

单词 好男不跟女斗

See also:

External sources (not reviewed)

我十好奇佩戴这样的表在周五晚上出街会有什么样 不 同 反响−−或许会是: “女,死亡跟你很配。
I’m quite curious about the reaction such a watch provokes on a Friday night out – maybe something like “Hi Beauty, death suits you well.
特别委员会认识到,解除武装、复员 和重返社会的过程是一个不断发展的领域,复员方案应适应国家的具体情况,确 保符合国家战略,与此同时,还应铭 女 性 和 男 性 前 战 斗 人 员及其家属及受武装 冲突影响的儿童及残疾人士不同需 求。
The Special Committee recognizes that the process of disarmament, demobilization and reintegration is an evolving field and that DDR programmes should be tailored to national contexts so as to ensure consistency with national strategies, while
being mindful of the different needs of female and male ex-combatants and their dependants, as well as children affected by armed conflict and the disabled.
还有些会 员国正在采取若干措施:力求在打击贩毒 斗 争 中 更 好 地 利 用执法机关的资 源;建立联合工作队;扩充受国家管制的前体化学品清单;更密切地监督前体 化学品制造商和销售情况;与化工行业建立公私伙伴关系;更密切地关注苯丙 胺类兴奋剂的生产;更严格地管制从其领土过境的前体;参加渠道方案等国际 行动;提高执法机关不断变化的贩毒动态的认识;加强信息收集工作以制定 针对性更强的行动;与其他会员国谈判订立双边合作协议;制定关于共同边界 的具体合作协议,以及更加注意贩毒行动背后的组织者。
Other Member States were taking a
number of measures: attempting to make better use of the resources of law enforcement agencies in the fight against drug trafficking; developing joint task forces; extending their lists of precursor chemicals under national control; closer monitoring of precursor chemical manufacturers and sales; developing public/private partnerships with the chemical industry; directing more attention towards production of ATS; tightening controls over precursors transiting their territories; taking part in international operations such as the Channel programme; awareness-raising in law enforcement agencies as regards the changing dynamics of drug trafficking; strengthening information-gathering to develop better targeted operations; negotiating bilateral cooperation agreements with other Member States; developing specific cooperation agreements concerning shared borders; and putting more focus on the organizers behind drug trafficking.
由于它得不到民众支持,政治 好斗不 羁 , 军事 能力有限,经济实力目前是青年党的最大资产。
Given its lack of popular support, political fractiousness and military limitations, Al-Shabaab’s greatest asset today is its economic strength.
此外 ,
[...] 我們亦 希望可以提 供 外 展式服務,在有需 要時派 出 人員幫 助 這些女,跟 進 她 們 的 情況, 希望這些受害 人   ─   不論是 男 或 女   ─   以後無 須 再將這 種 不 幸 的經歷 重 複 那 麼 多 次 , 因為那 [...]
實在是很不 人 道 的 。
In addition, we hope that there will be some kind of outreaching services and there will be people to help
the victims and take
[...] follow-up actions. We hope that these victims, be they men or women, will not have to describe the same unfortunate experience [...]
so many times to
different people, for that is really inhuman.
(q) 增加必要的人力和财政资源,支持对性别问题有敏感认识的政策和方案 的执行工作,好地跟踪和 监测用于促进两性平等、赋予 女 权 力和两性平等主 流化的拨款,包括进行有利于两性平等的预算规划、分配和增收办法,鼓励将性 别观点纳入援助方式和努力,以改善援助提供机制
(q) Increase, where necessary, resources, both human and financial, required to support the implementation of gender-sensitive
policies and programmes, and
[...] for improved tracking and monitoring of expenditures allocated for the promotion of gender equality, the empowerment of women and gender mainstreaming, [...]
through undertaking gender-responsive budget planning, allocation and revenue raising, and encourage the integration of gender perspectives in aid modalities and efforts to enhance aid delivery mechanisms
[...] 和重返社会进程是一个不断发展的领域,解除武装、复员和重返社会方案可以针 对具体情况作出调整,同时顾及女 性 和 男 性 前 战 斗 人 员 及其家属 不 同 需 要, 并切实符合国家战略。
The Special Committee recognizes that the process of disarmament, demobilization and reintegration is an evolving field and that disarmament, demobilization and reintegration programmes should be tailored to national contexts to ensure consistency
with national strategies and being mindful
[...] of the different needs of female and male ex-combatants and their dependants.
其實,這些警員是很不理解、很不明白別人那種 痛苦的;一名女跟 一個男人之後,走不是,不走也不是,是一種很大 的痛苦。
