单词 | 如愿以偿 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 如愿以偿 —have one's wish fulfilledSee also:如愿—have one's wishes fulfilled
若您想获得高品质的教育和体验美好的生活方式,澳大利亚定会让 您 如愿以偿。 studyinaustralia.gov.au | So if you want a quality education and a good lifestyle, Australia’s the place to be. studyinaustralia.gov.au |
但真正加入的旅程可不算短,先是做IT咨询、管理咨询,然后是读MBA,最终 才 如愿以偿 加 入 了商务技术咨询部门。 mckinseychina.com | It took me a long journey, IT consulting, management consulting, and then MBA, before I finally joined BTO. mckinseychina.com |
Alex在讲座结束之前提醒同学们无论事情如何,我们总有选择,只要我们肯接受从中要肩负起的责任,最终一定可 以 如愿以偿。 systematic.edu.my | Alex ended the session by reminding the students [...] that no matter how things may seem, [...]we always have a choice. systematic.edu.my |
如果您对历史景区更 感兴趣,也能如愿以偿:拉多夫采尔拥有风景绮丽的老城 区,康斯坦茨大学城及其狭窄的小巷与惬意的购物体验触手 可及,在梅尔斯堡可以亲历神奇的中世纪生活,攀登霍恩特 菲尔火山上的骑士城堡也是不错的选择。 carl-duisberg-d...tsugo-kouza.com | Those who love historical locations, will definitely get their money’s worth: Radolfzell has a wonderful historic district, the university town of Constance with its narrow alley ways and excellent shopping facilities is within easy reach, and you can marvel at the life in the Middle Ages in Meersburg, or climb up the knights‘ castle on the Hohentwiel. carl-duisberg-d...tsugo-kouza.com |
虽然东帝汶 [...] 政府表示致力于确保东帝汶国防军新兵的地域平衡,但东部地区的申请人似乎更 会如愿以偿,特别是在官员一级。 daccess-ods.un.org | While the Government has expressed its commitment to ensuring balanced geographical representation within the pool of new [...] F-FDTL recruits, applicants from the eastern regions appear to [...] have been more successful, especially at [...]officer levels. daccess-ods.un.org |
这一工作如愿以偿,其 证明是,对本组织关于促进建设知识社会的四 项重要原则,即:言论自由、普遍获取信息和知识,特别是获取公有领域的信息和知识、文 化和语言多样性、以及享受优质教育机会的原则给予了支持,并将它们列入了信息社会问题 世界首脑会议的最后文件。 unesdoc.unesco.org | That this was largely achieved is attested by the support for and the inclusion in the final WSIS documents of the Organization’s four key principles for building knowledge societies, namely: freedom of expression; universal access to information and knowledge, especially in the public domain; cultural and linguistic diversity; and access to quality education. unesdoc.unesco.org |
毕业后,Rüdiger如愿以偿进入 位于开姆尼斯的福伊特工作。 voith.com | After his graduation, Rüdiger started at Voith in Chemnitz. voith.com |
考虑到定居点在整个西岸的地理分布情况,如果计划的合法化 真的如愿以偿,则 必不可能建立有生存能力和独立的巴勒斯坦国,这是毫无疑问 的。 daccess-ods.un.org | Given the geographic dispersion of the settlements throughout the West Bank, [...] if the purported legalization takes [...] place as expected, it would make clear beyond [...]any reasonable doubt that a viable and [...]independent Palestinian State will not be established. daccess-ods.un.org |
举行这次研讨会是为了提出一些能够促进 21 世纪非洲发展的新的方针、方法和战略, 以便帮助该大陆摆脱其令人忧虑的处境,从而使其能够,尤其是利用促进非洲发展新合作契 约(NEPAD)确定的框架,能够 如愿以偿 地 占 有一席之地和发挥作用。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The aim was to define new lines of emphasis, methods and strategies to promote the development of Africa in the twenty-first century in order to help the continent to pull out of the worrying situation in which it finds itself and thus enable it to [...] hold a position and play a [...] role that are consistent with its ambitions, particularly within the framework established by NEPAD (The New Partnership for Africa’s [...]Development). unesdoc.unesco.org |
Valery的目标是通过不断拓展英国伦敦商业金融学院的全球分布,使追求高端教育和职业发展的人士能 够 如愿以偿 , 现 今学院已在伦敦、曼彻斯特、伯明翰、布拉格、新加坡、日内瓦、香港、莫斯科和多伦多等地设立网点。 cn.lsbf.edu.sg | Valery's aim is to make top quality education and professional development accessible to those who aspire for it, by continuously increasing London School of Business & Finance's global presence, which now include locations in London, Manchester, Birmingham, Prague, Singapore, Geneva, Hong Kong, Moscow and Toronto. lsbf.edu.sg |
