

单词 如表



external appearance and inner thoughts coincide (idiom); say what one means
think and act as one

External sources (not reviewed)

根据该部的年度报告,已有 18 项规划审计任务(如 表二.4 所示)被取消,占规划审计任务总数的 24%。
The annual Department report stated that 18 planned audit
[...] assignments (as listed in table II.4) had been [...]
cancelled, an overall rate of 24 per cent
in total of audit assignments planned.
根据包括臭氧和气候效益、安全和成本在内的选择标准,由六个消费行业和化工生 产行业选择的技如表 5 所示。
Based on a number of selection criteria including ozone and climate benefits,
safety and costs, the technologies selected by the six consumption sectors and the production
[...] sector are outlined in Table 5.
对于选举以外的其他事项如表决时 赞成票和反对票票数相等,则该提案应 [...]
If a vote is equally divided on matters [...]
other than elections, the proposal shall be regarded as rejected.
如表 9 所 示,在 可可和石油业去向不明的收入数额极大,超过科特迪瓦的年度军事预算。
As table 9 illustrates, unaccounted [...]
revenues in the cocoa and oil sectors are so great as to exceed Côte d’Ivoire’s annual military budget.
如表 5.1 中所示,1998 年,美国、英国、德国、西班牙、法国和意大利出口的书 籍几乎占全球总量的 2/3。
As Figure 5.1 below shows, the US, UK, Germany, [...]
Spain, France and Italy between them produced nearly two thirds of global exports of books in 1998.
如 表 2 所 示,在负有评价职责的工作人员当中,有 [...]
90%以上履行的是第二职能,有 28%履行的是第三工作职能。
As table 2 shows, over 90 [...]
per cent of the staff members with evaluation responsibilities perform a second function, and
28 per cent perform a third job function.
無論於城市或越野路面上,四輪驅動的豪華SUV,配以優越的安全裝備,都能應付 如 , 表 現 出極致的駕駛動感。
Further strengths of the premium SUV with permanent all-wheel drive include exceptional safety and well-balanced ride comfort as well as excellent driving dynamics both on and off the road.
如表 1 所示,飞机于 2011 年 1 月 20 日从俄罗斯联邦起飞,但机组人员所报 [...]
的是“ZZZZ”代码,这一代码通常表示,飞机的目的地未被列入国际民用航空组 织(国际民航组织)的机场登记册。
As indicated in table 1, the flight departed [...]
the Russian Federation on 20 January 2011, but its aircrew filed a “ZZZZ” code,
which usually indicates that an aircraft’s destination is not listed in the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) registry of airports.
法規」指公司法及開曼群島適用於或影響本公司而當時生效 的所有其他法案、命令、規例或其他具有法律效力的其他文件 (經不時修訂)、組織章程大綱及/或本文件; 「書面」或「印刷」包括書面、印刷、平版印刷、影印、打字 及所有其他以可見及非過渡形式表示文字或數字的所有其他方 式如表示形 式為電子顯示,則須可下載至用家電腦或可透過 傳統小型辦公設備打印或放置於本公司網站,在各情況下,相 關股東(如本細則相關條文規定將任何文件或通知交付或送達 致股東)選擇透過電子形式收取相關下載或通知,且送達相關 文件或通知的形式及股東的選擇均符合所有適用法律及規例以 及有關地區證券交易所的規定。
“writing” or “printing” shall include writing, printing, lithography, photography, typewriting and every other mode of representing words or figures in a legible and non-transitory form, and including where the representation takes the form of electronic display, provided that the same is available for download onto a user’s computer or for printing through conventional small office equipment or is placed on the Company’s website and, in each case, the shareholder concerned (where the relevant provision of these Articles require the delivery or service of any document or notice on him in his capacity as shareholder) has elected for the receipt of the relevant download or notice through electronic means and both the mode of service of the relevant document or notice and the shareholder’s election comply with all applicable laws and regulations and the requirements of the stock exchange of the Relevant Territory.