A woman who cannot decide whether or not she should leave the man who bullies [...]
her is actually suffering tremendously.
儘管有論者指出,根據外國的資料顯示,學校 男女 比例 跟教學 質素並無一定關係,而一些技術問題 好 像 學 校的女洗手 不 敷應 用,也有辦法解決。
Although some people have remarked
that the information of foreign countries shows that the boy to girl ratio of schools is not certainly related to the quality of teaching, and some technical problems such as inadequate female toilets in schools can be solved.
本组织已推出一些很有希望的举措,能 好 地 跟 踪 发 展法治方面取得的进 展,并更系统地评价其行动。
The Organization has launched some promising
[...] initiatives to better track progress in [...]
the development of the rule of law and to
evaluate its action more systematically.
它还 将激励广大公众协助对烟草销售斗 争 ; 以及鼓 男 子 避免 妇 女 吸 入 二手烟。
It will also encourage the general public to help in the fight against tobacco
[...] marketing and encourage men to avoid exposing women to second-hand smoke.
据报,胡塞武装团体和亲政府的民兵队伍大多 男 童 发挥 战 斗 和 后 勤支援作用,女孩发 挥支助作用(包括准备食物、搜集军事情报和携带雷管),并训练他们使 用武器。
It has been reported that boys are mostly used by Al-Houthi armed groups and pro-Government militia in combat and logistical roles and girls in support roles [...]
(including food preparation,
gathering military intelligence and carrying detonators) and are trained on how to use weapons.
对于那不愿加入苏丹武装部队和警察部队但表示愿意加入行政文职部 门的前斗人员(无论男性还是女性 ),必须将他们转入由解除武装、复员和重 返社会委员会确定的国家公务员制度委员会系统进行考评和安置。
Former combatants, male and female, who do not wish to join the Sudanese Armed Forces and Police Forces but expressed the desire to join the civil service, [...]
shall be referred
to the NCSC as decided by the DDR Commission for assessment and placement.
将要保存的路跟文件名设好后, 选择保存键后,就会出现一个正在创建PDF文件的对话框,你可以看到文件在转换过程中的进度,而这个进度的快慢跟机子的虚拟内存以及你的文件的大小有很大的关系,在文件转换过程中,CPU常常上升至100%的利用率,同时,机子的速度会明显变慢,强烈建议在转换过程中机 不 要 运行其它大型软件。
path will be
[...] saved with the file name is set up, select the Save button, we will create a PDF document is the dialog box, you can see the document in the progress of the conversion process, and with the progress of the loom virtual memory, as well as the size of your documents have great relations, in the document conversion process, CPU is often rose to 100% utilization at the same time, the speed of the machine will slow down significantly, it is strongly recommended during the conversion process will not run the machine [...]
Other large-scale software.
这类措施可能包括建设或重建公共区 域、建造纪念碑和博物馆、更换街道和其他公共场所名称等。至于这类措施能否 使女得到适当认可,以及她们是否 好不 同 于 男 子 传 统上喜好的活动和纪念形 式,还几乎没有进行过反思。
Such measures can be the shaping or reshaping of public space, building of monuments and museums, the changing of street names and
other public spaces,
[...] etc. Little reflection has been given to exploring whether women are duly recognized through [...]
such measures or
whether they might prefer different forms of representation and commemoration than those traditionally favoured by men.
此 外,联合国 191
[...] 个成员国在其《联合国千年宣言》中确认它们在 2015 年以前将实现八项 《千年发展目标》的承诺,特别是以下两项关于教育的目标:“普及小学教育,确保所男 童和女童都能完成全部小学教育课程 ” (《千年发展目标》2) 和“促进两性平等并赋予女 权力,最好到 2 005 年在小学教育和中学教育中消除两性差距,至迟于 2015 年在各级教育中 消除此种差距 ” (《千年发展目标》3)。
In addition, the 191 United Nations Member States confirmed, in their “United Nations Millennium Declaration”, their commitment to achieving by 2015, eight Millennium Development Goals, in particular two concerning education, namely to
“achieve universal primary education and ensure that all boys and girls complete a full course of primary schooling” (MDG 2), and “promote gender equality and empower women and eliminate gender disparity in primary and secondary education preferably by 2005, and at all levels by 2015” (MDG 3).
正在开发安全事件网上报告数据库,以便利于准确和迅速 地记录这类事件,使外勤安全科好 地 跟 踪 局 势和趋势。
A web-based security incident reporting database is being
developed to facilitate the accurate and expeditious recording of events,
[...] enabling FSS to better track situations [...]
and trends.