我期待有一天能够站在这一讲台上,报告我们已 经解决了该问题,并且找到了相互接受的妥协办法, 而非一方如愿以偿地得 到了一切而另一方却一无所 获的强加结果。 daccess-ods.un.org | I look forward to the day when I can stand at this rostrum and report that we have resolved that issue and that we have found a mutually acceptable [...] compromise, not an [...] imposed outcome where one side gets everything that it has ever wanted and the other [...]side gets nothing. daccess-ods.un.org |
Graphics Mill 是专为.NET平台而开发的一个图像处理控件,它是您从事图像领域应用开发必不可少的利器——无论是创建相片发布网站,还是在应用程序中提供打印预览、利用脚本生成Web图形,亦或是进行其它的图像应用程序开发,Graphics Mill 控件都将帮助您如愿以偿。 evget.com | No matter whether you are creating a photo hosting website, an application which applies preprint preparation to images, a script which generates web graphics, or any other imaging application, Graphics Mill will help you do it. evget.com |
目的是采用前瞻性和创新措施,提出 可以在 21 世纪促进非洲发展的各种方法和战略,以便帮助该大陆摆脱非洲国家自独立以来 所处的令人忧虑的处境,从而使其能 够 如愿以偿 地 占 有一席之地和发挥作用。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Its purpose was to bring a forward-looking, innovative approach to defining new approaches, methods and strategies for fostering development in Africa in the twenty-first century and so help the continent remedy the disquieting situation that has prevailed since the African States’ accession to independence, and thereby to enable it to assume its proper place and play a role consistent with its ambitions. unesdoc.unesco.org |
随着MECHATROLINK在中国认知度逐渐提高,开发本地化以及开发产品的支持的活动也逐渐增多,因此各厂商对在中国开设产品认证机构期待已久,这次终 于 如愿以偿。 mechatrolink.org | Many MECHATROLINK-compliant products have been and continue to be developed in China, and the establishment of a local certification site was needed in order to facilitate the certification process. mechatrolink.org |
双方还商定,如果三分之一/三 分之二的分摊比例是偿还人 事费的公平假设,则将其应用 于 以 前 未 分摊的 费用:一般临时人员、计算机、办公场地和审计费用。 daccess-ods.un.org | It was also agreed that, if the one-third/two-thirds formula was a fair assumption for the reimbursement of staffing costs, it should [...] also be used for costs [...]that had previously not been shared: general temporary assistance, computer, office space and audit costs. daccess-ods.un.org |
小组委员会委员的专长和愿意无偿工 作 、 以 及 自筹经费,是目前委员会拥有的最 宝贵的资源之一。 daccess-ods.un.org | The expertise and willingness of members of the subcommittees [...] to work pro bono and to arrange their own funding are one [...]of the most valuable resources currently available to the Committee. daccess-ods.un.org |
它很受鼓舞的是,智利愿意保障所有儿童,尤其是弱势群体儿童, 例 如 难民 儿童、农村地区家庭的儿童或贫困线 以 下 家 庭的儿童接受教育。 daccess-ods.un.org | It was encouraged by Chile’s readiness to guarantee access to education for all children, especially those from marginalized communities, such as refugee children and children whose families live in rural areas [...] or below the poverty line. daccess-ods.un.org |
阿联酋代表团要求国际社会,作为紧急事项, 采取 A/64/339 号文件所载报告的结论和建议中指示 的一切措施,包括如果以色列未能完全遵守所有联 合国决议,即对以色列实施制裁;要求以色列允许 特别委员会成员进入被占领土,以履行其使命;并 要求以色列政府对其给巴勒斯坦人民和被占领的叙 利亚戈兰人民造成的损失给予适当补 偿。 daccess-ods.un.org | His delegation requested the international community, as a [...] matter of [...] urgency: to take all the measures indicated in the conclusions and recommendations of the report contained in document A/64/339, including the imposition of sanctions on Israel if it failed to comply fully with all United Nations resolutions; to request Israel to allow the members of the Special Committee to enter [...]the occupied [...]territories in order to fulfil its mandate; and to require the Israeli Government to pay appropriate compensation for the damage it had inflicted on the Palestinians and the population of the occupied Syrian Golan. daccess-ods.un.org |