有些食物( 以每個單位計) 不但反式脂肪酸含量高,飽和脂肪酸含量亦 偏高,如表 3 所 載的含酥皮食物和含奶或芝士的食物。
Some foods were not only high in TFA content
per unit, but also high
[...] in SFA, for example, foods with puff pastry and foods containing dairy or cheese shown in Table 3.
如表 4 所示,根据 2007-2009 年的平均使用水平,某些提供喷射泡沫塑料绝缘材料 的承包商的使用量占预混多元醇所含的 HCFC-141b 使用量的 82.3 %的;AGM 公司的使 用份额为 16.7%,而剩余的 1%则为阿瓦尔制冷和空调公司所用。
Based on the average use from 2007 to 2009, 82.3 per cent of the HCFC-141b contained in preblended polyols is used by some contractors to provide insulation using spray foam; 16.7 per cent is used by AGM while the remaining 1 per cent is used by ARAC, as shown in Table 4.
如表八.14 所示,如 果计入四个拟议信通技术倡议所需资源 6 423 400 [...]
美元在经常预算中的份额, 2012-2013 两年期第 30 款的拟议总额为 81 543 375 美元,比 2010-2011 年批款 增长 13.1%。
As shown in table VIII.14, taking into [...]
account the regular budget share of $6,423,400 of the requirement for the four proposed
enterprise ICT initiatives, the overall proposal for section 30 for the biennium 2012-2013 would amount to $81,543,375, reflecting an increase of 13.1 per cent over the appropriation for 2010-2011.
当外部部如表壳,表玻璃 ,表盘,指 针,柄头或表带损坏时,有时可能使⽤外观不⼀样的备⽤部件。
When an exterior part such as the watch case, glass, [...]
dial, hand, crown or band is damaged, a spare part with different appearance may sometimes be used.
对需要以简单多数作出的决定如表 决 所得赞成与反对票数相等,则提案或 [...]
If a vote is equally divided on a [...]
decision requiring a simple majority, the proposal or motion shall be regarded as rejected.
如表 2 所 述,执行局不妨核准哥伦比亚和科摩罗国家方案延长两年,自 [...]
2013 年 1 月 1 日延长至 2014 年 12 月 31 日,以及纳米比亚和突尼斯国家方案第二次 延长一年,自 2013 年 1 月 1 日延长至 12 月 31 日。
The Executive Board may wish to approve the [...]
two-year extensions of the country programmes for Colombia and Comoros from
1 January 2013 to 31 December 2014, and the second one-year extensions of the country programmes for Namibia and Tunisia, from 1 January to 31 December 2013, as presented in Table 2.
如表 D 所 示,70.2%的就业人口为农民、猎人和渔民,他们 所占比例最 大,其次 是 零 售 商 和 批 发 商 (10.3%)、工厂 [...]
As shown in Table D, the richness or 70.2 per cent of employed people [...]
were farmers, hunters, fishermen followed by retailers
and wholesalers (10.3 per cent) and factory workers (8.7 per cent).
如表 7 所 示(见第三节 C),导致 125 项意见的主要根本原因是管理人员对控 制措施运作的监督不力(39%);规划不力(36%);风险发现和管理方面指导不力 (13%)。
The main underlying causes of these 125 observations were inadequate monitoring of the functioning of controls by managers (39 per cent); weak planning (36 per cent); and insufficient guidance as to how to identify and manage risks (13 per cent), as shown in table 7 (section III C).
如表 3 所示,如果理 事会通过决议草案 E/2010/L.10,2010-2011 两年期方 案预算为国际税务合作专家委员会当期经费编列的 1 187 000 美元总额将用来支 [...]
付预算第 2 款、第 9 款和第 28 D 款的部分追加经费。
Should the Council adopt draft resolution E/2010/L.10, the total existing provision [...]
of $1,187,000 for financing the current requirements
of the Committee of Experts on International Cooperation in Tax Matters in the programme budget for the biennium 2010-2011 would be utilized for absorbing the additional requirements under budget sections 2, 9 and 28D, as shown in table 3.
