单词 | 好玩 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 好玩 —funamusing好玩 adjective —playful adj • interesting adj Examples:好玩儿 adj—interesting adj 好玩儿—amusing • delightful See also:玩—have fun • trifle with • careless • keep sth. for entertainment • sth. used for amusement • play with • legendary archer
從今天開始,我會繼續率領大家去遍東南西北,分享最好吃、好住、好買 和 好玩 的 資 訊。 4tern.com | From now on, I will continue to bring [...] everyone to every part of the world, sharing the most delicious, comfortable stay, must buy [...] souvenirs and fun places to visit. 4tern.com |
住在这里太开心了,气候宜人,好玩 的 地 方又多。 studyinaustralia.gov.au | Australia has a great climate and amazing recreational places. studyinaustralia.gov.au |
他回來後,我問及他的心情,他說非常開心,說釣魚原來是這 麼好玩的。 legco.gov.hk | When I asked him how he felt upon his return, he said [...] he was very happy and he found fishing great fun. legco.gov.hk |
这两家航空有个共同好玩的地 方,那就是可以自己为行李寄舱,并且亲自绑上行李标签。 4tern.com | You can check-in baggage and tie the baggage tag by yourself. 4tern.com |
戒指,耳環或項鍊,創作高級珠寶婦女的愛只是為 了 好玩。 zh.horloger-paris.com | Rings, earrings or necklaces are creations of Haute Joaillerie [...] women that love just for fun. en.horloger-paris.com |
如今,滑冰旅游是一种流行的户外活动,和一种享受结冰湖泊和美丽风景 的 好玩 意。 visitfinland.com | Nowadays, tour skating is a popular outdoor activity and a great means of enjoying the frozen waterways and beautiful scenery. visitfinland.com |
好玩的, 經典的,雖然在雪與一個42毫米的錶殼直徑大的女性的手腕為“La D DE迪奧”捲曲。 zh.horloger-paris.com | Playful and classic although a large female wrist for "La D de Dior" crimped in snow with a 42 mm case diameter. en.horloger-paris.com |
华硕 K55DR-通用笔记本, 这很容易适应和爱好玩和游戏的学生, 和办公室雇员。 driver-download.ru | Asus K55DR-universal notebook, that's easy [...] to fit and love fun and games students, [...]and Office employees. driver-download.ru |
他的《太好玩 邮件》是用厨房里的锅碗瓢盆、耙子和其它一些变更了用处的碎屑来组装成一节火车,并让它在临时搭起的圆形轨道上无意义地慢跑。 shanghaibiennale.org | His Toofun Mail sculpture made from kitchen pots and pans, rakes, and other bits of repurposed detritus, has been assembled to create a train car that slowly travels its futile path on a makeshift circular track. shanghaibiennale.org |
调整好Greg要的式样要花几小时,而且在经过几个 回合毫无成果的沟通后,这件事就变得不再是那 么 好玩的 了。 lectra.com | It takes hours to make the adjustments Greg asks for and after several unsuccessful back and forth exchanges over [...] style, it just isn’t fun anymore. lectra.com |
我們並非意圖改善城市,而是瞭解這裡發生的事物,感受底特律精神,因此採取接近基層的策略,也有幸遇見許多傑出的人士,這裡每個人都令我們印象深刻,我們曾前往各國,但底特律與眾不同,無論是針對非裔居民的都市農園計畫D-Town,或是瘋狂 又 好玩 的 單 車俱樂部「成人騎單車」(GMOB),都是以符合永續的革命性新構想建立社群。 thisbigcity.net | It was so different from anything we’d ever experienced before (and we’ve literally lived around the world!) From D-Town farm – an urban farming initiative dedicated to the Black [...] community – to the GMOB - the Grown Men On [...] Bikes, one of the best and craziest bike [...]clubs we’ve ever seen – we saw Detroiters [...]who were building community around new, sustainable, and often very revolutionary ideas. thisbigcity.net |
