单词 | 好评 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 好评 verb —praise v好评 —positive evaluation • favorable criticism
该报告在专业的社会科学界 和联合国系统内受到好评。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The Report has been well received in [...] the professional social science communities and within the United Nations system. unesdoc.unesco.org |
日本宇宙航空研究 开发机构为委员会会议组织的关于应用空间技术减少灾害专题展览, 也获好评。 daccess-ods.un.org | An exhibition on space applications for disaster risk reduction organized for the Committee by the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency was also commended. daccess-ods.un.org |
1458 年,马蒂亚斯 14 岁时当选匈牙利国王,因为在征服奥斯曼土耳其人的战争中的表现以及热爱学习与科学的精神而广 受 好评。 wdl.org | Elected king of Hungary in 1458 at the age of 14, Matthias won great acclaim for his battles against the Ottoman Turks and his patronage of learning and science. wdl.org |
这一直是该电视报道获好评的环节。 unicef.org | It has been a good piece of television [...] reporting. unicef.org |
综合安全分 遣队进行了有效的巡逻,受到地方人口和受益者 的 好评 , 因 为这便利了人道主义 援助的抵达。 daccess-ods.un.org | Patrols carried out by DIS have been effective and are well perceived by the local population and beneficiaries because they facilitate the arrival of humanitarian assistance. daccess-ods.un.org |
然而,尽管面临着这些批评,不可否认的 是,千年发展目标获得了全球合法性,赢得了人们的一 致 好评 , 并成为促进人类发展的进军号角。 wipo.int | Notwithstanding these criticisms, however, the MDGs have achieved an undeniable level of global legitimacy and acceptance and have become the rallying call for human development. wipo.int |
教科文组织的工作 和上述报告因在监督受教育权利方面,在教科文组织与经济、社会和文化权利委员会之间建 立起了互补关系,而受到了好评,并 被认为有重要的历史意义,因为这两个主管条约的机构 第一次为实现受教育权利而携手共进。 unesdoc.unesco.org | UNESCO’s work and the report was commended for building up complementarity between CESCR and UNESCO in the monitoring of the right to education and was characterized as being of historic importance since for the first time, treaty bodies are working together hand in hand for realizing the right to education. unesdoc.unesco.org |
该系列是我们业内领先且广受好评的 HE LP(TM)产品家族的新成员,其为射频设计者延长电池使用时间提供了更多选择,可使移动设备用户体验到移动宽带3G和4G服务的所有潜在功能。 tipschina.gov.cn | This addition to our successful and industry-leading HELP(TM) product family provides RF designers with more options to achieve longer battery life, enabling mobile device users to experience the full potential of mobile broadband 3G and 4G services. tipschina.gov.cn |
各种区域活动也得到了好评,在 那里,信息交换,特别是网络和专 题会议期间的信息交换,已被视为帮助改善特定地区第 [...] 5 条国家之间以及国家臭氧机构和 其他相关机构如海关和国际、区域或次区域组织之间合作的一个重要因素。 multilateralfund.org | This positive assessment extends to the regional [...] activities where information exchange, in particular during the network [...]and thematic meetings, was described as a key factor contributing to improved cooperation between Article 5 countries in a given region as well as between National Ozone Units (NOUs) and other relevant institutions such as customs and international, regional or sub-regional organizations. multilateralfund.org |
高级别演讲人广受好评,其 中包括美国国 务卿希拉里·克林顿;会议旨在吸引投资者,然而却得 到了褒贬不一的评价。 crisisgroup.org | High-profile speakers, including Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, were well received; the conference, aimed at attracting investors, however, met with mixed reviews. crisisgroup.org |
森精机制作所从 6 月 4 日起开始销售广受好评的高刚性/高精度卧式加工中心 NHX 系列 系列 系列 系列的新产品 NHX5500。 moriseiki.com | Ltd. started taking orders for the NHX5500, a new model in our popular NHX Series of high-speed, high-precision horizontal machining centers. moriseiki.com |
这些杂志按时出版并提高 了质量,被广泛分发,受到读者好评。 daccess-ods.un.org | Published on schedule and with improved quality, the magazines were widely disseminated and praised by readers. daccess-ods.un.org |
由于采用了“阿富汗人培训阿富汗人”的方法,培训活动受到阿富 汗学员的广泛好评。 daccess-ods.un.org | Training activities met with high levels of acceptance among Afghan participants, as a result of the Afghan-to-Afghan approach. daccess-ods.un.org |
