单词 | 妄 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 妄—presumptuousless common: fantastic 妄adjective—absurdadjExamples:狂妄—arrogant brassy 妄自菲薄—be unduly humble [idiom.] 妄念n—delusionn
他们认为,总干事应继续发表声明,谴责针对记者 的暴力行为,并呼吁采取主动行动,努力促进结束肆意妄为。 unesdoc.unesco.org | They acknowledged the Director-General’s continuing statements condemning violence against journalists, and called for proactive action and efforts to help bring an end to impunity. unesdoc.unesco.org |
占领国仍在建造种族主义隔离墙,这侵犯 了西岸,特别是东耶路撒冷巴勒斯坦人民的所有权 利,而国际社会不愿采取行动,使得占领军更加胆大妄为,无视世界各地穆斯林的感情,在耶路撒冷 地下进一步挖掘隧道。 daccess-ods.un.org | The occupying Power was still building the racist separation wall which violated all the rights of the Palestinian people in the West Bank, particularly in East Jerusalem where the reluctance of the international community to take action had emboldened the forces of occupation to disregard the feelings of Muslims around the world by digging further tunnels under Jerusalem. daccess-ods.un.org |
虽然我知道在博彩界永远不要恣意妄为,但我还是不禁想到希腊在2012年欧洲杯中的积极表现,另一方面是对其对手的了解。 sportsbook.dafa-bet.net | While I know the heart should never rule the head in the betting world I can’t help but think but view the positives Greece showed in Euro 2012, the side is well established and know each other. sportsbook.dafa-bet.net |
古巴要求立即从该伪造的名单上删除,因为这是 一份不公正、恣意妄为和带有政治动机的名单,与我 国在应对恐怖主义方面的模范行为格格不入,使人们 对美国在打击这一祸患方面的严肃性提出质疑。 daccess-ods.un.org | Cuba demands its immediate exclusion from that spurious list, as it constitutes an unjust, arbitrary and politically motivated designation that contradicts the exemplary conduct of our country in facing terrorism and puts into question the seriousness of the United States in the fight against this scourge. daccess-ods.un.org |
俄罗斯代表团强调说,正是在与纳粹主义及其 种族主义理论斗争的过程中联合国会员国才组成了 联合国,任何妄想改写历史的尝试都是与《联合国 宪章》的文字和精神背道而驰的。 daccess-ods.un.org | His delegation stressed that it was the struggle against Nazism and its racist theories that had united Member States and led to the establishment of the United Nations and that any attempt to rewrite history ran counter to the letter and the spirit of the Charter. daccess-ods.un.org |
该监管机构的主要职能 也是确保水务公司的有效管理,使该公司不能妄用其垄断地位。 wrdmap.org | The principal function of the Regulator would be to ensure efficient management of the water companies so that the monopolistic status of the utilities is not abused. wrdmap.org |
重申坚决谴责一切形式和表现的恐怖主义行为、方法和做法,这些行 为无论发生在何处,无论由何人所为,动机如何,均属犯罪,没有辩护的理 由,并重申决心加强国际合作,防止和打击恐怖主义, 又重申一切形式和表现的恐怖主义行为、方法和做法,都是妄图摧毁 人权、基本自由和民主的活动,威胁到领土完整和国家安全,动摇合法组成 的政府,国际社会应采取必要步骤,加强合作,防止和打击恐怖主义 daccess-ods.un.org | Reaffirming its unequivocal condemnation of all acts, methods and practices of terrorism in all its forms and manifestations, wherever and by whomever committed, regardless of their motivation, as criminal and unjustifiable, and renewing its commitment to strengthen international cooperation to prevent and combat terrorism daccess-ods.un.org |
即便你不喜欢你之前的工作/老板/日常工作的一切,也千万不要妄加否定。 robertwalters.cn | Even if you didn’t enjoy your last job/boss/everything about your daily work, don't speak negatively about it. robertwalters.cn |
但就在一周以后,完全妄自尊大的占领国,全然无视国际法和国际社会对 以色列发出的停止非法定居活动的呼吁,今天厚颜无耻地宣布在被占领的东耶路 撒冷所谓“拉马特什洛莫”定居点批准新建 1 600 个定居单位。 daccess-ods.un.org | Only one week later, with totalarrogance and total disregard for international law and the calls made by the international community on Israel to end its illegal settlement campaign, the occupying Power shamefully announced today the approval of 1,600 more settlement units in the so-called settlement of “Ramat Shlomo” in Occupied East Jerusalem. daccess-ods.un.org |
