

单词 好运

好运 adjective ()

lucky adj



good luck charm


experience good luck

External sources (not reviewed)

被包装的货物在实际装箱前一定要先 好运 输 的 准备,只有如此,货物才能安 全地、经济地、符合规程地进行运输。
The packaged goods must be prepared for shipment before actually being packed so that the goods can be transported safely, economically and in accordance with regulations.
坚固和强大的国家和国际金融机构是国际金融系统 好运 作 的 基石。
Solid and strong financial institutions at the national and international levels are essential
[...] pillars of a well-functioning international financial system.
应指出,巴黎原则的目的是确保国家促进和保护人权主管机构的 独立性、好运作和有效性。
The aim of the Paris Principles is to ensure the
[...] independence, proper functioning and effectiveness [...]
of national institutions responsible
for the promotion and protection of human rights.
[...] 支助股的供资模式存在多种意见,但各方的广泛共识是,执行支助股的 好运转 十 分重要,而且需要确保它继续向缔约国提供高质量的服务。
He concluded that while there was a diversity of views regarding a financing model for the ISU,
there was broad agreement regarding
[...] the value of a well functioning ISU and on the need [...]
to ensure it continued to deliver
its high quality services to the States Parties.
HDS将按届时实行的收费标准,对重新确认贵方资格以及为使设备或软件恢复至 好运 行 条 件的 必需的进一步修理收取费用。
HDS will charge its then current
rates for recertification and further repair necessary to restore the Equipment
[...] or Software to good operating condition.
认识到预防犯罪和刑事司法系统是法治的核心,长期可持续的经济和社会发展 与一个好运作、 高效、有效和人道的刑事司法系统的建立可彼此产生积极的影响
Recognizing the centrality of crime prevention and the criminal justice system to the rule of law and that long-term
sustainable economic and social
[...] development and the establishment of a functioning, efficient, effective [...]
and humane criminal justice
system have a positive influence on each other
布隆迪政府应努力确保政治干预、特别是政治上的合纵连横不要每每妨碍 公共行政的好运作。
The Government of Burundi must strive to ensure that
political interference, including political patronage, does not adversely
[...] affect the proper functioning of the public service.
在“粮食安全、营养与可持续农业”一节,多民族玻利维亚国把“粮食安全” 一词解释为在“吃得好,生活好” 运 动 范围内实现粮食安全;它确认 2001 年 在古巴哈瓦那举行的世界粮食主权论坛所使用的定义,该定义将粮食安全解释为 “各国人民有权制订自己的粮食可持续生产、分配和消费政策和战略,在中小型 生产的基础上保障所有人口的食物权,尊重他们的文化和农民的多样性,捕鱼和 土著人民进行农业生产、推销和农村地区管理的形式,妇女在其中发挥关键的作 用。
In the section entitled “Food security and nutrition and sustainable agriculture”, the Plurinational State of Bolivia interprets the term “food security” to mean the attainment of food sovereignty in the context of the campaign Eat Well to Live Well; it thereby reiterates the definition used by the Global Forum on Food Sovereignty held in Havana, Cuba, in 2001, which interpreted food sovereignty as “peoples’ right to define their own policies and strategies for the sustainable production, distribution and consumption of food that guarantee the right to food of the entire population, on the basis of small and medium-scale production, respecting their own cultures and the diversity of peasant, fishing and indigenous forms of agricultural production, marketing and management of rural areas, in which women play a fundamental role”.
[...] 公司指定的一名成员,以及被认为有利于奖项 好运 行 的 任何其他一位人士(例如, 生命科学或材料科学方面的专家)组成,后者须经教科文组织和欧莱雅公司协商一致 [...]
It shall consist of one member designated by the Director-General of UNESCO, one member designated by
L’ORÉAL and any person considered useful
[...] for the effective functioning of the Prize (expert [...]
in the life sciences or the material
sciences, for instance) and selected by common agreement between UNESCO and L’ORÉAL.
(e) 非政府组织的观察员:大赦国际、亚洲人权和发展论坛、开罗人权研 究所、阿拉伯妇女总联合会、人权观察社、南美洲印第安人理事会、 国际法学家委员会、反对种族主义和促进各国人民 好运 动 、 联合国 观察组织。
(e) Observers for the following non-governmental organizations: Amnesty International, Asian Forum for Human Rights and Development, Cairo Institute for Human Rights Studies, General Arab Women Federation, Human Rights Watch, Indian Council of South