DCZ50系列打样机集打样和绘图等多功能于一体,秉承奥科机械稳定、高速、高精度的特性。适用于包装企业、瓦楞纸箱厂、彩盒厂、彩印厂、刀模厂等企业的打样及小批量生产需求,可切割瓦楞纸、硬纸板、泡沫板、塑料板、薄木板,皮革、布等材料,受到包装、广告、印刷、刀模、电子、垫圈、标识等行业客户的广 泛 好评。 sino-corrugated.com | DCZ50 series sample making machine make cutting, creasing, drawing available undertaking AOKE machine’s stable, high speed, high accuracy. it could meet sample making or small production require of packaging company, corrugated box manufacturer, color box manufacturer, color printing manufacturer,, die cutting manufacturer. it could cut corrugated board 、chipboard、foam board、plastic board、thin wood board、leather、cloth, etc. we are great reputed by customers from packaging、advertisement、printing、die cutting、electron、gasket、sign industries. sino-corrugated.com |
派遣 美国军事顾问的举动受到好评,中 非建和办正与他 们开展合作,以确定如何加强在当地的活动。 daccess-ods.un.org | The deployment of United States military advisers had been well received, and BINUCA was working with them to determine how activities on the ground could be strengthened. daccess-ods.un.org |
简化贸易手续业务程序分析指南》7 尤其受到好 评,已将其作为组织贸易便利化能力建设活动和建立单一窗口问题研 讨会的基础,并在亚太区域 10 个国家中用来进行贸易和过境程序分 析。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Business Process Analysis Guide to Simplify Trade Procedures7 was particularly well received and has already been used as the basis for trade facilitation capacity-building and single window development workshops, as well as for trade and transit process analysis, in 10 countries of the region. daccess-ods.un.org |
这项新法律得到公众好评,有 助于老挝社会成为公正和平等的社会,不得基于社 [...] 会地位、性别、年龄、种族、国籍、族裔、宗教及其他理由而有任何歧视。 daccess-ods.un.org | This new [...] law which has been well received by [...]the public is contributing to creating the Lao society to be a society of equality [...]and justice without discrimination based on social status, gender, age, race, nationality, ethnicity, religion and other grounds. daccess-ods.un.org |
经 社部对实现千年发展目标也作出了贡献,包括监测这方面的进展情况;其出版物 总体而言受到好评,尽 管有些出版物的知名度不高,使用率也参差不齐。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Department has also contributed to the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals, including monitoring their progress, and its publications are generally well regarded, despite some lack of visibility and uneven usage. daccess-ods.un.org |
审查受到了好评,因 为它非常认真地对待对阿富 汗主导性和自主性的关切,还因为它同时仔细分析了 [...] 涉及联合国自身一致性的问题。 daccess-ods.un.org | The review was well received because it [...] took concerns about Afghan leadership and ownership very seriously and because, [...]at the same time, it carefully analysed questions with regard to the United Nations own coherence. daccess-ods.un.org |
(r) 建议特别委员会根据联合国相关决议和决定,拟订逐个对各非自治领土 目前的非殖民化和自治阶段进行更 好评 估 的方法和途径,作为评估已取得的进展 和有待进行的工作的核对表;在这方面,请特别委员会考虑关于拟订具体项目提 案的建议,例如与管理国举行非正式工作层面对话的建议 daccess-ods.un.org | (r) Advised the Special Committee that it needed to develop ways and means through which it could make a better assessment, on a case-by-case basis, of the current stage of decolonization and self-determination in each Non-SelfGoverning Territory in accordance with the relevant resolutions and decisions of the United Nations, which could serve as a checklist of the progress achieved and things to be done, and, in that connection, invited the Special Committee to consider the suggestion to develop a specific project proposal such as the holding of an informal, working-level dialogue with the administering Powers daccess-ods.un.org |
日内瓦车展上公众如潮的好评和强烈的兴趣促使兰博基尼决定制造一辆可以驾驶的“Concept S”跑车,以满足潜在客户的需求。 lamborghini.com | The astonishing amount of public interest at the Geneva Motor Show prompted the decision to build a driveable prototype in order to further gauge potential customer demand. lamborghini.com |