圣诞老人公园(SantaPark)里,有太多难忘的体验在等待着欢度圣诞节的朋友们:小精灵学校、圣诞婆婆的姜饼厨房、圣诞老人办公室、全年无休的雪橇之旅、冰公主画廊、巨型雪球、圣诞老人邮局等等,有太多好看 的 好玩 的。 visitfinland.com | So many lifetime experiences await friends of Christmas in SantaPark: Elf School, Mrs Claus Gingerbread Kitchen, Santa’s Office, Four Seasons Sleigh Ride, Ice Princess Ice Gallery, Giant Snow Globe, Post Office and much more to see and do. visitfinland.com |
Oggy已经认识到,如果没有蟑螂,没有什 么 好玩 或 有 趣曾经在他的生活中发生。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | Oggy has come to realize that without the [...] cockroaches, nothing fun or interesting [...]ever happens in his life. seekcartoon.com |
作品包括MYFM台慶主題曲《十載更精彩》、南洋十大義演主題曲“十個新夢想”、Hwa [...] Tai餅乾電視廣告配樂、鴻福堂涼茶廣告主題曲《我們的默契》、Gintell 廣告配樂、余仁生廣告配樂、八度空間《翻 滾 G o 好玩 》 等。 serenemusic.net | Besides pop Music Production, he also take part in commercial production such as MYFM Theme Song《Decade of More Excitin》,Nan Yang Xiang Bao Ten Charity Theme Song“10 New Dreams”, Hwa Tai Biscuits Jingles, Hong [...] Fok Tong Herbal Tea jingles Theme Song《Our understanding》,Gintell jingles, Eu Yan Shang [...] Jingles, 8 TV 《Go Roll Fun》etc. serenemusic.net |
2012 年的兒童周是另一個連結托兒界的成功工作,包括多 種 好玩 的 活 動、資源/事業展、和爭取促進本地領導對早 [...] 期兒童教育重要性的認識。 familychildcaresf.com | Week of the Young Child 2012 proved to be another [...] successful effort to connect our child care [...] community with fun filled activities, [...]Resource/career fairs and advocacy to raise [...]awareness of the importance of ECE to our local leaders. familychildcaresf.com |
2011年六月,史茵茵(Ying-ying)、余佳倫(A-len 阿涼)以及程明(Mountain)三位在不同音樂領域各有所長的音樂人,組成了一個好聽 又 好玩 的 音 樂團體,發現彼此之間,有著一種一加二大於三的神奇魔力。 taipeifringe.org | The YAM Project is a pop-jazz group that features Golden Melody Award nominated vocalist Ying-ying Shih, singer/songwriter and multi-instrumentalist A-len Yue and guitarist Mountain Cheng who's well-versed in the genres of blues, jazz and rock. eng.taipeifringe.org |
OTC 操作员认为有用和好玩的一些功能是新版本图标、推介网页的能力,以及可以访问完整的聊天副本。 providesupport.cn | Some of the features that the OTC operators [...] find useful and fun are the icons with [...]the new version, the ability to push a [...]page, and accessibility of transcripts of completed chats. providesupport.com |
既然有議員辭職,那就再行投票好了,難道你以 為辭職很好玩? legco.gov.hk | Does the Government consider [...] that Members resign for fun? legco.gov.hk |
任由家人或朋友宣揚酗酒吸毒的過癮之處(例如說:「今晚真痛快 [...] - 我真的喝醉了」或 「這個派對好玩極了- 我們簡直飄飄欲仙」)或向他(她)提供吸毒/酗酒所需的金錢, [...]變相鼓勵他(她)繼續沉淪。 psychosissucks.ca | Don’t let the family or friends [...] encourage drinking or drug taking by making these [...] behaviours sound good, (e.g., “Boy, [...]I had a great night - got really wrecked” [...]or “Had a great party - we all got stoned”) or by supplying the money needed for drugs/ alcohol. psychosissucks.ca |