执行 主任鉴于妇发基金和联合国其他机构两性平等专家以往的经验,提议在此种起码
[...] 的一系列基本服务中纳入:支持主要伙伴和相关发展成 果 ( 如表 3 所汇总)。
Building on the prior experience of UNIFEM and gender equality specialists in other United Nations organizations, the Executive Director proposes that
this basic minimum package includes support for key partners and associated development
[...] results as summarized in table 3.
这些文本和研究以及在2010年2 月举行的讨论表明,文化权利涉及广泛的 问题如表达和 创作,包括各种物质和非物质形式的艺术;信息和通信;语言; 特征和属于多个不同和不断变化的社区;具有独特的世界观和追求独特的生活方 [...]
式;教育和培训;享受、促进和参加文化生活;文化习俗和获得有形和无形文化 遗产。
These texts and studies, as well as the discussions held during the
February 2010 seminar,
[...] demonstrate that cultural rights relate to a broad range of issues, such as expression and creation, [...]
including in diverse
material and non-material forms of art; information and communication; language; identity and belonging to multiple, diverse and changing communities; development of specific world visions and the pursuit of specific ways of life; education and training; access, contribution and participation in cultural life; the conduct of cultural practices and access to tangible and intangible cultural heritage.
[...] Commons,这个组件提供了一些可公用的单元类用于处理一些公共的任 如 : 表 格 排 序(sortable tables), 自动完成, 国际化(i18n) [...]
This project uses a component called XNap Commons , this component provides a number of common elements can be
used to deal with some type of
[...] public tasks such as: table sorting (sortable tables), auto- completion [...]
, internationalization (i18n) with a set framework .
如表 4 所 示,在 2010 年公布的 25 份项目内部审计报告中,大多数报告遵照 [...]
相关合作伙伴和主要利益攸关方的要求就相关项目的财务情况提出了审计意见, 并对内部控制遵守情况给予评级。
As seen in Table 4, of the 25 internal [...]
audit reports for projects issued in 2010, the majority expressed an audit opinion
on the financial situation of the project as well as provided a rating of internal control compliance, according to the requirements of the partner and primary stakeholder(s) concerned.
然而,委员会遗憾地指出,在缔约国的代表团中没有同实施《公约》有关的 主管部委的表;如果当 初纳入这些代表的话,本来可以使得对话更有建设性和 [...]
However, the Committee regrets
that the delegation of the State party did
[...] not include representation from line ministries [...]
of relevance for the implementation
of the Convention, which would have further enriched the constructive and fruitful dialogue held with the State party.
委員關注下述問題:獲推選為成員大會主席的 表如未 能 適當擔任主席的角色及履行其職,他須負上何等法律責任; 在此情況下,委任該名代表的成員又須負上何等法律責任。
Members have expressed concern about the legal liability of a proxy elected as the chairperson of a general meeting if he fails to properly [...]
perform the role and
function of the chairman, and under such situation, the liability of the member who appointed the proxy.
證券及期貨條例》第169條 訂 明,任何中介 人或其表如沒 有遵守任何適用的操守守則 的條文,並不會僅因此而 [...]
令 他在任何司 法 或其他法律程序中被起訴, 但 在為施 行《證券及期貨條例》任何條文 而考慮 中 介 人或其代表是否獲發牌 或獲註冊或
繼續持 牌 或 繼續獲 註冊 的適當人選 時,可顧 及上述事實 ,而在根據《證券及期貨條例》於任 何法庭 進行的法律程序中,該守則 或指引須獲 接納為證據;如法庭覺 得該守則 或指引 的任何條文與法律程序中的任何問題有關,則 在 裁 定 該 問題時 須 考 慮 該條文。
Section 169 of SFO stipulates that a failure by any
[...] intermediary or representative to comply with [...]
the provisions of any applicable code
of conduct shall not by itself render it or him liable to any judicial or other proceedings, but may be considered, for the purposes of any provision of SFO, whether the intermediary or the representative is a fit and proper person to be, or to remain, licensed or registered, and in any proceeding under SFO before any court the code or the guideline shall be admissible in evidence, and if any provision of the code or guideline appears to the court to be relevant to any question in the proceedings, it shall be taken into account in determining that question.