來自香港的歌舞變裝皇后La Chiquitta與好友將盡施渾身解數,以特別節目向熱愛 跟 鞋 的 女 士 致 敬。
Topping it all off is the singing, dancing drag queen sensation La Chiquitta from
Hong Kong, who will be
[...] appearing with her friends for a special program that pays tribute to high heels and the lovely ladies who wear them.
各方同意根据经核实的“运动”部队数量,确定融入苏丹武装部队、苏丹 警察部队和甄选的行政部门男、女 前 战 斗 人 员 的人数。
The Parties agree to determine the number of male and female former combatants to be integrated in the SAF, the SPF and selected civil services on the basis of the verified number of the Movements' forces.
必须优先解决有特殊需求的群体(比如 女 战 斗 人 员 和与武装“运动”相 关的妇女(尤其是寡妇)、与武装部队和武装“运动”相关 男 童 和 女 童 以及受冲 突影响的弱势儿童、残疾战斗人员和老年人)从社会和经济方面重返社会的问题。
Priority shall be to address the social and
economic reintegration
[...] of Special Needs Groups such as women combatants and women associated with armed Movements, in particular widows, boys and girls associated with armed forces and [...]
armed Movements and
other vulnerable conflict affected children, disabled combatants and the elderly.
时间表明,反恐执法措施必须以开展广泛努力来 预防恐怖主义作为补充,包括采取步骤消除助长恐怖 主义的条件,推不同文明和信仰间对话,遏制暴力好斗的极端主义思潮,以及处理社会极端化问题。
Time has shown that counter-terrorism law enforcement measures must be complemented by wideranging efforts to prevent terrorism, including steps to
eliminate the conditions
[...] that fuel it, to further dialogue among civilizations and faiths, to counter the ideology of violence and militant extremism, [...]
and to address the radicalization of societies.
有两个正在进行中的重返社会方案,一在刚果,一在印度尼西亚(亚齐省),在帮女性前战斗人员 、曾与武装部队和团体有关系的妇女以及其他受冲突影响的弱 势妇女方面取得了一定的成效,使得她们过去同武装部队和团体的关系 不 为所 涉社区明确知晓。
Two ongoing reintegration programmes, one in the Congo and the other in Indonesia (in the province of Aceh)
are showing some
[...] success in reaching female ex-combatants, women formerly associated with armed forces and groups, and other vulnerable conflict-affected women in such a way that past association with armed forces and groups is not apparent to the [...]
communities involved.
按照第 1325(2000)号决议,解除武装、复员和重返社会方案(复员方案) 日益重视女和女孩, 并给予支持,她们既是 斗 人 员 、被绑架者、武装团体支 持者男性战斗人员 的妻子和家属,也是协助解除战斗人员武装和帮助其重新融 入家庭和社区的社区成员。
Disarmament, demobilization and reintegration programmes have increasingly
acknowledged and
[...] provided support to women and girls as combatants, abductees, supporters of armed groups, wives and dependants of male combatants and as community [...]
members to provide assistance both in disarming fighters and reintegrating them into families
and communities, as encouraged in resolution 1325 (2000).
在我们的大陆和南非,女同样参加了反对殖民主义 和压迫的英斗争,她们男子并肩作战,参与了争 取正义、解放和平等的斗争。
On our continent and
[...] in South Africa, women have participated in the gallant struggles against colonialism and oppression as equals, shoulder to shoulder with men, in the struggle [...]
for justice, emancipation and equality.
今天,台灣在蓋洛普全球133個國家╱地區的最新媒體自由度調 查中,在亞洲排名第一,在全球排名第十六;香港 好跟 着台灣 ......sorry,我要更正......排名第十六的,應該是美國;排名第十七 的,是台灣;香港則排名第十九, 不 是 太 差。
Nowadays, in the Gallup Poll on "A Global Survey of Media Independence" in 133 countries/regions, Taiwan ranks the first in
Asia and 16th
[...] worldwide. Hong Kong follows close on the heels of Taiwan …… sorry, I have to correct myself …… the one ranking 16th should be the United States and the one ranking 17th is Taiwan, whereas Hong Kong ranks 19th, so this is not too bad.
雖然,教育署官員認為目前的評核制度以校內成績為主, 女 生 跟男生 的 能力各異,小學的課程 重背誦及語文,使女生的校內成績普遍較男生優 越,不分開派位,便會出現女校 中 男 女 的 比 例 不 均 , 因此,有必要在派 位機制上加以調整,使男女比例得到平衡。
Although the officials of the ED think that the existing assessment system is mainly based on the
results of school's
[...] internal assessments, and that girls and boys have different abilities, as the primary school curricula emphasize recitation and language, the results of school's internal assessments of girls are generally better [...]
than those of boys.




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