单词 | 好客 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 好客—friendlyless common: hospitable enjoy having guests treat guests well 好客verb—welcomingv
参加新加坡发现之旅,体验这里完备便捷的交通系统,感受新加坡人的友好和热情 好客。 shangri-la.com | Embark on a journey of discovery with the convenience of a comprehensive transport system and the hospitality of friendly Singaporeans. shangri-la.com |
您和您的爱人还可以足不出户享受送餐服务或者仅仅是呆在邮轮上看景色,结交新朋友或是享受我们的热情 好客。 msccruises.com.cn | Treat yourself or loved ones to all the little extras such as in-cabin services or simply use your cruise to see the sights, make new friends and enjoy our warm hospitality. msccruises.com.eg |
所有这一切,只是一个很短的车程从繁忙的帕福斯和周围传统的村落,去探索和享受真正本地人的 好客和习俗。 maispa.estatecy.com | All this and just a short drive from the bustle of Paphos and surrounded by enchanting traditional villages to explore and to enjoy the true hospitality of these wonderful people. maispa.estatecy.com |
圭亚那被认为是一个开放、好客和宽容的多文化、多种族和多宗教的社 会。 daccess-ods.un.org | Guyana is [...] considered an open,hospitable and tolerant [...]multi-cultural, multi-ethnic and multi-religious society. daccess-ods.un.org |
体验一下在阿莱达在现£舒适的旅馆在厄瓜多尔 好客的魅力。 instantworldbooking.com | Experience the charm of the Ecuadorian hospitality in modern comfort at Aleida's Hostal. instantworldbooking.com |
阿尔及利亚有热情好客的传统,阿尔及利亚已开 办廷杜夫难民营长达几十年之久,其中大部分费用由 该国自行支付。 daccess-ods.un.org | In a tradition of hospitality, Algeria had hosted the Tindouf refugee camps for several decades, largely at its own expense. daccess-ods.un.org |
与会者诚挚感谢越南科学技术学院成功组织了这次讲习班,并对其盛情好 客表示诚挚的谢意。 daccess-ods.un.org | Participants expressed their sincere [...] appreciation to VAST for organizing a very successful workshop and for its hospitality. daccess-ods.un.org |
所有与会者向主办这次会议的牙买加政府和人民表示衷心的谢意,感谢他们的殷勤好 客,以及为会议的讨论所作的各项安排。 unesdoc.unesco.org | All the participants expressed heartfelt thanks and gratitude to the Government and people of Jamaica for hosting the meeting, for the outstanding quality of their hospitality and for all the arrangements madeto facilitate the deliberations. unesdoc.unesco.org |
他们利用了拉巴尼先生的好客和诚意。 daccess-ods.un.org | They took advantage of Mr. [...] Rabbani’s hospitalityand goodfaith. daccess-ods.un.org |
不规则的高原与高山地形,形塑此地优美迷人的人文风情 - 引人入胜的传统、亲切有礼的好客之道,以及珍贵的重要古蹟。 seagate.com | Sprawling plateaus and mountainous terrain make up this beautiful region, complete with fascinating traditions, charming hospitality and important historical sites. seagate.com |
1996 年夏季奥运会举办城市 亚特兰大是一座热情好客的城市。 arbitrateatlanta.org | home of the 1996 summer olympic games, atlanta is a city that loves to play host. arbitrateatlanta.org |
亚特兰大以热情好客、以及兼容多种文化而闻名于世,是理想的国际 仲裁地。 arbitrateatlanta.org | A city known worldwide for its hospitality and multicultural embrace, Atlanta is an ideal venue for international arbitrations. arbitrateatlanta.org |
我想告诉这位根据阿拉伯热情好客传统 在此受到欢迎的尊贵客人,请修改这部电影,以便它能够根据 联合国的决议和我们一贯遵守的原则以及要求我们遵守的原则来达成一种和谐与平衡。 peaceoneday.org | I would like to tell this honourable man who we welcome here in accordance with Arab hospitality to please change this film to make it balanced in accordance with the UN resolutions and the principles we adhere to and which you invite us to adhere to. peaceoneday.org |
丹绒亚路度假酒店结合了马来西亚传统的热情 好客和和 当代的豪华风格,受到世人的广泛认同。 shangri-la.com | We are honoured to receive recognition for our legendary Asian hospitality. shangri-la.com |
刚果民主共和国注意到,几内亚比绍遏制艾滋病的流行,保护宗教自由, 并且一直是好客的国家,经常收容大批难民。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Democratic Republic of the Congo noted that Guinea-Bissau tackled the AIDS pandemic, [...] protected freedom of religion and remained a [...] countryof hospitability, regularly taking in a considerable number of [...]refugees. daccess-ods.un.org |
