单词 | 好受 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 好受 —be more at easefeeling betterExamples:不好受—unpleasant • hard take
你必須要經驗四個步驟:1)結束受到受到傷害的事件 搬到安全處,2)治療好受傷的痛苦,3)掌握你對迫害你的人的感覺,然後 4)重建你的生命。 avatarepc.com | You must take four steps: 1) end the incident and move to safety, 2) heal the suffering connected with the wound, 3) master your feelings about your abuser, and 4) reconstruct your own life. avatarepc.com |
为了让MyOris在2010年做得更大更好,受 到 更多的表迷爱戴,我们将提供更多的竞赛和抽奖机会,让更多的人能够得到奖品。 oris.ch | As part of our aim to make MyOris even bigger and better in 2010 we’ll be bringing you more competitions and the chance to win more exclusive prizes. oris.ch |
所以,我想还是向前看比较好,至少心里会比 较 好受。 4tern.com | I think it is better to look in front. 4tern.com |
承繼四屆的熱烈反應與良好口碑保時捷體驗動感駕訓營不但規模更甚以往,並齊聚 2011 年式保時捷最新車款共 25 部,包括:道路版賽車 911 GT3;最具輕量化的敞篷跑車 Boxster Spyder;眾所期待混合動力車系 Panamera S Hybrid與 Cayenne S Hybrid;再現車壇跑車傳奇 911 Carrera S、Carrera S Cabriolet;敞篷後輪驅動跑車與四輪驅動的 911 Carrera 4S 與 911 Turbo;同時保有硬頂的安全實用,又能提供敞篷跑車的開闊自在之 911 Targa 4S;最佳雙座敞篷跑車 Boxster S;美國專業汽車雜誌遴選「最佳駕馭車款」 ( Best Driver’s Car ),同時也榮獲英國專業汽車媒體 Auto Express 「最佳跑車」的 [...] Cayman S 中置引擎雙門跑車;多功能休閒越野道路王者 Cayenne Diesel、Cayenne S 與 [...] Cayenne Turbo;以及自推出來廣受好評的 Panamera、Panamera 4 以及 [...]Panamera Turbo。 pap.porsche.com | Street-legal race car — the 911 GT3; the ultra-light convertible sports car — the Boxster Spyder; the highly anticipated hybrid models of Panamera S Hybrid and Cayenne S Hybrid; the legends, the 911 Carrera S and Carrera S Cabriolet; the convertible, rear-wheel drive 911 Turbo, and the all-wheel drive 911 Carrera 4S; the practical as a coupe yet thrilling like a convertible 911 Targa 4S; the best two-passenger convertible in the world, the Boxster S; the winner of Best Driver’s Car by Motor Trend Magazine, and Best Sport Car by Auto Express, the mid-engine coupe Cayman S; the powerful [...] SUV Cayenne Diesel, Cayenne S and [...] Cayenne Turbo; as well as the widely received [...]Panamera, Panamera 4, and Panamera Turbo. pap.porsche.com |
该报告深受 好评, 其中包含了对社会科学所有参与者的主要政策指导,并强调了社会科学在理解当代各 [...] 种挑战时采用跨学科方法的重要意义。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Well received, this Report contains [...] key policy guidance for all actors in the social sciences and emphasizes the significance [...]of social sciences’ multidisciplinary and transdisciplinary approaches to comprehending the complexity of contemporary challenges. unesdoc.unesco.org |
我認為他們既然在學校裏授課,影響學生,便理應享有教師的同等待 遇,接受“好的免職因由保障”。 legco.gov.hk | I think since these staff members are engaged in the teaching of classes, which means that they can [...] influence the students, they should enjoy the same treatment as that for Teachers [...] and be covered by "good cause protection". legco.gov.hk |
