

单词 如人饮水,冷暖自知

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如人飲水,冷暖自知,曾 蔭權當了數十年公務員,今時今 日落得如此下場,我希望官員日後引以為戒。
Donald TSANG has been in the Civil Service for several decades, and now he comes to [...]
a disgraceful end. I hope this can serve
as a warning for other government officials.
早前我提及的兩宗官司在社會上引起的回響以至整體付出 的代價有多大,相信公民黨也是 如人 飲 水 , 冷暖自知 ”。
The two lawsuits I mentioned earlier have aroused great reactions in society, and society as a whole has to pay a great cost.
促进健康饮食习惯,教人们如何评 估 自 己 的 饮 食 习 惯是否健康,增设学 校膳食的健康程度。
Healthy eating habits are
[...] promoted, people are taught how to assess the healthiness of their [...]
eating habits, and healthiness of school meals is improved.
从人权角度来讲,由负有不可持续债务水平的贫穷国家向秃鹫基金支付过 高赔款会对这些国家的政府履行人 权 义 务的能力造成直接的不利影响,特别是 经济、社会和文化权利方面如享有 饮水 和 环境卫生、粮食、保健、适足住房和 教育的权利。
From a human rights perspective, the settlement of excessive vulture fund claims by poor countries with unsustainable debt levels has a direct negative effect on the capacity of the Governments of
these countries to fulfil their human rights obligations, especially
[...] with regard to economic, social and cultural rights, such as the rights to water and sanitation, food, health, adequate housing and education.
条,按照规定征自由和知情的同意,给予公平和公正的补偿,并为安 置地点配备基本的公用设施,如饮 用 水 、 电 力和洗衣机及卫生设施,以及 相关的服务,包括学校、医疗中心和交通运输手段。
(f) In the exceptional cases in which the relocation of indigenous peoples is considered necessary, ensure the observance of article 16 paragraph 2, of ILO Convention No. 169 and article 10 of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, which require free and informed consent and fair and equitable compensation, and provide relocation sites equipped with basic utilities, such as drinking water, electricity, and washing and hygiene facilities, and with appropriate services, including schools, health-care centres and means of transportation.
当我们谈及可持续发展的房屋时,必须超越房屋的实质和情绪层面,进而顾及所谓「绿化」或 自 然 」 的房屋概念,当中包括能减少对环境造成影响的元素, 如 减 少 利用与污染物和漏出物有关连的制成品;更多采用对区内生态破坏较小的本土设计和传统物料;提高能源效益,以及减少 人 工 冷暖 设 备 的需求而更多采用太阳能。
These include elements that minimize impact on the
[...] environment, such as the minimal use of manufactured products associated with pollutants and leakages; more indigenous designs and traditional materials that are less invasive of the local ecology; energy efficiency, less need for artificial heating or cooling, and the greater use of solar energy.
人手於「應急服務站」,協調及 處理有關應急事務,包括為賓客提 供相關資訊、協助賓客因纜車延誤 而更改行程、提供急救服務及應急 用品如:休息地方冷熱飲用 水、暖包、毛氈、小食等
Assigning additional staff at “Emergency Service Kiosk” to
[...] coordinate and handle emergencies, including providing relevant information to affected guests, helping guests to re-arrange itineraries, offering first aid services, rest areas and emergency supplies such as cold and hot water, warm pads, blankets, snacks [...]
and etc.
本届展会包括德国的Bosch和美国的A.O Smith、日本的Noritz等自30多个 国家的1,800多家海 知 名 的 冷暖 气 及 配件企业前来参展。
Approximately 1,800 well-known heating and cooling companies and components suppliers from [...]
30 countries, including Bosch
of Germany, A. O. Smith of the US, and Noritz of Japan, participated at this year’s exposition.
最重要的事情是知道, 即使我们拥有的水总量无时不刻都在循环,但是我 们用于日常生活水,例如饮用、 做饭和洗刷的水却在不断减少,而且很难重新 获得。
The important thing to remember is that although the amount of water we have in
the world will
[...] never actually decrease, but the amount of water we can use for important things such as drinking, cooking and washing is steadily decreasing, [...]
and it’s very hard to get back again.
While less well known than marine protected areas, FPAs are subject to the [...]
same issues relating to diversity of terminology and meaning.
