

单词 如金似玉

See also:

External sources (not reviewed)

资管理有方,商定的筹资战略是更安全的选择,联合国合办职工 养恤金似是这种情况。
An agreed-to funding
[...] strategy could be a safer choice if investments are well managed as appears to be the case in another context with the UNJSPF.
开展社会救助的常见形式是划转品券、降低主食价( 亚和肯尼亚)、公共部门职工的住房补贴 (肯尼亚自殖民时代以来一直采取这种做法)和保健凭证(通常发给孕妇,但近来 采用这种做法的许多国家,如肯尼亚,仍在试行这一做法,由德国捐助机构德国 [...]
Social assistance is often implemented
[...] in theform of cash transfers, food stamps, lower prices for staple foods (forexample,formaize flour inZambia [...]
and Kenya), housing subsidies
for public sector workers (a practice in Kenya since colonial times) and health-care vouchers (usually provided to expectant mothers, although this practice is still experimental in many of the countries where it has been recently introduced, such as in Kenya, where such vouchers are provided by the German donor agency GTZ).
After a long period
[...] of turmoil, it seems to finally Ebeltunnel.
叶黄体素(lutein)及玉米黄质(zeaxanthin)是存在人类视网膜上的色素斑点,主要是吸收紫外线及含较多自由基的辐射光源以保护细胞不受伤害,叶黄体素和玉米黄质是结构极为购物,叶黄体素(又被直接翻译成-路丁)广泛的存在天然的深绿色蔬菜、水果,如菠菜、绿花椰菜等,玉米黄质则多存在一的蔬果食物 如玉枸杞子、蛋黄中,而存在生物体内的叶黄体素与玉米黄质主要的角色也是在吸收光害自由基,担任保护细胞正常化的角色,防止白内瘴形成。
Lutein and zeaxanthin, foundinfruitsand vegetables, protects macular cells from radiation and free radicals, possibly delaying formation of cataracts.
The results were as stunning as they were indicative of what we can accomplish when we work together: in rural China birth
defects fell up to 85 percent, and the lessons
[...] learned havebecome thegold standard for prenatal [...]
care around the world.
有将近十亿人营养不足3 ,鉴于全机、居高不下的失业率、食 物价格波动加剧、食物短缺以及旱灾和水灾预测会进一步扩大,这个数字甚至还 会进一步增加。4 油价上升,运输成本增加( 结果农产品交货价上升) ,更多的作 物如玉 大豆等转而用来生产生物燃料,使牲畜和人类消费供应进一步趋 紧,从而导致食品费用增加。
Nearly 1 billion people are undernourished3 and this number may increase
even further as a result
[...] of the global financial crisis, sustained high levels of unemployment, increased food price volatility, shortages and predictions of further widespread droughts and floods.4 Higher oil prices are increasing the cost of food by increasing shipping costs (resulting in higher delivered prices of agricultural products) and diverting morecropssuch as cornand soybeans [...]
to biofuel production,
further tightening supplies for livestock and human consumption.5 Higher food prices also threaten peace and security.
根据《关于教科文组织与各 其他之关系的指示》(第 IV.2 条)与教 科文组织保持关系的组织以及与教科文组织没有正式关系的组织参加大会的问题按《大会议 [...]
事规则》第 7 条行事,该条规定,“经执行局推荐及出席并参加表决之会员国三分之二多数
通过,大会可接纳非政府或半政府国际组织代表作为观察员列席大会或大会所属专门委员会 之特定届会”。
The participation of organizations maintaining relations with UNESCO under the
“Directives concerning UNESCO’s
[...] relationswithfoundations andsimilar institutions” (Article [...]
IV.2), and of organizations
not having official relations with UNESCO, is governed by Rule 7 of the Rules of Procedure of the General Conference which stipulates that “the General Conference, on the recommendation of the Executive Board and by a two-thirds majority of Members present and voting, may admit as observers at specified sessions of the Conference or of its commissions representatives of international non-governmental or semi-governmental organizations”.
会议还 指出,除了缔约国努力增进对实现《卡塔赫纳行动计划》的目标的了解和取得进
[...] 展的认识以外,诸如国际残疾协会和幸存者互助队等非政府组织也主动开展动,曼、内罗毕和萨拉热窝举办区域研讨会。
It was also noted that in addition to States Parties’ efforts to raise aware to promote understanding of and progress in achieving the aims of the Cartagena Action Plan, non-governmental organizations, such as Handicap International and
Survivor Corps, have taken the initiative
[...] to do the same, forexample throughregional workshops [...]
in Amman, Nairobi and Sarajevo.
客观证据表明,因其公允价值无法可靠计量而不以公允价值计量的无市价权益工具已经发生减值损失, 则 减 值 损 失 的 金 额 应 按 该 金 融 资 产 的 账 面 金 额 与 以 相似 金产 当 前 市 场 回 报 率 折 现 的 预 计 未 来 现 金 流 量 现 值 之 间 的 差 额 进 行 计 量。