1458 年,马蒂亚斯 14 岁时当选匈牙利国王,因为在征服奥斯曼土耳其人的战争中的表现以及热爱学习与科学的精神而 广 受好 评。 wdl.org | Elected king of Hungary in 1458 at the age of 14, Matthias won great acclaim for his battles against the Ottoman Turks and his patronage of learning and science. wdl.org |
公司由著名的鋁合金材料專家劉光輝先生創立,劉光輝先生和他的工作團隊,從事鋁合金材料發展已三十年,過去曾領先開發7001、7075、7050、7046、2014、5051、5056、5083、5049諸多等系列產品,用於運動器材、一般工業、汽車組件、電子工業、光學器材等所需材料,近年更擴大供應航太工業,產品銷往世界各大洲,由於品質控管良好,產品 廣 受好 評。 ye-fong.com | The company was designed and established by the famous aluminium material specialist Mr. Liu Kuang-Hui, Mr. Liu and his crew have been working in the field of aluminium alloy development for thirty years, during that period, the developed many special material applied in sport equipment,automobile component, electronic industry, optial equipment and aeronautic industry, such as 7001 tent pole set、3003 OPC tube、3003 copy drum、7075 ski pole、7050 bike suspension tube、5049 condenser tube、7075 T6helicopter tube, and many other important material. ye-fong.com |
樂隊多次參與歐洲各大爵士音樂節, 推出三張唱片均受好評。 yp.mo | The group has participated in major jazz festivals in Europe and has, so far, released three albums. yp.mo |
最重要的是,跑车的整体质感得到极大的提升,其内饰之精致,甚至超过之前 广 受好 评的 Diablo 系列。 lamborghini.com | What has been augmented above all is the sensation of the overall quality [...] of the car, with a level of finishing touches [...] that is even better than the already [...]excellent results of the last Diablos. lamborghini.com |
该系列是我们业内领先且广受好评的 HELP(TM)产品家族的新成员,其为射频设计者延长电池使用时间提供了更多选择,可使移动设备用户体验到移动宽带3G和4G服务的所有潜在功能。 tipschina.gov.cn | This addition to our successful and industry-leading HELP(TM) product family provides RF designers with more options to achieve longer battery life, enabling mobile device users to experience the full potential of mobile broadband 3G and 4G services. tipschina.gov.cn |
这个新联盟将支持和扩大温尼伯皇家芭蕾舞团的巡演,将向世界各地的忠实观众及新观众奉献 广 受好 评 的 艺术成就,包括芭蕾舞“红磨坊(R)”、“布兰诗歌”、“胡桃夹子”、经典剧目片断以及即将首演的妥拉萨普的“公主与精灵”。 tipschina.gov.cn | This new alliance will support and amplify the RWB's tours by delivering the Company's critically-acclaimed artistic achievements including Moulin Rouge(R) - The Ballet, Carmina Burana, Nutcracker, iconic repertoire pieces and the soon-to-premiere Twyla Tharp's The Princess & The Goblin to both loyal and new audiences around the world. tipschina.gov.cn |
具体活动包括:编写教 科文组织报告“工程:发展的问题、挑战和机遇”(定于 2010 年年底发表)、广受好评的 戴姆勒—教科文组织“全球对话”工程奖,以及大会、会议和研讨会方面的合作,包括 2011 [...] 年将在日内瓦召开的世界工程师大会(WECs)以及 2008 年在巴西利亚、2004 [...] 年在上 海和 2000 年在汉诺威举行的前几届世界工程师大会。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Particular activities include the production of the UNESCO report Engineering: Issues, [...] Challenges and [...] Opportunities for Development, due for publication at the end of 2010, the widely acclaimed Daimler-UNESCO [...]Mondialogo Engineering [...]Award, partnership in conferences, meetings and workshops including the World Engineers’ Conventions (WECs) in Geneva in 2011, and previous WECs in Brasilia in 2008, Shanghai in 2004 and Hanover in 2000. unesdoc.unesco.org |