在这种模式中,当地政府层面应成立一个新的公共 事业监管机构,对所有的公共事业企业的绩效进行监督,比如,自来水公司、污水处 理公司、供热公司、燃气公司、公交公司等等。该监管机构的主要职能应当是确保公 共事业公司有效的管理,确保其不会妄用在行业中的垄断地位。 wrdmap.org | In this model a new Agency is created at local government level to act as a Utility Regulator to oversee the performance of all public utilities, i.e. water, wastewater, heating, gas, bus transport, etc. The principal function of the Regulator will be to ensure efficient management of the utilities so that the monopoly status of the utilities is notabused. wrdmap.org |
他妄自断定朝鲜半岛局势出现僵持和复杂化的局面是朝鲜人民民主共 [...] 和国造成的。 daccess-ods.un.org | And he hasjumpedto the [...] conclusion that the impasse and complications in the situation on the Korean peninsula are attributable [...]to the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea. daccess-ods.un.org |
此外,不结盟运动各国领导人反对任何妄图利用 安全理事会推动国家政治议程的做法,强调安理会的 [...] 工作必需保持非选择性和公正性,而且安理会必须严 格按照会员国依据《联合国宪章》赋于它的权限和职 能开展工作。 daccess-ods.un.org | Furthermore, the [...] leaders rejected any attempts to use [...]the Security Council to pursue national political agendas and stressed [...]the necessity of non-selectivity and impartiality in the work of the Council, as well as the need for the Council to keep strictly within the powers and functions accorded to it by Member States under the United Nations Charter. daccess-ods.un.org |
显然,随着有关在 1967 年以前边界的基础上实 现“两国解决方案”以及需要解决耶路撒冷作为两国 未来首都的问题的国际共识继续得到巩固,以色列粗 暴和狂妄地加 紧努力在那里人为建立压倒性的犹太 多数,进一步加强对该城的事实上的吞并。 daccess-ods.un.org | Clearly, as international consensus regarding the two-State solution on the basis of the pre-1967 borders and the need to resolve the question of Jerusalem as the future capital of two States continues to solidify, Israel is blatantly and arrogantly accelerating its efforts to artificially create an overwhelming Jewish majority there and further entrench its de facto annexation of the city. daccess-ods.un.org |
例如:分享时互不插嘴、小组内的分享不 可外泄、不要妄加意见、不要对其他教会或宗派说负面的话。 magdalenatoday.com | (Example: don’t interrupt each other, keep things confidential within the group, don’t be quick to give advice, don’t talk negatively about any other church or denomination. magdalenatoday.com |
没有任何一个国家在实施此类令人发指的罪行之后可以援引或妄图利用领土完 整进行开脱;事实是,采取这种行为方式的国家对于受害民众而言,已经不能再 [...] 象国家那样行事了。 daccess-ods.un.org | No State can, after perpetrating such heinous crimes, [...] then invoke or pretend toavail itself [...]of territorial integrity; the fact is that [...]any State that acts this way ceases to behave like a State vis-à-vis the victimized population. daccess-ods.un.org |
因此,缔约国得出 结论,提交人关于白俄罗斯法官缺乏独立性和带有偏向性的宣称,是他本人的臆想妄念, 并不符合与缔约国的法律与实践。 daccess-ods.un.org | The State party further lists a number of specific guarantees on the independence of the judiciary contained in the Code on Judicial System and Status of Judges. daccess-ods.un.org |
国际社会特别是联合国安理会未能严肃有效地处理这些违反行为,结束 有罪不罚现象并追究以色列对整个 44 年军事占领包括东耶路撒冷在内的巴勒斯 坦领土期间所犯罪行的责任,这无疑令占领国更加胆大妄为,其在最近一个时期 加紧了侵犯行为和非法政策就是一个表现。 daccess-ods.un.org | The failure of the international community, in particular the United Nations Security Council, to seriously and effectively address these violations to end impunity and hold Israel accountable for its crimes throughout this 44-year military occupation of the Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem, has undoubtedly emboldened the occupying Power, as reflected in its intensifying violations and illegal policies over the recent period. daccess-ods.un.org |