Ifthereis objective evidence that an impairment loss has been incurred on an unquoted equity instrument that is not carried at fair value because its fair value cannot be reliably measured, the amount of the loss is measured as the difference between the asset’s carrying amount and the present value of estimated future cash flowsdiscounted [...]
at the current market
rate of return for a similar financial asset.
这里重点介绍的该粮农组织技术论文也显示,尽管在未来十年 鱼粉和可能的鱼油可获得性不是主要限制因素,其他饲料配料和投入品供应需要 同速扩大,如果要支持这类增长,这些投入物将来自其他来源(动物副产品提取物)。
FAO technical paper highlighted here also indicates that, although the availability of fishmeal and probably fish oil over the next ten years may not be a major constraining factor, other feed ingredient and input supplies will need to expand at a similar rate if this growth is to be sustained, and these inputs will have to come from other sources (e.g. soybean, corn, and rendered animal by-products).
这 就是人事管理政策的特点金玉,败絮其中。
That is characteristic of the staff management policy: a fine and attractively ordered show masking a certain disarray.
根据这一程序,总干事已向按上述指示保持业务关系的非政府组织以及保持正式关系 的其它通报了召开大会第三十三届会议事宜,给它们寄去了大会临时议程 [...]
In compliance with that procedure, the Director-General informed the non-governmental organizations (NGOs) maintaining operational relations
under the aforementioned directives,
[...] and also thefoundations andsimilar institutions maintaining [...]
official relations, of the
holding of the 33rd session of the General Conference, sent them the provisional agenda and invited them to notify him at least one month before the opening of the session if they wished to be represented at it by observers, requesting them to indicate to him at the same time the agenda items in whose consideration their representatives would like to participate.
最重要的农作物是 谷物、黑麦苞米)。
The most important
[...] crops are grains, like wheat,rye, and maize(corn).
正在增加使用的其他植物蛋白包括玉米产品( 如玉皮)、 豆类(例如羽扇豆和豌豆)、榨油种子粉(油菜籽粉、棉花籽粉和葵花)以及来 自其他谷物产品的蛋白(例如小麦、稻米和大麦)。
Other plant proteins that are being increasingly used include corn products (e.g. corn gluten meal), pulses (e.g. lupins and peas), oilseed meals (rapeseed meal, cottonseed and sunflower), and protein from other cereal products (e.g. wheat, rice and barley).
另外一个景点是妩媚迷人的 ,亭地开花,紫红色、浅黄色和粉红色的花朵让人眼花缭乱、陶醉不已。
Another attraction is the stretches of alluring tulip gardens filled with bright crimson, yellow and pink tulips in full bloom.
所有与本网站的链接必须征得 QUADRANT 的书面批准,由 QUADRANT
[...] [...] 同意的以下链接除外:仅包含本网站主页标题的纯文本链接;仅“指向”本网站主页并不指向下层页面的链接;用户激活时,链接全屏显示本网站的主页,而不是在所链接网站的“框架”内;链接的外观、位置及其他方面不得 (i)形象,体或其活动或产品与 QUADRANT、其附属公司有关联或由其赞助;(ii)损坏或削弱与 [...]
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客 观 证 据 表 明 该 金 融 资 产 发 生 减 值,将 该 金 融 资 产 的 账 面 价 值,与 按 照似 金产 当 时 市 场 收 益 率 对 未 来 现 金 流 量 折 现 确 定 的 现 值 之 间 的 差 额,确 认 为 减 值 损 失,计 入 当 期 损 益。
If financial assets carried at cost are impaired, the impairment loss are recognized in profit or loss and measured as the difference between the carrying amount of the financialasset [...]
and the present value of
estimated future cash flows discounted at the current market rate of return for a similar financial asset.
皇帝收藏中有 壶,壶口外撇,器底琢可信的乾隆篆款(张临生 1991, 编号121)。
The tentative attribution to the palace and the suggestion of
imperial provenance is based
[...] upon anothersimilar bottle in whitenephrite fromtheimperial [...]
collection that has a flared
neck and an entirely convincing four-character Qianlong mark in seal script on its base (Chang Lin-sheng 1991, no. 121).
里的评明:(f)项——筹资安排所在地或筹资批准所在地 或债务人主要银行所在地——只在银行控制债务人的情况下才相关;(k)项——雇 [...]
员所在地——或许在雇员可能成为未来债权人的情况下才相关,但如果以下述 几点为依据就不那么重要了:对雇员的保护更多的是保护相关方权利问题,与
主要利益中心分析无关,而且《示范法》第 22 条无论如何都已处理这一问题; (e)项——适用于大部分争议的法律所属的法域,其重要性不足以成为一项决定 性因素,而且这种法域在任何情况下都有可能是一个与债务人的管理地或业务 实施地无关的法域,比(e)项更重要的因素反倒是债务人的管理地或业务实施 地。
That commentary mightsuggest, for example, that(f) the [...]