除 了供应清饮水 和进行 环境卫生教育之 外,农村发展部计划的活动还 包括教人民了解艾滋病 毒/艾滋病 、 禽 流感 和其他传染 病 的 预防知 识和基本保健 预知 识 ,人民使用家庭 厕 所 不 随 地 小 便 ,展示建造厕 所 方法,并教育人们 饭 前便后都要用清 洁 剂 洗 手 , 喝 开 水 或 瓶 装 水 或无病 毒 水 等 放 心 水 。
Besides clean water and sanitation education, the Ministry of Rural Development plans activities include educating people about HIV/AIDS, bird flu and other infectious diseases and basic health prevention, educating people to use home WC to prevent [...]
urinating disorderly, presenting WC construction method, and educating people to clean their hands with
detergent after using WC and before having meals, drink boiled or safe water like bottled water, decanted or virus-free water.
冷水悬浮 (CWS)形式存在的单一维生素 如 维 生 素D2 和D3、维生素E-50、KI 5%、K1 5%等,这些新配方都是干饮料和 婴儿配方奶粉的理想原料。
Single Vitamins in CWS ( cold water suspension) forms such as Vitamin D2 & D3, E acetate 50, KI 5%, K1 5% these new formulations are ideal for dry blend beverage and infant [...]
东方海港国际大厦以LEED绿色建筑金质认证为基准,邀请美国建筑师协会副会长、美国赫勒·马努斯建筑设计事务所(HellerManusArchitects)主席----JeffreyHeller先生担任总设计,按照当今国际高端智能化写字楼高舒适度、低能耗、低碳排放、健康的国际绿色建筑的认证标准建造,且更 人 性 化与舒适化,设有:全球先进5A智能体系、双VAV中央空调及独立新风系统、 暖 式 大堂、门禁访客识别系统、健康 饮水 系 统 、环保雨水回收系统、电子信报箱系统、新能源车辆充电管理系系统等。
The Eastern Harbour International Building LEED Green Building Gold certification basis, to invite the vice president of the American Institute of Architects, the President of the United States of Heller Manus architectural design firm (HellerManusArchitects) ---- President JeffreyHeller chief design, according to the high office of today's international high-end intelligent comfort, low energy consumption, low carbon emissions, the health of the international green building certification standards for the construction, and more user-friendly and comfortable, and features: advanced global 5A intelligent
system, double VAV central
[...] air conditioning and independent new wind system to warm the lobby, access control and visitor identification system, health direct drinking water system, environmental protection, rainwater recycling [...]
system, the
electronic newspaper boxes, new energy vehicle charging Management system.
主席,局長不知有否看到,河套地區與環保園旁邊的土地,每天 也人以威 迫利誘的手段來收地,這不是“春 水暖 鴨 先 知 ” 嗎
President, I wonder if the Secretary can see that every day, people are trying to secure the land adjacent to the Loop and the EcoPark by coercion and inducement, so is this not a tell-tale sign?
政 府當 局 除了要 在 學校積極推 動 生 命 教育外 , 也要利 用這個機會,好好檢 討 一 下 為 何 我們的教育制度 ,會令學 生 只 顧 埋 首 於 學 業 名 次 , 對於社 會 上人情 冷 暖 , 甚至自己的 存 在意義 、 生 活 目 標 , 卻都統統拋 諸 腦 後 。
In addition to actively promoting life education in schools, the Government must also take this opportunity to properly look into our educational system to see why students only engross themselves in the ranking of academic performance in total disregard of the vicissitudes of life or even the meaning of their existence, and the targets of life.
該 條例第6(2)條訂明,某人如沒有在第3(1)條提述的限期內繳付該條 所指的通知書內指明的表列罪行的定額罰款,或拒絕接受該通知 書,指明的主管當局須向該人送達一份採用訂明格式的通知書, (a)要求他繳付有關表列罪行的定額罰款;( b) 告 知 該 人如 他 意欲就 該罪行的法律責任提出抗辯,則須以書面通知主管當局;以及(c) 述明該項繳款或通知,均須自如此 送 達的通知書日期起計的10 天內作出。
Section 6(2) of the Ordinance provides that where a person fails to pay the fixed penalty for the scheduled offence specified in the notice given under section 3(1) within the time specified or refuses to accept the notice, the specified Authority shall serve on the person a notice
in the prescribed
[...] form (a) demanding payment of the fixed penalty for the scheduled offence; (b) informing the person that if he wishes to dispute liability for the offence he should notify the Authority [...]
in writing; and (c)
stating that the payment or notification shall be made within 10 days from the date of the notice so served.