(B) 倘可換股優先股股東有權就任何決議案投票,則於與可換 股優先股股東有關的股東大會或個別股東大會上,每名親 身或透過正式授權表(如屬公 司)出席的可換股優先股 股東於舉手表決時可投一票及每名親身或透過受委代表或 代理人或正式授權表(如屬公 司)出席的可換股優先股 股東於投票表決時,可就其因於可換股優先股股東的股東 大會或個別股東大會日期48小時前行使換股權而將應獲發 行的每股兌換股份投一票。
(B) If the CP Shareholders are entitled to vote on any resolution, then at the relevant general meeting or separate general meeting of the CP Shareholders, on a show of hands every CP Shareholder who is present in person or (being a corporation) by a duly authorized representative shall have one vote and on a poll every CP Shareholder who is present in person or by proxy or attorney or (being a corporation) by a duly authorized representative shall have one vote for each Conversion Share which would have been issued to him/it had he/it exercised the Conversion Right 48 hours preceding the date of such general meeting or separate general meeting of the CP Shareholders.
(C) 於有關期間(但並非其他期間)内任何時間,如決議案 在正式發出不少於二十一(21)日通告的股東大會上
[...] 力的情況下)有意將決議案以特別決議案方式提呈), 由不少於有權投票的股東親身或由受委 表 ( 如 股 東為 法團,由彼等各自的正式授權代表)以四分之三的絕大 [...]
(C) At all times during the Relevant Period (but not otherwise) a resolution shall be a Special Resolution when it has been passed by a majority of not less than three-fourths of the votes cast by such shareholders as, being entitled so to do, vote in person or by proxy or, in the cases of shareholders which
are corporations, by their respective
[...] duly authorised representatives at a general [...]
meeting of which not less than twenty-one
(21) days’ notice, specifying (without prejudice to the power contained in these presents to amend the same) the intention to propose the resolution as a special resolution, has been duly given.
教科文组织驻机构间协调机制的表,如驻联 合国系统各组织行政首长协调委员会[(CEB), 即前行政协调委员会(ACC)],以及 [...]
它的计划和管理高级委员会、联合国发展问题组和他的下属机制等的代表,都将跟踪这项工 作的进展,以确保秘书长报告中的最终建议方案充分考虑教科文组织的作用和职能。
UNESCO representatives in inter-agency machinery like the United [...]
Nations Chief Executives Board for Coordination (CEB –
former ACC) and its high-level committees on programme and management, in the United Nations Development Group and its subsidiary machinery, are following developments to ensure that its role and competence are taken into account in the eventual proposals to be included in the Secretary-General’s reports.
而閣下請注意來函或交回之表格,必須由獲授權之公司 表 ( 如 為 有 限公司,即董事會議決案內所有獲授權之公司 代表)簽署並蓋上公司印,以便便生即時辦理。
Please be reminded that the written notice or the Form returned must bear the company's authorised signatory(ies) (all authorised signatory(ies) as specified in the Board Resolution for limited company) with company chop and we shall process immediately.
广而言之,许多代表呼吁进一步加强跨部门机制,尤其是两个科学部门与教育 部门之间的跨部门合作,从而增强应该相互支持的(一位 表如 是 说 )科学与教育之间的关系。
More generally, a significant strengthening of intersectorality was called for by many delegates, especially between the two sciences programmes and the Education Sector in order to strengthen the links between science and education that should be mutually supportive, as observed by one delegate.




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