单词 | 好大喜功 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 好大喜功—strive to achieve extraordinary thingsless common: rejoice in grandiose deeds See also:大喜—exultation 喜好n—preferencespl loven 喜好—preference prefer fond of one's tastes 喜好v—likev likesv 大功—great service great merit
因此,我希望局长在推动环保时一定要细心,并且要深入分析和进 行详细谘询,不要强行建功立业或好大喜功,因为这做法对社会不能带 来太大帮助。 legco.gov.hk | He must conduct an in-depth analysis and thorough [...] consultation, rather than forcibly trying to make a mark [...] or satisfy his own vanity, because this will not do much good tosociety. legco.gov.hk |
此外,也要注意到个别的培训机构有否好大喜功的现象,以数目充斥,混淆视听,浪费社会资源呢? legco.gov.hk | Besides, we must keep an eye on individual training organizations to see if they are trying to impress and confuse people with numbers, thus wasting the resources of the community. legco.gov.hk |
经常把冤枉钱倒进咸水海已见惯了,政府继续烧钱,继续浪 费,基於好大喜功而做这些事。 legco.gov.hk | The Government always dumps money into the sea and it is nothing new. The Government will keep on burning money and creating waste for its pursuit of grandiose. legco.gov.hk |
因此,政 府对申 办 亚 [...] 运会的提议, 一 方 面当然 不应该 是 因为好 大 喜 功而急急上 马,但另一 方 面 则 应 [...]该 持 较 开 放 的 态度, 积 极 和 务 实 地 加 快 研究, 作出可 行 性 的 评 估和安 排 [...], 及 早 提 出 科 学 化 的 论 据,以 便 让 公 众 明 白 何 时 何地举 办 何 种 性质的国际 活动, 才 有 利 於香 港 特区。 legco.gov.hk | Therefore, in respect of the proposal to bid for [...] hosting the Asian Games, the Government [...] should not crave forsuccess anddoso in a hurry, [...]but it should adopt an open attitude [...]to actively and practically expedite the relevant studies, carry out feasibility assessments and makes the necessary arrangements, with a view to advancing scientific arguments that can make the public understand that when and where to host what international activities will be to the benefit of the SAR. legco.gov.hk |
所谓 的广深港高速铁路的规划也是错误的,在急就章的情况下,在好大喜功的思维指导下,规划上必然会接二连三出现很多重大的错处。 legco.gov.hk | Planning in haste and under the concept of ambitions for great achievements, major errors will certainly occurone after another. legco.gov.hk |
罗致光议员 罗致光议员 罗致光议员 [...] 罗致光议员︰代理主席,其实,今次的辩论议题又再一次让我们看到,提出 大专教育的普及率要达到 60%的目标的整件事,是好大喜功、追求数字目标 的一个活生生的例子。 legco.gov.hk | MR LAW CHI-KWONG (in Cantonese): Madam Deputy, in fact, the subject of this debate has once again let us see that the whole issue of setting the objective of raising the tertiary [...] education popularization rate to 60% is a living example of obsession [...] withgreatness and successand pursuing hightargets. legco.gov.hk |
郑家富议员却 表示忧 虑 运输局好 大 喜功,力求 及 时完成 各 项铁路计 划,以致未能在政府不同政策局及 部门各 个 [...] 互 有 冲突的施政方针之间取得 平衡。 legco.gov.hk | Mr CHENG [...] Kar-foo however wasworried that TB mightbe too ambitiousin pushing [...]forward for the timely completion of its [...]railway plans that it had failed to strike a balance among various conflicting policy objectives of different Government bureaux and departments. legco.gov.hk |
只 是朝着这个指标来做事,让我觉得有点儿好高骛远、好大喜功,不是实实在 在地以实事求是的方式来做事,这真的是一个经验和教训。 legco.gov.hk | If we only care about striving towards this target, I think we are actually aiming high but lacking the requiredabilities while being over-ambitious,instead of working in a practical and pragmatic manner. legco.gov.hk |
所以,整份框架协议予人的感觉是好大喜功,正如传媒的评论,便是用词浮夸。 legco.gov.hk | For this reason, the entire Framework Agreement conveys the impression of being grandiose and as the commentaries of the mass media put it, its wording is extravagant. legco.gov.hk |
张文光议员表示,鉴於市民的反对声音已 非常清晰,政府当局应撤回好大喜功的亚运会项 目,改为推行更多实际措施推动香港的体育发展及 支持精英运动员。 legco.gov.hk | Mr CHEUNG Man-kwong said that the Administration should withdraw the ostentatious Asian Games project given the very clear public objection, and implement more down-to-earth measures in promoting sports and supporting elite athletes in Hong Kong instead. legco.gov.hk |