America, International
[...] Commission of Jurists, Mouvement Contre le Racisme et pour l'Amitié Entre les Peuples, [...]
United Nations Watch.
(d) 以下非政府组织的观察员:哈基姆基金会、阿拉伯人权委员会、阿拉 伯妇女总 联合会(同时代表国际妇女争 取和平 和 自由联 盟 )、
“ 阿 帕 赫·阿 马鲁” 印第安人运动(同时代表世界和 平理事会)、 消除一切 形
[...] 式种族歧视国际组织、伊斯兰人权委员会、反对种族主义和促进各国 人民好运动、挪威难民理事会、阿拉伯法学家联合会、联合国观察 社、国际犹太复国主义妇女组织。
(d) Observers for the following non-governmental organizations: Al-Hakim Foundation, Arab Commission for Human Rights, General Arab Women Federation (also on behalf of Women's International League for Peace and Freedom), Indian Movement Tupaj Amaru (also on behalf of World Peace Council), International Organization for the Elimination of all Forms of Racial
Discrimination, Islamic Human
[...] Rights Commission, Mouvement Contre le Racisme et pour L'amitié entre les Peuples, [...]
Norwegian Refugee
Council, Union of Arab Jurists, United Nations Watch, Women's International Zionist Organization.
此外,这款手表还采用了防反光蓝宝石水晶,其设计旨在帮助 好运 动 的女性应对可能遇到的各种挑战。
Along with the Anti-Reflective
Sapphire Crystal this watch is designed to withstand any of the
[...] elements that the sports oriented woman [...]
might encounter.
[...] 国际方案并非总能同发展中国家的国家优先事项配合良好,在国家机构中也不都 能好运作。
This has its advantages from a global public-goods perspective, but the international
programmes are not always well aligned with national
[...] priorities and well-functioning of national institutions [...]
in developing countries.
海洋生物多样性,包括国家管辖范围以外区域的海洋生物多样性,对全球 粮食安全、海洋生物生态系统的 好运 转 、 经济繁荣和可持续生计都十分重要, 这一点无论如何强调也不为过。
The importance of marine biodiversity, including beyond areas of
national jurisdiction, for global food
[...] security, healthy functioning marine ecosystems, [...]
economic prosperity and sustainable
livelihoods cannot be overstated.
机器设计结构紧凑,即使在浇注段很短的情况 下依旧能好运作。
The compact design of the machine also allows the operation at short casting lines.
在下面的步骤中,当还没有准好运 行 泵 之前,不要将 空气软管上的快断联轴器 (D) 连接到配合接头上。
In the step below, do not connect the quick-disconnect coupler (D) on the air hose to the mating fitting on the pump until you are ready to operate the pump.
(c) 如何能够减少价格投机和波动性,但又不降低商品期货市场 好运作 所 需的最佳流动性水平,同时也确保商品供应链融资能获得足够的资金?
(c) How is it possible to reduce price speculation and volatility without compromising on
the optimal level of liquidity needed
[...] for the successful functioning of commodity futures [...]
markets, while also making sure that
enough finance is available for commodity supply chain finance?
[...] 设施的主动和经常方案,以确保防范虐待的保障措施在实践中 好运 作 ;这种对 警察和宪兵的定期查访,包含暗访,应包括与被拘留者的私下访谈以及与工作人 [...]
With the advent of the NPM, the SPT expects the development of a proactive and regular programme of independent visits to police and gendarme facilities
to ensure that the safeguards against
[...] ill-treatment are functioning well in practice; [...]
such regular visits, including unannounced
visits, to police and gendarmeries should include interviews in private with detainees as well as discussions with staff.
阿富汗政府现在必须在其他重要国家 优先方案中取得具体成果,包括在司法和省级治理领 域中,它们对国家的好运作都 至关重要。
The Afghan authorities must now show tangible results in other important national priority programmes,
including those in the areas of justice and subnational governance, which are
[...] crucial for the better functioning of the State.
我很高兴本周末将上演国内球队的对决 ,在赌注国际球队比赛上,我从来没有 好运 气 ,上周也不例外。
I’m glad domestic football returns this weekend, I never
[...] usually have much luck Internationally [...]
in my football bets and last week was most definitely no exception.
由于刚毕业国家和将毕业国家都表示,它们感到关切的是,现有的平稳过渡 进程实际上没有能够好运作, 而且对于国际社会应如何处理与将毕业国家发展 合作的问题仍有相当大的不确定性,特设工作组认为,需要鼓励会员国之间交流 关于平稳过渡进程的资料和看法。