然 而 ,主席,本 星 期一, 我 和數位 其他團 體人士跟 林局長會面 , 當 時,我們如 被一盆 冷 水 淋 下 來般, 因為我們問 林瑞麟局長那 檢 討 會 否一定 包括行 政長官 的 [...]
選 舉 和 立法 機 關 的 選 舉 , 而 且 是 可以由直選產生,當 時林局長說
  ─   我 相信他稍 後 也 會 再 解 釋 , 我 希望他 會 解 釋 ─   政 府 現正研究《基本 法》附件一 第 七 段 。
But Madam Chairman, just this Monday, several members of other organizations
and I met with
[...] Secretary LAM, and we were like being poured over with a bucket of ice water. It is because when we asked [...]
Secretary Stephen LAM
whether the review would definitely include the election of the Chief Executive and the election of the legislature, and whether direct elections would be an option, Secretary LAM said at the time — I think he will explain this again later and I hope he will — that the Government was studying paragraph 7 of Annex I to the Basic Law.
如您想使用本机输冷饮,请 事先按照当地规定检查饮 水 品 质 ,确 保所得到的冷饮对健康无害。
Test the quality of the water supply to ensure delivery of safe cold drinks according to local [...]
为鼓励更多自暖通空调及冷行业 的优 人 才 和 创新设计参与竞赛,2012艾默生杯在原有的四大组别——设计院工程师组、应用经销商组、零售业及冷冻产品组和院校学生组内,将着重表彰喷气增焓技术、商用空调应用、零售业及冷冻产品应用和数码涡旋应用等方面的成就。
To encourage outstanding talent and innovative design, the Emerson Cup recognizes achievements in scroll heating technology, commercial air conditioning, retail and refrigeration, and Digital Scroll applications across four categories: AC-Engineering Group, AC-Dealers, Retail Solutions & Refrigeration, and Students.
2009 年,20 家企业使用了 80
[...] 公吨(4.40 ODP 吨)HCFC-22 制造商业制冷设备自动售货机、瓶 饮 料 冷 却 器 、 水冷 却 器 和冷柜),另有 250 公吨 (13.75 ODP 吨)用于冷藏链制冷设备制造次级行业(超市、冷库和仓库)。
In 2009, 80 mt (4.40 ODP tonnes) of HCFC-22 were used by 20 enterprises to
manufacture commercial
[...] refrigeration equipment (vending machines, bottle coolers, water-coolers, chest freezers), [...]
and 250 mt (13.75
ODP tonnes) were used in the cold chain refrigeration manufacturing sub-sector (supermarkets, cold storages and warehouses).
在这方面,本国政府执行了贯穿各领域的综合性人权计划,发展农村原住土 著人和土著民族、多元文化群体和非裔玻利维 人 的 集 体权利 如 : 自 由 存在的 权利;文化特性的权利;领地自主决策的权利;对 知 识 的集体知识产权;形式 特有法律、政治和经济制度的权利;被协商的权利;共同享有其土地的权利;自 治领地管理的权利;参与国家机关的权利;以及非裔玻利维亚人的权利。
The national Government is now implementing this comprehensive, crosscutting human rights plan, which is aimed at the further development of the collective rights of indigenous and aboriginal farming peoples and nations, intercultural communities and the Afro-Bolivian
people, including the
[...] right to exist freely, the right to their cultural identity, the right to territorial self-determination, the right to the collective intellectual ownership of their knowledge, the right [...]
to implement their own
legal, political and economic systems, the right to collective title to their lands, the right to be consulted, the right to autonomous territorial administration, the right to participate in State organs and the rights of the Afro-Bolivian people.
因此如果您需要饮水,请向医人 员 索 取, 他将根据具体情况决定。
Therefore, should you wish, you may ask for a drink from the health care [...]
staff who will ensure you have a drink delivered to you.
