

单词 如草



green grass like cushion (idiom); green meadow so inviting sleep on


green grass like cushion (idiom); green meadow so inviting sleep on

See also:

draft (of a document)


as conj
as if conj

External sources (not reviewed)

食物搭配:一個優秀的配搭和新鮮的糕點和水果 如草 莓 和桃子,和甜點。
Food pairing : An excellent companion to fresh
[...] pastries & fruit such as strawberries & peaches, and [...]
如草坪护 理,因此我们开始从减少总耗水量入手,开始下一步工作。
In 2012, we began looking at the next step for us—reducing [...]
our total water consumption—given the opportunities for efficiency
improvements of water used outside of manufacturing, such as for our lawn care.
為釋 除 市場人士的憂 慮 , 即 違 反 某 些規則 的 罪 行會引致 嚴 格 的法律責任,政府當局亦已 提出一些修訂,使 就《證券及期貨條 例草案》第 VI及 VII部訂立的大 部分規則 而 言 ,有關行為或不作為只 有 在 違 反 這些規則,且 並 無 合 理 辯 解或具 詐騙意 圖 的 情況下,才屬犯罪(例 如 草案第 142(14)及 145(4)條 )。
To address market concern that offences of certain rules will create strict liability, the Administration has also proposed changes to the effect that for most of the rules made under Parts VI and VII of the SFB, an offence will only be committed for breaches of these rules if the relevant act or omission is done without reasonable excuse or with intent to defraud (e.g. clauses 142(14) and 145(4)).
由於近年 越來越多巿民有意創業,於是 SUCCESS 自 2005 年 9
[...] 月起強化其服務範疇, 提點創業人士在開業時須注意及關注的事項, 如草 擬 創 業計劃、市場分 析、融資、成本/支出預算、租務及人力資源等,為創業人士提供更全面的 [...]
As more and more people want to start their own business in recent years, SUCCESS has started to enhance its services since September 2005, for the purposes of giving guidance on those issues which
potential business start-ups must pay
[...] attention to, such as the drafting of business start-up [...]
plans, market analysis, financing,
costs/expenditure estimates, tenancy matters and manpower resources, and providing them with comprehensive information.
由于同一物种可能在不同生产系统作为喂养的鱼或不喂养的 鱼,难以获得几种水产养殖物种的准确产量数据和使用的饲料信
[...] 息,特别是一些杂食性物种(例如鲤鱼和印度的主要鲤科鱼)以及 草食性物种(如草鱼)
As the same species of fish may be cultured as fed fish or non-fed fish in different production systems, it is difficult to obtain precise production data and information on the use of feed for several aquaculture species,
especially some omnivorous species (e.g. common carp, and Indian major carps) and
[...] herbivorous species (e.g. grass carp).
( 《巴黎原则》) ,为建立一个称职
[...] 的、独立的和可靠的国家人权委员会提供强有力的法律根据。 如 , 草 案 没 有明 确规定建立一个“独立的和自治的”机构,也没有规定该委员会享有足够的行动 [...]
For instance, the draft does not expressly [...]
establish an “independent and autonomous” institution and does not provide sufficient
operational independence for the Commission, including the ability to directly recruit and appoint its own staff.
目前农药出口业务发展迅速,拥有南美洲、欧洲、非洲及东南亚等地区的农药客户30多家,与国内50多家知名农药工厂建立长期合作关系,拥有稳定的货源基地,主要出口品种为 草 剂, 如草 甘 瞵 ,百草枯,2-4D,敌草隆,莠去津, 莠灭净等原药及其制剂;杀虫剂,如吡虫啉、毒死蜱、二嗪磷、乙酰甲胺磷、乐果、三唑磷、高效氯氟氰菊酯等原药及其制剂;杀菌剂,如多菌灵、戊唑醇、丙环唑等原药及其制剂;植物生长调节剂,如乙烯利等。
At present the export of pesticide developing rapidly,with South America,Europe,Africa and southeast Asia and other regions of pesticide customer more than 30,and domestic more than 50 well-known pesticide factory to establish long-term cooperation relations,has a stable source of supply
base,the main export
[...] varieties of herbicides,such as grass Lin gump,paraquat,2-4 D,marmer and atrazine,destroyed a lot of technical [...]
and its preparation such as net,pesticides,such as
imidacloprid,chlorpyrifos,diazinon,acephate,dimethoate and triazophos,efficient chlorine fluorine cyanide chrysanthemum ester and its technical preparations,Fungicide,such as carbendazim,amyl azole alcohol,cring azole,such as its preparation,plant growth regulator,such as ethephon,etc.We are very value to the customer choice,for customer systems analysis and investigation,claims and customers to share,tailor made for the customer win-win cooperation mode.
[...] 是受技术变革的驱动,以纵向横向结合为目标,通过对控制分配渠道进行更好的控制,包 括辅助性农业投入(如除草剂) ,使用于研究的投资金额实现最大价值。