没错,现在的特首可说是 选出来,最後由中央委任的,但毕竟过程中须得到选民的支持,而他特别好 大喜功,要制造出有利的数字。 legco.gov.hk | The Chief Executive is returned by election and subsequently appointed by the Central Authorities. legco.gov.hk |
董 先生的 新 玫瑰园 计 划 固 然 未能振 奋 人 心 ; 不少论 者 亦 指出,基建计划 对於 刺激经济及创 造就业 效 果 有限,尤其是在财 赤 严 重 的日子 ,政府 切忌好 大 喜 功,应该重新检 讨 基 建 工 程 的时间 表 , 集 中发展 具有经济效 益 的项目。 legco.gov.hk | While Mr TUNG's new rose garden proposal has certainly failed to give people some sort of encouragement, there have also been views pointing out that infrastructure projects have just very limited effects in stimulating the economy or creating employment opportunities. legco.gov.hk |
即使今次政府举 办东亚运动会,明显是好大喜功,并非真心推广体育活动。 legco.gov.hk | Even for holding the East Asian [...] Games this time, it is obvious that the [...] Government has a fondness for the grandiose, [...]rather than promoting sports activities wholeheartedly. legco.gov.hk |
本 人 唯 一 希 望 政 府注意的,是 该 大 型 体 育 馆 必须以 务 实为主,切 不可好 大 喜 功,聘请一大 外 国 顾 问 , 耗 用大量公 帑 , 建 立 甚麽超 级 豪 华 、 世 界 第 一 级 的 场 馆 , 最 後 未能物尽其 用 , 变 成 了 毫 无 作为的 “大笨 象 ” 。 legco.gov.hk | We should not appoint foreign consultants and spend enormous public money to build a super deluxe, first-class stadium which will not be fully utilized or will become a useless white elephant at the end. legco.gov.hk |
但是,政 府是开办副学士政策的决策者,是好大喜功,不切实际 5 年达标的催生者, 政府能否以一句不切实际,便把责任通通推掉呢? legco.gov.hk | Can the Government deny all responsibility simply by dismissing the proposal as unrealistic? legco.gov.hk |
鉴於Museum Plus(下 称 "M+")的建设成本不菲而收回成本比率偏低,他关注到 M+的建议规模过於好大喜功,并无顾及公众的实际需 要。 legco.gov.hk | Noting the significant capital cost of the Museum Plus (M+) and its low cost recovery rate, he expressed concern that the proposed scale of M+ was tooambitious without taking into account the actual needs of the public. legco.gov.hk |
本会还要低三下四地继续为他所作的孽拨款,继续为他因好大喜 功而接受和路迪士尼公司而付出。 legco.gov.hk | Even now, it is still necessary to clean up the "mess". This Council must still [...] obsequiously allocate funds [...] to pay for hissin, must still continue to pay a price for hispursuit of [...]the grandiose, which led [...]him to accept the terms offered by the Walt Disney Company. legco.gov.hk |
Williams表示:「在得知有关方面计划兴建一个面积相等於四个泰姬陵的陵墓时,我曾经忧虑阿联酋或会重蹈过往好大喜功的覆辙,但这无法掩盖其强劲的经济基调。 commercial.hsbc.com.hk | When I hear of plans to build a Taj Mahal four times the size of the original, I do to worry that we might be about to repeat the mistakes of the last, superlative-obsessed cycle," says Williams. commercial.hsbc.com.hk |
原因是西方国家政府为了选举前有经济繁荣,共产国家政府为了实现好大喜功,急於求成的发展计划,都会想放松银根和信贷,使货币投放量增多,结 [...] 果必然会是引起通胀。 legco.gov.hk | And this happens in Western countries where governments wish to maintain pre-election economic [...] prosperity whereas in Communist countries, the [...] governmentshavea fondness for grandiose and [...]ambitious projects with instant results. legco.gov.hk |
行 政长官 另 一个致 命 伤 便 是“好 大 喜 功”,为 了 令香港变成 亚 洲 伦 [...] 敦 及 纽 约 , 未 经 深 思 熟 虑 , 便 匆匆推 出 连 串鸿图 大计,例如他大力提 倡 发 展 资讯 科技,最 终 只带来另 一 轮 投 机 热 潮 。 legco.gov.hk | He hastily [...] put forwardsome ambitious plansto turn Hong [...]Kong into London and New York of Asia without careful consideration. [...]For instance, he strongly advocated the development of information technology and it ultimately kick started another round of an upsurge in speculation. legco.gov.hk |
我们一方面“大花筒”、好大喜功,推出一些大白象建设或想法,但另一方面,可能只要花少许金钱,安排 有一个足够的渠道、足够的设施,甚至少许津贴,便可帮助业界找到足 够或适当的水源,便已经可以疏导及解决这个问题,为何我们不考虑先 处理这个问题,然後才实行这法例呢? legco.gov.hk | On the other hand, we probably need only to spend a small amount of money and arrange for an adequate channel or facility, or just provide a small sum of subsidies, and we will be able to help the trade identify sufficient or suitable water source, which can in turn solve and address the problem. legco.gov.hk |