避免过冷的食物,如冷饮和冰水, 以 养阳气。
Protect Yang energy by avoiding
[...] extremely cold foods such as ice cream and ice water.
标准VIP病房全地面铺设具除菌功能的进口医用地毯,并配备日本进口“巴乐梦”多功能病床、半垂式床帘、进口真皮沙发、综合衣物柜、精致玻璃板桌、电子微波炉及电 饮水 机 、 室内格力 冷暖 空 调、壁式纯平彩电,卫浴间配置有进口陶瓷及不锈钢卫浴设备,全天候热水供应。
All the floors of standard VIP wards are paved with imported medical carpets with sterilizing function and are equipped with Palamount multifunctional beds installed from Japan, semi-dropping bed curtains, imported leather sofas, integrated lockers, exquisite glass tables,
electronic microwave
[...] ovens and electric drinking fountains, Geli indoor air conditioning, wall-Flat Screen [...]
color TV and bathroom-equipped
with imported ceramics and stainless steel washing facilities, and all-weather water supply.
这个源于自然的浴室设计理念同样 适用于紧凑型浴室,如酒店浴 室:浴缸后面的玻璃窗格人觉得 浴室的空间向卧室延伸出去,大量 使用木材更加营造出暖、自然 的感觉。
This nature-inspired bathroom concept can also be effectuated in
the case of small
[...] floor plans, such as a hotel bathroom: A glass pane behind the bath tub creates the impression of open space going towards the bedroom, and plenty of wood conveys a warm, natural feel.
我沒有證據懷疑局長有收受利益的可能,但我知道絕大部分地產商 都是很聰明的,春水暖鴨先知,它 們較一 人 甚 至署長更早知道很多 政策。
I do not have any evidence to suspect that the Secretary may have received benefits, but I know an overwhelmingly majority of the property developers are very smart, and they will know it before the news breaks.
就是企業、商家和專人士,他們雖然 似乎都對經濟和市場趨勢擁有“春 水暖 鴨 先 知 ” 的 本能,往往能洞察 先機一樣,但他們在洞察市場機會的時候,其實都無法掌握全盤市場 資料與情況,而是市場中優秀企業家憑着他們獨有的慧眼作出的判 斷。
It means that although enterprises, businessmen
[...] and professionals appear to have the innate ability to detect the early signs of the economic and market trend and [...]
often have insights
into imminent opportunities, and even though they have insights into market opportunities, in fact, they are unable to obtain comprehensive information on the market and understand the whole market situation.
泰科熱控為解決以上問題,推出了突破性Ra yc h e m 自 調 控 地 暖 系 統 和革命性HWAT即時 水 保 溫 系統,把冬季的沉鬱、 冷 一 掃 而空。
One company that has not forgotten these issues is Tyco Thermal Controls, which has launched two new technologies designed to banish the winter blues ¡V
[...] the groundbreaking Raychem self-regulating underfloor heating system and the revolutionary HWAT instant hot water system.
全球食品领域,包括渔业 领域,将不得不面对自人口、饮食 、 气候和经济变化的挑战,包括减少对化石 能源的依赖以及对其他自然资源越来越多的限制。
The global food sectors, including the fishery
[...] sector, will have to face several challenges stemming from demographic, [...]
dietary, climate and economic
changes, including reduced reliance on fossil energy and increasing constraints on other natural resources.
[...] 组织的活动包括:提供训练以协助被贩卖的土著人民;建立生产和社会基础设施 项目,如饮水系统,以帮助土人 民 ; 促进哥斯达黎加境内的“Finca Sana” (健康农庄)项目,该项目旨在帮助改进从巴拿马涌到哥斯达黎加的土著移徙工人 [...]
的地区;并为哥伦比亚境内曾经参与战斗的儿童和遭受暴力之害的土著家庭办理 多种方案。
IOM activities include providing training to assist indigenous victims of trafficking, setting up
productive and social
[...] infrastructure projects, such as potable water systems, to support the [...]
indigenous populations; facilitating
the “Finca sana” project in Costa Rica, the aim of which is to improve health and human development among indigenous migrant workers who travel to Costa Rica from Panama; providing assistance and protection to internally displaced persons, with a special emphasis on the protection of indigenous groups’ territories; and providing programmes for ex-combatant children and indigenous families who have fallen victim to the violence in Colombia.




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