从1932年研发出世界第一款真正的专业潜水表,到赞助拍摄 备 受好 评 的 环保影片,八十多年来欧米茄与海洋的深厚渊源已经成了品牌的标志性基因。 wthejournal.com | From the development of the first true dive watch in 1932 to our sponsorship of an acclaimed environmental film, OMEGA’s connection to Earth’s watery surface is deeply-rooted and a defining element of our brand. wthejournal.com |
另一方面, 我們是否 希望讓 其他地 區產生 一 種 印象, 說 香港的 數 十 萬 長 者 認 為在內 地 用數千 元 已 能夠享受好食好住 的生活 ,因此他們會 盡 量 到內地 定 居 , 過 退休的生活 , 不 要 再 住 在香港了 。 legco.gov.hk | On the other hand, do we wish to give other places an impression that the several hundred thousand elderly people of [...] Hong Kong think that [...] they can live very adequately and comfortably in the Mainland with several thousand dollars, that for this reason they will try best to leave Hong Kong [...]after retirement and settle in the Mainland. legco.gov.hk |
高级别演讲人广受好评, 其中包括美国国 务卿希拉里·克林顿;会议旨在吸引投资者,然而却得 到了褒贬不一的评价。 crisisgroup.org | High-profile speakers, including Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, were well received; [...] the conference, aimed at attracting [...]investors, however, met with mixed reviews. crisisgroup.org |
会爬的宝宝受好奇心 的驱使,会把任何东西都往嘴里放,这样会导致窒息或中毒,所以,一定要看好宝宝,并且,在让他们自由活动之前要对屋子里进行检查。 shanghai.ufh.com.cn | Curious crawling babies put everything [...] in their mouths, which can result in choking or poisoning, so keep a watchful eye [...]and check around the house before you let them loose. shanghai.ufh.com.cn |
森精机制作所从 6 月 4 日起开始销售广受好评的高刚性/高精度卧式加工中心 [...] NHX 系列 系列 系列 系列的新产品 NHX5500。 moriseiki.com | Ltd. started taking orders for the NHX5500, a new [...] model in our popular NHX Series of [...]high-speed, high-precision horizontal machining centers. moriseiki.com |
几乎经常得到积极的评价,和味道浓郁的食物配搭也 很 受好 评。 emw-wines.com | Nearly always a positive comment and very desirable with highly flavored foods. en.emw-wines.com |
今年 年初,波兰成功结束了其欧盟理事会主席国的任期,而在六 月份,波兰因合办2012 年欧洲杯足球赛而广受好评。 paiz.gov.pl | The beginning of the year saw the country end its successful term at the head of the Council of the European Union, and in June Poland was much-praised for its co-hosting of the 2012 European soccer championship. paiz.gov.pl |
港樂去年透過廣受好評的教育計劃,為超過四萬名青少年介紹管弦樂。 hkphil.org | Through its acclaimed education programme, over 40,000 young people learned about orchestral music last year. hkphil.org |
雖然阿姆斯特丹是全球廣受好評的 單車城市,單車路網的影響力終究有其侷限,當地經濟景氣尚未復甦、空氣品質有待改善、部分族群仍排斥騎單車,均可見雖然單車路網好處眾多,仍無法解決所有都會問題。 thisbigcity.net | With continued economic struggles, air quality issues, and portions of society who still do not cycle, Amsterdam shows that, whilst a bicycle network has many benefits, it can’t solve all urban challenges. thisbigcity.net |