项目 的主要部 分,即 , 变 革 的 行 为 者 远 程学习 方案,以绝 对优势 获得参加者 的好评 , 认 为 教 材 切 合 实 际、实 用、具有挑战性 、内容 清 晰 ;在项目早 期就同 人权实 际工 作 者 建立了联系,鼓励发展进程中的联系;讲习班提供了实 用的真 正 的学习经 验 ;关于学习 在 民 间 社 会、监 狱 管 理人员、警察、 甚 至在军 队中传播的事例有非 常 正 面的报道 。 daccess-ods.un.org | The materials were deemed relevant, useful, challenging and clear; links with human rights practitioners were established at an early stage, encouraging the development of processional connections; the workshops provided practical and real learning experience; and some very positive stories were reported of dissemination of learning among civil society, the prison service, police and even the military. daccess-ods.un.org |
这个新联盟将支持和扩大温尼伯皇家芭蕾舞团的巡演,将向世界各地的忠实观众及新观众奉献广 受 好评 的 艺 术成就,包括芭蕾舞“红磨坊(R)”、“布兰诗歌”、“胡桃夹子”、经典剧目片断以及即将首演的妥拉萨普的“公主与精灵”。 tipschina.gov.cn | This new alliance will support and amplify the RWB's tours by delivering the Company's critically-acclaimed artistic achievements including Moulin Rouge(R) - The Ballet, Carmina Burana, Nutcracker, iconic repertoire pieces and the soon-to-premiere Twyla Tharp's The Princess & The Goblin to both loyal and new audiences around the world. tipschina.gov.cn |
从1932年研发出世界第一款真正的专业潜水表,到赞助拍摄备 受 好评 的 环 保影片,八十多年来欧米茄与海洋的深厚渊源已经成了品牌的标志性基因。 wthejournal.com | From the development of the first true dive watch in 1932 to our sponsorship of an acclaimed environmental film, OMEGA’s connection to Earth’s watery surface is deeply-rooted and a defining element of our brand. wthejournal.com |
这款广受好评的游 戏作品与之前Gearbox发行的任何游戏都不同,并且立即因其独特的原画视觉效果和创新的游戏性将自己打造成了一款具有开创性的虚幻引擎3制作游戏。 unrealengine.com | The critically acclaimed title looked unlike any previous Gearbox release, and immediately distinguished itself as a groundbreaking Unreal Engine 3 powered game with its unique concept art visuals and innovative gameplay. unrealengine.com |
不同于任何见过的大屏幕上,“小鸡快跑”是今年最大的原始的喜剧评论家和观众的一 致 好评 , 被誉为“神奇老少皆宜的娱乐!” (罗杰·艾伯特,罗杰·艾伯特的MOVI ... zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | Unlike anything ever seen on the big screen, "Chicken Run" is the year's biggest original comedy, hailed by critics and audiences alike as "magical entertainment for all ages! seekcartoon.com |
本项目是一个全国范围内的大型信息工程项目,包含了网络、土建、软件、硬件、环保等各项内容,联信永益在本次项目中展示了良好的大型信息化项目咨询能力,在项目实施前后都提供了良好的服务,能到了用 户 好评。 surekam.com | This project is a nationwide large-scale information project, including network, civil engineering, software, [...] hardware, environmental protection, etc. Surekam [...] demonstrates good large-scale information [...]technology project advisory capacity. surekam.com |
总经理张清亮先生于2000年开设厦门第一家(黑豹纹身艺术中心)在多年的纹身经验中对纹身机器有着丰富的经验和了解,从2003年就开始了纹身机器的研究和设计,在国内外众多资深纹身师的交流探讨中,让纹身产品更加成熟,并得到国内外众多资深纹身师 的 好评 和 认 可。 alhb-tattoo.com | General Manager Mr. Zhang Qingliang opened in Xiamen in 2000, the first (black panther tattoo art centers) in the many years of experience in the tattoo on the tattoo machine has a wealth of experience and understanding, from 2003 started the research and design of the tattoo machine in China A number of senior foreign exchange division of the tattoo, let tattoo products more mature and experienced domestic and foreign many tattoo artists in the praise and recognition. alhb-tattoo.com |
虽然他有很多可以说在这个男人的一 致 好评 , 杰 罗姆不会承认他从他那里学到(序作业)太多,仅仅定为一个谁读经文给他(“Onomastica萨克拉,”越野他常常12。 mb-soft.com | Although he has much to say in praise of this man, Jerome will not admit that he learned much from him (Preface to Job), designating him often as one who merely read the Scriptures to him ("Onomastica Sacra," xc. 12; commentary on Eccles. iv. 14, v. 3). mb-soft.com |
于2010年成功开发并被中国乐凯集团选购的光学级膜感光胶片涂布生产线受到了行业内外的一 致 好评 , 该 机组适用光学级膜(包括扩散膜、背光膜、PCB感光胶片等)的涂布。 sino-corrugated.com | High precision coating production line, is applied in optical level film coating. Coating has even, In and Out of Drying Tunnel , wind speed of wind pressure even, to realize high wind speed/low tension operation, , finished film/paper transverse shrinkage rate is micro and deformation is small ect. sino-corrugated.com |