Since the recently graduated and graduating countries have expressed their concerns that the existing smooth transition process has not been working well in practice and that there is considerable uncertainty about how the international community will approach development cooperation with graduating countries, it was deemed necessary to encourage exchanges of information and views among Member States about the smooth transition process.
总之,最重要的 是尊重国家法治,确保民主机构的 好运 作。
Finally and above all, they must guarantee compliance with the rule of law
[...] and the effective functioning of democratic institutions.
为消除可能破坏水电供应、卫生设施、邮政服务、电信及信息技术服 务、接入点和公共交通工具、燃料供应设施、医疗卫生机构的 好运 转 的 情况提 供必要的工作。
(b) To deliver necessary works to eliminate situations which may sabotage the good functioning of water or electricity supply services, sanitation, postal services, telecommunications and IT services, of access points and public transport means, of fuel distribution installations, of health and sanitary institutions.
不过,保留对话有助于维也纳制度的 好运 作 , 因为后者本身也是以对话和 交流的原则为基础。108 此外,委员会也曾经在其有关《实践指南》的工作中多 [...]
次确认这一点,并在多项准则中得出相关结论,向各国和国际组织推荐维也纳制 度未作规定、但在确保协调适用有关保留的规则方面却非常有用的若干做法。
The reservations dialogue can nonetheless
[...] contribute to the smooth functioning of the Vienna regime, [...]
which is itself based on the principle
of dialogue and discussion.108 Moreover, the Commission has confirmed this on many occasions in its work on the Guide to Practice and has established the consequences thereof in several draft guidelines that recommend to States and international organizations certain practices that are not required under the Vienna regime but are very useful in ensuring harmonious application of the rules relating to reservations.
聚焦商业需求:好运作的 Scrum会优先交付最高优先级的功能,而避免建造客户从来不用的功能。
Focus on Business
[...] value: A well-functioning Scrum will deliver [...]
the highest business value features first and will avoid
building features that will never be used by the customer.
在特殊情况下,如果让雇员在当年休年假可能会影响到单位的 好运 转, 那么经雇员和雇员代表的同意,可将假期推迟到下一工作年度。
In exceptional cases, when offering annual leave to the
employee in that year may negatively
[...] influence the good functioning of the unit, the [...]
leave may be postponed for the next
working year with the agreement of the employee and the employees’ representatives.
现在就尽情发挥您的知识,进行有趣的机智问答吧,您可以利用Oris官方网站寻找正确解答或者尽情享受您 好运 气。
Put your knowledge to the test now and look for the right answers on our website,
[...] or just rely on your luck.
最后,再次祝贺本届会议开幕,祝愿大 好运。
Once again, congratulations and I
[...] wish you the best of luck.
还回顾《关于应对全球挑战的综合战略:预防犯罪和刑事司法系统及其在 变化世界中的发展的萨尔瓦多宣言》1
[...] ,会员国在其中认识到预防犯罪和刑事司 法系统是法治的核心,长期、可持续的经济和社会发展与一个 好运 作 、 高 效、有效和人道的刑事司法系统的建立可彼此产生积极的影响
the Salvador Declaration on Comprehensive Strategies for Global Challenges: Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice Systems and Their Development in a Changing World,1 in which Member States recognized the centrality of crime prevention and the criminal justice system to the rule of law and that long-term,
sustainable economic and social
[...] development and the establishment of a functioning, efficient, effective [...]
and humane criminal
justice system have a positive influence on each other
(i) 在中心建立及其初期的业务活动中,教科文组织通过提供技术和组织方面的 专门知识,发挥催化作用,有助于中心的 好运 转 并提高其科学水准; (ii) 教科文组织对于其它国家以及那些关心水资源与全球变化问题的国际组织和 非政府组织来说起着桥梁作用,它对外界充分了解该中心举足轻重,而且将 增强该中心在地区间和该地区内的实用性。
(ii) UNESCO’s role as a bridge to other countries, international organizations and relevant NGOs sharing water issues for water resources and global change is essential for a successful exposure of the Centre and will contribute to the interand intra-regional relevance of the Centre.




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