

单词 如实

如实 ()

as things really are

External sources (not reviewed)

当我们讨论如实用新 型等二级保护的重要性时会再回到这个问题上。
We return to this issue when we consider the importance of second tiers
[...] of protection such as utility models.
另外,您可能还需要考虑郊游费、书本费和文具费。有些课程可能会要求交纳特定的必须材料费 如实 验 服或照相用品等。
Excursions, books and stationery are other costs
to consider, and your course may also require specific essential
[...] materials, such as lab coats or photographic [...]
刚果表示希望工作组的结论将全面 如实 反 映 在提交理事会通过的报告 中。
The Congo expressed the will that the conclusions of the Working Group be reflected comprehensively and faithfully in the report submitted for adoption by the Council.
在私营部门,崇 尚革新的公司正在放弃“公司社会责任”这一志愿主义做法,而逐步采取更加明确、
[...] 真正系统性的做法——在其自身活动中如此 ( 比 如实 施 标 准或参加自愿性排放贸易 市场,从而把可持续性纳入供应链的主流),在其公共政策游说中也是如此(例如公 [...]
In the private sector, progressive companies are moving away from the voluntarism of “corporate social responsibility” and towards much harder-edged,
genuinely systemic approaches — both in their
[...] own activities (such as mainstreaming [...]
sustainability in supply chains through the
use of standards or joining voluntary emissions trading markets) and in their public policy lobbying (for example, coalitions of companies demanding tougher emissions targets and greater long-term certainty in environmental regulation and pricing).
[...] 特别是针对警方和监狱管理人员,明确警告任何 如实 施 这 类行为以及煽动、同 意和默许酷刑或其他虐待,将被依法追究对这类行为的个人责任,并依其犯罪严 [...]
The State party should, in particular, publicly and unambiguously condemn practices of torture in all its forms, directing this especially to police and prison staff in positions of command responsibility,
accompanied by a clear warning that any
[...] person committing such acts, as well as [...]
instigating, consenting or acquiescing
in torture or other ill-treatment, will be held personally responsible before the law for such acts and subject to penalties proportional to the gravity of their crime.
全科医生可能会向您询问一些涉及私人或令人尴尬的问题,但您还是应 如实 回 答 ,这很重要。
Your GP may ask you some very personal or embarrassing questions, but it is important that you answer truthfully.
八.33 虽然咨询委员会注意到该厅一直并计划作出努力,提高其服务效率,如实施供应商电子汇款和自动旅行支付卡(A/66/6(Sect.29B),第 [...]
29B.9 段),但 它认为还需要朝着改进工作方法和精简业务流程的方向作出更持续的努力,以期
VIII.33 While the Advisory Committee notes the ongoing and planned efforts of the
Office to improve the efficiency of
[...] its services, such as the implementation of [...]
e-remittances for vendors and an automated
travel payment card (A/66/6 (Sect. 29B), para. 29B.9), it is of the view that a more sustained effort needs to be directed towards improving working methods and streamlining business processes, with a view to achieving more significant and measurable efficiency gains and improved cost-effectiveness.
政府已经开始处理一些关键问题, 如 : 实 行 缅 元 浮动汇率制,以废除复汇率制及其所造成的扭曲情 况;打破垄断(如食用油、燃油和汽车领域,以及 可能即将涉及的通讯领域);推动外国投资,39 [...]
并 宣布要把重点放在能为缅甸的原材料增加附加值的 工业领域以及能创造就业机会的其他领域;发展人
力资源,让流失的熟练工人回归;提高发电能力; 升级以出口为导向的交通基础设施;增强税收筹 划,通过全面税收改革来推动经济增长;改造银行 业部门,进行更广泛的金融部门改革。
The government has begun to
[...] address key issues such as the float of the kyat to eliminate the multiple exchange rate [...]
system and the distortions
it introduces; dismantling of monopolies (such as in edible oils, fuel, vehicles and possibly soon telecommunications); promotion of foreign investment,39 with a stated emphasis on industries that add value to Myanmar’s raw materials and those that promote job creation; human resources development and the return of skilled workers from the diaspora; boosting electricity generation; improving export-oriented transport infrastructure; boosting tax mobilisation and promoting growth through comprehensive tax reform; rehabilitating the banking sector and implementing broader financial sector reform.
他还向与会者提出了挑战性问题加以探讨, 如 , 实 现 四项全球森林目 标的时间是否应与实现千年发展目标的时间一致;国家、区域和国际各级如何整 合关于所有类型森林的无法律约束力文书;如果降排+成为一个有法律约束力的 [...]
He also raised challenging questions for the
[...] participants to address, such as whether a timeline for the achievement of the four [...]
global objectives on