如 果无力偿还的 债务人没有足够的资金负担法 院的诉讼费用,那么法院也可以驳回 破产申 请。 paiz.gov.pl | The court will also dismiss a bankruptcy petition in which the assets of the insolvent debtor are not sufficient to cover the costs of the court proceedings. paiz.gov.pl |
由(综合支助事务处)特遣队所属装备和财产管理科转至(行政事务处)总 务科的 3 个股的组成如下:验收股(1 个 P-4(通过调任——见下文第 123 段)、20 个外勤人员员额、20 个本国一般事务人员员额和 6 个国际联合国志愿人员员额); 索偿和财 产调查委员会股(1 个 P-4 员额、1 个 P-2 员额、2 个外勤人员员额、1 个本国一般事务人员员额和 1 个国际联合国志愿人员员额);资产处置股(1 个 P-3 员额、8 个外勤人员员额和 9 个本国一般事务人员员额)。 daccess-ods.un.org | The three units to be transferred from the Contingent-owned Equipment and Property Management Section (Integrated Support Services) to the General Services Section [...] (Administrative Services) [...] are composed as follows: Receiving and Inspection Unit (1 P-4 (through reassignment — see para. 123 below), 20 Field Service posts, 20 national General Service staff posts and 6 International United Nations Volunteer posts); Claims [...]and Property Survey Board [...]Unit (1 P-4 post, 1 P-2 post, 2 Field Service posts, 1 national General Service staff post and 1 International United Nations Volunteer post); Property Disposal Unit (1 P-3 post, 8 Field Service posts and 9 national General Service staff posts). daccess-ods.un.org |
尽管国际社会谴责这种违法行径, 但以色列仍然不顾人道主义和道德标准,并连续数 十年无视诸如大会第 2443(XXIII)号决议等相关的 决议,始终拒绝允许大会第四委员会访问阿拉伯被 占领土,并没有表现出与国际社会合作的 意 愿 ,以 在该地区实现公正和全面的和平。 daccess-ods.un.org | Despite the international community’s condemnation of such abusive [...] practices, Israel remained [...] heedless of humanitarian and moral standards and had persisted for decades in disregarding resolutions such as General Assembly resolution 2443 (XXIII), had consistently refused to allow the Fourth Committee of [...]the General Assembly [...]to visit the occupied Arab territories and had shown no desire to cooperate with the international community to establish a just and comprehensive peace in the region. daccess-ods.un.org |
安保服务所需资源增加是因为通过 [...] 与一家当地公司签订外包合同,为在亚的斯亚贝的达尔富尔混合行动办事处提供安 保服务,苏丹政府为 202 名建制安保人员提供维持支助,每人每日的费用为 8 美元; 以及为 40%(较低延迟部署)的军事观察员、参谋和联络干事、联合国警察和国际联 合国志愿人员偿还住 宅保安费用,国际联合国志愿人员由当地经济部门提供食宿。 daccess-ods.un.org | The increase in security services is attributable to the provision of security services at the UNAMID office in Addis Ababa through an outsourced contract with a local company, sustainment support for 202 armed security personnel provided by the Government of the Sudan at $8 per person per day, and the reimbursement of residential security guard costs for 40 per cent [...] (less delayed deployment) of military [...] observers, staff and liaison officers, United Nations police and International United Nations Volunteers, which will be accommodated with the local economy. daccess-ods.un.org |
根据《公约》第二条第 3 款,缔约国有义务向提交人提供有效补救办法,主 要包括(a) 对 Kamel Djebrouni 的失踪进行深入、认真的调查;(b) 为提交人提供 关于调查结果的详细信息;(c) [...] 如果还被单独监禁的话应立即将其释放;(d) 如 果 Kamel [...] Djebrouni 已死亡,将其遗体归还家人;(e) 对此种违法行为负有责任者 提出刑事起诉、审判和处罚;以及(f ) 对提交人所蒙受的侵权行为进行适当的赔 偿,如 Kamel Djebrouni 在世,也需要对其进行适当赔偿。 daccess-ods.un.org | In accordance with article 2, paragraph 3, of the Covenant, the State party is under an obligation to provide the author with an effective remedy, including by (a) conducting a thorough and effective investigation into the disappearance of Kamel Djebrouni; (b) providing the author with detailed information about the results of the investigation; (c) freeing him immediately if he is still being detained incommunicado; (d) if he is dead, handing over his remains to his family; (e) prosecuting, trying and punishing those responsible for the [...] violations committed; and (f) [...] providing adequate compensation for the author for the violations suffered and for Kamel Djebrouni if he is alive. daccess-ods.un.org |