The consolidation appears to be driven by technological change, with an objective of vertical and horizontal integration so that the appropriability of investment in research can be maximized
through better control of distribution channels, including those of complementary
[...] agricultural inputs (such as herbicides).
委员会正在等待经济及社会理事会作出决定 如 本 决 定 草 案 所 重申的,请 理事会作为紧急事项审议委员会的请求。
The Committee is awaiting a decision
by the Economic and Social Council and,
[...] as per the present draft decision reiterates [...]
that its request be considered by the
Council as a matter of urgency.
因此,请提出决议草案的会员国明确指出其决议草案所涉及的预算的数额,而且都要 说明如决议草案获 大会通过,建议其资金从哪里出:是减少或取消 32 C/5 中所安排的某 项活动,以腾出必要的资金,还是寻求预算外资金。
Member States proposing draft resolutions are invited to indicate clearly the amount of their budgetary implications and, in all cases, the source of funding envisaged should they be adopted by the General Conference, namely, the activity shown in document 32 C/5 that would be curtailed or abolished for the purpose of releasing appropriate funds, or an attempt to find extrabudgetary resources.
绿草如茵、 一望无际的希拉穆仁草原位于呼和浩特以北90公里。
The imposingly lush
[...] Xilamuren Grassland is situated [...]
90 kilometres north of Hohhot.
经社会似可考虑采用一种分阶段的循序渐进办法,首先在试行 基础上与常驻代表咨委会和/或其各工作组 ( 诸 如 决 议 草 案 非正式工 作组等)共同举办省纸型会议,继而逐步做到完全不使用纸页文件。
The Commission could consider piloting paper-lean meetings with the Advisory
Committee and/or its working
[...] groups (such as the Informal Working Group on Draft Resolutions) through [...]
a phased approach in
order to attain the goal of eliminating the use of hard copies.
在谈及向常驻代表咨委会提交的一份关于向节 纸型经社会届会过渡的报告时,c
[...] 委会应试用该报告中所提出的一些建议,其中包括以省纸方式举办 常驻代表咨委会和(或)其工作组(如决 议 草 案 非正式工作组等)的会 议,并为此采用一种分阶段的渐进做法,最终达到取消使用纸页文 [...]
Referring to a report submitted to the Advisory Committee on moving towards paper-lean Commission sessions,c the informal working group agreed to recommend that the Advisory Committee should pilot some of the recommendations contained in that report, including conducting paper-lean meetings of the Advisory Committee and/or
its working groups (such as the
[...] Informal Working Group on Draft Resolutions) through [...]
a phased approach in order to attain
the goal of eliminating the use of hard copies and immediately discontinuing the delivery of hard copies of documents, which were already emailed to all members and associate members and posted simultaneously on the Advisory Committee’s web page, where they could be downloaded by delegations.
作为对伊朗的意见的 回复,他指出采用的是惯常采用的方法, 如 报告 草案已 经提交给伊朗政府以征求它的意见,并且其 提出的看法也得到了适当的考虑。
In response to the comments of the representative of Iran, he said that the
usual practice had
[...] been followed in the case of that report; in other words, the draft report had been [...]
forwarded to the Iranian
Government for comments and the latter’s opinions had been duly taken into consideration.
对经济损失加以规定,可能不必要限制条 草 案 范 围, 如 使 条 款 草 案 无 法 处理某些活动,这些活动的目的是减轻现有的环境破坏可能给未来的人类造成的 [...]
A requirement of economic loss might unnecessarily limit
[...] the scope of the draft articles, by, for example, precluding them [...]
from also dealing with activities
designed to mitigate potential future human loss arising from existing environmental damage.
协助提出请求的非洲国家草如何将国际刑事法院的《罗马规约》适 用于国内立法; ㈢ [...]
(ii) The Institute assisted requesting African States
[...] in legislative drafting to apply the Rome [...]
Statute of the International Criminal Court domestically
司法和法律事务司继续:(a) 向审判分庭和上诉分庭提供直接司法协助如 法律研究、草文件 和提供其他司法支助、编制司法日历、维护和安排审判室以 及司法程序记录、记录誊本、动议、命令、裁决、判决和宣判的备案、保存和登 [...]
记;(b) 履行与法庭有关的其他职能,包括提供和维护拘留设施、编制和维持辩 护律师名单、建立和维持向辩护律师提供报酬的系统、口译和笔译服务、协助控
The Judicial and Legal Services Division continues to provide:
(a) direct judicial
[...] assistance to the Trial Chambers and the Appeals Chamber, such as, legal research, drafting and other judicial [...]
support; the preparation