由于好客的传统和对劳动力的需求,加上经济移民的推波助澜,科特迪瓦拥 有来自布基纳法索、几内亚、马里和尼日尔等邻国和区域国家的国民组成的大型 社区。 daccess-ods.un.org | As a result of traditions of hospitality and a requirement for labour, reinforced by economic migration, Côte d’Ivoire hosts large communities of nationals from neighbouring and regional countries, including Burkina Faso, Guinea, Mali and the Niger. daccess-ods.un.org |
全新的色彩方案和平面设计奠定了Spence门店热情 好客的基调以及低调不张扬的奢华。 continuuminnovation.com | Along the way, a new color scheme and graphics system help cement Spence’s tone of welcoming, understated luxury. continuuminnovation.com |
我借此机 会以最真诚的方式表达非洲和刚果人的 好客传统 ,欢 迎所有前来参加这次首脑会议的代表来到世界第一 大陆的中心城市金沙萨,无论你们讲的是 Lomongo 语、 林加拉语、基孔果语、契卢巴语还是斯瓦希里语。 daccess-ods.un.org | In the purest expression of the African and Congolese tradition of hospitality, I would like to take this opportunity to say to all those who will come to the Summit — whether they speak Lomongo, Lingala, Kikongo, Chiluba or Swahili — that they are welcome in Kinshasa, a city in the heart of the first continent. daccess-ods.un.org |
突尼斯以其热情好客得到国际社会的认可,包括在纪 念“世界难民日”期间。 daccess-ods.un.org | Tunisia had received international recognition for its hospitality, including during the commemoration of World Refugee Day. daccess-ods.un.org |
据调查,城市旅游爱好者比较重视文化生活的多 样性,其次才是名胜古迹、历史性古城、市容、风景、热情好客程度、购物、夜生活以及氛围与特色等。 maxicom.de | The study showed that a diverse range of cultural activities is most important to city hoppers followed by sights, historical old towns, cityscapes, landscape, hospitality,shopping,night-life and flair. maxicom.de |
科特迪瓦应 像以前一样,再次成为和平、好客的国家,并再次响 应感召,如其国歌中所唱的那样,成为一个统一、开 放的国家。 daccess-ods.un.org | Côte d’Ivoire should once again become the country of peaceand hospitality it has always been, and once again follow its calling, in the words of its national anthem, as a united and welcoming country. daccess-ods.un.org |
全面实施ISO13485体系中的管理要求,严把生产质量,做 好客户服务,全员参与,全面控制,预防管理风险。 chinakml.com | Our company will implement the management requirements of ISO13485 [...] system and guarantee the quality of [...] products, improvingcustomer service with [...]all the staff, preventing risks with overall controll. chinakml.com |
领导人论坛”期间与会者的大量发言可归纳为对以下两点的要求:1)“绿色”思维 和态度,这是在面对正在以前所未有的速度发生的气候变化以及环境和生态恶化时,应具备 的一种全球生态觉悟;2)跨文化技能,例如同情、自发的团结和 好客,目的是通过积极、 真诚和持续的对话反映当代社会的多样性。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The spirit of rich interventions at the Leaders’ Forum could be resumed by pointing to the need for acquiring (i) “green” reflexes and attitudes constituting a global ecological consciousness in the face of unprecedented pace of climate change and environmental and ecological degradations and (ii) intercultural skills such as empathy, spontaneous solidarity and hospitality to reflect the diversity of contemporary societies in an active, honest and lasting dialogue. unesdoc.unesco.org |
如美家的好客住宿 日渐增加,我们努力让您不论到哪儿旅游,都有家的感觉。 roomorama.cn | With an ever-growing inventory of hospitableaccommodations, [...] Roomorama is working to make you feel at home wherever you are. roomorama.com |
美丽的景色、温和的气候、独特如神话般的历史遗产,再配上希腊人的 好客款待,使雅典充满吸引力,令访客有一个愉快的旅程。 homeandaway.hsbc.com | The wonderful scenery, the mild climate, the unique historical heritage, as well as traditional [...] Greek hospitality, are the merits that have made Athens an especially attractive [...] destination forvisitors andtourists. homeandaway.hsbc.com |
。若你是指你的商务客人对我们来说将是完全为他们提供良好的感觉,我们热情 好客的手段。 instantworldbooking.com | In case you refer your business guests to us it will be completely [...] provided for their good feeling by means [...]of our hospitality. instantworldbooking.com |
在毗邻黑森林和瑞士的阿尔卑斯山山麓下, 学员将感受到亲近水域和自然的度假氛围,并可亲身体验当 地的人文历史、风俗习惯与热情好客。 carl-duisberg-d...tsugo-kouza.com | Near the Black Forest, Switzerland and the Alps, the participants can experience that holiday feeling on the water, in the countryside and also with the culture, history, customs and hospitality of the area. carl-duisberg-d...tsugo-kouza.com |