尽管如此,赔偿委员 会似乎是一个例外,因为在这种情况下,安理会所有成员能够 达成协议,并且可能更重要的是,一个确保有资金支付赔偿的机制因联合国有能力 控制伊拉克的石油出口而得以设立。 daccess-ods.un.org | Nonetheless, UNCC seems to be an exceptional example where all members of the Council could reach agreement, and, possibly even more importantly, a mechanism for ensuring funds for the payment of the compensation was established as a result of the ability of the United [...] [...] Nations to control Iraq’s oil exports. daccess-ods.un.org |
统法协会证券公约》有关优先权的规则可摘要如下:(a)成为中间人代持 证券的账户持有人的有担保债权人排序先于任何相竞 求 偿 人 ( 见第 11 条和第 19 条第 2 款);(b)以控制权方式使担保权取得对抗第三方效力的有担保债权人优先 于以公约以外的法律规定的任何其他办法取得对抗第三方效力的担保权(例 如,以登记 方式;见第 12 条和第 19 条第 2 款);(c)如两人取得相同中间人代持 证券的控制权,则取得控制权时间在先者优先(第 19 条第 3 款);(d)如一证券 中间人持有其所管理的证券账户的担保权,随后允许另一有担保债权人取得该 账户的控制权,则该另一债权人排序在先(第 [...] 19 条第 4 款)。 daccess-ods.un.org | The rules of the Unidroit Securities Convention on priority may be summarized as follows: (a) a secured creditor who becomes the account holder in respect of intermediated securities ranks ahead of any competing claimant (see articles 11 and 19, para. 2); (b) a secured creditor whose security right has been made effective against third parties by control has [...] priority over any [...] security right made effective against third parties by any other method provided by non-Convention law (for example, by registration; see articles 12 and 19, para. 2); (c) if two persons obtain control of the same intermediated securities, the first in time to obtain control will [...]prevail (article [...]19, para. 3); (d) if a securities intermediary who holds a security right in a securities account maintained by it subsequently permits another secured creditor to obtain control of the account, the other creditor will rank first (article 19, para. 4). daccess-ods.un.org |
本组织凭借 60 多名前法律顾问、美国国务院及其他国家外交部的外交事务 官员以及大型国际律师事务所的无偿 援 助 提供 志 愿 服 务。 daccess-ods.un.org | It draws on the volunteer services of over 60 former legal advisers, foreign service officers from the United States Department of State and other foreign ministries, and pro bono assistance from major international law firms. daccess-ods.un.org |
应当指出,这位大使在其任内开展的全都是 自 愿 无 偿 的 行动,通过这些行动,儿童俱 乐部和代表联谊会的设施和运作得到改善 , 以 及 由于她利用庆祝教科文组织成立五十周年, 倡导开展的筹资运动从会员国和个人募集捐款(673,100 美元),专门对会议大厅进行了全面 翻新。 unesdoc.unesco.org | It should be recalled that the [...] efforts made by the Ambassador during her term, all of which had been voluntary, led to improvements in operations and equipment at the Children’s [...]Club and the Delegates’ [...]Circle and to the complete renovation of the Conference Hall financed exclusively by contributions from Member States and individuals ($673,100) collected during a fund-raising campaign she had launched and carried out on the occasion of the fiftieth anniversary of UNESCO. unesdoc.unesco.org |
在东帝汶简短的历史中,我 们现在比以往任何时候都更能如愿, 允 许我们采用并 实践一种适应各种不同历史、语言、地理、政治和文 [...] 化的改革,而恰恰是这些组成了统一的东帝汶。 daccess-ods.un.org | In Timor-Leste, now more than at any other time in our brief [...] history of nationhood, we [...] enjoy a genuine will that has allowed us to adopt and put into action [...]a reformist agenda tailored [...]to the diverse historical, linguistic, geographic, political and cultural landscapes that make up the united Timor-Leste. daccess-ods.un.org |