在傳動系統方面,根據車型的不同,Panamera將會標準配置六速手排變速箱或是保時捷最新的七速雙離合器自手排變速箱(PDK),然而搭配手排變速箱的車型也可選配 廣 受好 評 的PDK雙離合器自手排變速箱。 pap.porsche.com | Depending on the model, power is transmitted by a six-speed manual gearbox or Porsche’s new seven-speed Doppelkupplungsgetriebe (PDK) (Double-Clutch Gearbox) available as an option on all models within the range not fitted with PDK as standard from the start. pap.porsche.com |
林宥嘉的最新巡迴演唱會 <神遊> 於2011年8月展開,並已先後在台北、上海、廣州、杭州、北京、成都、深圳、香港、新加坡及倫敦舉行,演出 大 受好 評。 yp.mo | His current world tour Fugue kicked off in August 2011 and has already travelled to Taipei, Shanghai, Beijing, Chengdu, Guangzhou, Hangzhou, Shenzhen, Hong Kong, Singapore and London. yp.mo |
城市热闹声光的刺激可能也会让人感到疲惫厌倦,此时可试着摆脱曼哈顿忙碌的步伐,逃逸到东方文华酒店,酒店中有一座令人难以置信的游泳池,纽约市鳞次栉比的建筑屋顶全景尽收眼底,还有城内 最 受好 评 的 spa。 audemarspiguet.com | The stimulation of the city’s sights and sounds can be exhausting; but one can escape the hectic pace of Manhattan in the [...] Oriental Mandarin, which has an incredible pool with a panoramic view of New York’s [...] rooftops and the city’s best-rated spa. audemarspiguet.com |
他也一直导演歌剧,包括在拜罗伊特的《Wagner’s Ring cycle》这被认为是世界上最有影响力的歌剧作品,一个很特别的版本《Mozart’s Così Fan Tutte》,还有广受好评的 《死亡之屋》在纽约大都会歌剧院首演于2009年。 luxe-immo.com | He has also directed operas, including Wagner’s Ring cycle in Beirut, which is considered one of the most influential stagings of operas worldwide, a very special version of Mozart’s Così Fan Tutte, and the critically acclaimed production of Janáček’s From the House of the Dead, which had its New York premiere at the Metropolitan Opera in 2009. luxe-immo.com |
三、引進BlackBerry提供頂級商務解決方案 為了提供客戶最優質領先的產品與服務,我們更率先引進全球 廣 受好 評 的 整合行動 商務解決方案「黑莓即時郵」(BlackBerry),讓社會精英及企業客戶得以享有與 全球商務人士同步的行動商務解決方案。 corp.taiwanmobile.com | To provide better mobile enterprise solutions for the business elite and corporate clients, the Company also introduced the globally popular mobile email [...] service, “BlackBerry. english.taiwanmobile.com |
台北,台灣- [...] 2012年10月15日 - 蔚為電腦DIY市場領導品牌的佼佼者,曜越始終秉持「致力於創造完美使用者經驗」的企業理念,竭力鑽研消費者需求,全新發表的Thermaltake Evo Blue 2.0電源供應器,承繼2009年廣受好評的 Evo Blue電競系列電源供應器品牌經典,亦延續電競動能精神,推出全球首款結合智能渦輪(Turbo Charge)功能與電競美學概念的Evo Blue 2.0電源供應器,誓言以其嶄新搶眼外型與極致效能引發狂潮,再次啟動電競能量新世代!全新一代Evo [...] [...] Blue 2.0電源供應器,完美結合優質效能和電競時尚外觀設計,讓這款新世代Evo Blue 2.0電源供應器裡外兼備,擁有一身矯健的好身手,同時蘊藏淵博的設計語彙與科技內涵。 taiwanexcellence.com.tw | Taipei, Taiwan – October 15, 2012 – In 2009 with aesthetic design in mind, Thermaltake launched the first gaming PSU series – the Evo Blue which stands out from the crowd with different and refreshing appearance. taiwanexcellence.com.tw |
这款广受好评的 游戏作品与之前Gearbox发行的任何游戏都不同,并且立即因其独特的原画视觉效果和创新的游戏性将自己打造成了一款具有开创性的虚幻引擎3制作游戏。 unrealengine.com | The critically acclaimed title looked unlike any previous Gearbox release, and immediately distinguished itself as a groundbreaking Unreal Engine 3 powered game with its unique concept art visuals and innovative gameplay. unrealengine.com |