更希望政府善用资源,在政策构思上更深思熟虑,不要「朝令夕改」、「好大喜功」,浪费纳税人的金钱。 hkupop.hku.hk | A proper use of resources by our government, as well as some thorough considerations in designing policies are also asked for. On the contrary, volatile and flamboyant policies, which waste the taxpayers' money, are surely not welcome. hkupop.hku.hk |
国日趋繁荣成功,对香港、亚太区和全世界都 是㆒个大喜讯。 legco.gov.hk | An increasingly prosperous andsuccessful China is good news for Hong Kong, good [...] news for the region, and very good news for the world. legco.gov.hk |
关于科学评估、把消费者的喜好作为影响食典委标准的一个因素这种方式、符合关于通过该项最大残留草案的食典 所有要求等方面,意见不一。 codexalimentarius.org | There was divergence in the opinion on [...] scientific assessment, the manner of considering consumer preferences aspart of factors influencing Codex standards, and on [...][...]the fulfilment of all Codex requirements to support adoption of the draft MRLs. codexalimentarius.org |
M827用户友好的设计提供广泛的帮助菜单, 配合操作员对 M827BASE软件的运用能力,可让系统发挥至最大 功能和灵活性。 zetron.com | The power and flexibility of the [...] [...] Model 827 comes from the operator’s ability to customize the system using the M827BASE Software, which user-friendly design provides extensive help menus. zetron.com |
当然,任何一个步骤和功能您都可以随您个人喜好来自定义或者覆盖,但是对于绝大多数的工程而言,改进了的工程向导可以满足其所有要求,您只需点击鼠标即可。 evget.com | Of course, everything can be customized and overridden if you wish, but for most projects the improved Project Wizard can handle it all with just a few clicks. evget.com |
这类产品,在我们的葡萄酒总消耗量㆗所占比 率,远低於 1%,其在市场㆖已占㆒个独特的㆞位,我相信消费者的选择,大大取决於品质及个㆟喜好,而不在於价钱。 legco.gov.hk | And such products, which account for well under 1% of our total wine consumption, occupy an exclusive niche in the [...] market where I believe price is of less importance [...] than quality and personalpreferences in determining consumer choice. legco.gov.hk |
4)大多数人民的选择和喜好并不一定是最佳的决定,再者,全民投票令政治中复杂的问题变成「零和游戏」,不利合作性的利益分配。 hkupop.hku.hk | (4) The majority choice and preferenceare not always thebest decision. In addition, referendums turn complicated political issues to a zero-sum game which is not good for cooperative allocation of interests. hkupop.hku.hk |
该最新版本在2X瘦客户端服务器5喜获成功的基础上,进一步集成了全新的用户友好型网络管理控制台以及重要的功能,提升了其流行的瘦客户端操作系统和管理系统的性能,并增强了系统功能。 tipschina.gov.cn | Building on the success of2X ThinClientServer 5, this latest version includes a new user-friendly [...] web-based management console and important [...]features enhancing the performance and functionality of its popular thin client OS and management system. tipschina.gov.cn |
MDD212M,MDD215音箱的组合150–200平方米的会议厅,KTV练歌房,加上独有特色MDD218S单18寸的低音,这个组合非常适合150–200平方米多功能厅,如果您的项目再大一些的场地,您可选择MDD225双15寸低音的大功率音箱,这款音箱的最大声压级达到133dB,这是其它品牌同类产品所不能比拟的,用户可以根据需要增加MDD218S的超低音,这个组在300–450平方米的多功能场地是非常适合的包括以上这些组合不仅能大大的满足用户的预期效果,更值得大家欣慰的是,整个系统的造价不高,真正是好而不贵,优而不俗。 acehk.com | MDD212M, MDD215 combination for 150-200 square meters speaker chamber, KTV karaoke room, with unique characteristics, a single 18-inch super-bass MDD218S, this combination is suitable for 150-200 square meters of function rooms, if your project again larger venue, you can [...] choose MDD225 double [...] 15-inch high-power super-bass speakers, this speaker to achieve the maximum sound pressure level of 133dB, which is of similar products of other brands can not match, the user can be increased MDD218S subwoofer, This group of multi-purpose venue in the 300-450 square meter is very appropriate, including not only significantly more than the combination of the satisfaction of the user's expected results that should be pleased that the entire system cost is not high, really is goodbut not expensive [...], excellent and impressive. acehk.com |