把这些机构抹黑和打压,制造无妄之灾 ,殃及池鱼,只会对公民社会造成伤害。 hkupop.hku.hk | To attack and blacken these organizations would only injure the civil society. hkupop.hku.hk |
过去几天里,伊朗最高领导人再次发出一连串狂妄的言 论,叫嚣消灭的以色 列,并散布作为其意识形态核心内容的恶毒的反犹太主义。 daccess-ods.un.org | Over the past several days, the most senior Iranian leaders have issued yet another series of outrageous statements, which called for the destruction of Israel and spread the vile anti-Semitism that forms the core of their ideology. daccess-ods.un.org |
国家稳定、坚实的法律基础和足 够的商业保护是许多外国投资者所关切的问题,然而旧 苏丹所遗留的影响却令人不敢轻举妄动。 crisisgroup.org | Stability, a solid legal framework and adequate commercial protections are concerns for many foreign investors, but the legacy of the old Sudan is a deterrent. crisisgroup.org |
这种情况加倍体现在亚的斯亚贝巴政权 身上。该政权 10 多年来在美国庇护和怂恿下胆大妄为,侵入并占领了厄立特里 亚的主权领土。 daccess-ods.un.org | This is better amplified by the audacity of the regime in Addis Ababa that has been emboldened, through the tutelage and encouragement of the United States, to invade and occupy sovereign Eritrean territories for over 10 years. daccess-ods.un.org |
国家应为妇 女提供生育保健服务,而不是向她们宣传虚妄的幻 想,认为毁灭亲生骨肉能让自 己的日子过得更好。 daccess-ods.un.org | What nations must offer women is life through procreative care, not the false hope that destroying their children will make their lives better. daccess-ods.un.org |
剧照的拍摄灵感来源于70年代的谍战电影,一种时时刻刻被人监视着的偏执、妄想、多疑的感觉。 ba-repsasia.com | Inspiration came from 1970’s espionage films, drawing upon the feeling and paranoia of always being watched. ba-repsasia.com |
狼不会在羚羊吃草的时候轻举妄动,因为其反应灵敏、奔跑快捷,狼根本不是其对手;当羚羊睡觉的时候,狼虎视眈眈却不敢放肆,因为羚羊的敏感度非常高;当羚羊散步时,狼只能在其周围无所事事,因为警惕性决定了这时进攻必定失败;只有在早上羚羊撒尿的时候,而且是撒了三滴尿的时候,狼才会出击,这时的羚羊由于膀胱充盈,奔跑的速度受到限制,两腿的快速摩擦可以导致膀胱破裂,狼的早餐便有了着落。 powermetal.com.cn | Wolf will not act rashlywhen the antelope is grazing because the quick response and running speed of the antelope is far more superior to the wolf; when the antelope is sleeping, wolf will stare but do not dare to take any action since the sensitiveness of antelope is very high; when the antelope is walking, wolf will just lurk around but do nothing, since its vigilance decides that attacking antelope at this time is bound to fail; only when antelope is peeing in the morning and has just peed out three drops of urine, wolf will attack because at this time, antelope’s running speed is limited since its bladder is filling and the quick friction between two legs will cause its bladder to break, now there will be a delicious breakfast for the wolf. powermetal.com.cn |
本辑主题为“业务连续性计划和管理——莫让无妄之灾 阻断公司业务”。 deloitte.com | Our views on how business continuity planning and management can help businesses prevent undeserved calamity. deloitte.com |
这是一个最坏的情况:在一个任务抓住一些非常需要为自己和贝瑟尼午餐,克里斯蒂决定摆动的妄想摊位,抓住她的小猫帽子,希望不惜一切代价避免马特。 cn.moba-app.com | It’s a worst-case scenario: On a mission to grab some much-needed lunch for herself and Bethany, Christie decides to swing by the Delusion booth and grab her kitty hat, looking to ... moba-app.com |
因此,任何怎样壮烈的死、或要为後世留下值得人记 念的遗产的妄念都是愚昧的,不晓得我们的渺小,也是在 夺取单属於神的尊贵与荣耀。 lordsgrace.ca | Therefore, all thoughts such as dying on the pulpit or wanting to leave a legacy to be remembered reveal our vain glory, not knowing how insignificant we are, and our desire to usurp the glory and honor that belong only to the Triune God. lordsgrace.ca |