forests should be aligned with the timeline for the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals; how the non-legally binding instrument on all types of forests could be integrated at the national, regional and international levels; and what if any implications would there be for the instrument if REDD+ became a legally binding framework.
政府将通过以下方式支持农业部门的发展 如实 现 土 地集约经营,促进土 地改革、向农业生产者发放补贴和提供农业服务、向农业企业发放财政资助、提 [...]
The State supports the agricultural sector through promotion of a land reform through consolidation of
agricultural lands, subsidies for agricultural
[...] producers and delivery of agricultural [...]
services, granting fiscal facilities to
agricultural enterprises, improvement of the quality of agricultural and food products and their promotion on external markets.
安全理事会第 1679(2006)号决议表示打算考虑采取强有力的有效措施,如 实施旅 行禁令和冻结资产,包括应非洲联盟的要求采取这些措施,以制裁违反或 企图阻挠执行《达尔富尔和平协议》的个人或团体。
By its resolution 1679 (2006), the Security Council expressed its intention to consider taking, including in response to a request by the African Union, strong and effective measures, such as a travel ban and assets freeze, against any individual or group that violated or attempted to block the implementation of the Darfur Peace Agreement.
其设计看起来简单,但是有许多快速、高效的工作流程需要的支持功能, 如实 现 快 速、完全挤奶的预挤奶刺激选项以及单独的脉动控制。
The design looks simple but has many
supporting functions for speedy and
[...] efficient work flow, such as pre-milking [...]
stimulation options for fast and complete
milking, and individual pulsation control.
3.2 交货期从订单确认开始计算,但这以买方履行了约定的义 务为前提如实现约 定买方应提供某些文件,技术数据,技术 认可和放行通知,和约定的预付款等。
3.2 The period of delivery starts with the order confirmation, however, not before the customer has submitted the documents and information relating to technical details, approvals, and releases to be provided by the customer and has made the down payments possibly agreed upon.
控 制器源是驻留 ( 永久 ) 功能组件如实时钟和高速计数器。
Controller resources are resident
[...] (permanent) features such as the Real-Time Clock and [...]
High-Speed Counter.
各国还可以通过其他措施以便更容易抵御波动 如实 施 及时交付 的措施,建立外汇储备,寻找新的市场或提升在价值链中的位置。
Countries could also become more resilient to volatility by implementing measures such as “just in time” delivery, building foreign exchange reserves and identifying new markets or moving up the value chain.
我们的技术可应对复杂的身份和访问管理挑战, 如 , 实 现 业 务流程自动化、降低安全风险,以及为符合内部策略和外部法规奠定基础。
Our technologies address complex identity and access
[...] management challenges, such as automating business [...]
processes, mitigating security risks
and laying the foundation for compliance with internal policies and external regulations.
因此如实地现状表 明情况已突破上述门槛,确实可以导致有关武装冲突 [...]
的国际人道主义法的适用,无论它们是否还涉及可被 定性为恐怖主义的行为。
Thus, facts on the ground that [...]
reflect conditions above these thresholds do trigger the application of the international
humanitarian law of armed conflict, whether or not they also involve acts that can be characterized as terrorism.
土 著人民欢迎采矿业作出一切真诚努力,以减少碳足迹和提高安全标准,尊重人权 和提高矿山周围环境标准,但感到严重关切的是,采矿技术和采矿作业仍不适当、 不可持续,也没如实反映 以开采地球非可再生资源为基础的采矿根本性质。
While indigenous peoples welcome any and all genuine efforts of the mining industry to reduce its carbon footprint and raise the standards of safety, respect for human rights and the raising of environmental standards around mines, there is also a serious concern that mining techniques and operations remain inappropriate, unsustainable and misrepresent the fundamental nature of mining, which is founded on the extraction of a non-renewable resource from the earth.
SoundBridge启动时会运行VDK,后者可以设置操作系统任务并打开线程来执行各种操作, 如实 时 音 频转换(音量、音调控制、均衡化)、通知(遥控的中断处理程序)、显示和网络服务等,所有这些都在Blackfin处理器上运行。
When SoundBridge boots, it runs
the VDK, which sets
[...] up operating system tasks and spawns threads to perform various operations, such as real-time audio transformations [...]
pitch-shaping, equalization), notify (interrupt handler for remote control), display, and network services, all running on the Blackfin processor.
c. 客户特此同意,如有任何适用的强制性法律( 如 , 实 施 欧 盟关于计算机程序法律保护的 第 91/250 号指令的国家法律)赋予客户无需 [...]
Citrix 同意即可实施任何前述活动来取得本软件某些 信息的权利,那么在这些适用法律允许的范围内,客户在行使任何此类权利之前,应先以书面方式
向 Citrix 索取这些信息,并详细说明客户需要这些信息的理由。
c. Customer hereby agrees, that to the extent that
any applicable mandatory laws
[...] (such as, for example, national laws implementing EC Directive [...]