location from which financing was organized or authorized or the
location of the debtor’s primary bank, would only be important where the bank controlled the debtor; that (k) the location of employees, might be important where employees could be future creditors, or less important on the basis that protection of employees is more an issue of protecting the rights of interested parties, is not relevant to the COMI analysis and is, in any event addressed by article 22 of the Model Law; that (e) the jurisdiction whose law would apply to most disputes, was not sufficiently important to be a determining factor and could, in any event, be a jurisdiction unrelated to the place from which the debtor was managed or conducted its business, factors that were both considered to be more important than (e).
未经联交所批准,本公司於任何一次购回股份後的30天内,不论该次购回是否在联交 所内进行,均不得发行新股,或公布发行新股的计划(但不包括因行使权证、认股期权或本 公司须按规定发行证券的似金具而发行的证券,而该等权证、认股期权或 似金具在本公司购回股份前尚未行使)。
The Company may not make a new issue of shares or announce a proposed new issue of shares for a period of 30 days, after any repurchase, whether on the Stock Exchange or otherwise (other than an issue
of securities
[...] pursuant to the exercise of warrants, shareoptions or similar instruments requiring the Company to issue securities, [...]
which were outstanding
prior to that purchase of its own securities), without the prior approval of the Stock Exchange.
工人越有组织,社会都市化程度越高,政府就 越有可能受到压力而贴补主食价(如玉),而且更不愿意撤销粮食补贴,即 [...]
The better organized workers are, and the more urbanized a society is, the more likely it is that Governments will be
pressured to supplement the price of staple
[...] foods (suchasmaize flour) andbe less [...]
reluctant to withdraw food subsidies,
even when they are under severe budgetary constraints and World Bank structural adjustment programmes.
(D) 已正式行使股份选择权之股份(「选择股份」)不得派付股 息(或赋予选择权之部份股息),而须按上述厘定之配发基 准向选择股份之持有人配发入帐列为缴足之股份来以股代
[...] 之任何部份或本公司任何储备帐(包括任何特别帐项、实缴 盈余帐、股份溢价帐及资本赎回储何该储 备))之任何部份中资本化及运用相当於按该基准将予配发 [...]
(D) the Dividend (or that part of the Dividend in respect of which a right of election has been accorded) shall not be payable on Shares in respect whereof the Share election has been duly exercised ("the elected Shares") and in lieu thereof Shares shall be allotted credited as fully paid to the holders of the elected Shares on the basis of allotment determined as aforesaid and for such purpose the Board shall capitalise and apply out of any part of the undivided profits of the Company or any part of any of the Company’s reserve accounts (including any special account, contributed surplus
account, share premium account and capital
[...] redemption reservefund (if there be anysuch [...]
reserve)) as the Board may determine,
a sum equal to the aggregate nominal amount of the Shares to be allotted on such basis and apply the same in paying up in full the appropriate number of Shares for allotment and distribution to and amongst the holders of the elected Shares on such basis.
秘书处要求了解更多有关已购置设备详细信息,世界银行因此告知秘书处,与广东 万华容威聚氨酯有限公司的项目所述),对外经济合作办公室将根据招投标 程序所用的技术规范提供更多信息。
In responding to a request for more detailed information on equipment purchased, the World Bank informed the Secretariat that FECO would provide further information based on the specifications used for the bidding process i.e., the same as for the WHRW project (as explained above).
而且,如果要将基于结果的预算制定和管理置于最重要 的优先地位,就不应将金如使 用,也就是资金用来购买了哪些东西作为最重要的指标, 资金的用途可能与初衷大相径庭却仍然实现了预期的结果。
Further, if the results-based budgeting and management are to be given importance
and priority, the way
[...] in whichthe fundsare utilized, i.e., what is purchased by the funds, should [...]
not be the most important
indicator, and can well vary from the initial intention while the expected results are still achieved.




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