of the judicial calendar; the maintenance and scheduling of courtrooms; and the recording, maintenance and registration of records of judicial proceedings, transcripts, motions, orders, decisions, judgements and sentences; and (b) other court-related functions, including the provision and maintenance of the detention facilities; the development and maintenance of a list of defence counsel; the establishment and maintenance of a system to remunerate defence counsel; interpretation and translation services; assistance to prosecution and defence witnesses testifying before the Tribunal; and legal library services.
食用建議:炒香大蒜,直到金黃色,再加入橄欖油,意大利Fattorie Umbre蕃茄蘑菇意粉醬,鹽和一些新鮮的 草如 九 層 塔(羅勒)。
Serving suggestion : Fry garlic till golden, then add the Fattorie Umbre Tomato and Mushroom Sauce,
[...] salt and some fresh herbs such as basil.
国际社会必须继续 坚决要求以色列完全停止非法活动, 如 其 在决 议草 案中所明确要求的,占领国以色列应尊重其占领下的 [...]
巴勒斯坦人民和被占领叙利亚戈兰的叙利亚人民的 权利,以色列应全面遵守国际法,包括《日内瓦第四 公约》和人权公约为它规定的义务。
The international community must continue to firmly demand the complete cessation of the illegal
Israeli campaign and to demand
[...] unequivocally, as it had in the draft resolutions, that Israel, [...]
the occupying Power, should respect
the rights of the Palestinian people under its occupation and of the Syrian people in the occupied Syrian Golan and that it should abide fully by its obligations under international law, including under the Fourth Geneva Convention and the human rights covenants.
需要注意保证草工作 具有最高的 水准,确保在各国政府和专家之间进行充分的磋商,以便为获得广泛的批准创造最佳的条 件。
Care needed to be taken to ensure the highest
[...] standards in the drafting process and full [...]
governmental and professional consultations
with a view to creating the best possible conditions for broad-based ratification.
如果假设起草者的 意图是宣布义务兵役制违反“依良心拒服兵役的权 利”,那么人们可以合理地挑战为什么另一条款规定,可承认某些国家作为强迫 或强制劳动的例外情况认可这种“违反”。
If it is to be assumed that the intention of the drafters was to declare [...]
compulsory military service a violation of the
―right to conscientious objection,‖ then one would legitimately challenge the rationale behind providing in another article for recognition of this ―violation‖ in some States as an exception to forced or compulsory labour.
(b)分段提出了类似于就建议草案 4(d)而表示的关切,尽管承认与(b)
[...] 分段内容大致类似的一则规定可能会抑制给破产财产造成损失,但会议商定, 需要对行文措辞再作考虑,并且需要进一步考 如 何 澄 清建 草 案 与 《立法指 南》有关撤消规定的章节之间的关系。
Subparagraph (b) raised concerns similar to those expressed with respect to draft recommendation 4 (d) and while it was acknowledged that a provision along the lines of subparagraph (b) might provide a disincentive for causing loss to the insolvency estate, it was agreed further
consideration needed to be
[...] given to the drafting and to clarifying the relationship of the draft recommendation [...]
to the section of
the Legislative Guide on avoidance provisions.
草案第11條建議加入第67(2A)及 67(2B)條,以訂如選舉 呈請關乎某人的姓名列入遞補順位名單,或關乎某人的 姓名沒有列入遞補順位名單,則在該呈請的審訊完結時,原訟 法庭須裁定該人的姓名須否列入該名單;以及如選舉呈請關乎 某人在遞補順位名單上的排名名次,則在該呈請的審訊完結 時,原訟法庭須裁定該人在該名單上的排名名次是否正確,如 非正確,則須裁定該人的正確排名名次為何。
Clause 11 of the Bill proposes to add sections 67(2A) and 67(2B) to the effect that at the end of the trial of an election petition that relates to the inclusion of the name of a person in, or the exclusion of the name of a person from a precedence list, CFI must determine whether the name is to be included in the list, and at the end of the trial of an election petition that relates to the ranking of a person on a precedence list, CFI must determine whether the ranking of the person on the list is correct and, if not correct, what is the correct ranking.
[...] 议,教科文组织应通过其多国办事处,更积极地参与国家一级的文件 草 , 如 加 勒 比环境保 护协会、联合国发展援助框架、减贫战略文件,以促进实现千年发展目标。
As regards UNESCO cooperation at the country level with other organizations and programmes of the United Nations system, some participants suggested that UNESCO through cluster offices should become more
actively involved in the preparation of
[...] country-level documents such as CCA, UNDAF and [...]
PRSPs with a view to facilitating the attainment