我认为他们对托特纳姆热刺会有所顾忌,热刺主场3连胜可不 是 好玩 的 事。 sportsbook.dafa-bet.net | I reckon it’s Tottenham they have to worry about, 3 straight wins at home for the Spurs, no laughing matter that is. sportsbook.dafa-bet.net |
香港踏入和暖季節,氣溫持續上升,有什麼比得上在春日陽光下,參加落水狗狂歡日的一連 串 好玩 娛 樂活動,與人類最好的朋友同歡? ipress.com.hk | As the Hong Kong weather continues to warm up, there is no better way to spend a Sunday than soaking up the springtime sun and enjoying the various entertainment options at Bark & Splash, while the lucky canine attendees enjoy ipress.com.hk |
既然智器的新机能够支持PDF阅读,一定还会有更多更炫的新功能存在,也允许小编在此卖个关子,更多 更 好玩 的 功 能,敬请关注后续报道。 oapdf.com | Since Moses's new aircraft will support the PDF Reader, we will have more new features [...] more exist, also allows the sale of my clearance in this [...] child, the more fun features, please [...]follow-up reports of concern. oapdf.com |
而 KTSF 26台在街會當日也設有攤位, 當天我們準備了很多好玩的遊戲, 也準備豐富的免費禮品給大家, 像是大家很喜歡的小蛇玩偶, 環保袋等等. ktsf.com | KTSF will have a booth on the street fair as well, come to get some free prizes, play the games, and interact with our on-air talents! ktsf.com |
他原來喜歡滑雪,七歲的時候,他決定玩單板滑雪,原因只是因為單板滑雪有更多的風格,也 更 好玩。 swatch.com | He was a skier until he was seven, and then he decided in favour of snowboarding, since it simply has more [...] style and is also more fun. swatch.com |
建築師Oscar [...] Niemeyer過世後,巴西首都巴西利亞將湧入大批熱衷建築的觀光客,但幾天後全都轉往里約熱內盧,因為一切都經過規劃的城市永續沒那 麼 好玩。 thisbigcity.net | Following Oscar Niemeyer’s death, [...] Brasilia will see an influx of archiphilic [...] tourists who end up going to Rio after a [...]couple days because planned cities are never that great. thisbigcity.net |
这个经验的中心,从无聊中解脱出来的中心是呈现 “ 好玩 和 快 乐”,尽管有时也会认真 (Lindquist 2001)。 ipaworld.org | Central to this experience, and one that [...] liberates it from the mundane, is the [...] presence of ‘fun and pleasure’, even though it may at times be serious (Lindquist2001 ). ipaworld.org |
Bark & SPLASH落水狗狂歡日』的構思是希望聚集愛狗人士,一同度 過 好玩 愉 快 的一天,在分享一個愛護動物的氣氛之餘,還可更了解今天被遺棄犬隻及小狗眾多的情況,及明白牠們迫切需要愛心人士領養的呼籲。 ipress.com.hk | It’s a great way to bring people together to enjoy a pet-loving atmosphere, while also sharing tips on pet education and driving home awareness about the number of abandoned dogs and puppies desperately in need of adoption. ipress.com.hk |
看起来好玩又轻 松——正如你希望看到的那样,在这样一个设计浸泡的城市里,就像是一个平台,汇集了许多芬兰当代艺术家和设计师的杰作,赫尔辛基刚又获得 [...] 了“2012年世界设计之都”的大奖,你可以看到,这里到处都有设计:从奇亚斯玛现代艺术画廊的咖啡厅内专门为孩子设计的古怪高椅,到伊利尔•沙里宁那儿,花岗岩雕刻的提灯巨人静静守卫着的中央魔法火车站(第一部《蝙蝠侠》中,哥谭市(Gotham [...]City)的灵感便来源于此)。 vantageshanghai.com | There’s good design everywhere [...] in Helsinki, from quirky high chairs for cultured nippers in the cafe at the Kiasmamodern [...]art gallery to Eliel Saarinen’s magical central train station, which is guarded by lamp-bearing giants carved from granite that inspired Gotham City in the first Batman film. vantageshanghai.com |