91/250 on the Legal Protection
of Computer Programs) gives Customer the right to perform any of the aforementioned activities without the consent of Citrix to gain certain information about the Software, before Customer exercises any such rights, Customer shall first request such information from Citrix in writing detailing the purpose for which Customer needs the information.
美国代表感谢委员会所有成员对申请做出 如实审 查,并表示同意应按照以往做法,以第 [...]
1996/31 号决议为指导逐个审查所有申请。
The representative of the United
States thanked all the members of the
[...] Committee for their faithful review of the [...]
application and agreed that all applications
should be reviewed on a case-by-case basis, as in the past, and as guided by resolution 1996/31.
9如,实证比 较研究显示, 中央政府强大而市政府弱小的国家,其地方服务私有化程度远超过市政当局高度 自治、财政高度自立的国家。10 尽管各国在私有化问题上的做法仍大相径庭,但 现已清楚,单靠私有化并不能解决地方一级提供公共服务的所有问题,而必须制 订超越私有化的全面战略。
Although this necessity to draw on expertise outside institutionalized local government has been known for quite some time, discussion has almost exclusively focused on the topic of privatization.9 Comparative empirical studies have shown, for example, that States with a strong central Government and weak municipalities have privatized local services on a much larger scale than States in which municipalities have a high level of self-government and far-reaching financial autonomy.10 Even though approaches to the question of privatization still vary greatly from State to State, it has become clear that privatization alone cannot solve all the problems regarding the provision of public services at the local level and that comprehensive strategies beyond privatization must be developed.
此类指导意见将讨如何在实践中 提供( 如实 际或虚拟)查阅文件的办法,以及如何分步骤提供相关文件(例如可先向独立机构 提供所有文件的清单,以便独立机构确定与其所处理的程序有关的文件)。
Such guidance should discuss the manner of access to documents in practice (e.g. physical or virtual), and that the relevant documents could be provided [...]
in steps (for example,
a list of all documents could be provided to the independent body first so that the independent body could identify those documents relevant to the proceedings before it).
[...] 论中提出的关切,这些提案应该在某些方面与已经核准的提案有所不同, 如 : 实 质 内 容 或涉及的行业,共同出资的方式,或者因为这些提案涉及其他地理区域,以确保公平地域 [...]
In order to address the concerns raised by some Members during the present discussion, those proposals should be in some way different
from the ones already
[...] approved, for example: in terms of the [...]
substance or the sector concerned, in the way they were co-financed, or because they
related to other geographical areas, to ensure equitable geographical representation.
(a) 继续加强对脆弱家庭,特别是单亲家庭和生活在极度贫窭中的家庭的 支持如实施有 系统的长期政策与方案,确保其能够得到社会服务与获得持续收 入的机会
(a) Continue and strengthen its support to families in vulnerable situations, in particular single-parent families and families living in extreme poverty through systematic, long-term policies and programmes to ensure access to social services and sustainable income opportunities
因此,这类活动与在隔离防范设施 如实 验 室 、生长室和温 室)内从事的活动以及与在法规权威机构批准产品生产后而进行的繁种 或商业栽培活动显著不同。
As such, their activities are distinctly different from the work performed in containment facilities, such as laboratories, [...]
growth chambers,
and greenhouses, and from the work associated with seed multiplication or commercial cultivation that occurs after product authorization by regulatory authorities.
这些和其他的事件后,辛巴达和滨海输入厄里斯“的境界,在那里她透露,她的计划是到机动变形到辛巴达的地方,离开雪城没有继承人,同意向投降的和平书只有当辛巴 如实 告 诉 他是否会返回雪城接受指责和执行。
After these and other incidents, Sinbad and Marina enter Eris’ realm, where she reveals that her plan was to maneuver Proteus into Sinbad’s place, leaving Syracuse without an
heir, and agrees to surrender the Book of
[...] Peace only if Sinbad truthfully tells whether [...]
he will return to Syracuse to accept blame and be executed.
如果确实如此, 她想知 道提供法律援助的律师的资金来源,当他们在财政 及其他方面依赖于检查署的情况下,如何确保独立 性。
If that were indeed the case, she wished [...]
to know the source of funding for the lawyers who offered legal aid, and how their
independence was ensured when they were financially and otherwise dependent on the Office of the Public Prosecutor.




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