of the Millennium Development Goals.
一些代表团虽然支持在步骤 5 通过这些标准,但认为应停止制订可接受货物草案 和拟议清草案,理由如下: 当前禁止货物标准和现有清单足以满足食典委的双重任务, 没有机制允许根据危险性分析原则维持和更新这些清单;该委员会应着重认真审议这些 [...]
Some delegations, while supporting the adoption of the criteria at Step 5, expressed the
view that the
[...] development of the Draft and Proposed Draft Lists of Acceptable Cargoes should be discontinued for the following [...]
reasons: the criteria
and the current Lists of Banned Immediate Cargoes were adequate to meet the dual mandate of Codex, there were no mechanisms allowing to maintain and update such lists on the basis of risk analysis principles; and the Committee should focus on careful consideration of the criteria.
瑞士法草案规定,如果没有公 司能够达到这些标准且保卫任务无法通过其他方式完成时,可以不必遵守这些规 则,但是这种情况下与安保公司的合同最多只能签定六个月。
The Swiss draft law grants an exception to these standards if no company [...]
satisfying them is available and the protection
task cannot be completed otherwise, but stipulates a maximum duration of six months for such contracts.
下列国家加入到该决草案的 提案国行列:阿 尔巴尼亚、安道尔、奥地利、孟加拉国、比利时、 [...]
巴西、保加利亚、中非共和国、乍得、科摩罗、塞 浦路斯、法国、德国、格林纳达、几内亚比绍、匈 牙利、爱尔兰、意大利、牙买加、日本、约旦、黑 山、瑙鲁、挪威、巴布亚新几内亚、葡萄牙、摩尔
多瓦共和国、罗马尼亚、圣卢西亚、圣基茨和尼维 斯、萨摩亚、圣马力诺、斯洛文尼亚、所罗门群岛、 索马里、西班牙、塔吉克斯坦、泰国、特立尼达和 多巴哥、土库曼斯坦和图瓦卢。
The following had joined the
[...] sponsors of the draft resolution: Albania, [...]
Andorra, Austria, Bangladesh, Belgium, Brazil, Bulgaria,
the Central African Republic, Chad, the Comoros, Cyprus, France, Germany, Grenada, Guinea-Bissau, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Jamaica, Japan, Jordan, Montenegro, Nauru, Norway, Papua New Guinea, Portugal, the Republic of Moldova, Romania, Saint Lucia, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Samoa, San Marino, Slovenia, Solomon Islands, Somalia, Spain, Tajikistan, Thailand, Trinidad and Tobago, Turkmenistan and Tuvalu.
鑒 於 第 I期工程的承 建 商 問題,事務委員會若 干
[...] 委員促請政府 當局改善標 書/合 約 文件草 擬 方 式 ,並對污水排放計劃以後各 期工 [...]
程 採用更有 效 的工程管 理 制 度,使 公 眾 利 益 可獲較 佳 保 障 。
In view of the problems with the contractors in Stage I,
some Panel members urged the
[...] Administration to improve the drafting of its tender/contract [...]
documents and to adopt a more effective
project management system for subsequent stages of SSDS in order to better safeguard the public interests.
最后,由秘书长和总部外办事处主任组成的一个非正式小组 草 了 关 于全 国委员会与总部外办事处关系的指 草 本 , 将在这一轮全国委员会磋商会议结束时最后定 稿。
Lastly, a draft guide of relations between National Commissions and field offices has been elaborated by an informal group of secretaries-general and directors of field offices and will be finalized at the end of the present cycle of National Commission consultations.
關於對藝團的資助,委員普遍認為,政府當局必須(a) 確保撥款資源在演藝團體之間得到合理而公平的分配;(b)檢討當 局資助主要演藝團體的現行模式,以免窒礙沒有接受資助的商業 藝團的發展;(c)提供更多資助以支援中小型藝團及新進藝術家;
(d)探討有何方法可盡量減少在營辦藝術活動方面的員工和行政開 支,以便把節省下來的款項重新撥作藝術發展用途;(e)研究現行
[...] 撥款政策在達致各項政策目標方面的成效, 如 鼓 勵 藝術與文化 作多元均衡發展的政策目標;及(f)考慮增加文化藝術方面的整體 [...]
Regarding funding support for the arts groups, members in generally considered that the Administration should (a) ensure a reasonable and fair distribution of funding resources amongst arts groups; (b) review the existing mode of subsidy for the major performing arts groups to avoid stifling the development of non-subvented commercial arts groups; (c) provide more funding for the support of small and medium sized arts groups and budding artists; (d) explore means to minimize staffing and administrative expenses in the operation of arts programmes so that the savings could be re-allocated to the use of arts development; (e) examine the effectiveness of the
current funding policy in achieving the
[...] policy goals, such as encouraging diversified [...]
and balanced development of arts and
culture; and (f) consider increasing its overall allocation of funding for culture and the arts, given the imminent need to achieve the vision of the West Kowloon Culture District project.




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