其它传染性和非传染性疾病,以及充分参与社会、经济 和政治发展。
The Commission notes that quality education and full and equal access and participation in science and technology for women of all ages are imperative for achieving gender
equality and the empowerment of women, and an economic necessity, and
[...] that they provide women with the knowledge, capacity, aptitudes, [...]
skills, ethical
values and understanding necessary for lifelong learning, employment, better physical and mental health, including the prevention and control of maternal mortality, HIV and AIDS and other communicable and non-communicable diseases, as well as for full participation in social, economic and political development.
皆知, 在安全理事会最近一次开会后(见S/PV.6810),一 [...]
些常任理事国急不可耐地宣布,特使的使命已失去 意义,并表示它们将立即寻求采取安全理事会以外 的手段,来推翻叙利亚政府。
It is not a hidden fact that, [...]
after the recent meeting of the Security Council (see S/PV.6810), some permanent members rushed
to pronounce the mission of the Special Envoy as dead and indicated that they would immediately pursue other means than the Security Council to overthrow the Government in Syria.
阿拉伯叙利亚共和国已多次表明其致力于实现 公平和公正的和平,但以色列对其倡议和表态的回应
[...] 是一味的搪塞,并且继续在阿拉伯被占领土实施众皆知的做法,其中包括继续羁押数千名巴勒斯坦人, [...]
The Syrian Arab Republic had frequently expressed its commitment to a fair and just peace, but the Israeli response to its initiatives and
overtures had been to prevaricate and continue
[...] with its well-known practices in the [...]
occupied Arab territories, including the
continued detention of thousands of Palestinians and the maintenance of the blockade on Gaza.




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